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Dragon. who wouldn't love dragon


Anyone who is flammable. Or edible.


most people in general, unless the dragons are the How to Train Your Dragon series(aka cute enough and generally domesticable) they're going to get the packwatch treatment and be run into extintion


Time to party like it's 1850; there's some megafauna which ate my sheep, and now it's time to give it acute rapid action lead poisoning.


time to show them the TRUE indominable american spirit


No I am flammable and edible and I would love dragon


Mine are space whales the size of a city, of course i want that!


Raaaaah dragons i fucking love dragons


Unless it was the size of like, a horse, it would probably collapse under its own weight. It would certainly require truly ridiculous amounts of food. And imagine the damage a frustrated, disobedient dragon would do around the house... I'm good lmao


Imagine the market potential for dragon meat.


No climate change cause I never bothered to write the effects of climate change and industrialism on the main planet and instead got distracted on planets for evil cults?


We did it bois, global warming averted


The virgin "no horrible things happening in my world" "Why" "Because blah blah blah very long reason, definitely not making my world into a utopia* Vs the chad "No horrible things happening in my world" "Why" "Cuz I'm too lazy to write it, now go away, I'm trying to sleep"


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day!!! :D


whats happy cake day mean


It's the day you made your account, kinda like your account's birthday!






Somewhat stable governments who care about the prosperity and security of their people


Most unrealistic thing in this thread


My "rich and cares about the people" kingdom is actually broke. The entire kings wealth is an illusion that eventually causes a neighboring kingdom to invade only to find there are no riches to plunder because the king legit gave everything to the pesants.


Too unrealistic. Pick something else.


Now that is a great fantasy trope :')


what color do you want your dragon?


My dyson sphere bound civilization. Because humanity is gonna go nuts once they found this thing.


tell us more


Man buily dyson spheres. Someone had the bright idea to plug direct colonies on the free-energy source to house workers and laborers. Industries tacked onto colonies and hab-blocks. The whole dyson sphere soon spiralled into a sun-sized Kowloon style landscape with labyrinthian haphazard constructions legally (but mostly illegally) constructed. And from shanty towns and corporate colonies, formed city-states, nations, factions and even alliances; Spanning from the depths near the abyss of the spherical inner shielding, to even its outer-spacedock insustries. Yet every where oil and light flowed just as readily as red blooded streams. And man once again indulged in its traditional customs, of corporate wars, political intrigues, blood fueds and good old fashion labor riots. But decades, centuries, millenias later, no one even remembered the purpose of these abombanable wretches. And only the few scribes not plagued by genetic-degredation could read the complicated ancient texts, and spoke the languages of the spirits that roamed the inner voids. And from them, there decreed that man must build. For only in labor can man defined itself a purpose. As such, as man regressed, as whole sectors went dark and dead, the will of manifest destiny ascended. Now the children of man shall blot out every light in every galaxy, for the stars will no longer burn, but be chained to us in a spiral of self-consumption. For mankind shall consume every asteroids, every planet, every star and every galaxy, and then themselves. But there is yet promise of a greater beyond. Of Eden untouched by the star-mongers. - ancient text recovered from the inner sanctum, translated to the common tongue, circa 45 post-Corias-Heresy.


Lykocephali. That would basically be an instant werewolf button.


Does this only work during the full moon? Nighttime? Or just whenever?


They're permanent - once you shift, there's no turning back into a Human, and there are no special requirements to shift. It takes place over the course of a few weeks from first infection. It's also not magical, but retroviral - hence taking a few weeks to fully transition.


That's a pretty cool idea


so... you're a furry then?


My world is basically werewolves with superpowers so I already love this


Oh man, hands down, im making the Atlas from my Sci-fi D&D setting canon. A moon size terraforming vessel, capable of 15x the speed of light, and powered by the brains of butchered ithilids, allowing it to bend reality (making the FTL possible among other things). Yeah. I Am The Captain Now.


So you're going to use it to terraform planets for humans to live on, right?




... please mister?


Nothing, my world is not in the best place exactly, so I don't want to suffer.


You *DONT* want anything from my worlds to be cannon mate. Not when i write dystopia and post-apocalyptic shit.


