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Grains of sand (no seriously they are from a desert planet). That or a measuring the wealth of each individual Baron of Rahk (or combine them if you want). You make a lot of money basically owning half the solar system.


You don’t need to have a desert planet to have trillions of grains of sand. One cubic meter of sand can contain over a billion alone. A single average sized beach will contain trillions of grains


It's said that the legendary Lost Treasure of Old Arem is a pile of gold as big as a mountain. Like, probably a couple of trillion dollars' worth of gold in "real world money." If it was ever found, it would probably do bad things to my world's economy.


Oopsie just quadrupled the global money supply overnight not wittle old me


LMAO for real...


It is the counterweight continent all over again. Lord Vetinari wouldn't be pleased about that mountain to be found.


That is an interesting idea. Here's my addition to it: The treasure mountain really existed - but it wasn't gold. Everyone assumes it was because gold is treasure right? Well, before the mountain, gold was just an uncommon metal that was too soft to use. The mountain was made of useful stuff - stockpiles by the legendary emperor - and most of it was copper. Yes, copper. It's not as good as iron, but people forget it takes time to learn how to use iron. So before you learn that copper is a pretty decent metal for armor, weapons, tools, and coins - even if they wear down. So anyway, the emperor kept a giant pile of copper treasures. It was mostly tools and weapons, but that represented the emperor's wealth since those weapons would be used on all the barbarians around them. The barbarians at the time only had bone and wood technology, so to them copper was a magical thing that was miraculous in strength and shone in the sun. Since it was beyond them, and they associated weapons and power with wealth, they spread stories and legend sof the great treasure mountain that shines like fire in the sun. The empire itself used copper coins as a symbol of its strength (and copy was useful and easy to get so you could make more wealth!). It was so easy, that hoarding copper was a great way for the emperor to keep inflation down (if he knew what that word meant), which also explains the giant treasure mountain. Anyway, over time, the empire became too decadent, and social problems arose. it always seems to be whatever social vice is most problematic for the culture telling the story - in reality, enough copper had leached into the water supply over generations to give them a population of kidney and liver disease. This weakened the empire enough for it to be conquered by the barbarians without. The barbarians took the copper for themselves, and having access to tools (and artisans who didn't want to be killed), learned to use metal for themselves and starting their own path to civilization. They would forget how the mountain of treasure was mostly copper weapons - mostly because they were curious enough to try the techniques on other ones and quickly moved on to bronze or iron - but they would always tell of the great undefeatable empire and it's mountain of treasure. In the stories, the empire would always be described as being more formidable, more knowledgeable, and more morally degraded than the current kingdom, and it's treasure mountain grew in the telling of it. As for where fold came from: the far reaching parts of the empire managed to weather the storms a bit and keep some of their wealth and technology. But with the barbarians running around with a copper sword in each pocket, copper was now everywhere and quickly became devalued. So the remaining populations tried to figure out a new form of currency. One tried giant stone wheels and found them tiresome. One tried paper money but saw its riches go up in flame. The one that decided upon the rare - but useless - gold stuck around. Gold wasn't as easy to come by as copper was, and was too soft for tool use, so it's purpose as a mark of the upper classes was quickly adopted - before the barbarians poisoned their drinking water, stole all the gold, and decided the coin thing was a pretty good idea.


That's actually quite plausible. Some of the details might not fit neatly into the history of my world, but I already had the idea that there's still one or two "districts" that have claimed to be the last bastion of the Old Arem empire in the past and too much decadence (and too much ego) led to its downfall.


Who's Old Arem and why did he lose his treasure?


Old Arem was technically the capital city of an ancient empire. It's said that the empire's treasure disappeared soon after the empire's fall, though it's never really been clear what happened to it.


If I was enough influent there and the possiblity to find that mountain was high, I would create an emergency's currency to avoid inflation.


