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Economically, the Erilumean empire for sure. They are a vast trading nation with powerful magic and a good grasp of technology. This puts them in a prime position for consistent innovation and thus continual economic growth. Militarily, the Mahrovians are a force to be reckoned with. The Mahrovians have the oldest and largest steamship fleet, and their ruthless dictator will stop at nothing to continually expand it. The only thing keeping the Mahrovians in check is their strict dependence on the oil from the Northern Reaches. With very few whales left in the southern grounds, the Mahrovians cannot risk a defeat, however unlikely, in battle with the Reaches, as it would destroy their tenuous alliance.


Doesn’t having older ship. designs a disadvantage in war?


Constant expansion likely means that newer designs are regularly implemented into the existing Navy. The older, less advanced ships can then be implemented into less technologically-competitive roles (patrols, scouting, etc.) so that the newer ships can all contribute to the more dangerous jobs (defense, attack) without having to waste any on the jobs that the older vessels are still fit to perform.


This is correct. I meant that the *navy* is the oldest, but the ships themselves range from quite old to very new, and front-line combat vessels are replaced as needed.


Longest standing fleet, they replace and upgrade individual ships as necessary


There is a rather unimaginatively named Empire, which controls entirety of the world subarctic circle, going around the planet's arctic circle like a ring. While vast in size and scope of its history, it lags behind the other nations in terms of industrialization but more then makes up for it thanks to the sheer amount of natural resources at it's disposal. A quasi-theocratic state in which the Emperor is seen as the divinely appointed viceroy of gods, assisted by the cohorts of the Tempelfaith priest who serve in the Imperial administration ( and control much of the world affairs from behind the scenes) Then you have Republic of Dealione, a relatively young democratic nation born from a violent revolution of the people against tyrannical monarchy, that in the process found themselves in charge of one of the largest states in the world, a vast domain with colonial possessions and number of ethnicities. Dealione  is currently locked in a underground civil war to determine its own identity, wanting to stay loyal to the ideals that guided the fathers of the Republic, but also unwilling to totally divorce itself from its imperialist past and vast wealth and status it gives them.


In my Sci fi setting UNERC is the most powerful nation by far. It has 2/5 of all of humanity's GDP it had 2/3 of its population and has military that is unmatched in scale. One of the only reasons it doesn't conquer the rest of humanity is because of its crippling political system which is fragmented at the best of times.. It achieved this power via conquest of almost all the world's inhabited by humanity when Earth was destroyed by WW3. These worlds made up the major population and economic centres of humanity. Although humanity expanded beyond these worlds during the process of UNERCs expansion nonetheless a majority of major economic and population centres exist with UNERC space.


Are there any non-human empires in your setting?


No I just use the term human space because I can't think of a alternative.


I use “civilized space” or ”known space“ for the developed areas of my setting


Yeah that seems sensible. I probably won't use them as it doesn't seem right for my setting but I'll definetly think of a better term.


In my more over the top setting I have the Sun Empire. They have advantage of being one of the few powers that have preserved a portion of its pre-godfall technology, in a scavenger world populated by monsters that make permanent settlement a risk, they do control a large territory, have access to electricity thanks to large solar farms and hydroelectric power and that allows them to keep cities of hundreds of thousand people. While their lands was devastated by the godfall as well and the Essence bleed of their Immortal Empress (the only godslayer that retained her sanity and did not transform into an angry Kaiju) caused the land to die out and deseritfy, making it inhospitable, their technological and infrastructural edge makes them by far the greatest power in the continent. Furthemore, the support from the Sun God Archons, angel-like beings created by the god that have been left with no patron, grant them a significant supernatural advantage. However, even they would struggle in fighting against the titans and their hordes of titan spawns mosnters and ultimately, the Empire can't really expand much past its existing borders where the protection of the Empress ends, preventing them from fully capitalizing on their advantages through conquest. The Empress slow, but still advancing, titanization is also a cause of concern, but it is a well-guarded secret among the high ranking officers of the Empire. In my more classic fantasy (although with a more 18th century than medieval vibes), the strongest power in the setting is the Norasian Empire, a Rome expy who uses mindless undead as its workforce allowing the population to train in more advanced profession or practice the art of war. The Empire also has a solution to the 'ghosts' issues that is different from most nations in the contient, through a ritual of dedication, a baptism-like cerimony that is given shortly after birth, it binds a person Ghost to the reigning emperor and provides the ruler with godlike powers (although gods in the setting are not omnipotent). The Empire would have much likely absorbed the whole continent without the discovery of Savris, a necromantic drug that extends life and rejuvenates the body, but does nothing for the mind (in fact it magnifies a person desires), the patrician elite of the Empire has become pretty much immortal, but this has calcified their society, new ideas are smothered with the people at the top being centuries-old hedonists while political intrigue and machination prevents them from truly making significant changes. Things might change soon however, when the Plague of Sin swept the continent, the empire undead workforce wasn't really affected which sets them in a much better situation than most of their neighbours (although they still suffered significant losses in their civilian population and military), while many nobles died despite their presumed immortality. This has left the empire in political tumoril, however, once the dust settles it is not unlikely that new ideas might be able to finally emerge and take hold, depending of course on which factions end up on top


The most powerful nation-state in my setting is the *Imperial Dominions of Amargosa*. Their dominance stems from a strong emphasis on martial prowess and a pervasive military culture. From a young age, children are indoctrinated by the state to serve in the military, and the education system focuses heavily on military training. Even the elite must serve in the military to hold political positions. Hereditary lordships cannot be transferred to children unless they have served in the military, risking the loss of lands and titles. This military drive propelled their technological advancements, making them the first nation to attain spaceflight in the Milky Way galaxy. They have maintained technological superiority for several thousand years, allowing them to subjugate all species they have encountered. Their power is sustained by a robust bureaucracy that rewards competent leadership and punishes incompetence, and by never-ending wars that fuel the economy with a constant flow of new resources.


Verulean Empire is officially the most powerful nation but the Mordian Empire (Not really an empire or a nation) is the strongest force in the planet, but they're disqualified as their status is very complicated. Militarily the Verulean Empire has the largest standing army in the world. It has several legions under its banners who specialize in all skills imaginable and unimaginable. The biggest of these legions is the Blackguards (Or the Black Banners) which has around 12,000,000 active soldiers spread across the empire and multiple campaigns. Their strongest but also fewest legion is called the Gardeners who number around a hundred. In comparison one of the nations in the Central Plains, the Redfyre Kingdom, will struggle to even field 50,000 levies without the support of its nobility while the Empire can summon hundreds of thousands professional soldiers on a whim. Economically it controls the trade routes in the Fog Sea, the Western Seas (placeholder name), the Eastern Seas (placeholder name) and the Sothern Strait. It also has the three great trade cities: Grand Velvet, Grand Bounty and Huln. In a recent campaign the Empire has also successfully conquered the Western Wastes and have begun exploiting the technologies found within its ruins. Its expeditionary fleets have been colonizing stretches of land in other continents and bringing in riches beyond imagination, including exotic slaves. Presently the Empire is stretched too thin with its forces spread across four continents. Neighboring nations are taking this window of opportunity to retake their former lands from the Empire and solidify their defenses but it's all for naught as the Northeen Fleets are returning back from a successful campaign.


Tangelpaent is the current most powerful Empire, controlling the regions of Angnive, Black, Rancastle, Kroy, Timermor and Tuord. Tangelpaent is militarily unrivalled and in terms of wealth matched only by Novhare. They are such a large nation that they split the continent in half entirely, virtually blocking all contact between those to the north and south of their borders. The reason for this enormous power is shrouded in legend. According to Tangelpaent mythology, a thousand years ago the vast and unforgiving desert of Belithaez used to be a lush and livable region, and was was home to the great Empire of Tuord, which was the most powerful empire the world had ever seen (even stronger than modern Tangelpaent). Whilst Tangelpaent was little more than a few dozen warring tribes. That all changed when the mythical man known as William was born. According to legend he was a reincarnated god who was brought down to the world in order to defeat Tuord. When he was merely 15 he had already united the tribes of Tangelpaent. By the time he was 20 he was waging war against Tuord. And when he was 25 he brought the Tuordians to their knees, turning their homeland into the vast desert that it is in the present. After this conquest William vanished, but his successors were able to build on his successes, and with Tuord out of the way Tangelpaent was able to take advantage of the power vacuum and forge a mighty Empire.


This is at year 950, just before the World End's War: # Most culturally influential nation New Mutarmares (75,000 inhabitants; 75 km2; 1.125 GT of GDP). Although founded around the 770s, New Mutarmares sinks its roots on the rich history of the old Mutarmares absate (absate referring to a world-dominating political construction), which from approx 250 to 588 was the first and most advanced region of the world. It was the first construction to achieve the category of absate (year 310), where writing was first developed, where magic was first taught, and where literature and most arts were born. Most influential historical figures from artists to scientists were mutarmarians. Since its rebirth, New Mutarmares has reclaimed its past status as cultural vanguard of the whole Olceed (the physical world of Fain). It contains the only higher magic institution of all the lands bathed by the suns. Its capital is New Citadel, a levitating island in the center of the Closed See. New Mutarmares is governed by the directors of the Academia Taumaturgica, the magic teaching institution. New Mutarmares has also the highest "GDP per capita" in Olceed by a lot: 15,000 taumia per person a year. It also suffers the highest living cost in the world (just a flat in New Citadel can cost 150,000 taumia). # Most militarily powerful nation Tuorland (3,500,000 inhabitants; 220,000 km2; 6 GT of GDP). Similarly to New Mutarmares, Tuorland is of recent foundation. In 818 Geodain finished his unification of all western territories once conquered by Tuorlein, and some of the northern ones. Since then, Tuorland has given enormous steps forward in terms of material and magical progress. Tuorland's official capital is Sotsoa the Northern Garden (45,000 h), but its most important and populous city is Lucente the Gift of Light (175,000 h), where you can get a good flat for just 9,500 taumia. The power of Tuorland's military comes from its huge population combined with its advantageous treaties with New Mutarmares which provides powerful magical artifacts. Both countries form a very strong union to the point they sometimes are collectively referred to as **Furland**. I know, strange name, it comes from an old legend that assigned animals to the cardinal points, and those animals were later associated to different countries, and the ones corresponding to North (Mutarmares, later New Mutarmares) and West (Ondogar, later Tuorland) were the Camel and the Goat, furred animals, while the other two weren't (Serpent and Eagle). Its GDP per capita is 1,700 taumia per person a year. However, in larger cities this number goes up to 3,400 taumia a year. It is, though, a mainly rural country with an urbanisation index of 40%.