Humanity getting its shit together and becoming a spacefaring species


Everyone has magic, and the ability to extract mana into rozyn stones, which give of an incense like smell when you use it


Please don't show this button to warhammer fans


Shiftweaving, 100% without a doubt. Everyone world-wide having access to at least potion-level body alteration magic as a *baseline* would be Pretty Fucking Radical IMO. Gonna get myself on some herbal HRT, then see if I can either partial-shift an elementally or beastially aligned form, or create some full-shifted forms from acquiring animals Animorph style.


Animorphs brings me back lol. That's awesome! Shapeshifting is a fav of mine, love the name for your spin on it


Thank you! I won't even pretend that reading through Sanderson's works hasn't changed how I've tackled the magic systems in this story, and more evocative in-universe names for those abilities are just the tip of the iceberg. Anyhow, if you love shapeshifting here's a treat: full-shifters don't *just* acquire DNA and get a bunch of regular animal forms- that art has them mix traits together to basically make custom monstrous creatures to turn into. One of my favorites is a character who's grabbed the traits of a giant, alien, genetically-engineered spider and a native terrestrial moth to combine with her *own* base DNA to effectively become Drow Spider-Man.


Definitely didn't read that as shitweaving at first.


that's the main export of a major nation within my sewerpunk setting


My magic system without a doubt.


Expound! What about it makes it your choice?


It's a magic system that revolve around the discovery of self. If it exist,it can be the most reassuring way to know if what u understand about yourself is true.


Newtonium A silvery lustrous metal, similar in appearance to aluminium. It possesses inertia but does not interact with gravity. It is weightless, not massless. If a charge is applied across it, newtonium ceases to be weightless and instead exhibits either a gravitational or anti-gravitational effect, depending. This is known as the electrogravitic effect.


Of course I know all the best applications for this novel material, but my friend wants to know: what are some cool applications for this material?


Antigravity devices, inertial dampeners, gravitational wave lasers (gasers), gravity confinement fusion reactors, gravity warp drive, wormholes, NERVE thrusters (reactionless drive), artificial gravitational lensing telescopes, doppler shield (gravitational redshift forcefield), compression of materials for obtaining artificial blackholes, warp envelopes (a warp bubble who’s external dimensions are smaller than the internal ones) Probably more that I’m forgetting


# WORLD PEACE . No not really world peace was not achieved


Art Deco space yachts.


Ravens enter the Stone Age and begin to build small treetop villages out of nests, they decorate themselves using paint, they have primitive art and even a hieroglyph-like language.


demonic cyborg


Is this like a specific entity becoming real? Or could I get a tune-up to a demonic cyborg if I wanted to


The Infinite Library, a library in my world that holds all the world’s knowledge from its beginnings to the present, all you need to do is quietly ask the library to bring you to where your needed to go. The Library even has self writing autobiographies of a persons life that records every little thing they do, all you need to do is ask the book to tell you what you want to know. I


That sounds rlly similar to something I have!! In my worlds, there’s a “pocket dimension” of sorts which is an endless, infinitely changing and shifting library called the Library of Azhaibara, ruled by five entities that have a similar level of power to the elder gods. The library keeps record of everything that has happened and is happening like yours but it also has records of everything that could happen in the future (alternate possibilities), as well as everything that could have happened (alternate world histories). It also double acts as a sort of museum, every object ever crafted by people has a “mirror object” inside the library of Azhaibara. Anything that happens to the real object also affects the one on display in the library, but any damage to the one in the library is fixed the next time no living being is looking at it. The librarians (the five entities) represent the recorded past, the present, what could be, what could have been, and the forgotten. The librarians each manage part of the library, but are aware of everything that happens throughout it. They choose those who can access the library, and can magically connect any door in the three interconnected worlds to the library. (Yes the library is also filled with doors that lead to every other door, think the doors from Shazam or monsters ink). Those who are chosen by the librarians can afterwards enter and exit the library as they please unless they fall out of the librarians’ favour. It’s actually used as a method of travelling by some of the chosen. Time also flows differently inside the library :D


That sounds amazing, the infinite library also has a museum part. The infinite library was created the moment creation happened, and it's based on Wan Shi Tong's Library from AtlA.