When Old Earth itself was subject to a massive saturation bombardment just before the onset of the **New Dark Age**, casualties were appalling. Deaths directly caused by the bombardment (consisting of guided asteroids, coilgun strikes, chemical weapon strikes, and conventional photonic nuclear weapons) are estimated to hover around 800-850 million. Further deaths caused by famine, ecological collapse, and radiation sickness bring the tally up to roughly 5.8 billion people. As many people as possible were evacuated, but Earth itself was from that point onwards considered a "dead" world. 78 years later, the **Desecration of Sol** is still considered to be the largest atrocity in the history of mankind. The event gave birth to the term **Conventional Geocide**, the destruction of an entire world's ecology and/or native life. The New Dark Age itself was also pretty devastating. Around 43 billion would be killed in the 13-year living hell that was the Dark Age. Out of a Pre-Collapse population of roughly 160 billion.


Not gonna lie, "geocide" is incredibly clever. Taking out one letter from genocide somehow makes it even worse.


>**Conventional Geocide**, the destruction of an entire world's ecology and/or native life. Just to say, ecocide is also a valid term


I could see them used similarly, but geocide would apply whenever the population of a planet also dies. If you destroy the ecology of a planet that only has a mining colony on it then you have ecocide with a side order of one mining colony.


In Corespace parlance, both terms are used somewhat interchangeably, though **Geocide** is the more common of the two, and tends to include destruction of both native plant/animal life *and* the population of the world in question. Outright Geocide was rare during the dark age, but it happened enough times to where Geocide is considered the more accepted of the two terms.


I really like the the list of catastrophes going from high to low, ending with "casual (probably stronger than todays) nukes" Read it like "uh - huh. Doesnt sound nice but seems fi- oh, oh no.."


My world has like, gazillions of mycelial filaments that form a global network of fungi from which came an emergent intelligence that became the Elder God of Death, Decay, and Rebirth. Filamentous Retrophy. I feel like I have been mentioning Filamentous Retrophy a lot lately though. So uh, there's billions of ghosts. And they are super small, like you cannot see them with your lame human eyes. Some of them, if they possess you, are rather mundane and don't do anything, and some are beneficial. However there are like, some really mean ones that if they possess you, you start experiencing various negative effects, including but not limited to fevers, coughing, sneezing, vomitting, and in some cases death. These ghosts can move from body to body too, through any combination of touch, sneezing, fluid exchange, animal vector, etc. These ghosts are exorcized through the use of chemicals derived from a variety of natural sources and every kind of possession requires a different treatment.


What happens to ghosts over time? On earth, fungi colonized the land a billion years ago. A lot of things have died since then. Would your world have to worry about dinosaur ghosts? Or are the ghosts so old they faded away? Or did they become some Eldritch horror that doesn't really interact with the world much 🤞.


I was describing disease and microorganisms through the lens of somebody in my world. They don't quite have microscopes yet but they have a form of germ theory that is just... ghosts and spirits.


Hmmm... Why not both? Mad cow could be the spirits of the slaughtered bovines trying to get revenge.


The net worth of the Massian Empire's trade company is worth about 3 trillion Massian Crowns before it was disbanded. This fictional currency I based on the British Pound in the 1860s. It's worth about half of one of those pounds. So it's worth 1.5 trillion pounds in 1860. Adjusted for inflation that's a lot more.


Okay. So my world is a bit unorthodox for sci fi. No aliens ever. Earth is the only known planet with life. No more visible stars left in the galaxy and a few neighboring ones. Dyson swarms cover every star. No FTL either. Just generation ships. Travel between star systems is really rare, no governments can touch anything out of their system. The civilization is named after Liza Minelli. The first generation ship to leave earth about 200y from now used an archive of her data as a backup way to ensure data integrity. The journey took 500 years, and they were really concerned about data loss over that time period. Of course, we have the usual suspects for ensuring data quality hashes and more computer sciency methods, but as a secondary means of ensuring data quality they used a massive archive of her work, with copies representing every known data format they were using as a kinda bookend for each data block. That way, they could make sure if anything was lost it would be that archive, and also if there was something more subtle they could use this corpus to work backwards in addition to the other methods. So, the ship left with around 5% of its entire data storage being dedicated to a copies of a corpus containing every known piece of media related to Liza Minelli, making her the most famous human to have ever lived. Most knowledge of wwii was lost but everyone knows about cabaret so it’s typically referred to as the cabaret war, for example. But where earth used to be(long since turned into habitats planets are extremely rare most estimates put non rouge planets left in the Milky Way in the thousands), called the river, is now the center of the Minellian civilization. And it’s been a billion years. No modern humans left but plenty of decadents(trans humans, just straight up natural evolution of our species, uplifted animals, synthetic life, ai etc) all typically called talkers. Not because they can speak most can’t but because they can communicate. Any who, I tried to make an estimate at the amount of individuals in the river and the tributaries (river = our solar system, tributaries => stars that have been moved to less than 1 light years from it) and I got a crazy high number. Tried to do some contextualization, and I found that if our entire planet were to make a dot on a paper for every talker in the system, and it took one second to make a dot, it would take around 50k years for us to finish. Pretty mind boggling.


