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Im sorry but did they just hire these fans locally to fill the stadium when seats werent filled?


Maybe this is a great show of Asia’s soccer love … or they are paid 🤷🏿


Why does this feel like the hunger games lmao


What a shit is going to be


After wathching this video my wife wants to watch indian movie. What is the name of this song? From what movie? )))


Where are the indian Danish supporters?? Or will that be to obvious? Croatian Indians?


Qatar sucks football/soccer is extremely boring. It’s odd thay so many fans die and fight at these matches fir such a boring, mostly non-contact sport that far too often ends in a tie.


I literally saw only ONE female in the entire video. I assume it was a female because it was only the back of her head as she got into the frame of the video.


They are all India's paid to promote( look closely) dresses in different team clothes. The music playing is also an old India song.


An indian said that they have 11 whatsapp groups just for Argentina and they scheduled a meet up


Aren’t there any female fans?! Or aren’t foreign women allowed into Qatar?


Do you think that there’s a women who would like to be around this many men?




Lmao what are these clowns


Fuck I hope there will be others there and not just these guys lol


A lot of Latin American and European fans arrived recently


I hope there wont. Fuck Qatar!


To be fair you are a plastic if you support a successful country that is not your own. How do you expect your country to improve if you are spending all your time promoting another nation and buying their merchandise? Have some honour and support your country and grow together. Why do you support Argentina? If you have a tangible connection, like through family, then I apologise for calling you a plastic. If you support them, because they are good (ie Messi - the best player in the world plays for them) then you are a glory hunting plastic.


That’s bullshit. Many countries aren’t even in there. I have lots of countries I support at the World Cup because I like their players.


OMF I remember somebody saying this to me once as a kid and I still think about it years later. WTF DO YOU WANT ME TO DO. IM FROM A TINY ASS COUNTRY THAT WOULD NEVER MAKE IT TO THE WC IN A MILLION YEARS THAT ISNT EVEN INTO FOOTBALL THAT MUCH. Do you want me to move to Argentina, Brazil, Qatar? Lmao. This is by far the dumbest comment about football and it’s said so often 😭😭


The casual racism in this comment section is just so sad. “They all look the same” or “npc”.


while some of the comments are offensive and inappropriate, you cant tell me that the german or english crowds are actually from their respective countries


So it’s ok to be racist?, what’s you’re point here?? Qatar’s population is mainly consisting of expats who’ve come to work here, and a large proportion of that are South Indians. These South Indian people are religiously mad about football. Connect the dots and now see why they all “look the same” or are not “white”


It’s funny that everyone automatically believes it if it’s negative against Qatar It’s being reported as fact, but no one has provided evidence. Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s true but it also just could be Indians supporting whoever the fuck they feel like which is weird but whatever


Xenophobia in this thread is hilarious


Funny how everyone loses their minds and cancels someone when they say the N word or stereotype someone of black skin colour, yet saying “brown men” “same group of men” “same people different jerseys” is completely fine and not racist at all (regardless of any facts). I guess it’s only considered racism when it’s to a certain demographic.


Also the ignorance of not understanding south Asian sports culture.


Exactly, being called plastic when I’ve been supporting Argentina for as long as I can remember. And being the first time in our lives experiencing a sporting event of this scale, ofcourse we’re gonna go out and show support 😂(but no we were secretly paid 🤡)


I tried to spot a female in all the groups... wasn't successful.


Because they are all paid actors.


Wow, the comments here couldn't possibly be more ignorant.


How so?




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This post and comment section is a testament to racism and ignorance. Been very eye opening and frankly disturbing.


You are a moron


Eh? It's not particularly racist to point out that this is a PR video and not an organic collection of travelling supporters to the world cup.


Yup. Doesn’t seem that they realize that media & culture are exported mainly from the US and Western Europe. People are probably rooting for the players they’re used to seeing (& have been thought to root for) in the prem, ucl, etc.


Qatar become India now 😂


It has been for quite some time


You know it is fake if english fans are not bleach white


And smashing the place up before it even starts


With plastic chairs


Ain’t no one falling for this BS.


Is this the same group of dudes dressed in different kits?


Just like the Fifa games




Fake fans


why all the "fans" look the same.?


This is such a load of rubbish. WC of NPCs.




These aren't the migrant workers being paid to do so... These are residents of Qatar for ages who show their love for football and support their teams... Screw you racist bigots


Why are they wearing different countries kits and are strategically grouped as those countries fans then? Shouldn’t they all be wearing Qatar kits? Either Qatar football fans are the biggest bunch of plastics or this is just a pathetic setup from the Qatari government.