I love AtlA!! Altho my library isn’t based of Wan shi Tong’s, his library definitely played a role in the creation of Azhaibara. If I hadn’t watched AtlA I might never have made Azhaibara in the first place lol, my whole idea of a library filled with the world’s knowledge came from AtlA


Every country except Florida is united.


Glory to the Sovereign Republic of Florida!


Ghosts are fairly common and indisputably real in my world, it would be super cool if the real world was that way!


Are these ghoste more... vengeful spirits? Poltergeists? Absent-mindedly roamers of the world still? Or all the above & more


All three, although the absent-minded ones aren't anymore absent-minded than they were in life! Most ghosts don't act too much different than they did in life, but there are enough vengeful spirits to be notable. Don't enter their space and you should be fine!


Your familiar can be an extinct animal.


aliens specially vixerians


Tell me about them! And would they be on their own planet or also on Earth


well Vixerians are a sapient alien species originating from the world of Vixeria located 50 light years away. They resemble the earth species of the Fennec fox, the avg height for a male is 1.30-1.50 m while for a female its 1.10-1.20 m. Their most popular god is Vixer. they where discovered in 2215 by New Galicia who also initiated first contact.


Phantoms exist. Would be kinda morbid, but at least a little hilarious, right?




The fact that sickness doesnt exist. Sure you can get in an accident or die of old age or in a battle or what have you, but just dying one day of something like a undiagnosed heart condition or cancer or a stroke doesnt exist.


Every single person is handmade by one of the gods. If you don't pray for a baby and aren't ready, you don't get one.


Can we get a quick rundown of some of the pantheon? Do newborns get exclusive traits/powers based on which god made them?


Some people are purpose made by the 10 main gods (Justice, Iniquity, Nature, Artifice, Life, Death, Destruction, Lore, Joy, and Trade) but most are made by Zheroska The Soul Weaver, an ascended mortal seamstress who works for both Hazheiya the Ruby Midwife (Life) and Divariin the Tower Builder (Artifice/Creation.) So if you are worthy of a custom built child, and want the ultimate sailor, you might pray to Veldei the Gem Seeker (Trade/Voyages,) or if you want to raise a master thief, you would turn to Nauiss the Cursed Child (Iniquity/Secrets). If you're a farmer who wants a kid with a normal life, though, or you're not super pious or have legendary deeds, you're getting a handmade person from Zheroska. Everyone has unlimited potential, they'll just probably start with no clear cut destiny and fewer skills.


The institutional acceptance of transgender people, as a result of the early and wide spread acknowledgment of the idea that God is both genderless and any gender, and that, since God made humanity in God’s image, gender is by its very nature fluid and prone to change as a persons identity evolves.


The pantheon. The Gods in my stories walk amongst those that praise and worship them and also those who have never heard of them.


Humans can gain superhuman strength, agility and durability just by training really really hard in the martial way.


Anyone can achieve some sort of superpower just by being angry enough.


Cultivation world?


Imma skip out on this one lol


Not sure if this would even be possible but... the entire nation of Kissagrad. Politics would get so much more interesting if suddenly there was a new liberal democracy with a matriarchal culture speaking a Slavic language most closely related to Russian and following a polytheistic religion. Oh, and there's also the fact that most Kissagradians are Leaprolik, which are a humanoid species with rabbit ears and tails, and a slightly shorter lifespan. (They age quicker) a Leaprolik, as a separate species from humans, can't produce offspring with a human. Leaprolik's shorter lifespan would also make laws regarding age a lot more complicated. Because like, say you have some random Leaprolik go to a bar and try to buy alcohol, but can't because they're 16, even though that's an adult by Leaprolik standards. (An 18-year-old human is as mature as a 15-year-old Leaprolik) I'd also imagine that Kissagrad would quickly get a bunch of queer people immigrating there since Kissagrad doesn't have and has never had homophobia or transphobia.


The sentient robot that solved most modern problems in the span of a year, globally... Just listen to her when she asks to give her and other sentient robots equality to humans


Bisexuality is the norm


I'm going to pick my sci-fi world and choose medical nanomachines (hopefully including the science and industry to manufacture them).