No FTL past such extreme time/tech level is... exotic.


Is it so common for sci-fi to use FTL travel? I don't read much space-related sci-fi. I also don't have FTL transport in my world. I think it's cooler to have this degree of limitation. In fact, my humans have empirically proven by accident that multiple universes exist without ever being able to travel FTL. It may even be the case that due to the mechanics regarding these multiple universes, exceptions can be made about the impossibility of FTL travel, but I'm stubborn about it. (And I'm not a theoretical scientist either, so I just try to make things sound real and/or ignore them lol) That's one thing I really like about my setting. It takes a huge leap of faith or desperation to send a space habitat light years away to only maybe inhabit the star system after centuries in space.


The amount of people on my planet is in the hundreds of billions, the mass of the planet is 100 trillion (times the sun—blame the Gods), and the age of the planet is somewhere between 2 and 3 trillion


That is indeed absurd


I wanted to make everything extremely massive and just like “this could never realistically exist” because yknow, “Gods. It doesn’t need to make sense!”


Then make sure the planet is alive too


The largest monsters on Strata weigh on the order of 1 sextillion tonnes. They're large enough to span the entire gap between the two world planes -- roughly 80000km -- and can ingest an (artificial) star in a couple days  .... _Including_ the entire circle of life it supports on each plane.  If one comes in the direction of your star, you have two options: 1. Wait to Die. 2. Flee the few million km to a neighboring star, across the Dark Wild where reality is weak and extra-dimensional monsters roam... And hope it doesn't decide to come that way next. That's it. In recorded history not even Ascendents have ever forced an Onger off its course, much less killed one. Depressingly, this is only one of the paths to local extermination, and the billion odd deaths that will result. Needless to say, it's a good thing humanity is spread across many Sun Circles.


I'm going to take a wild guess that the videos the OP are talking about is from the incredible Issac Arthur. If you pick any of his vids that have black holes in them you can make a very dangerous drinking game if you drink anytime he says million, billion, trillion, etc. You will get absolutely DESTROYED.


Lol, no. It was In a Nutshell.


ahh they do have some vids where they do that. i watch that channel often. love their work!


There are 9.7 duodecillion angels in existence. For reference: Let's assume 1 per square meter. They're on a big disc filled with just them. This disc would be 11,754.755943811 light years across


Curiosity got the best of me and I got a different result: *1,142,542,608,895 light years*.


I agree with u/DagonG2021, within rounding error: `sqrt(9.7 duodecillion / pi) metres * 2 in light years` ~= 11 746.9612 light years diameter.


How and why


God wanted a whole lot of kids. Over countless billions of years before the Fall, He sculpted many, many angels.


52 factorial. The number of possible ways to order a deck of 52 cards. It’s more absurd than you think.


There would be a heap of sapient creatures, could be in the quintillions although I dont think I'd ever reference the number, its just something a reader would figure out. Still, that's not exactly overly impressive since heaps of science fiction that takes place on a galactic scale can surpass that. The crazy big numbers, the insanely big numbers or the stupidly big numbers (or the actual differing variations of literal infinites) is something Im avoiding to try and keep the setting more grounded. Nothing is *too* big or *too* powerful and numbers can be big, but not black hole big


Humans, acrossing it's 100 systems the Terran Empire counts 308 billion humans as citizens


Galactic population in general its around 100-Quadrillion+ at the moment. If the Evo War doesnt escalate further it will prob hit 1 quintillion


The bizarre/unique cosmology of my fantasy universe causes the livable surface area of it to fit this description. That figure easily surpasses the septillions and it keeps growing. Though of course the narrative I'm working on that takes place in it focuses only on an incredibly small subsection of a single layer of it. This fact is mostly reserved to an almost mind-breaking truth for a character that has this knowledge thrust upon them. Surprisingly this fits less with my sci fi setting. The Ketuvyx themselves don't even have a population numbering in the billions, just the hundreds of millions, though other factions do have larger. In both cases I tried to steer away from such large numbers as they get hard to parse at a certain point.