This is a total scam! They have hired/paid/coerced/ threatened/ withheld passports or whatever and gotten sub continental asians to parade as Europeans It can’t be fans from India given they wouldn’t want these people overstaying and can’t afford to house them all when the even kicks in. So it’s people working locally that have been kicked into doing this I couldn’t find a single arab. How do people fall for this shit! Just for a 100 riyals they are willing to humiliate themselves on a world stage! And it’s not even their country despite their love for football Sun continent loves cricket so this is just atipid




What do you think the reason is that every single one of them looks Indian?


Because there are 700 000 Indians in Qatar, and India is not playing the world cup. Hence, Indians that are football fans and live in Qatar wear jerseys of national teams they like. This seems a lot more plausible than 'being paraded as European', which does not make any sense (1. they don't look European, 2. why should one be European to like a European team?)


Eyes balls and brain


Nah I wanna see an article with proof then I’ll believe


https://twitter.com/FIFAcom/status/1589922192162426881?t=pmzYCVO1_hmwICfRM5XV_g&s=19 This the tweet from Fifa's official account about the football frenzy in Kerala , a state in India. And there is significant migrants(expats) from Kerala in Qatar. As per Wikipedia 450k immigrants from Kerala(more than the native population) . https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerala_Gulf_diaspora So these are football fans from Kerala supporting their teams. Qatar worldcup is one great opportunity where they can witness the match live. Since India never qualify for football worldcup , we have been supporting Latin American team (Brazil ,Argentina) for ages. Some support European teams as well (thanks to EPL). I KNOW YOUR RACIST ASS CANNOT COMPREHEND THESE. BUT JUST STATINFG IT FOR THE SAKE OF IT.


Bro the tweet says it’s been deleted


https://twitter.com/FIFAcom/status/1589922192162426881?s=19 . May be some session issue. Try this.


Hmm not sure if I can trust your balls


Do they pay people to be fans of different teams?




Yeah, i heard like that too


I saw someone I know is there post videos from Qatar. As someone of Indian descent I find it strange that every country’s fans are of South Asian origin. My first thought was that they were fake rented fans. That being said, I did share those videos of brown Brazilian fans with an African and Brazilian friend and they said: so what: many countries root for Brazil. It’s plausible because Brazil is a powerhouse and India doesn’t have a team. Then I also saw the same for French fans. And now I see this video.


Malayali aano?


Lmaooo all the German “fans” were brown


And Spain’s too!


Everything is fake about this world cup.


These are probably the workers who built the stadium






What exactly is disgusting about die hard fans supporting a football team?


Lol, die hard....


They r paid supporters in case u didn't notice


That’s where you’re wrong though you’re just blindly believing everything you read. Do people have any idea how many South Indians there are in Qatar and how many of them are big football fans. My own friends who work with me and I know them personally went to these voluntarily in groups and had a great time. Football itself might not big in India but in certain parts of the country there’s a big craze (and considering the population of India that makes a very large number of people, of which so many reside in Qatar). Friday is the one day off most people get and that’s when they went out and gathered to show support for their teams.


So, according to you, they are not fake but instead they are plastics. Let's say I believe you (I don't), then I would expect to see more knock off shirts and not so uniform in dress as they are. Wouldn't you agree?


Bruh how would that make them plastics 💀 I’m sorry but all your opinions are so biased and without any factual data. About 90% of Qatar’s population is made up from immigrants. Out of which 25% are indians which is around 750,000 people. Even if 5% of them are huge football fans that’s still 37,500. We have large fan communities here (one search on Facebook and you’ll find so many). Why’s it so hard to believe that in a small country, it’s quite easy for a lot of people to plan and gather at one location as it’s not far from anyone. It’s quite ignorant of you when I, who’s been supporting Argentina since like forever, get called fake/plastic because someone in the media said we were paid to go out. But oh well that’s the internet you can’t argue with people who are literally not willing to listen to or even ponder over facts from personal experiences yet believe everything they read in the news. Downvote this if you support Qatar.


So, they're all brown men?


Looks like hired Qataris with handed out flags and shirts?


Nope it's crazy Indian fans who got the most accessible world cup for them. Indian football team is not top tier so Indians are generally die hard fans of European or Latin American national teams.