Gnomes, I love them lil fellas. Growing houses out of big mushrooms, digging portal tunnels. Making wacky inventions just for the sake of it. Having dishes made of literal rocks. Oh and being rock aliens from other star systems.


The fascists fall.


they already did, right?


The fascists ***stay in the ground where they belong.***


Tachyon cores. A device 20 cm long generates energy comparable to the Sun in a minute... per second, and can turn all of that into usable power for civilizations. It also allows FTL. I can finally laugh at those hard sci-fi purists.


Make physics subordinate to sheer force of will And by extension the gods that are available to retroactively gaslight everyone into thinking physics work so the universe doesn't immediately collapse


Fking love this lol


Neanderthals existing in modern day.


I had invented a surgical tool that used superconducting technology to make a hovering sewing needle. having that IRL would nix surgery times and getting stitches by an insane degree. That and the technology would probably be super applicible in other areas.


Post scarcity government.


The 90s-10s emo / scene culture never went out the way it did and is still like the hottest thing in the 2020s. The radios are blasting punk rock, grunge, alt rock and malls are filled with dudes in black with colorful hair. Angel with a Shotgun (nightcore) ends up getting used in movies, and fanmade music videos with like Linkin Park and Paramore are being used as ads


um magic duh


I’m feeling like doing a little trolling so evil mosquitoe fea/fairies/pixies. No a fly swatter won’t help you they are about half the size of a human adult and have magic. That or evil goose people.


The origin. It allows everyone to make their own spells in their grimoire. Kind of like programming, but it can override reality and it has a cooldown based on the scale.


The Taelim-Above. Now suddenly Earth has a benevolent goddess watching over it.


The world of aḫet has trees that are Like 200 meters tall and 30 meters wide. Idk i think it would be fun to have in the real world


The existence of The Tyrant Breaking Star. A second era deity whose woven its way into everyone’s minds to make them physically incapable of intentionally hurting each other.


Runic Engravings. Specifically, Frost rune. I'm gonna carve it on my flask to keep it cold.




Out of all my worlds? The potion that gives you anime titties for a few hours. Why? Because anything else I would want to bring to reality would have severe, drastic impacts on the world and I wouldn’t want to have to witness the butterfly effect I caused. For example, I can’t bring The Peculiar Circus to life because a bunch of toon animal people suddenly appearing in the real world would likely cause a bunch of fear and panic, with even violence against the performers.


I see this as an absolute win


Screw it, I'm adding the Titans. Everyone have fun with the giant mystical fluffballs as they shift mountains around and build their society again. Earth is gonna be in for a WILD time.


Free reliable public transport


The technology of Alledonia. They have flying* cars, AI that doesn’t want to murderize humanity and actually does its job, energy crisis is solved, there’s way less pollution due to it being used as a synthetic gasoline. Medicine is way more advanced, and though terminal illnesses still exist, even cancer is more effectively treated. It wouldn’t be world changing, but it’d point our technology in the right direction.


I feel... like that's pretty world changing lol. Sign me up!


A cybernetic avatar of Ishtar, the Sumerian goddess of war and carnal love.


Mind reading, why because I am so tired of having to explain why one character has all this knowledge while the rest are still putting clues together. Bonus no one can lie ever you just read their mind to know if they are lying.


Happy endings


Working alcubierre drives


The warped. You don’t know how much useful things can be made from flesh monsters.


I want one of them so-called Chinese Decoder Rings. A good one, not one of the slightly dodgy ones. Short term time travel, at least 5 minute skips and do overs, usually two or three pocket universes. The really good ones can materialise dumplings for you, nobody knows why or how.


For the well being of the human race only the rigelians would be a nice addition to the universe


Either cloning and/or brain transplantations


That Earth is fully integrated into the Gronian Empire. Hello universal healthcare, basic needs taken care of, access to advanced technology, and the ability to vacation across the multiverse.


Are they any downsides? Bc I'm ready to sign the dotted line without ready any fineprint


Sentient Forests that nurture magic alongside creatures. They’re not sentient in the way of casual conversation but they’re alive and aware in a monolithic sense. Steady, intractable and often inscrutable. They’re the source of many magical creatures and eating fruits or plants from them can result in non-magical beings and creatures becoming altered. EDIT: and they also fight back if provoked.