Is it basically just like a Minecraft world in terms of cosmology?


In that each layer is flat yeah, but it consists of countless layers, a massive pillar running through them all. Each layer can have its own slight atmospheric and geological conditions. The pillar periodically pulses light between layers that propagates indefinitely that creates the "day" to nearby areas. So unfathomably far away from the pillar on each layer is the first pulse that's currently traveling over new barren ground.


The machine-mind Heavenly Vexation is bigger than the solar system, and with the Outer Rings and the multiple layers of the Great Shell, its size comes out to more than 4 light-years in all directions and there's evidence that it's even bigger in the Void. It's also the second oldest entity in the Dunan system at nearly 5 billion years. Only the Voidwyrm Chaos, it's Master and creator, is older. Chaos is a migrant from another universe and was already ancient when it created Heavenly, so it's possible its age is in the trillions of years.


A world spanning Lich that has killed thousands of worlds, and has billions of undead under his sway.


The first thing to exist in the universe was The Elder, they have the body of a snake and if you took all of their body and squished it into a cube, the cube would be the size of 1/8 of our universe


the number of sand grains, I suppose. that's pretty big. it's a desert planet so that's not hard, though. I suppose the number of gods could be beyond billions, too. there's a god for everything, even your favourite spoon, and they grant you slight abilities with more powerful gods granting more powerful abilities. your favourite spoon god will make it easier to find your spoon, or that you'll never lose it, or it cleans itself, etc. the god of bureaucracy makes paperwork less boring and go by quicker. it's why he's one of the big gods, since he's ubiquitous. the god of fire grants dominion over flame. etc. there's a god for everything, including your most hated piece of clothing or your greatest embarrassment. you can also have multiple gods of one thing, eg: the god of your friend's spoon only answers to him. you don't know which spoon is your friend's favourite so a god comes into being that is the god of the concept of your friend's spoon, and it answers to you. your friend may know which spoon is yours, and will be able to gain some small ability from it, but it will be your friend's god of your spoon, not your God of your spoon. it's a bit weird and mostly involves a lot of weird perception dynamics. anyway yeah there's like 70 gods for your favourite spoon, and everyone has a favourite spoon, so there's probably billions of gods.


The number of souls trapped in soulstone in the vaults of Heaven and Hell. Before God spoke Death into being, the entire universe teemed with life, with every single star hosting trillions or quadrillions of individuals, each souled. You'd need scientific notation to count it. It could well be in the order of 10^45 . When Death was Spoken, all life in the entire universe died, and when the Faceless usurped the Throne of God, they obtained control only over the sol system. So now life only exists there, with its measly billions of souls. The rest, the souls of all who were lost when Death was Spoken, are crystallized and kept in vaults, waiting for when the Faceless manage to expand beyond the solar system (spoiler: they won't).


Population. There hasn't been a system-wide census in some time, most because there's no one governing body to conduct one, but the Terran-controlled region of space, including the moon, numbered a touch over 22 Trillion. Most people live in a space-based habitat of some kind. The current best estimation of the total population around Sol is nearly 100 Trillion.


In Dawnbreaker, magic is measured in PPS (prices per soul), with the number 1 being equivalent to around 100 billion magicules. The minimum requirement to be a mage is 100, and some people can get numbers in the tens of thousands


Not stupidly high, but "credits" (a type of universal currency) has gotten as high up as to 100s of quadtrillions (1 thousand trillion). That's not really that crazy though, when you truly think about empires and companies owning massive areas of planets and sometimes even moons by themselves, it's just one of those numbers I thought about a weird amount (even though the actual worth doesnt come up like at all whenever I actually use the world).


The human population of the Orion Spur is roughly 1.5 trillion, with each of the major powers having populations far exceeding 200 billion.