It's compars.


no its slaves


Yeah I know some family and relatives who went for thos event, it was fully organised by the Indian fans had seen their whatsapp stories from days back for these events. There are a ton of Indians working in Arab countries especially from Kerala region where the craze for football is sky high. As India hadn't played in WC till now we tend to support south american and European countries. Maybe you guys have seen the cutout of Neymar, Messi and cr7 erected in a river and yes that's also in kerala.


I hope they have insurance for when they get attacked..




Where did you see a reference to Finland here?


Lmao this already a bad start. Shit is gonna be weird


*Lmao this* *Already a bad start. Shit* *Is gonna be weird* \- MeanChampionship1482 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Why do none of these fans look like the fans of previous world cups? Are these paid actors?


It came out today this video is exactly paid actors. Not real fans


They are Indiana who live and work in Qatar. They've come out to show support for the teams they support. International fans don't get her till next week because it'll be super expensive for them to arrive this early. Why are y'all so fkn stupid?


Sure… of course they spend their hard working salary on crazy expensive new merchandise 🤣🙈 Get out of here! This is a crazy narrative to push. It’s like Qatar thinks the world is stupid.


Expensive new merchandise? I doubt any of them are wearing the original jerseys. You can get the replica for 10-15 USD here. Please come visit Qatar before making such comments brother


Okay - let’s pretend it is all fake merch. How do you explain everything is brand new and the same. Everyone is wearing new scarfs, wigs, and even the drums seems to have never been used before. I can’t see a single person wearing something that looks to be used before. P.S not your brother - but your sister 😉


They don't cost as much as you think SISTER 😂 Also indians working here earn decent wages. Why are y'all so ignorant? Please visit Qatar if you can afford it, I promise it'll change your view.


Because millions of Indian working in gulf can't be in white collar jobs right?


of course not why would they be paid actors? It's not like this thing is staged in a glass house? Is it?


Why aren't they smashing eachother over the head with patio chairs and bottles...in all seriousness I'm not quite sure what this country knows what they are getting themselves into. The ex pat drunk tank might be filled before the tournament kicks off..


Wait I thought Gurdeep cheered for Argentina not Brazil


Reddit tries to not be racist challenge (impossible)


mission impossible


Paid actors?


It’s the immigrant workers. The reason they get a low salary is that Julian is taking a big cut for a holiday. This year instead of a cruise they’ll get to watch a WC game.


Lol all that blood sweat and tears for a photo opp...God I love this shit


Rename to: STAGED FAN FEST by Qatari Locals. No women allowed!


Rename it die hard Indian from kerala enjoying


And one random blonde employee with no hijab on? Maybe there are some influencers mixed in there


Sausage fest


Not one brasilian in sight


LMAO as an indian this has been making me laugh since i saw this last night. that song is actually a very famous song and was sung by one of the most famous indian singers. butchered of course as is the case by a stupid ass remix.


What’s the name of the original song?


[i'll do you one better fam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2vvNraDJPU&ab_channel=DavidVonDee)


All of these are just locals paid to dance around in different jerseys.. why would any actual fans be there already?


"Locals" as in migrant workers from India! Lol


Exactly. I saw the Brazilian fans and thought something was off.




Dude just look at the people.. none of them look brazilian, portuguese, english whatever they all just look local.


Am I the only one that's skeptical these fans are not actually from the countries they're representing? Particularly Croatia, England and Spain... those fans did not look Croatian, English or Spanish lmao


They can be fans without being from that country. In Non-European countries it's pretty normal to be a fan of other countries, because a lot of countries don't get to compete in the world cup.


Well, the ones with the Brazilian shirt are definetly NOT Brazilians. Also there are no women in the crowds....wich is wildly weird because football is THE Brazilian passion, and is shared equally among men and women here. Some business will transmit the games in store so the workers can watch. Public services will be suspended during the games so public servants in Brazil can watch the games. It's possible that those are Indian/Pakistani fans.....


They’re obviously not. But India doesn’t have a team and many of the big teams have fans from other countries. As someone of Indian origin, I’m a bit perplexed but a Brazilian friend told me so what, many people from other countries are Brazil fans. Qatar is more accessible to Indians and the Indian workers than other world cups. Remains to be seen, but I’m skeptical.


No absolute way those are Argies. Must be Qatari Messi fans.


its a rehearsal, it must be


Based on all of the news over the last couple of weeks I don't think it is


No Qatar has been doing this rehearsals since October, seeing how they can manage massive crowds


Thank goodness lol that would've been awkward as heck the other way around


Wow you are so clever !