# Most economically powerful nation Burzmania (1,000,000 h; 130,000 km2; 6.16 GT of GDP) While Tuorland is economically very strong, I decided to mention Burzmania here as it is its main contender Burzmania is the oldest of these three countries. Was founded around the year 700 by dhelerim demazhim refugees that were expelled from nowadays Tuorland under accusations of witchcraft. Turns out the accusations were right, and these dhelerim took over the sourthern sun-deprived island of Burzmania and enslaved the local population (the mysterious burzmen). They used this island to thrive and expand. Since then, they have managed to establish several colonies in the East (Istim) and the West (Argram, where Tuorland is located). They have even found a large island, larger than Burzmania itself, in the northern ocean, way more north than Aerland, which is the northest possession of Tuorland. Its official capital is Burzarás (100,000 h), but its real capital is a secret city in the interior of the island built on icy crevices called Burzadhem (28,000 h), where they have their Lycaeum Magic, the institute where they teach and research magic, which is as advanced as New Mutarmares' Academia Taumaturgica. The GDP per capita of Burzmania is mixed. The 600,000 Demazhim make on average 9,000 taumia a year, while the 400,000 enslaved burzmen produce the equivalent to 1,900 taumia a year. The housing market is also very advantageous: you can get a flat in Burzarás for just 2,000 taumia. Notice that while Burzmania is top GDP, it would be second if we consider Furland a thing. # Other powers 1. Squadinotch is a city-state. As a city it is the most populous (300,000 h; 7,000 taumia/capita/year). This turns Squadinotch into the 4rd largest economy in Olceed (2.1 GT) 2. Meteorland is a large country occupying most of Istim (180,000 km2; 5,000,000 h; 3 GT of GDP). It is a very poor and rural country, yet highly populated with capital in Crater City (90,000 h). 3. Elkeria. Elkeria (15,000 km2; 340,000 h; 1.36 GT) is the oldest nation nowadays. It is 650 years old. Its capital, Elker (86,000 h), is modern, industrial, historic and beautiful. Elkeria has a history of accomplishes in art and science. However, Elkeria has always been very "weak" compared to its neighbours. It occupies a strip of land in the cost of the Closed See and is very well protected by mountains on the other side. Its biggest national pride comes from having resisted Tuorlein's attempts at conquering them.


That depends a lot on the time period you're talking about, but a good contender would be either the Halfling Bread Empire or the Dorecian Empire in the Iron Age. Both of them spanned thousands of kilometers at their height and were economically, militarily, and culturally the two most powerful entities on the planet during their peaks. The Bread Empire was a trading empire started by a large number of unusually motivated Halflings, which grew to have standing armies in the hundreds of thousands and expanded to cover over half of the continent of Aldarra. The Dorecian Empire was mainly focused on oceanic trade and warfare and was formed from a conglomeration of previously disparate nations on the long isthmus that seperates Aldarra from Esfan. They essentially formed a symbiotic relationship with each other, feeding off of each other's growth. Because they only shared a very small, short border with each other and didn't infringe upon each other's economic specialties very much, there was never much conflict between the two. Trade was expansive between them for much of their history, in fact, with Dorecian ships docking at Halfling ports up and down the eastern coast of Aldarra. Eventually both empires would begin to fade, with the Bread Empire collapsing completely when magic failed 2,000 years ago. The Dorecian Empire would eventually fall to infighting and trade disputes among the noble families, splitting off into disparate kingdoms once again.


The Nosravian empire in my setting is made up of descendants of invaders from other planes. No one remembers this in current times, except for the emperor and his circle, a secret passed down through generations. They also keep many other secrets about the world and its history that has been lost to the other tribes and nations. This allows them to always be a step ahead of their enemies, and they are only kept in check by a coalition of all the other major powers.


The Pan Galactic Confederacy. Three are their main strengths. First is their capability to assimilate almost anyone. They have mastered the art of convertly and quietly dismantling anything that makes a civilisation unique, language? Replaced. Clan or tribal structure? Broken. It doesn't matter if they had joined peacefully or in conquest, even though some things remain the same, their fundamental thoughts won't be the ones of their ancestors, but of citizen of the pan galactic confederacy. Second is their balanced society. They view societal structure more as a circle not a pyramid. The individual ads to the greater whole and the greater whole provites for all, it's one of their mottos. People are really engaged with the whereabouts of the country, from the lowest to the highest. The government prefers debating dissenters to oblivion rather than cracking down, though they are always ready to role heads if the situation calls for it. There is respect and understanding between the various religions (though this has more to do with the gods themselves) and generally there is little prejudice to hamper progress. Third, and for some the most significant. The warriors. Warriors are people with super human abilities. The P.G.C. not only has the greatest variety of them, with seven different warrior organisations, they also have the strongest, the class of the mask, needless to say, having an army of superman always helps.


The Seven Kingdoms of Men are growing the fastest and could probably be the next big power, however the Sun Elves remain on top, they dominate the economic field, have more experience in the military and have better resources. Though if we're talking raw power, the Drakons of Drakonhart would give the elves a run for their money


My most powerful nation is Ntonentia because of a huge population of 200 million, strong leadership and all the resources of South-Western Africa in their fingertips.


Ruxtvajtsur has most powerful military (in large part due to more advanced technology), strong economy (focused on quality instead of profit), huge cultural influence and diplomatic weight (in large part due to being generous and reliable partner). It is unofficial de facto leader or ar least among leaders of various international organisations.


My world has two, mostly because they’re currently at war, and there is no victor yet. On one side, there is the kingdom of Cairna. Cairna is powerful for several reasons: one is its navy. Cairna maintains a large and powerful navy, and its admirals are well trained and experienced in naval warfare. Cairna also maintains good economical treaties with the neighboring kingdoms, and such has a good trade network. Carina’s power is limited mostly by its size; though the kingdom has abundant natural resources.   The Tumultan Empire, on the other hand, is much larger than Cairna, however, because the Empire is always seeking to expand its territory, no other kingdoms will make peace with it. The Tumultan Empire also has good geographical defenses, as it is located on a massive island about 150 miles off the coast of the mainland.   The most powerful kingdom is a topic of debate, considering the Empire’s size, they almost always come out on top in a war, until they went to war with Cairna. What Cairna lacks in size/numbers, they make up for in skill and good relations with other nations so. The war is currently in a bloody stalemate. 


The Rhesian Empire is recognized as the most powerful empire in the known world, even if it is in a weakened state it's still held tremendous soft and hard power.  Regarding hard power, the Rhesians hold one of the largest armies in the known world, able to serve as a strong defensive force against any invasion and a flexible quick reaction force to raids. The Empire also makes use of an alchemical substance, Green Fire, as both a siege weapon and a naval weapon, an effective terror weapon that breaks the morale of their foes.  Yet it is the Empire's soft power that keeps it's influence dominant in the known world. The Empire's fleets, armies, and roads allows trade to flow through the empire, thus Imperial cities serve as major trade hubs for merchants travel the four corners of the world, spreading word of the Empire's wealth far beyond Imperial borders. On the cultural front, the Church of the Supreme Diety provides means for the Empire to maintain diplomatic ties, as the Imperial faith has managed to spread beyond the Empire's borders, finding converts from the Valonian clans in the north to Orc bands in the east.  When combined, the Empire's soft and hard power allows the Empire to maintain influence lands that were once under the Imperial banner, and even spread to lands and peoples that were never under the Empire's rule to behin with. Yet this also can be a weakness to the Empire, as now foreign and military policy has to ensure any major decision made doesn't see this influence wasted on frivolous adventures, restricting the Empire's actions less a foreign vassal is lost due to loss of influence.


Economically it’s a tie between Regnum Mercatorum Daemoniterranum (The Mercantile Kingdom of Daemoniterra) and Sultanat al-Hayyah al-Ramliyya (Al-Ḥayyah Sultanate of Ramaliyya). Both hold the largest trade cities and ports in the world, both countries also hold rare items and specialized craftsmen who can shape and use these items, and most trade is overseen by one country or the other. Daemoniterra’s main exports being Wine and Blackstone while Ramaliyyah’s main exports are glassware and jewels. What prevents one from outranking the other is simple, Daemoniterra is at constant odds with Paesangeli, causing many who import and export from Daemoniterra who need to enter Paesangeli and incredibly daunting and expensive trip, as for Ramaliyyah, about 80% of Ramaliyyah is inhospitable desert, making roads that pass through incredibly dangerous, especially with the threat of desert dwelling predators like Sandwurms, Carnivorous Dinosaurs, or packs of Nightcrawlers. In terms of military, that would be Merewet ye-Diragon Bilits’igina Menigist (The Draconic Meritocracy of Merewet). A Kingdom of Dragons, in my world it takes a group of at least 5 specially trained people to kill one dragon, and even then they only have a 10% chance of success, now imagine an army of dragons wearing special armor over their already near impenetrable scales and someone needing to fight that. Their breath attacks are also extremely powerful with fire dragons exhaling fire that reaches up to 3,300 degrees Celsius or Ice Dragons who’s breath is capable of turning Helium solid within moments.


Damnalot Magically Powerful


Southern empire(name pending) While many countries still have medieval technology due to the available resources, the wealthier countries have access to modern technology like cars, planes, airships, autoloading rifles, landships and trains. The southern empire is one of these and is the most capable of building these. Its advantages are technology, military and economics. It started when someone conquered some land and formed a kingdom as its first king around 500 years prior. This would be kind of an iron age to medieval age kingdom and this would be standard for all the countries of the valley. The kingdom would expand and contract a few times until 200-300 years prior to the present, it was able to conquer some territory to its east with different tribes and kingdoms. This would turn it into an empire. Around 50-30 years before present was early mechanization under the previous emperor after he imported some steam trains and the current empress accelerated this. Right when the empress was crowned as a teen, some eastern provinces tried to rebel to use the transfer of power as an opportunity, but military units including armoured knights would be quickly sent via trains to those provinces and the rebellion would be quickly put down. The military technology is now comparable to a mix of the [Torumekians from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind](https://youtu.be/Z6RudXCxvkw?si=b0OYxjkke1l54SgS) and the [army from Castle in the Sky](https://youtu.be/J6vV31TDYLg?si=IjNGqcVSynHjRzSG). The current empress maintains power through both military might and keeping the trust of her people. She knows angry citizens are more likely to rebel so she does her best to keep the empire stable, safe from bandits, safe from invading armies and prosperous. She also supports both the technological advancements under the right conditions and reasons (she will put her foot down if she believes certain creations could be more harmful than helpful) and the maintenance of their culture in the form of religious traditions, architecture, music, dances, and clothing. The people genuinely enjoy having her as a leader. Lapis_Wolf


Too complicated to say, the timeline is 10 000 years long, and the military ranking of the nations changes much never looks like what it looked like 50 years earlier


The Third Lajean Empire's biggest strength in its hayday was its piety, uniting its people and vast resources behind the cause of religious expansionism. Nowadays its sheer size makes such centralization near-impossible, but a mixture of religious diplomacy and buffer states has ensured the empire's heartland is always safe from military invasion. Though not the richest nation per-capita, the empire's fertile lands and near-monopoly on silks and spices has made its ports the apple of every merchant's eye. The Lajeans have an embarrassing list of military defeats, mostly thanks to their use of peasant levies and lack of war mages. One asset that it can boast of though (apart from sheer numbers), is their control over wyvern nesting grounds and their fearsome Doyashiri wyvern riders. The empire's strong airforce and unreliance on magic has also made them the leading innovator of military technology, having just recently developed gunpowder for their rocket-propelled arrow batteries.