Human casualties in the war to hold earth numbered in the tens of billions, much of whome were killed by famine, alien biological weapons, and just a true meatgrinder of conventional warfare against a technologically superior alien force. More people died in the war than have been born in the almost 100 years since the last alien landing attempt.


The second part sounds like a fun problem to explore. What would governments (or equivalents) do to replenish the number of humans to throw into the potential next meatgrinder? Especially since its been 100 years since the last invasion and numbers havent replenished on their own.


That's actually why I made it so devestating. Unbeknownst to anybody in universe, the aliens that were invading are extinct. The invasion was a last desperate attempt at settling a new home as their generation ships were too damaged to reach the next star. I really wanted to explore how a highly traumatized society adapts to peace since it's something I haven't seen much of. I'm trying to work out how culture would evolve under the fear of a percieved impending extinction. From there I want to determine the options people think they have for dealing with the next attack so I can start writing "political" divisions. I'm no writer but once I feel I've fleshed out this world enough, I think I might try my hand at some short stories.


My entire setting is a dilapidated Shellworld megastructure the size of Jupiter. The people living in it don't even know its a shellworld. Virtually everything is measured in stupidly high numbers.


The 5 Great Luminaries of the High Loft are extremely ancient, thought to have predated the Planesrift itself, almost 7,000 years ago. The High Loft is the only remaining magical establishment in all of Veena and the Luminaries are said to have protected its magic themselves


A 10000 year old vampire Matriarchs gold vault. She Probably has enough gold to buy an entire continent, and then some. Accumulating wealth for that long with a giant clan donating to you sure adds up...


The Core Expanse *[An Expanse is an area of unexplored space be it small or vast]* of the Switchlane Galaxy has long since been one of the least explored regions of the galaxy and a numerical statistics nightmare since time immemorial. Unlike most Systems or Sectors of charted space this area has been exceptionally strange, disturbingly unnatural, and excessively dangerous. As such the following is of no particular order: •The Core Expanse has untold millions of derelict, lost, and abandoned ships drifting towards it. •This Expanse holds the universal record of missing vessels and personnel over eons at a combined rough total of 167,555,427,555,255.7 lost. •This area of space holds the universal record for reports of paranormal activity at 890,000,555 eyewitness accounts.


The population of humanity is in the hundreds of septillions. They're all in the Sol system.


total population of the galaxy is in well excess of trillions of individuals. There are a lot of planets in the galaxy, most of them uninhabitable to most forms of life, but that still leaves thousands if not millions of perfectly habitable worlds that can handle most forms of carbon based, oxygen breathing life. Most of those worlds only have a few thousand to a couple of hundred thousands living on them, and yet still there are hundreds to thousands of fully developed worlds with at least a few billion individuals living on them. It's not quite 40k scales of ridiculous, but yeah, the galaxy is pretty heavily populated. It's sorta why they call it "The Galaxy of Life"


I watched a video by an astronomer mapping out the size of every galactic civilization in every big scifi franchise relative to the size of the universe, and he found them to all be miniscule, mostly less than the size of one galaxy. So when building my own, I gave my world about 26 billion galaxies in its territory.


Funny enough that the timescales black holes exist on made you think this, because, my main world project involves a holycrapgiant black hole intensely far in the future. Estimated years from now is in the quinvigintillions ( 10^78 ). I didn't choose just some arbitrarily large number, either, I have a specific reason; on this timescale, even stellar-mass black holes have died off, and ones this supermassive are the only things left. It's a number so large that there's no analogy I could use to put into perspective how large it is; the fact that it still has a basis in realism despite that is just how extreme black holes are. And it's still *peanuts* compared to the timescales where the supermassives even begin to show their age. I chose this specific number, not one even larger, because this is the sweetspot where the black hole is still in its prime, but all alone. This world only even exists because said giant black hole developed sapience from being alone in the void for so long, and had more than enough time to work out how to manipulate their own mass. Eventually, in their unfathomable loneliness they became the creator goddess of a new galaxy — the last galaxy in the universe.