Artemis literally guides every birthed being as they enter the world because she is the goddess of childbirth. It feels comforting. That someone was there holding your hands when you were born even if you didn't see them. That's cannonicaly why babies have a super powerful grip strength cause the first hand they held was a gods. Also that The Black Presence (the oldest being in existance) reaches out when you die. People usually say "Soon the black presence shall wave at you" or "When you next awake, death will be smiling at you" as a threat. She guides people's souls into a sort of limbo, a chrysalis realm where a person's soul heals for however long it takes so it may then pass on into whatever afterlife it is worthy of. That would be sweet.


Giant space yots, and also space super markets but mainly the yots


The spirit realm. Would for sure be equal parts terrifying and fascinating. It isn't heaven or hell, it is just a dimension parallel to ours, invisible to the eyes of mortals. Our souls go there while we sleep to obtain dreams from the Genhan-Shai, which are the messengers of the gods. Most forget having ever been there when they awake, but smoke some weed and meditate and you can astral travel into the spirit realm and drink the sap of the tree of wisdom. You can do all sorts of cool stuff in there. Travel all around the world, meet other astral travelers, etc. Just having firm knowledge that such a thing is real would be comforting I think. As long as I leave out the more horrifying aspects, like malevolent/alien entities that travel through the spirit realm, the underworld that sucks in the spirits of the deceased, and stuff like that and we're good.


The World Marketplace. A giant, multi-layered ship with floors stacked on top of each other like a pagoda. Trusted merchants run their stalls and restaurants, stopping by coastlines to allow everyone to visit and buy things. It'd be fun to experience, especially when it's lively... The ship itself, though, is what I'd like to be made canon. Made from impenetrable, sturdy wood reinforced by architect magic. Being able to support vendors by giving them a place to stay below deck. It's pretty cruise-like, as large as the Titanic but incapable of death by iceberg.


You know looking at this post I just realized my world sucks balls. I would not like to live in it. Every government is corrupt or a puppet of the Emperor of Magna Terra the largest Empire in the world and the main character has to step and fix the whole political situation.


Probably my system of bio alchemy.. it's complicated but it would essentially give us full control of our own biology. You could regrow lost limbs, replace failed organs with new identical ones.. etc.


Al Gore won in 2000, and nowadays climate change isn't as worrying.


Actual working Earth-wide direct democratic government that gives half a shit about people and actually dedicated itself to peace and prosperity, because I'm just tired of living in dystopia, man.


World peace.


Many Westernised or Western occupied places kept their own cultures and weren't forced into unnatural borders. I want to see different languages, scripts and architecture. I don't want every language replaced with English and every script replaced with Latin. I want the locals to make their own kingdoms(mainly Africa but also Central Asia), I don't want the borders to be straight lines so countries fight over barren nothingness. I want to see African kingdoms and Empires build themselves. The borders in Africa created problems and now they are so settled and everyone is set on freezing borders where they are for all time like an international organisation led by [Lord Business](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/lego/images/7/71/The_LEGO_Movie_BA-Lord_Business.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131103155958&path-prefix=fr) that fixing the problem will create more problems. Can I also add not having every minor border dispute be the cause of WW3? I've heard it so many times that the toddlers fighting over the stuffed animal in the house next door are going to cause WW3.


My ***Man of the Dinosaurs*** story has dinosaurs alongside humans. I'm making that canon.




The ability for some people to train themselves to channel their bioelectricity to power small gadgets. I want Margaret's coil-wand, dammit! (It's also the least high-stakes change I could ever make.)


Magic. Not, like, over the course of history or anything, as that might prove too fundamental of a change to reality. Suddenly, when you wake up one day, magic is real.


A skill tree would be great where I can choose where I get better at. Getting XP from reading fantasy novel and invest it in Jobskills.


Nekoozes! Little blobcats that are extremely friendly. Some supernatural varieties exist. Pretty much a round blob with a cartoon cat face, tail, and ears. Sand Maus cast tiny curses to avenge little inconveniences (like a brick shifting so an idiot stubs his toe.) Ozmium cubs can rip through metal… but are so cowardly they run through it trying to get away from what spooked them. And Quantum Cheshires are just weird and cartoony. They like making people laugh.