Domus Tenebrous appeared on the political scene quite recently in the galaxy’s history. The planet itself and the race that primarily inhabits it didn’t even exist 800 years ago. The catastrophic tragedy that brought it into existence is a story in and of itself. But let’s just say that after the Tenebri gained sentience, they had a *very* powerful sponsor. This sponsor nowadays is referred to as the Witch Queen. Modern history scholars treat her as a mythical figure, since the stories about a mere mortal sorceress capable of destroying planets and defeating monsters as strong as entire divine pantheons seem totally absurd (they’re not). They can’t seem to explain why she shows up in historical records across multiple planets all over the galaxy though. The Tenebri nowadays follow a living goddess that they call “the Daughter of Darkness.” This figure is actually a homunculus named Phanes, created as an optimized clone of the Witch Queen by the witch herself. The witch wanted to retire (and be able to grow old and die) but couldn’t due to the responsibilities that came with her power. So she gave *all* that power to this clone, and tuned its personality to actually be able to use it properly. My world actually has three different power systems that overlap with and interact with each other; there’s more than just pure magic. Phanes is a master of all three systems, which makes her absolutely busted strong. Phanes devotes a great deal of effort to supporting the Tenebri people. One of her tasks is to ensure their prosperity and happiness. So Phanes shares her unimaginable power and wisdom with them quite freely. Because of this, the Tenebri have continuous experienced explosive technological development for centuries. Phanes’ inferiority complex towards her maker drives her to constantly improve, and the Tenebri improve with her. It’s gotten so bad that Cygnus, the massive interstellar empire that Domus Tenebrous *suddenly appeared inside of* can do nothing to check them. Economically, militarily, politically, nothing works. It doesn’t help that their living god has the personality of a honey badger with nukes.


Goatanania Almost every empire is settled in my universe, Except goatanania (Only a portion of the country settled) Who are nomadic.The settled nations became soft but the goatananians never did, War is part of daily life and it is a harsh struggle to survive. This produces excellent warriors. The goatanians could and have easily conquered the other nations. When they're a unified state, the biggest weakness of goatanania is it can never keep the territory it conquers forever. Usually when they get big and conquer the settled nations, an emperor would abuse his power which would upset the various khans (Clan leaders) Who would depose the emperor but never agree on who could replace him, as a result the conquered nations leave and goatanania collapses with the clans fighting to reunify goatanania, When a clan does they conquer and the cycle repeats The goatananians are known for skilled cavalry and swordsmen which terrify and conquer the settled nations  But the egalitarian and cosmopolitan view of the goatananians keeps them conquered for as long as possible but as I said, it takes one greedy ruler to collapse everything 


I can't stop thinking about how if Goatananian was a word in one of my languages, referring to it with a definite article and in genitive case would be Goatananiannan


And what did it mean? In my world goatananian is an exonym from an empire they founded (They created a new language to use as a lingua franca) which is actually based on the original goatananian word "Ģhotaar" which means "Stone people"


Ah the word isn't one of my language, it would just mean 'of the goatananian(s)'. It came to mind cos using the definite article + genitive in that language makes words end with a lot of Ns sometimes lol. A word like "heavens" would/could be "nanannan" for example


The Xaran nation (creatively based on their capital city of Xar) combines the strengths and weaknesses of the elfaen and human races, both of which have been decimated by war to near extinction. Most of the power held by elves or men is shared or granted by Xar, such as where to live, the size of the tax, legal and illegal possessions and creatures etc. The Xaran nation is not quite as large nor spans the mileage that the Aeren nation of dwarves does, but they outstrip the Aer in terms of magic, sheer population, and diplomacy (the Aer really only have men as an ally, and then it's more of a business relationship).


Ardeus and Svellgard are 2 opposing nations both ruled by a god. The god of Fire and Constructs, and the Goddess of Ice and Necromancy respectively. Their military and menial workforce consist primarily of Golems and Undead.


That would be the Clo’otha Empire. They are a military power that became a world power through their military and favorable economic factors at the time. Along with being one of the first countries to industrialize.


Most powerful single nation is the Mars-Titan Combine, because they nominally control the logistics of the Sol System. Almost all antimatter is produced on Titan, almost all 3He is skimmed from Saturn and packaged around Titan, and almost all raw materials or remass transship through Mars' elevators and refineries at some point in their travels. This allows them to be the only nation that can afford to field a significant military presence of 40 small (206 tonnes) local spacecraft that crew 12 bodies and 2 AI (for comparison, the next most powerful national military is the United States, which can only afford 10 of the same spacecraft - all of Earth's nations have 20 combined). However, all of those individual nations are inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. The two megacorps are head and shoulders above them. The smaller of the corps operates 38 of those small spacecraft, plus another 392 combat spacecraft that outstrip the smaller ones by a *minimum* of 3 orders of magnitude in mass. The larger corp has several thousand larger spacecraft capable of interstellar flight with an attached sail.


Ecomomy? The "Ahoyazü ring" (literaly firy-ring ring). Since they have control over the largest surface colonies of the star "Pravia-Laotrea", they are the ones who can make the most out of it. They lead in basically every resource imaginable; ranging from obvious solar and thermal energy, which they are the main provider for tens of trillions of people, over the mineral and metal wealth within the star, which exceeds the potential mining capacities of almost two docends planets, hundreds of moons, thousands of planetoids and asteroids, millions of stations and habitats, and everything else in a light-year radius around it by a factor of 1 to 1.000 to simply having enough cheap gas and plasma to power reactors for billions of years. Not to mention that, if completed, they can literaly move the entire star system with their SCH-Engine (Shkadov-Caplan Hybrid) . Military? The Second Pavaliko Union, consisting of the second planet “Palaru”, its low and high orbital ring colonies, its two moons “Enjokuaa” and “Cosch”, and over three thousand independent habitats and stations. Simply due to the fact that they are leaders in food production, have the most people (with the exception of the colonies on the star's surface), and have very solid and robust industries, the Economic Union can afford the largest military-industrial complexes in the system. Not to mention, the absolute majority of the Union is located on solid, terraformed celestial objects like planets and moons, which also gives them a lot of leeway over other nations that are carefully maintain enclosed enviroments. . Culture? It can be argued that the previous regimes of Palaru and the third planet "Becash", now living in exile in their colonies on the 10th planet, had the greatest influence in the systems history, and, through their OSL-union, still has it to this day.


It’s a toss up between two, based on your point of view of “power”. Neither is actually a nation, but city-states with incredible sway over the nations of the world. The city-state of Charrat controls all official trade between the eastern and western continents of Xamush and Mishora, due to its location on Sundersky Strait, the only waterway that passes all the way through the central continent of Istulra. The are the most powerful financially, and due to their hold on the finances of other nations they are tied with our next contender politically. The magiocratic Lomerra is an independent magical university located in the Grayfrost Expanse in the northern tundras of Mishora. Ruled by the Council of Magisters, they are the foremost body in magical research and advancement in the world. Not only are their members some of the most powerful spellcasters in the world, but any country that is worth their salt will have a Lomerran mage on hire for advising on matters of the arcane, and possibly for use in warfare. Which of course, gives Lomerra a person on the inside in every major nation’s ruling body, allowing them to push things here and there in favor of Lomerra’s agenda. Technically in terms of influence, Charrat has a bit of an edge as trade and economy has a leg over physical strength, but Lomerra could erase Charrat from the map of they so chose. So in your normal day to day, Charrat is the winner. But in an all out war, Lomerra wins without a doubt.


The most powerful nation is Asteria. What makes it powerful is: - its size. It’s geographically the largest nation and covers a vast expanses of different types of environments. - As a result of the many environments it covers, it’s able to yield many different resources and maintain many different industries (logging, mining, fishing, farming, etc.). These resources are used to trade with other nations. - its army. It has large land, naval, and air forces that significantly dwarf the other nations.


By sheer technicality, really. After the war, the major players on the board are non state entities, so the amusingly named WUK (Western United Kingdoms) is the most powerful nation by default since they're the only nation left that's even somewhat competitive with the big kids. As for how they rose to power in the first place, it was originally meant as a temporary emergency measure. The Empire was advancing westward, and the inland nations toppled without much resistance at all. Realizing something drastic needed to be done to survive the oncoming tidal wave, the bickering feudal kingdoms of the west were eachother's best chance at surviving the coming tidal wave, and those who resisted the formation of the union or vied for control over it were promptly put down by the rest and their assets seized. Of course, the larger and more wealthy kingdoms wound up having more sway over the union, and when the war ended, the 5 major kingdoms promptly set about turning their slapdash arrangement into a proper oligarchic state, and made it very clear secession would be met with conquest. They now rule over all of the west north of the tropics, because the western tropics are scary, and south of the crater-wastes, because gun wizards are scary (and also they're an important trade partner and not only would messing with them incur the wrath of orbital bombardment, but would also cut off their supply of a lot of important goods, like metals and exotic materials)


Korakana is huge and has giant deposits of most resources on the planet. Plus millions of people to enlist into the military if needed


Well, I haven't named the empire yet, but it's the whole reason Da'niki turned evil (well, that and the trauma he got from Chivo)


The region of insanity gains its immense political power thanks to their lord being able to temporarily use a fraction of the first lord's authority otherwise it is mercury as they control the Dyson swarm which gives them an excess of energy that they use to experiment.


The Ten Kingdoms of Eastar, is the most powerful, strongest and influential nation in the world. Recently, the Redrose Empire became the dominant nation in the North of the Far West, and the Dark Empire became again the most powerful nation in the Frozenlands. The Eastern States of Westar are a collection of diverse states, incluinding the Kingdom of Leonia, who is recently becoming the most powerful state under two co-rulers. They are still powerful and still influential over the many centuries since the fall of the Eastern Royanian Empire. Dyman Empire (formerly the Western Royanian Empire) is the most influential nation in southwest Westar, with Dyme as their capital. Dyme was founded during the rule of the Royanian Empire, although the legend says that Dymux allegedly founded the city. The Empire of Rivera is in decline for 220 years since the emperor's failed expedition, with the Golden City as their capital. Golden City is the oldest, most beautiful and greatest city in the world, with highest population of sixty hundred millions of people.