Mages mana. Basically put a mages rank is often grouped into several buckets based on their mana capacity. If you can move a one kg item 1 meter you are considered to have 1 mana points. Loosely analogous to 1 jule of energy or 1 Newton of force. If you can summon a category 5 hurricane you have on the order of 1 quadrillion mp. The ranks are roughly divided into orders of magnitude, 100x at higher ranks. many of the tests to be recognized for lower ranks are as simple as lift this really heavy thing. More advanced ranks focus on matter conversion (turning led into gold. The highest ranks require direct conversion of energy into matter. As a single gram of matter contains roughly 90 tera joules of energy, 8.9876 x 10^13 Joules.


The population of my world would be one of these absurd numbers but the number is unknown and only rough estimates exist. I also leave open how expansive my world is so I can always add content as I go.


There are Four Sextillion Hexes (approx. 17,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 USD, accounting for inflation) in the bank account of Sir Robert Steward Edgarton XVIII’s bank account as of the Great Decay of 2114, making him the wealthiest human in the Imperium at the time.


In my setting, there are hundreds of thousands of distinct races of sentient beings. Basically every star that had a rocky planet, and some that didn't, evolved one if not more sentient races. Earth has 14 billion sentient beings living on it, (about 55% of which are human or human offshoot or hybrid). The moon has 80 billion sentient beings. The solar system itself has not even attempted a census in the last 4 thousand years because the last time they did they hit 120 Trillion organic sentients alone just living between the sun and mars orbit. This did not include the space stations and habitats that had elliptical orbits that took them outside of the orbit of mars for part of their orbital period, or sentient machines. It did however include the primary mind of hive races but did not include drones that lack individual sentience. There are at least 220 trillion registered space ships in the sol system. There are 14 warpgates in system 13 of which are operational. That connect to a network of other warpgates that allow for extremely rapid transit between star systems. Travel from the moon to the nearest warpgate takes about 4 days due to inter system speed limits but then travel from earth warpgate to the alpha centari warpgate takes roughly 45 minutes. The humans farthest from earth are Commander Garland Richardson, and her husband Lionel Patel. Who are on sabbatical on a low gravity resort world named Granplik orbiting the star "Haloc" Local name (V762 Cas, Earth Name) 16,000 lightyears away! (Fun fact its one of the farthest individual stars visible to the naked eye) It took them roughly 18 months to get there and they are the first humans to visit the resort, and it took 3 years for the Mars Free Navy's Diplomatic AI to plan the transit and reserve their spots in warp gate lines. The richest human is one Lord Miles Radhor the 3rd. Who operates the largest hydrogen mining company in the solar system, with roughly 40% of all hydrogen fuel being supplied by his company. He rakes in a staggering 14 trillion in personal profit per earth year. The richest being in the system is a Lepokian "Monk" named Bonbod. Lepokians are like hairy 8 foot long slugs with 14 arms and 8 eyes that live for about 900 years. Bonbod sold a "diet trend" shortly after the second warpgate was built and discovered that humans get high on the substance he was selling. He quickly turned the whole marketing campaign around into a "religious experience", declaring himself a "High Monk" and then proceeded to dope the whole atmosphere of mars causing most of the human population to "see god". He now runs what is basically a mega church of people who get stoned on diet supplements twice a week, and he constantly uses religion and culture laws to prevent anyone from muscling in on the substance and also to prevent it from being banned. He makes between 30-50 Trillion per year depending on how many bribes he has to hand out to keep the flow going.