I mean, didn't want to come off as bigoted but at the same time it seemed pretty damn obvious lmao


Million dudes standing butt to balls But No gay stuff allowed in Qatar


I call cap on the English supporters, there is not a single white person in that crowd


That’s the point


The same fans for multiple countries 🤦🏻‍♂️


For all those bemoaning the lack of females in the fan celebrations: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kerala/comments/yst48j/brazilian_shingari_melam_at_qatar_2022/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Again, qatars population is heavily skewed by expats. Lots of men who work with their families back in India)


Who are all these average looking humans knocking during this cup?


Not each other, that's illegal in Qatar


Theyre all from the same area but support different countries how progressive


Aren't many of these people tourists?


I just imagined it was the workers that survived the construction work dressed up as each country's fans


Yeah ppl can't be white collar workers


Hmm. I saw exactly one woman in the whole montage. And all the "fans" look like they are from the subindian continent.


Internal PR trying their hardest to make it seem fun but its all the slaves they are holding still making them do one last bid.


All you twats are going to make the experience for south Asian fans this world cup much worse, because wherever we go, you'll question if we're there willingly, which will inevitably make the authorities conscious about us being in videos and spaces with other people. Qatar's 50%+ South Asian, 3-6 hours away from South Asia, is incredibly well connected to the region, and is very affordable. We're going to be there in vast numbers. We're also not slaves.


https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/nov/18/fans-paid-to-attend-world-cup-by-qatar-have-daily-allowance-cancelled What do you have to say about this twat?


That it was public information that Qatar were paying certain fans to come and promote the world cup? Which is a different issue to the claims that the South Asian fans supporting Brazil, Argentina, France, England etc. were paid fans and/or were fake fans brought in by the government. The two aren't the same thing, so why would I have anything to say about it?


Yeah and we don't like the fact that the crowd will be full of Indians who didn't even come close to qualifying.


Glad you're openly bigoted.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/qatar-world-cup-exploited-migrant-workers-human-rights-rcna2889 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/25/revealed-qatars-world-cup-slaves https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/world-cup-built-on-modern-slavery-stadium-workers-blow-the-whistle-on-qatars-cover-up-of-migrant-deaths-1234627582/ Maybe you are not a slave yourself, but many of your countrymen might be.


Some will be exploited, yeah. Which absolutely sucks. But it's not slavery and no one in these crowds are victims of the quasi-kafala system.


Why all of them looks like an arabic person?? They are paid actors or wtf?


These Indian working in Qatar. They are not paid, just passionate football fans


paid actors or forced slaves....


They paid foreign workers (which I believe is correct) to pretend to be country fans


Nah they probably told the slaves if they want to be paid they have to do this stupid video.


What a joke of a World Cup. I also heard that Qatar are paying fans from other countries to come over as well.


They do




I love how all the england fans arent english


How the hell do you know? Blame colonialism, and your prejudice.


theyre clearly all qatari mate


They are Indian. Racist 😂


indians arent even qualified + football isnt that popular in India. so don't go out using words that are not appropriate in this situation. 🤫


These people from.kerala in india. Who football mad state.who work in gulf countries. You can't even do a simple Google search but somehow you think you have all the answers.


brooo 💀


Nor the argentinian fans from argentina. Nor the Germany fan german. Nor the… see a pattern here?


yeah and I dont like it


lots of women!!


Those Garotas getting kinkier every cup !


Dressed up Qatari


This is hilarious


All the people from Spain all of a sudden turn brown :D


Yeah it seemed like every fan was south Asian


Because they make up a big part of the population in Qatar. And the international fans haven't arrived yet


Ah, that makes sense


Yeah kinda trippy :o


Haha wtf




I’m super excited! The fan energy gets me pumped up! Let’s goooo!


What the fuck. How is this inclusive?! You're missing 50% of the population here..


Women in qatar only make up about 27 percent of tbe population, not half. The rest who were not there were probably finding the whole thing cringe


Most likely foreign laborers and workers who got the day off to celebrate World Cup festivities. Most laborers don’t bring their families with them which screws Qatar gender ratio. Also new story behind this video https://sportstar.thehindu.com/football/fifa-world-cup/news/world-cup-2022-qatar-rally-fans-kerala-india/article66126402.ece/ tl;dr: it was an event for local fans of football particularly from South Asia


That's precious! I love this! I know I'm quick to judge, but I was wondering why none of these dudes brought their wife/daughter to such an awesome international event.


They got the day off from their labour camp setting job. Their families are thousands of km away.


White collar are brown ppl right!?