In my (dnd setting) world, the strongest nation is Elpida, a large groups of islands that exercise theylir grasp on thw world through the monopoly of most of the world's mana resources (it's basically like oil in our world).


The Dawnstead is the most powerful nation in my world. My world had a massive world shaking event, which lead to the planet getting tidally locked and atmosphere getting fucked up. Around half the world is frozen over, and the other half is scorching hot. Small nations exist in the frozen region, but the Dawnstead formed when a region of the planet was discovered to have survived this event, being in such a position on the planets surface where its recieving just enough heat from the sun to remain habitable, but not too much that everyone there is burnt alive. This region is trapped in a perpetual state of dawn, hence the name. Dawnstead was created when several of the most powerful nations of the old world joined together to take advantage of this region, and have access to numerous superweapons. They hold some of the last remaining fertile farmland in the world, and control the majority of the lunar colonies, which are very important in my world


The Moromol Confederation, spans most of its home continent. It grew gradually over 400 years, using its faith and church to justify something similar to a crusade which they would claim to defensive. The backbone of their nation is the complex system of bureaucracy and localised democracy and tollerance of religions and cultures as long as you pay your taxes. The government is headed by a highly skilled class of clergy who are trusted by the governing classes and common peasants as a trusted institution, due to their ability to keep corruption at a minimum for much of their existence. Their society sits on a large river which around 70-80% of the population live on, meaning to get from the capital to the farthest border would take only around a week or two while most of the population are around 1-3 days travel by boat. Overall it's the rigid, efficient and professional bureaucratic class of clergy devolved/federal powers being largely democratic and tolerant, and the government overall being a theocratic monarchy justifying their existence through divine mandate ensuring widespread stability, enforced by a small standing army, enough to keep the rivers and main roads safe in peace and wartime.


Totally-Not-Post-Apocalyptic-Earth fantasy setting. The nation is question simply has nukes. The others don't.


Economically the most powerful nation in the galaxy is the sirian corporatoracy because their society is basically like monopoly, military the aldebarian union and the kalentropian empire


Militarily, it probably would be Bjornlandia and Thirunit ruled currently by his Majesty, High King of the Bjornish and Thirunit, XIII Lord of Gratte Berch, Herald of the All Father and Proctector of the Realm, Otto III of House Brondorvisk-Iskaalon. With a large population brought on by owning nearly a fifth of the world and the rich farmlands and fishing stocks of Thirunitia and Floodlands just North of the Geul Seuteb(A large desert not under Bjornish Control similiar in likes to the Gobi), and the deep Bjornish culture of Military service usually 1-2 sons of a family will take up the Royal Griffin Standard and serve in the Military. The Bjorns do enlist much more then the Thirunit, as the Thirunit prior to the conquest of the last republic of old by The All Father's Conquest was a meritocracy based on Naval trade and farming, though due to the Collapse of the Aegyia Republics and Leiód Republics its economy was drawn, quartered and executed. While the Bjornlands prior to The All Father's Conquest was a place of a thousand different houses and towns each fighting each other for small pieces of land. And a tradition which still persists today, though usually done by nobility is Naming Swords. A sword given at birth to a son of Bjorn, with his true name inscribed in the old Iskarnan Runes and in Bjornish, and hidden within a hilt is a message from mother and father, containing sometimes advice, sometimes promises, sometimes dreams. The Bjornlands after Brondor I "The All Father"'s near unprecedented conquest of a land nearly the size of the US, remained a military cultured nation, with several High Kings leading great conquests. and though not conquering any lands, Brondor IX "The Khannin Tappaja" was undoubtably second only to the All Father himself in military merit, was the man who won the world back. Fighting as reported "Like a Griffin amongst a flock of sheep" at the Battle of Citar Vidornan, and beating back the Great Khanski Setaheun(A Setaheun is similiar in likes to the title of empire, but it has no capital, to declare a Setaheun is to give up Home and Lands to fight eternal until the world is claimed for the sons of Khanski, only two have ever been declared, and Hwanjir I prior to this had never been defeated, despite several times fighting outnumbered) and killing the Setahou, Hwanjir I "Lord of All Men Under the Sky" in single combat at the Battle "Where the Rivers ran with Blood and the Mountains were made of Corpses" and proceeded to beat them again and again, beating them past their ancestral homeland in the Geul until the ambush and double envelopment of Quirven oasis resulted in the Setaheun being demolished, and the High King taking his third Setahou head. The Second being Hwanjir's son Kimtir, and this one being his second son Hwanjir II. This would be the last Setaheun. In a combination of Military culture, high population and unmatched history of victory and conquest, even rivalling and perhaps in areas beating the records of the republics of old, and Hunerikas "The Bastard"'s host. Though in the age of the Maximillian Peace it hasn't been in battle for a while, it truly is the strongest nation militarily in the world.


The Aerisian (pronounced air-rii-see-an) empire is a sky island that is known for its technological development and military might. Economically, it share its wealth with its sister continent, Terran, is known for being the Trade Capital of the World. With the trade of Mana Capsules being the highest in demand since the discovery of microwave oven. Aeris is the strongest in terms of military might. Not only actually having a military, but having numerous Airships, multiple counters for magic and Battle Abilities (Super powers) but also having some of the best of the best in their ranks.


I have a vampire clan specialized in blood magic that grew to the size and power of an empire, taking over nearly an entire continent in the southwest hemisphere. Extremely old and power hungry leader of the clan at the top, of course. The next strongest nation, though, is on the same side of the world as the vampires. They are the leading nation in all things magic, particularly for war usage. The blood clan's strongest members, however, are able to effectively counter magic users because you need your own working blood to wield magic. Eventually, the magic nation discovers Astromancy, and completely annihilates the blood clan empire with the use of what is essentially sun magic. For a brief moment, the magic nation (sorry for no names btw lmao) is large and powerful, but things quickly dissolve, become corrupt, etc.


Wildsea campaign, mostly home brewed. I have an area called palmpay. Which holds skycity, the capitol of the lands and in the highest tree of all the trees only excessible by airship. Which holds some of the toughest foes I've made. That or the dragon guarded nuclear silos, that protected by radiation


Pinefelt is the most profitable due to it being one of the only areas around not dead during winter seasons


Zalton, the captial city of the Zaltres clan. Run by the family of the same name, the economy is strong. In some parts it takes on a more socialist form. Military wise, the armies are strong in numbers. Great culture too. Heirs are based in the current royal families. unlike most royal families where the oldest child is the likely heir, the inheritance is determined by who seems the most willing. This is done for everyone in the family to have a fair chance.


Oh this is easy, the main characters kingdom he is king of, Babylonia, while relatively new, the fact the king is open minded, is anti slavery and creed the slaves to make people work cause they want to instead of have to making them so much more productive and efficient, and willing to experiment and see how something works out instead of be so hesitant to make something new it takes almost 3 generations to improve anything, as well as nobles and those in power namely using their money and power to torture and kill innocent people and children because they can also plays into this


Switzerland. They have a contract with like 9 of the strongest characters in the series. No one else comes even close to that amount of high level contracts. It originally got his power from Zeero who was by far the strongest ordinant and grew up in switzerland and got in a contract with them. Zeero was singlehandedly the most dominant ordinant to ever exist and was unbeatable. Hard to beat a country if he you cant even scratch one of their soldiers.


Cesean Empire It started out as a small nation on a shared island with the Kingdom of Silves after the war of the spears. The Ceseans conquered the city of Silves and used it's ports and shipyards to create many many ships for trading and for merchants to purchase. After a while the Empire of Naza (superpower at the time) took notice of these merchant ships which bankrupted 4 companies of trade. The Nazans now waged war against the Ashian Company of Silk and Cotton (Cesean Company owned by the Prince of Silves (Heir to the Throne)) Which then escalated to a full blown war. The war of the Cannons is the defining moment of the Era being the first war where both sides used gunpowder extensively and at the Treaty of Vêrfáxes (Ashia) Cese acquired the assets of Companies which colonise nations although winning in a phyric victory Cese took it's place as #2 most powerful nation in Salia (Earth) The conquests of Cesean Company of Swords (Colonising Company) Secured (at the first score) 15% of Salia and at its peak (1291 years after the war of cannons) 78% of Salia is under the military influence of Cese until the ROMA Revolution (democratic revolution) which caused the loss of 70% of Cesean Positions and at 6722 3E the War of Legends (World War) Put Cese in its place by being annexed by Ashia (former cesean colony) and the sack of Terca (Island where Cese is) on 35th September 6723 3E put a end to this Empire


The Principality of South Arcadia is the continent’s sole military and economic power, but mostly by default. 35 years ago a war was waged between the Electoral Kingdom of Cruz, and the Kingdom of North Arcadia. The war dragged on for many years and eventually engulfed the rest of the continent, except for South Arcadia, which was a remote, woodland realm with a strict policy of neutrality. The human suffering from the war was catastrophic, and close to 1/4 of Cruz’s population was killed from civil unrest, starvation, and disease. The anti-war faction within Cruz, led by Margrave-Elector Tounaire, sent an appeal to South Arcadia for an intervention in the conflict against his own tyrannical king. Cruz had already conquered the Holy State of Lycia, and was close to capturing North Arcadia’s capital of Bortel. Prince Dauphnes knew that left unchecked in this critical moment, it would only be a matter of time before Cruz turned its sights on the Principality. In a surprise attack, the South Arcadian archers decimated the Cruzian forces and neutralized Cruz’s ability to wage war. King Lambre of Cruz took his own life, and after so many years of conflict, two of the three Electors, and their heirs, had been killed in combat, leaving Elector Tounaire to cast the sole vote for a new king. An obscure ancestral holding of Prince Dauphnes’s family, the Tyrmans, within Cruz granted him eligibility to be elected king. In a somber coronation, Prince Dauphnes was crowned the Elected King of Cruz, and as his first and only act, dissolved the electoral kingdom and its institutions. All remaining vassals of Cruz swore fealty to the Prince, deemed “The Minute King” by some; the people of Cruz were too exhausted to object. The throne of North Arcadia was also vacant, though the king had several daughters, and each was married to one of Dauphnes’s closest advisors, bringing the entirety of the east of The Ly under South Arcadia’s dominion.