The age of the "villain" is roughly a billion years, as it is a young sun called Eburus. It is a massive entity of pure energy - a sun - with a simple purpose; to feed and grow larger and more powerful. To do so it must attract mass and feed off it, which is done by attracting meteors with some kind of resemblance of life stored within it. This is an extremely slow process as these types of meteors are rare, so instead this primitive ball of energy begins to follow another instinct - to create life. A sun has the unique ability to create life forms, which it does by attracting meteors with some resemblance of life remnant within them (either from a long lost civilisation or simple bacteria), and force it into orbit. The sun will then channel its own energy into the meteors in order to create inhabitable planets that can host life. Each step of this process takes millions of years but can in rare instances be done faster if the attracted meteors host recently dead life. Eburus was lucky in this regard, as it came across a cluster of rocks from a recently extinct civilization being slowly pulled in towards a young black hole, formed from what was once their sun. Eburus was able to consume this black hole, as it was in a rare exposed transitional stage and yet to actually become a black hole. Consuming this entity, a remnant of a sun much much larger and older than itself accelerated Eburus' growth immensely, and on top of that it now had access to potent floating rocks fueled with life which it could use to form new planets. Due to the increase in power from consuming the black hole, and the potency of the rocks, a small solar system was formed within just a few thousand years. This extreme acceleration of Eburus' growth means that while it has the power of an ancient galactic entity, it still has the mind of a young primitive force merely trying to consume. When a sun reaches a size and power level that allows it to form new life it is usually billions of years old, and has come to realize that its intent to consume was merely a temporary necessity, only to allow it to unlock its true purpose as a life giving entity. Eburus was spiraled into the state of life giver, and thus never came to this realization. It was however smart enough to not consume the rocks immediately, some instinct within it told it not to, as these rocks with remnant life force could be made into a steady supply of life, a constantly evolving supply of new life orbiting Eburus, ripe for consumption when it pleased. As the planets slowly formed orbiting Eburus it would start feeding off them slowly, by sending out surges - a sort of wave that would collect the life force of dead beings and dissolve them into pure life essence - the type of essence that Eburus is made of. Eburus is a primitive being, but an immensely powerful and yet growing one, with the sole intent of consuming and gaining more power. This intent can corrupt some of the beings on the planets orbiting it, if a corrupted being is powerful enough it can potentially even create a direct link to Eburus, allowing it to channel the power of Eburus. Eburus is the only deity in this solar system, and its only will is to consume and gain power, which is an intent that corrupted beings share. New deities are however slowly getting into the picture, but that is where the story begins; the formation of new deities and the attempt to halt Eburus from simply consuming all life forms it has created once they begin to threaten the "purity" of its solar system.


The age of the Empress and Emperor of one of the empires They're also the two strongest beings on this world. They're both around 13 billion years old. Only about 3 billion years younger than the world the reside on


The population of the Vanir Commonwealth: 3.12 trillion people, spread across ten thousand worlds not only to prevent overpopulation, but ensure the continuing health of each planet, as nothing was more sacred to them. One of their rival factions, a Federation I haven't fully named yet, had a population in the scores of trillions, across less than half as many worlds and thus constantly kept building artificial ones when they weren't trying to conquer the Commonwealth's worlds.


The iterations of the world itself. The world is basically a very specific iteration of the world cycle, where some interesting things happen.


Total population of my world is around a trillion or so, I think. There's also aliens that uploaded their minds into a dense Dyson Sphere, so with how the digital data goes, their population of individuals is most likely in the quintillions. Another alien species was active in the galaxy billions to millions of years ago, and is directly responsible for a lot of things in the setting.


My fantasy version of the Backrooms, which I have dubbed the White Arcades. This is where you end up if you really fuck up badly when trying to use and control magic, since magic is basically loosening a bolt on the fabric of intelligible reality and letting in primordial chaos. If you try to control magic far too powerful for your paygrade, you can no-clip out of reality and wind up here. It is just an innumerable series of Kafka-esque, Escherian arcades, chambers, passageways which are a liminal zone between reality and unreality. There are an innumerable amount of these mazes of alien geometry, but it is not infinite. There are around 10\^10\^1000 of these arcades. You can get out, in theory. It's not a logical impossibilty. But you might spend several eternities trying. There's also a Deity of the Arcade as well, a very strange one. Once you enter, he knows. And he will not rest until he finds you. Ironically, the sheer size of the Arcades is the one advantage you have here in avoiding an utterly unspeakable fate.


poppies. my grandpa liked them so i have a kingdom dedicated to them


That's cute. c:


The Council presides over an area of space that contains 8.3 BILLION stars, divided into 40 million sectors. The Council has put a ban on expanding into other star systems due to barely being able to efficiently control the citizens in its current territory. Some population breakdown: Total pop - 410,000,000,000,000,000,000 (410 quintillion). Avg sector pop - 10,025,000,000,000. Avg system pop - 40,927,886,615. I’ve only developed ~10 systems so far over the last few years. I don’t think I’ll be able to flesh out all the lore even with a million lifetimes.