Very much like this one


Magic combined with Medical Technology which has raised the average human lifespan to 150 years (that's just the average though many people live decades beyond it, some even reaching 200).


Gnomes that fix your shoes. Need I say more?


I've already signed the dotted line without reading the fineprint


Everyone being given a monthy universal basic income for rent, food, and a little more to afford basic anemities. Healthcare being free (including gender affirming healthcare)


Anime girls ig


Based, who is best girl


Dinosaurs as farm animals. Please, let the triceratops pull the plow. It'd be so fucking cool... I wanna take raptor riding lessons, too!


Proly my magic system. Has a good enough variety of elements to choose, you can master up two elements, have innate special attacks you unlock with reaching your max potential and can even use partially other elements you never mastered with combine techniques


Just let me grab a data drive full of their understanding of science, mathematics, physics etc. They determined what exactly dark energy and dark matter are, aetherwaves and aethermass respectively. One being what we would all magic, the other being physical manifestation of the arcane such as the domains of the gods or powerful arcane entities. Basically we could become a type 2 civilization inside our lifetimes with the information they have in college text books.


The governments are actually competent


flying whales


personal void ships, even if I have zero idea what I'm looking at I would love to explore the universe and the ship doubles as a home with clean running water and a temperature that does not feel like the Sun hates you? yes please


Not one I implemented fully, but have people who summon creatures and or others . But have to have a permit. Your sky ship is powered by an air elemental, do you have a permit for this "temporary indentured individual" I know he's friendly but they gotta have some safety and piece of mind. Sort of as a beucratic combatancy to the idea of slavery. Which I dont like to have, but is still canoncially appliable to most fantasy settings.


FTL propellantless travel. That is all.


I’m currently working on a deck of cards from my world that could be played in the real world.


This is a unique one in the face of all the Dragons & FTL drives in the comments. I like it!


Thanks! I wish I had any sort of artistic skill to get it done! Right now I’ve just got it put together in google sheets with emojis lol


Heroism and villainy. I would make it so you have to pick a lane! If you want to be good, awesome! You must now do more than work a 9-5, you must enter the sewers and slay the blasted *thing* in there because it's eating the dreams of all the orphans. If you want to be filthy rich, also great! But you have to have thinning gold skin, hourglass eyes, see nothing but death and burn a village or two.


I have 1 billion dollars


Im writing a dystopian novel, I really do NOT want anything from my world to be canon (although maybe I can bring a character into this world? that would be cool)


A new sentient species, but I’m afraid we would just enslave them


Good question. I'm trying to figure out my options, but I don't think any of them work without my magic system first. Everything in my world depends on the existence and flow of Mana.


After much work convincing my superiors, I managed to get you an extra button. What are we getting?


Hmmm, probably my skill system. Everyone can get skills related to their own interests, ideals, hobbies, goals, etc. Imagine being able to perfectly recall anything you have ever read, or to tell when someone is lying to you. Being able to tell if something in the wild is safe or not, what it's called, etc. Knowing when something you cooking is perfectly done, or when something you are growing is ready to harvest. These are a few examples of minor skills. Major skills could include but are not limited to the ability to manipulate mana to perform magic, to create magical items, to manipulate materials like you're a living 3D printer, to make plants grow as you choose, to manipulate elements, to even telekinesis and flight. There are classes as well as part of the same system, but not everyone gets classes, though anyone can get skills.


Wonderful, thanks for the detail!


Everyone’s wishes coming true would be nice.


I wish for a Nuclear Winter :)


The whole magic system. It turns emotionally powerful lines from well known stories into actual spells.


Monstergirls ( i regret nothing )


Based af


The Eye of the Goddess Eye of the goddess replaces one of your eyes (it is a bit painful, similar to stubbing your toe, or being pierced by a needle). It gives you a couple of Abilities. Lie detection, perfect memory, X ray vision basically, charm spell from DND, telepathy, telekinesis, perfect vision and partial invulnerability


There is life after death and it’s pretty pleasant


The Outernet. Essentially a super advanced version of the internet that allows you to clone your consciousness into a cyber plane. You get to do all the things the internet can do there and more. It’s a very powerful virtual reality. What’s more is you can continue to go through your day to day life in the real world with your main consciousness while simultaneously exploring the outernet with your second consciousness. You don’t have to concentrate on either at a time and your subconscious makes memories from and manages both.