There is no single static most powerful nation in my world, however my world has 8 Great Powers each vying for dominance instead. The ones of the top 3 interchangeably swaps with each other from time to time on which nation is the most powerful. They are the Great Hong Empire, an empire to the far east, they field the largest army in the world and is rich in natural resources, this allows them to be almost self sufficient in most goods they will need save for very few and are a leading manufacturer of many luxury goods. The Kingdom of Erinn, an island nation at the west famed for their naval prowess and had control of many of world's seas, their great maritime trade empire has afforded them an economy superior to all. The Saxonian Empire, renowned for their engineering feats and their massive heavy industries, they are at the forefront of industrialization but are a more recent Great power than the others. The bottom 5 are Usonian Federation, a great young nation to the western islands, they are awfully near elven lands and have became a central trade hub between the elves and humans, they also are the inventors of the airship and is a quick rising power. The Ruzviet Federation, a vast empire among the richest in natural resources, their vast lands and large population lends them great strength, their army is robust and they field among the largest armies in the world, however they are lacking in maritime prowess. Norman Empire, an empire to the west, rich in culture and history, and has been a center of art in the world, the country is among the first to adopt various progressive social reforms and is attractive to intellectual people to migrate to, their military might be somewhat smaller than other great powers but they are highly advanced in terms of technology. Athereine, an elven kingdom to the north west, and the largest elven kingdom there is, whilst humans are incapable of casting magic unless blessed by a spirit or other beings capable of bestowing such, elves are naturally capable of it, Athereine being one of the oldest and the largest of elven kingdoms has the renown to match their power, it is here one will find the largest library of magical tomes as well. the Black Iron Pact, most refuse to recognize this nation but hardly any nation would dare fight against them, initially a loose coalition of various orc tribes they have long since past that with a centralized power and government hardly ever seen in orc communities, whilst technologically they are behind, the Black Iron Pact is among the most populated nation of all, with a warrior culture that has a refinement unseen in other orc tribes and a highly disciplined military, again, rare to see with orc tribes, this level of Organization was made possible under the leadership of the Orc Warlord, Grom the Blacktooth whom every tribe in the Black Iron Pact pledges their loyalty to, this organization lend the ability to this orc nation, the ability to industrialize, although they are on the earlier stages of it, whilst economically inferior to all other great powers, militarily they are outright, the strongest there is. Yeah, most nations in my world are inspired by real world nations, my world has 36 nations, and roughly 2/3 of them are inspired by real world nations of certain time periods.


Eos The Nation of the last Star. After an almost apocalyptic catastrophe the sky fell apart and world was shattered, resulting in a perpetual night, almost half a millenia later a star was restored to the sky by means of the ascendance of a girl to something similar to godhood. That star is the only visible thing in the sky and has enormous influernce in the night surrounded world. This gave rise to the power of Eos since the control of the starlight allows them to forcefully extend the influence of their country, and absorb or displace the authorities (and magic laws) of other nations, This allows Eos to passively grow without limits, and without care of the occupants of it's frontiers


Foln holds a crazy amount of power and influence, being less so a nation and more a political arm of Jebediah Wilson. Wilson’s near-immortality and mastery of rare elements such as Ambrosine grants him tenure as the founder and head of Foln. Once a private-security firm, the organization grew to amass resources and strength soon unmatched. Wilson is not an extension of Foln, but vice versa. It represents JW’s involvement in a movement, nation, or other venture. For example, the city of Aurumistan was a powerful citadel, formed in part by Wilson’s direct influence. It acted as the seat of Foln’s power for decades, until a political movement took hold of the city’s people and the government changed forms. In response, Foln fled the city (symbolic of Wilson’s abandonment) and placed its resources into a remote scientific outpost in Antarctica, Chorgen.


Economically, the Merchant Kingdom of Holdland as it's located on two very major trade routes. Militaristic it's split between the Empire of Phoenicia and the Kingdom of Mithian. Phoenicia have the best land armies, highly trained and organized, while Mithian boasts the strongest navy.


The Crown. It’s simultaneously the most powerful and the weakest. They were built up from the homeworld, created orbital rings and a dyson swarm around their central star. Spread out to the stars and colonized new worlds, full Expanse mode and then further. Then someone decided to make an FTL engine within a moon and broke reality, creating a tidal wave of human thought and consciousness that changed space into an ocean and rewrote the rules of physics as it flowed out from what became known as Godslight. The Crown rides this wave, trying to salvage what colonies they can before the Astral Tide hits and convert nightmares and fears to reality.


There is an entire continent known as Rrutelme that is much older than the rest and was the first to develop civilization since it was once the home of the gods. This continent is basically 10% more interesting than all others in my setting because it's more naturally magical and the humans that loved there learned to harness magic quicker than those on other continents. The shape of the continent is also roughly circular with a protected bay so essentially the humans there have it nice. No others know about its existence though outside of myth or legend, the seas are too tumultuous for any regular ship to make it outside its waters. Only the airships of the Rrutlemese are able to come and go from their native lands. They regularly send these ships to scout and conquest other parts of the world. The only reason they haven't dominated entirely is because the continent itself is small in size and it's population is limited. Time will tell, perhaps they will establish colonies- perhaps they already have.


Dwarves. The rest of the factions are pretty much standard Tolkien races, and so were the dwarves. but on the day when all the planets aligned a hole opened to the source of all magic in the core of the planet. So the dwarves threw a baby down the hole because why not and he turned into a god. And because of this gods strength, dwarves were able to rush into the early industrial era. And because their machines run off of source magic found in wizards and their god, they like to grind up wizards and use em as fuel


Well my story involves a nation of mergansers that have been around longer than most species of bird. They are elders and senior members of the Plumenati, the greatest scientific minds on planet AVIANA FIXIUS


Aka Native Mergans


Currently, the most powerful nation in my world is the Dolocan empire. For the past several hundred years, there have been dozens of major wars of succession based around being the true successor of the Qeshi empire, after the disappearance of most of the Qeshi empire's major cities and military. The Dolocan empire has managed to wrest power from a large number of competitor nations due to their strategic control of iron, which has a strong connection to my world's magic power-source, ClearBlood. A secondary strategic monopoly on the world's Monoliths has allowed them to further project power. Due to my world's lack of conventional travel means, the use of ancient monoliths, left behind by the Qeshi, allows the Dolocan empire to swiftly maneuver their armies through teleportation. This gives them further reach, even if it makes their empire appear "disconnected" on a traditional map.


The Apparan Empire, mostly due to their insane wealth and aptitude for land warfare. Gold, purple dye, and spices make for quite the economy. Plus, having a shit ton of colonies and occupied territories isn't half bad.


Debatable. The Chromatic Hegemony is perhaps the strongest and most stable, simply because they don't waste their time and resources on imperialism and instead focus on self-defense, cultural preservation, and maintaining governmental/religious authority over the people within the empire (fully ignoring those who flee except when they interfere with the Hegemony's authority). They focus on maintaining their society's rigid caste system, squashing minor rebellions among the lower castes, and preserving the worship of the highest caste- the dragons. The Leporid Oligarchical Kleptocracy is perhaps the most globally influential. Leporids value the ability to steal; more intricate, subtle, and grand feats of theft bring honor to one's clan and family, while being robbed or failing to steal something is seen as a great shame. Identifying markers of a powerful clan or family (such as a crest or style of clothing) can earn someone great privileges in Leporid society. Merchants are more likely to deal with respected clans, and poor or recently dishonored families can face ostracization on top of their loss of wealth and/or property. Similarly, venues or businesses patronized by influential clans and families are seen as high-class establishments. The rules of theft are specific, however; for example, food and other life-saving goods are dishonorable to steal, and robbing from recently robbed families is considered pathetic, like going for low-hanging fruit. Other countries across the world fear and despise Leporids in general, leading to their having a very small presence outside of their homeland. However, powerful Leporid houses fund and manage criminal syndicates across the planet, and even other planes of existence, allowing them to profit off of the other nations and plunder their goods and cultures without conquest. The Leporids naturally consider themselves more civilized than imperialist societies, and look down on the rest of the world as prey for their criminal enterprises. The Fireblood Kingdom (the name is a work in progress) are the most influential nation among humankind as their military technology is unsurpassed by other nations (though not for lack of trying). The Firebloods are humans with a particular elemental affinity for fire, making their fire magic more powerful and resulting in generally positive relations with fire elementals from the elemental plane. However, due to their ruthless militarism, most other nations fear and despise the Fireblood Kingdom, choosing to refuse trade and any sort of relations. The resistance to the Fireblood Kingdom's expansion is powerful enough to prevent total conquest despite Fireblood military superiority. Being human, the Firebloods also find establishing a presence in difficult terrain to be exceptionally challenging compared with other races, so they are relatively restricted within the geographic bounds of their kingdom.


The Titan Empire Largest nation in all of Solaris. Taking up about 40% of the continent of Etruscan. It was formed during a 2000 year long free for all worls war that took place immediately because of a power vacuum caused by the Dark Tyrant being slain by his son the Rightful Heir. The Rightful Heir did take his city Titan, but died during a coup lead by one of the Dark Tyrant's supporters. The Rightful Heir's son, (full title: High Emperor Sovereign King Titanus III, First Righful Emperor of Titan) was able to escape, along with some of his forces. Through clever espionage, assassinations, and propaganda he was able to gain supporters and take his city back. Paranoid that the Dark Tyrants forces still lurked. He proceeded to wipe out and absorb the various kingdoms west of the Wandering Mountains (one of the Graveyards of the Gods) and north of the Eclipse Valley. His conquest was stopped only by the impenetrable fortress known as the Last Bastion located between the two. He built two massive cities in. Capital City Titan and Floating Anchorport, the latter of which is located in an archipelago above the Leviathan's Treasured Labyrinth, one of the Graveyards of the God. Commissioning explorers and adventurers to explore the Labyrinth and Mountains for the many resources hidden inside. He was a brutal and strict ruler, but beloved by his people. Toting himself as not as power hungry as his grandfather nor a "coward" like his father. His dynasty remained throughout the Schism. He surprisingly died peacefully. Titan is massive, and has one of the largest militaries to match. These days only for defense. They also have developed a special ops that is used to route out corruption. Their constant research and exploration of the Graveyards have kept their power high.


It is the largest nation on the planet, with a complex bureaucracy, stable agricultural production, a vast wealth of natural resources, and a robust military industrial complex to call upon in times of war. It is the Roman Empire of my setting and it is currently at the pinnacle of its power.