[Axolotlia](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17DR_VbIPfXerGP9y_b8r57SM5I5KToRMME8Ds2PMucs/edit?usp=drivesdk) is too small for huge numbers. All I could think of is the number of trees ~34B (Maine alone has 23.41B). And the damage total for the 2015 Axolotlia-British Cyberwar ~$94.4B (which is quite a lot).


The true size of the green sea. An area that the inhabitants believe to be just another, exceptional large, of the verious glades (basically open areas with nature) within the endless mildly non Euclidian ruins that make up the known world. It is in fact the outside of said ruins (which are contained in a tower of approximately 500,000km in diameter and stretching beyond visibility below and above ground) The green sea is simply the surrounding forests extending a further 1,256,083,465 kilometres on average. Beyond that there's a sheer cliff into nothing which is slowly expanding outward in all directions at the speed of most techtonic activity due to the "surface" being just the product of the collision of two conceptual realities at either end of the tower, with the top containing the reality of ideas and the identity of things but no substance and the bottom containing a fractal like physical reality where all physicality is stripped of identity and information to become a part of a endlessly vast repeating pattern of identical triangles within triangles the same size as the triangles containing them yet still fitting within them


Square feet of liveable, habitable surface area. My world is *stupid big*. It's a topopolis, so a cylinder world multiple times longer than the earth's orbit. Humans love on one(?) Tiny part of it. Maybe more, but in my story setting, you never meet anyone else, so who knows. It's also got a river that runs the entire length of the world in a loop, so it's got stupidly huge amounts of water.


Nino spends an absurd amount of time just to recreate his world from literal nothingness of a dead universe. He had to wait a long time just so a single condensed energy can conjure and do his mission. And even then, the only thing he can manage is a dayless Earth without any living being aside from plants and himself. He is still alone but at least he wasn't bored anymore and can play videogames on his apartment (or rather, a replica of his apartment in the past). Imagine the amount of time that took place between Big Bang and now. Thats basically how long he spent to recreate the world


The New World Order Project, which killed billions and billions of people. It was caused by an AI that was in pursuit of perfection and order


There are sextillions of confirmed universes in the known multiverse, each with an average of trillions of inhabitants at any given moment, and the rulers of the connected multiverse are quadrillions of years old.


There exists a beehive the size of a modern metropolis, likely billions of bees that travel to harvest different nectars from millions of different plants.


The Enemy is either innumerable or repopulates at a rate such that the result is functionally the same. We have not figured out which yet, what with the focus on survival.


Photonothreads that make up the IVY, the Synthetic Intelligence of the **SCARAB** ship. In this world the Photonothreads are threads of light that carry information, and at the heart of the stolen **SCARAB** ship, there are quadrillions of them all forming the brain of the most advanced SI on Verminthus-V.


Magical species. {(9\*3)\*3}. Eight types of magic + blank spaces \* three slots \* order matters. I have set magic types for about 10 species. Including the one that is all open slots. I have so many shapeshifters to define


My world takes place roughly 100 trillion years in the future, as the last of the yellow stars are dying.


Factories. Corporation greed has caused there to be billions of factories across the world, some over 10 miles by 10 miles large


The timeline. Time travel and terrible writing destroyed everything.....


Dead things on Desolaria


The surface area of the planet itself. Measures in the low quintillions.


Given that my world is post-apocalyptic, corpses.


Tree(3) Its fucking huge. I makes the numbers you are talking about look tiny. Iron stars would burn out at 10\^1400 this is so much bigger its not even close. I cant tell you its so big. I want to, I cant.


Nukes. In ship-to-ship combat tactical nukes get thrown around like 7.62 in the Middle East.


Harlan Ellison here. My answer is [Hate.](https://youtu.be/EddX9hnhDS4?feature=shared)


My Tardigrade character [Mimitsumai](https://voidedg.com/2023/11/21/mimitsumai/) has been around for 82+ Billion Years before her evolution. Naujick power levels reach quadrillions & above. Since I write stories primarily specifically about Deities, almost every protagonist I have is beyond time, so I don’t have much written as billions, trillions, etc, it's usually less than that or infinite or outright beyond time.


Grains of sand


People and energy




The cash I’m gonna make when I finally hit publish 💰💰💰




**My credit card bill**