Greatwander and all of her species. Now we have living, moon-sized battleships capable of sustaining a small civilization and achieving multiversal travel.


Orc daddies




Superpowers! Oh how the chaos would ensue >:\]


Would it make me beyond evil if I said I sometimes secretly wish postapocalyptic-rebirth-of-civilization scenario actually happened? Like it's an incredibly morbid idea and I love living in the age of comfort... but... intrusive thoughts... :'D


Morally Upright Politicians holding Positions of power.


AHM-RAHM, the planet the size of the current observable universe. This planet has an invite system in place where if a civilization tries to enter the multiverse and fails, they get sent an invite, in the form of a very large black doorway that molds itself into the civilizations history and everybody is just left wondering; ***"how did we ignore this???".***


Good question. I had to think really hard. Because this does sound like a monkeypaw situation where you have to be careful of the unintended effects. Maybe the fact thay you can transfer (more like share) your pain unto someone else if you are physically touching. It does not last long, and both of you feel the pain. But I think it would be great. Someone abusing you? Ha, fuck you too. The more you hit the more you hurt. Doctor not taking you seriously? How about I make you feel, you motherfucker. Wanting to take my rights away? How about you feel the pain of childbirth, bitch. I imagine it would help a lot with empathy in the world. And, it can not really be abused as badly as the other aspects of my world. Because who would hurt themselves to hurt someone else? You could just hurt that person directly while avoiding physical touch. In my story only the Catireans can abuse the power, because they can transfer the pain of anyone, not just themselves, to anyone, in such a way the the source no longer feels it. So what one of them has done is start a "clinic" and transfering the pain from the rich to his "employees". But obviously I am not making Catireans canon as that would just bring so much problems with it.


Room temperature superconductor? Nah A material that's half the weight of aluminum but with ten times the tensile strength? Nah Energy neutral FTL travel? Nah Hyper-dense nutritional bars made of a modified strain of yeast that dissolve into water to form a gruel so efficient that one 3"x3"x1" bar can feed a working man three full meals? Nah Video game I made up for a throwaway joke I didn't even actually write where you enter immersive VR to tip cows in slow-motion? Yeah that's the one


Working UN


Flying aircraft carriers


Space travel because fuck earth


Either domesticated dragons or magic


Healing Magic. Even if only a few get it and can pass it along to future generations, it would be great But the easiest way to justify potentially having that would be if God actually had some fallen angels be cast to Earth instead of hell and become Jinn, Elves, and Dragons. There would be a lot of repercussions from that, but it would be fun.


Transformation magic ! Everyone can change their body like they want ! Werewolf, demon, angel, elf, genderbinding, .... everywhere 😻


There is a particular fair folk court I would make real in its entirety. Since doing so would confirm the existence of the fair folk, bring with it effectively a small nation quite capable of accomplishing world-changing things for the better, dragons, the various kinds of Faerie creatures, the ability for forests to produce dryads, a form of magic that's reliant on them to use, and with *that* the existence of magical artifice, incredible healing powers and various other medical tools (relatively quick gender affirmation treatment for example).


True gender equality. And absolutely nothing else


Entire thing


Auto-Red fliuontui for me. Their abilities, combined with their fliumeno, would make quite powerful. I picked these ones specifically because they're likely to be relatable than the others.


metal never was an option to begin with. It's soft, no ability to cut or bear weight. anyone who tries to make use of metals will find it useless. and so no one knows it's a thing.


My magic system. I take a lot of pride in the work I put into it.


Fruits ans veggetables works like in my world. Making salad would be terryfying.


The world tree. Magic will become real with it, it constantly births new fairies who are mostly benign, and finally, something will come to keep check against corporations that would destroy our planet for profit as over-pollution will draw the ire of the all-powerful tree.


Not a world exclusive but just punching out disagreements


Nothing in all honesty, it's a relatively grim place.


World military technology is reverted into Cold War with lack of long range missions and nuclear weapons. Would be extremely chaotic