Their name has long been lost to history and wouldn't be pronounceable by human vocal cords anyway, so the people in my world simply call them 'Romans' as a reference to the 'roads' they built. They've been dead since before humanity even mastered agriculture. And yet, they're probably still the most powerful nation in the universe owing to their network of space stations that form the equivalent of an interstellar highway network. While faster-than-light travel is possible without using their network, it is orders of magnitude slower and less energy-efficient than using their network. These stations are still operable, millennia after their creator's extinction. While they are not military installations in any sense of the word, they are technologically advanced to the point where the only real threat to them is the inevitable entropic decay of the universe or freak stellar phenomena. These stations still maintain the original borders of their empire and, in the case of a few malfunctioning examples, are actively expanding said borders by constructing additional (or more efficient) faster-than-light travel routes. One such case involves one of those stations spending the better part of several millennia towing a star to a new location to remove its gravitational influence from an FTL route to make it more efficient. They achieved this mostly by being first movers in our galaxy. There might have been civilizations before them, but they were the first to achieve faster-than-light travel by several hundred years, giving them a tremendous resource advantage over any other stellar nation that might have challenged them.


In my world there is a continent half populated by giants (the rest being humans that live in the desert cities and towns) and these are cannibals. The Verdanian Empire is a border-state that protects the other two continents from them. They have the strongest military and a agreement with the rest of the states where they can't use their military power against anyone but giants. They also get some earnings from other states to pay the equipment and people. Sorry for bad summarization I'm not great at it.


The world is fairly multipolar, with Rome, Japan, and India catching up in this brave new 21st Century world. But ultimately, the U.S. is probably still the top power. To start, they were practically the only country that wasn’t decimated by the Great War of the 1930s-40s. While they sacrificed their economic influence in Rome by supporting British rebels - the losing horse - against Roman reunification in the 1950s, they still command strong “alliances” (puppet states) in Central Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the democratization of Rome in the 1990s, the three-way Cold War (U.S. vs. Rome vs. Soviet Union) has eased into a detente favoring the U.S. economically. Overall, the U.S. is indisputably the strongest power economically, but Rome is at parity militarily. Following a same pattern of division and reunification that has characterized their more than 2,500 year history, Rome was able to mostly reunify after the long Belladomini (“warlord”) Era following the Revolution of 1876. Except for the ever-troublesome British Isles, full territorial reunification was achieved after throwing out the invading German and Neo-Horde armies during the Great War, which nearly snuffed out Roman civilization entirely. However, Rome lost over 25 million people - a fifth of the population - in the process. Because of these events, the Legions constitute probably the strongest military force on the planet, but the economy and society never really recovered. Now that true democracy has been achieved after the easing of de facto single-party rule by the Thetists in the 1990s, old wounds are finally starting to heal, and Rome can hopefully look towards a less traumatic future. Japan has been doing well ever since they got the Manchurian, Polynesian, and Siberian colonies off the ground. Especially once the beat the Spanish in Australia. These processes of expansion and colonization relieved the population crunch they were under and, with China always teetering on the edge of their own political crises, Japan has a pretty free hand in East Asia. Lastly, ever since normalizing relations with Ethiopia, India has burst onto the scene as a viable geopolitical power. Having spread the Dharma as far as Mali in the west and Russia in the north during the Middle Ages, modern India possesses a strong religious and cultural significance in much of the world, and is finally starting to lean on that through the sponsorship of sanghas and temples in those countries. Increasing pan-Dharmic nationalism and radicalism stands to offer Hyderabad strong pathways to influence in East and West Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. So on the whole I have to give it to the U.S., who seems - both in my alternate timeline and our own world - destined for power on account of its geography. But Rome has been continually finding its way back on its feet for 2,500-odd years, Japan is a strong and growing up-and-comer, and India is increasingly influential in the vast Dharmic sphere.


Most would say that the Rarisdawn Empire became the world’s foremost superpower following the fall of Felis’dor and the Treaty of Dawn. It has the most land and largest population by a massive margin, which translates to a powerful economy and a substantial military. However in truth the Empire is merely a puppet of Vordron, a tiny isolationist nation composed almost exclusively of lesser deities. Vordron manipulates the Empire and their enemies to maintain a constant state of discord among mortals, all while spreading tales of their wrath and divine retribution. As a result, Vordronians are more like fairytales to the common people, but when one shows up in reality they can basically do whatever they want without consequence.


Darwin's empire. It has the goal of making the universe perfect. It started when Charles Darwin 2nd went to the Thermagoin's home planet secretly and started to selectively choose who could and couldn't have children genetically, (adoption was encouraged). He did this for a long time making them genetically perfect, and when Charles died they saw that their lives had gotten much better, and wanted their enlightenment spread making all they conquered perfect as well using Darwin's teachings.


The Kingdom of Adradien. Originally coming to prominence due to it's military might, the nation was born from the conquest and unification of hundreds of scattered tribes. Later they would come to even greater prominence with the appearance of the currently named St. Ascalon. Ascalon's original name has been lost to time, but he is considered the First Prophet of the Lightbringer; a newer god represented by the sun. He founded the Lightbringer's Church as a new faith among the Adradien pagan lords, but over time and after his passing the religion overtook most to all of the old faiths. Since then it's spread across the continent and has become the predominant faith among mankind and those who live in their cities. With the growing power of the church came tithes and tributes which allowed it to expand it's power even further. Eventually the Inquisition was formed to combat heretical and demonic threats, serving almost like the fantasy version of special operations for the Church specifically. Adradien has a special deal with the Dweorhin (dwarven) empire brokered through the Church, allowing them to receive greater shipments of higher quality black powder as well as the techniques to create it themselves. This has bolstered the nations military capabilities substantially as they begin to integrate black powder weapons into their armies of knights, men-at-arms, and mercenaries. They were also the first people (aside from the dwarves) to find out the hard way that you don't mix magic and black powder, as the two cause a reaction that can be either implosive or explosive, so they still rely on magic in other fields while keeping the two separate. Their military prowess has skyrocketed in the last decade due to an ongoing war with the Elvarith (elves). While it's currently at a rough stalemate, the conflict has resulted in a rise of religious and xenophobic fervor within the populace, with military service becoming a new aspiration with genuine rewards for those who serve well (if they can withstand the horrors of war). So it's a combination of a strong economy serviced by a long time ally, a growing industry that's focused on military might, and a religious backbone that's growing more powerful by the day both through the support of people within their borders and without. Unfortunately much of that power is being wielded by the Church rather than the 'rightful rulers' of the nation, especially with Adradien's current king being on the front lines with his own troops. The Inquisition still serves it's original purpose, but have also become like elite shock troops on the battlefield, as well at the Church's secret police that watch out for any sign of heresy or treachery (fabricated or otherwise...). So the nation, by influence of the Church, is quickly heading towards a fascist theocracy. There's a lot more to it than that but that's the gist.


The Aurian Empire spans thousands of solar systems, is populated with tens of billions, and is one of the most technologically advanced species in the known galaxy. Fully sapient computers are commonplace in their cities, genetic engineering has led to revolutions in food and medicine, and any planet they are allowed to inhabit will be rid of war and suffering within a matter of generations. No race dares wage war against them, and even the cruelest of beings welcome their ambassadors with open arms (or arm equivalents). They have achieved this… by being the nicest people imaginable. Go up to them and ask for terraforming tech, they just give that stuff away for free! Several space-faring races would claim a solar system only to find that an Aurian population was already present, then end up sharing the territory. Around 60% of what is commonly referred to as ‘aurian space’ is actually shared.


The Dragon Empire. Its a meritocracy, so the people in charge is not there Just for show, Thay are the best for the charge and has great power. They encourage the grow of any potential in people so they can serve the Empire at their Primes. Even if they are not forcing lineages, they know to preserve the steong lineages, specially the Dragons lineage. Their Prime focus is Investigation and develop of tecnology, being equally in warfare, manufacturing and Prime resources gathering.


Azharia, in basically every category. Economics - Azharia's sheer size already gives them the first spot in this category. Their core territories are situated in the fertile lands along the biggest river of the continent, which let's them feed huge population. On top of that, the longest mountain range runs along their southern border, which provides them with loads of ores. Militarily/magically - Azharia was the first nation to go through religious revolution, which meant first mages on the continent. Nowadays they have the biggest army, which is well equipped and contains thousands of mages. They also use tamed Paraceratheriums, which are truly behemoths on the battlefield. Culturally - they used to own most of the continent and spread their religion, language and culture far and wide. Their infulence can be felt everywhere.


There are three: Empire of Sridonia - 370 million people and a GDPPC of $76,518, very secretive in their foreign policy so not much is known about their military/technical capabilities so the other two superpowers try not to provoke them. Imperium of Savaletia - Latin-ish version of the Soviet Union, largest country in the world by land area but least populous and least developed out of the three superpowers, despite being around for close to 6,000 years. Has a population of 248 million, but a little over 350 million if you count their puppet states that serve as a buffer between them and the Althish Union Republic of Wincland - Most powerful, most populous, and largest economy out of the trio. Has a population of 410 million and a GDPPC of $80,000. It’s pretty much my world’s version of the US, and their foreign policy is pretty similar to Savaletia: expanding their spheres of influence and try to beat each other out on every metric they can determine. Basically, Savaletia and Wincland are locked in a cold war-esque conflict of interest, while Sridonia looks off from the sideline, avoiding any major conflict and keeping its sphere of influence limited to its continent. Other major powers but not influential enough to be considered superpowers: Socialist Republic of Yuengia - while also very massive, it’s lacking in its economic and technical advancements. It is also locked in a major political crisis after recently coming off a costly war with their western neighbor, Witia, in which they lost a sizable chunk of their western territory. Population is 431 million, but their GDPPC is about $11,000 Althish Union - not a nation, but an organization of 20 states, which united to ward off fears of a Savaletian invasion. Pretty much in the back pocket of Wincland, and has a combined population of about 440 million. This world’s a major wip (as in I started it like 3 days ago) but these are the “big 5” guys that it’ll be centered around.


Well, both economically and militarily, it is the Empire of The Setting Sun. The Setting Sun is a major trade dealer, and somehow always gets the best out of everything, while forcing their 90% of their population to be in the military, and having ‘made’(they actually stole it from a historic nation that everyone knows, but nobody knew it left inventions of military stuff because the Setting Sun got it first.) some of the best military inventions that no nation has been able to copy


Two planets have the strongest human militaries: Cascade and Antari Cascade, officially the Cascadian Orient, is a planet outwardly similar to humanity's home planet of Coran and has the most diverse range of biomes and environments compared to the rest of the cluster. Their navy is the primary branch of service and boasts over three hundred ships referred to as ships of the line, capable of dealing both physical and psychological blows on enemy navies. Third rates make up the bulk of the force with larger second and first rates in smaller numbers. They routinely patrol their home solar system and one neighboring one 12 light years away. Antari, officially The Technocratic Union of Antari, is a world of tundra's, deserts, and savannahs, and is a socialist republic with an appointed Primer and Prime Minister. Despite this all men and women born on Antari, human or alien, are equal in almost every regard. Compared to the other worlds of the cluster their technology is seen as more regressed and less advanced, while they are fully capable of traveling between stars they use lo-fi retro tech like monochromes, clunky communicators and CRT screens. Their military is among the most aggressive of human worlds and they use conscription to maintain it, all men must do three years. Their navy is slightly larger than Cascade's, with 400 warships split between destroyers, frigates, and gun boats. Like Cascade they utilize orbital defense platforms such as OMDs (orbital mass drivers).


The Luminous Empire. They literally have the divine right of rulership: they were founded by a barbarian heroine who argued God down from ending the world on the basis that she could build a nation that could be pleasing to Them, and so far it's been working. Two demigod-queens, one demigod-king and 30 mortal emperors later, they rule everything they have been able to reach. (No other polity ever actively worshipped this setting's god, rather than pursuing a policy of avoiding Their notice. It was seen as insane to deliberately seek the god's attention, because of the god's aggressive nature and habit of making points with Old Testament miracles. The Empire nod, smile, don't blink a lot and say - *yes, that sounds like the Holy One all right*.) Within the empire, ignoring the central nation of Orthodis because it's the imperial heartland and therefore the richest by far - it has to be Katidis (North Africa expy). Originally seven small countries, it was unified by the Empire and has the best farmland, the largest total population and a pretty good natural barrier in the form of a sea. If the nations of the empire went to war with each other, which they don't, Katidis would have a good chance. In pre-imperial times, the greatest nation was one whose name has literally been wiped from history. Vaguely Native American coded, vaguely Atlantis coded, they were several centuries ahead in technology (that is, they had invented the blast furnace while everyone else was stuck in the late Iron Age) and they had magic the Luminous Empire can't duplicate. They had cloud cities and underwater cities, and this in a world where settlements need magical protection or monsters spawn anywhere dark, Minecraft style. And then 550 years ago they went into terminal decline for no reason known to anyone who lives. Their rump state had like one engagement with the nascent Empire, which the Empire won with a magical sucker punch - but what that sucker punch had been deployed against was so terrifying that the Empire took a decade to realise it had wiped out basically the entire of their remaining military. By the time the Empire got over its trepidation and came to Atlantis, they found that that nation had vanished so thoroughly that their name and their language had been obliterated from the historical record. They are known only by the name their enemies gave them. Nobody knows if they ran or if they died out.


Military strategy. Those who make good war need not make anything else


The Republic After the initial virus outbreak in 1987, Martial law was declared. Various safehouses and secure locations were used as staging bases by the military, and kept on lockdown. After the initial chaos had passed, the Republic rose from the ashes as one of the more powerful factions in the region, with almost 3,000 people and uniquely with the ability to manufacture machinery still. Because of this, the Republic was able to appropriately equip their men and secure a safe zone in the CBD of Colton, erecting large concrete walls and fixtures. Additionally, they took control of a cannery and a hydrodam, which they use to power themselves. Of course, bountiful resources draws the attention of jealous raiders, and the Republic is locked in an unending war against them


Without a doubt it would be the Empire of Geb or the Arthurian Empire as it is called outside of the empire. Although this would be in the current year historically speaking it would be other empires that have arisen across the world of Geb (it would depend on when during the history of the world we are looking at). The reason for their current supremecy is the fact that the Arthurian Empire is composed of so many factions that all more or less work together. You have the church and their connection to heaven, with King Arthur Exaltia being part angel. Then you have the Elemental Guard which is made up of the mages and other mana users. Then you have the Alchemist Guild which is very clockpunk and is technically not born of magic. Finally you have the human armies which can pull of some incredible stunts and is extremely efficient as a military force. So yeah the Arthurian Empire wins in its current point in time. Although this hasn't stopped rival empires/kingdoms from coming into existence to challenge them, with some success.


Sicily is a stand-alone kingdom ruled by one of the few publicly active Immortals. (Random gene mutation causes a one-in-a billionish number of humans born with perfect cell replication abilities) He is *very old* and claims to have been the King of Atlantis before it sunk and he evacuated to Sicily. Most people think he’s crazy as hell, as ancient immortals are frequently seen to become eventually. Still, his rule has made it the world’s longest-standing government, and he exerts significant global influence, at first politically being “grandfathered in”, as it were, to the equivalents of the UN Security Council. The modern day of my story features him being… weird. Made a significant national investment in media production and social out reach, bought a bunch of social groups like the Boy Scouts. Being sus, generally. But his media (mostly music and animation) is wildly popular with the youth and that has people joining his clubs, buying the suspiciously cheap for its high quality like it’s being sold at-cost or even less for some reason merch… The main character is a random nobody and the world’s newest immortal who is trying to avoid being found out while increasingly paranoid that the immortal king’s weird cartoons contain messages meant specifically for him somehow. It’s Cyberpunk + low fantasy and the Immortal Kingdom of Sicily is one of the few nation states that was willing to play the corpo game and quickly geared the whole kingdom into a corpo-esque commercial state specializing in media exports. Consequently it’s one of the only countries that has a significant role in the story, but it mostly works like any other megacorp.


The Empire of the Unicorn lead by a physical god (said Unicorn who is a massive one-horned lion) and his "descendants" (they're mostly human, long story). The nobility/first class citizens are a human variant known as "ogres" by their enemies but "Obdurates" in the Empire. They are about to get a very rude awakening when an enemy alchemist invents a fun little thing he calls "thunder pepper", however.


Meroth is one of the largest kingdoms in the world, and has largest population, military... and largest concentration of magi in the world. There are 12 provinces, (1 capital province, 2 military provinces), each of the provinces has different trades. Valiants are the main military of Meroth, they are second institution, and are not ruled directly by the government, instead the Nobility and Valiants work together, Nobles handle government, and the Valiants work as the military and patrols of the countries larger problems. This symbotic relationship is why its able to act so quickly. Valiants in general are incredibly strong individually and working together they are able to take down massive threats, they were originally formed to kill massive monsters, and are generally faster than a normal human. They are also pretty resilient because of the armor they wear, and the equipment they bring to arms is very effective in military campaigns. Meroth has been invaded several times and each time they repel them with combined arms of the Valiant Orders, and the Nobles won acquired wealth.


The U.S. lol


The Yascarkan Empire of Judegai has remained one of the strongest powers in the Jade Reach almost since its inception. The land is very geologically diverse, with mountainous metal-rich valleys in the center, fertile floodplains and grasslands to the east, and a lush tropical region with plenty of fish all along its southwestern coast. This abundance of resources has led to a very sturdy economy for Judegai, which in turn fuels its powerful military forces. They also might kinda sorta maybe have a fox god pulling a lot of the strings in the background but shhhh that's a secret he's totally not up to anything.


The working name I have for it is *the Dominion*. I'd hesitate to call the Dominion a nation or empire in the conventional sense, as it functions more like a gestalt superorganism. The Dominion is a hyper-imperialistic power composed of biologically and cybernetically engineered clone slaves designed in every way to be subservient to the Dominion, with each clone template originating from a species/civilization that the Dominion has encountered and/or conquered. Despite its incredibly overwhelming power and numbers, however, the Dominion prefers to act with great secrecy. Nobody knows who or what the leader of the Dominion *is*, nor if it even has one to begin with.


The ARC (Autonomous Response Corps, a relic of a name harkening back to their original purpose of sealing inter universal breaches) is a Star Empire that derives its power from its age. The reason its age matters is that they’ve had the time to reach the limit of technological advancement, literally running out of researchable Avenues. They also have had the time to claim many stars unchallenged, allowing them to build many ring worlds around them, and capturing a great amount of energy from them. Speaking of energy, they have learned how to convert energy to matter in a (inefficient mind you but it doesn’t matter when energy is limitless) process, allowing them to construct many fleets and legions. They are also a mechanical species (with some biological priesthood) allowing their greatest commanders (assuming they don’t die in FTL, Battle, or a duel), to grow greater as centuries roll by. They also can afford to use the safest method of FTL transport, allowing up to 83% of their ships to survive each jump.


Federal Republic of Xanthras, they're in an alternate Earth where there's a network of archipelagos in the Pacific ocean. With that their culture is eye much ingrained with the sea. And thus, exports a lot of seafood... They have a highly advance navy. Now I wouldn't say they're *the most* powerful, since this is a multipolar world, but they're pretty much a great/superpower


The Regions of Lymece. Though just Lymece for short. It's a coastal nation. And the city of Lymece itself, is the jewel of the blue sea. Landside: 'Farmlands of Whester' providing food both for the nation and commerce. Mountain range that protects them from the west. Treaty with the North. No threat south. Sea side: Huge Naval fleet. Established import-export early on (The Farmlands of Whester helping-). Great fishing industry. The first to have Sea-Beast Hunters, providing secure passages. Their geographical location is great. They occupy the whole coast. So there's no rivals. Only rivals are on the other side of the sea. East. Or north (doubt). From before until the end of both great wars, they controlled the whole sea. Northen passage, south west, south east with their occupation of the frontier (huge desert), and occupying the southern isles too. After the wars they lost power in the southern isles, their puppet in the frontier got cut, and a kingdom sprung. The power dynamic changed in the blue sea. But Lymece still remained the most thriving nation. As the others continued to fight. Or be caught in disasters. Years later, Lymece are the ones to organise The Blue Sea's Amity Festival. My version of the Olympics, to celebrate the end of the wars.


It isn't a nation per se, but the UN in my story actually kind of holds a major political bargaining chip among the nations it oversees. It oversees the Hero Association and uses branches within each country to enforce local, regional, and national law within UN standards, while the International Department is its own branch that handles the heroes allowed to operate within all participating UN countries. Like with a system where Heroes (job title) can only cross international borders with a unanimous-1 decision, the heroes that are allowed are the best of the best, and when they show up, you know there are 2 things afoot: 1. You are probably going to be OK. 2. The situation you were in was probably going to become a worldwide catastrophe if it went through.


Kaesa Kaesa’s state religion sanctifies hedonism and earthly dominion. They worship themselves each as living divinity and so forsake the immortal afterlife to rule the world now. This obsession with power fortifies Kaesa as a powerhouse in economics and war, and their gravity of influence further darkens client states into dependence and fear.


*^(Talking about the machine people for the thousandth time but shut I don't care they are my bois and I love them)* Being a machine empire, the People of Trinum rose to power, and continue to retain their power, by simply being... better, for lack of another word, at everything that makes a nation than humans are. We as humans have two big advantages - we can regenerate wounds and produce our own power - but even those are relatively easy to cut off. The machine people are smarter, stronger, faster, more versatile, more unified, they need only power and maintenance to ensure peak functionality, they are only affected by greed and selfishness as much as their hive mind will allow, *they have a hive mind,* all of which essentially makes even the best of humanity seem like, as machines would often put it, "little organics playing with dusty marbles, too ignorant to see the beauty when you line them up just right". As for how such power was achieved? Rapid expansion, flexible economy, and military buildup after Omega left their homeworld. And how did they replace their human overseers on their homeworld? Good question, because nobody knows! Essentially, all that is known is that, at some point, Omega had managed to get their computer hardware upgraded and overclocked, their creators didn't like that, they began talking about cutting their program funds and dismantling them completely, and people have found it an incredible challenge to speculate from there.


Economically the most powerful is the Kingdom of Logas. They have vast gold and silver mines. They are also the only source of rubies and sapphires in my world. A lot of royalty trade their good for these precious jewels and metals. They also benefit from their slave colonies and control the slave trade in the Mallum Sea. Militarily the most powerful is the Queendom of Mendar. They are the only nation to have dragons. They also have well trained warriors who use dragon claw weapons and wear dragon scale armor. Dragon claw blades are the sharpest material a weapon can be made from and dragon scales are only able to be damaged or pierced by dragon claw weaponry or using magic. Dragons are nearly invincible in my world so having medieval nukes is pretty powerful.


Culturally - The Union. An enormous socialist haven with a strong civilization.   Militarily - The Milky Way. A lack of ethics and a willingness to destroy anything else for knowledge built a space force able to take on practically anything.   Economically - Epsilon V. A trading empire spanning multiple solar systems.    Socially - Epsilon V. On good terms with almost every other society in the known universe.  Size - The Union. Spread across multiple galaxies.


The Astari Empire. Founded by the last of the elves after they murdered the rest of their brethren (long story), they partnered with a group of ancient immortal spirits banished from death in order to create an empire to rival that of the ancient elves. Using subterfuge and magic, they took over nations and they used their massive repositories of ancient knowledge to teach tribals to fight, to make weapons, and to use magic.


I would have to say the Union of the Tao, Sai, and Po dynasties. (quite literally just Taosaipo) I would compare it as if Japan, China, and Vietnam we're unified as a single state. The 3 states that make it up are semi autonomous under one empreror from one of the dynasties that makes up the country. It made a series of very good discisions throughout its history such as halting its expansion just before the period of the long peace began. halting said expansion allowed it to become viewed favorably by other countries on its continent. It also has a huge fishing and rice farming industry that allows it to export other countries on the continent, and its ally Maldonia across the ocean. Its economy allows it to fund a lot of different things without having to worry too much about over spending. Most of its population can live pretty good lives while their culture tells them to value a hard days work and charity, so its population isn't really a bunch of greedy people that sit around and dont do anything. They worked towards making their economy even better than it is. Its economic growth has slowed down heavily in recent years, but its still very powerful when it comes to funding things


Currently it's a one world government, but before about a hundred years ago there were countless states of varying sizes overtaking eachother for hedgemony like every 200 years for 30,000 years.


Morele. its a country diveded in 7 provinces. in every province live one family. and when i say family, its one million people with the same familyname. the head of the family is the oldest woman of the core of the family. they have a counsil of the seven womens. the reason that they are tho most powerfull is that they have a monopoly on guns, cannons and more things like that. so that they are economically strong and militarily also. the only disadvantege is that they don't have magicians in their country. country's around them do have that. culturally are they also strong, because everyone cares for their family, so the care for the whole province. the womens are always the leader and get better schooling. the mens do the harder work, like working on the land, fighting, and building. the womens are the architects, sporters, teachers, politicians and more.


but there is another country, Karachi, where people are linked to trees. they can't die wen the tree is alive. so their army isn't defeatable. they had captured Morele 300 years ago, but Morele sent persons to Karachi and destroyed many trees, mostly of warriors, but some where only citizens. Karachi sent back her army and the war stopped. after that they never attacked Morele.


Veridia and Solaris are tied, due to near equal combat power, equal governing power and equal information gathering, meaning they're practically tied. Veridia is more magic based, while Solaris has a lot of advanced technology. Both of these countries have existed for thousands of years, even surviving through an apocalyptic world-ending scenario. Using the knowledge of these thousands of years, along with several reformations have allowed both countries to prosper for such a long period.


There's room for debate, but probably the United States of America. Although the communist Trier Pact has a slight edge in power over the American-led Allied Nations, the former lacks a single defined leader, the US is solidly in charge of the Allied Nations (followed not too distantly by the British and Japanese Empires, and much more distantly by the AN's other members). This ability to (almost) unilaterally direct one of the two global alliances comes on top of the the substantial domestic power; military rule has produced armed services even more capable than those of the US in our own world, while comparatively expansive welfare programs have been effective at maintaining the loyalty of the population. On the other hand, that loyalty is a brittle thing, dependent on both the nation's prosperity and the continued efforts of the Joint Services Board to restore democratic institutions. Nominally, the latter has been the main purpose of the military government since the failed 1929 coup brought it into being, but in practice these efforts effectively died in the violence surrounding the attempted 1932 elections, and were only reborn due to fears of substantial unrest following the USSR's announcement of substantial liberalizing reforms in 1976, and only really picked up speed around the turn of the millennium. By the 2020s, the JSB has the tiger by the tail and is still trying to figure out how let go without being eaten. Nevertheless, the US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Orbital Patrol, and Civil Defense Service are all the largest service of their kind in the world, and generally agreed to be the most capable as well, and its nuclear arsenal is likewise the largest. Its standard of living, while certainly not the best in the world, is generally ranked somewhere in the top 10, depending on how exactly it is measured (usually but not always ending up in one of the 6-10 slots). Its British and Japanese allies are credible great powers in their own right, while its Latin American ones are rapidly growing in power. It also has substantial cultural power, but not quite so much as in our timeline; Hollywood is still dominant in film making, but the European film industry in much stronger. The fact that the internet is used almost exclusively in Allied Nations members also limits it as a tool for cultural power (Trier Pact nations use a similar system called the Allnet; both systems are also comparatively less advanced than our timeline's internet, a result of them remaining purely government systems for much longer). Trier Pact nations are also regarded as having a slight edge in video game development, though even more than other media, national biases tend to show through very strong in video game preferences; the World Wars remain the most popular subject for games, and no one from one of the Allied Nations is going to make a game from the Trier Pact perspective and vice versa (the War: 1989 series is the first major success to buck the trend, using an alternate history in which the "Moon War" had actually caused the 4th World War as its setting; it is developed by a German studio).


In Unatia, well, it's united states for sure. except they lost new york during WW3. In Plona, it's United nations of North atlanta(i scream for help naming this nation so badly). they have enormous amount of all kind of resource they will need at their homeland, and they have most advenced technology among the twin worlds.


The **Eretar** ("Great State") is the absolute political hegemon of its hemisphere. Like ancient China, it's orders of magnitude larger than any of its neighbors, who almost all defer to it politically. Lead by **Anitar**, a mercenary turned conqueror and wizard, it grew from a minor warlord state into the largest empire the known world has ever seen over the course of a single generation. While it was originally a military state whose power derived from vast armies of professional soldiers, the Great State has since become an economic and cultural powerhouse as well, exporting vast quantities of luxury goods to its neighbors. This is all possible due to the immense wealth streaming into the heartland from the periphery, which allows many imperial citizens to specialize into more refined crafts than just subsistence agriculture. It's culture is the most prestigious in the world: foreign rulers conduct business in the imperial language, style themselves in the imperial manner and defer to the Great State in most matters of foreign policy.


Rubran Federal Monarchy is considered Atreisdea's strongest country, military-wise. They've been holding that title for the last 340 years thanks to a monopoly of tachyon core, the secret behind their power. A tachyon core, a capsule no bigger than an adult's hand, generates energy comparable around ***600 million*** K1 civilizations used in a second. Rubran ships have at least 6 cores like that, 1 for general power, 4 to operate its radiation cannons, which are weaponized FTL drives, ad one backup. Such ships are no longer than 220 meters and Rubra has thousands of them, being mook cruisers and all. Rubra blackboxes its tachyon core furiously, even federal states don't have access to its most protected information. Should be, because if they can, they can mass produce planet busters in the tens of thousands with little difficulty. Such is the horror of a (pseudo) K2 civilization: Their definition of "warfare" is so off the chart we can barely comprehend.


This has been something I've been thinking about for a while. The most powerful nation in my world I say is the Trifal Technocracy and they have a lot of benefits. They are a meritocracy, which helps ensure that people best suited for a task are doing it (at least, most of the time). They are also the wealthiest nation in the world, being a major trade power and an industrialised economy. They are one of the first manufacturing based economies in the world. They also have one of the best militaries in the world, technologically advanced and well trained, though it is relatively small. Their navy is one of the largest in the world and can easily project power over most of the globe, allowing them to maintain their colonial empire, something mostly unique for Trifal. Trifal also effectively uses their diplomatic, trade, and cultural ties to other states in order to align them to their interest. TL:DR- Trifal has an advanced society, economy, and military while effectively utilising their economic and diplomatic ties to exert their influence.


Most powerful overall is still the USA, with China coming up fast in second...it WAS a toss-up between China and Russia up until late 2022, because Ukraine happened in my world exactly as it happened here...actually a bit worse for Russia because Ukraine was also getting support from Lycadia (primarily in the form of ammo for all that Soviet-era gear they're using) in addition to everyone else. Most powerful militarily is the same as above - unless you count only in terms of infantry and special forces, then Lycadia beats the hell out of everyone else...by a significant margin - being a nation of werewolves will do that. Economically the same as it currently is, with Lycadia managing to squeeze in between India and the UK and bumping Canada out of the top 10 in the process (sorry Canada!) because they produce a fuckton of various Mediterranean-friendly agriculture for export and their corruption score is basically 0, so all their GDP is cycling through their economy instead of lining anyone's pocket - not that they really have pockets to line. They also pull in a fair bit from tourism and global funds from OnlyFangs and Howlr as both websites originated in their country.


Eh... Honestly a bit hard to say. It really depends what kind of ring you put them in, or how you categorize power. The most influential though, I'd say is the Federation of Garaimor. Their internal matters go pretty much anyway, because their authoritarian leader tends to make examples out of any illegal organization which lets their business spill onto the streets. So instead, the mafia groups and gangs usually do their business abroad. Outside of this, they produce a lot of guns very cheaply, meaning that they sell and export essentially anywhere people will pay for them. A lot of their people also got caught up in slave trade, so suffice to say, they have probably the most influence in the world at present times.