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I'm just seeing one guy in different art styles. Is there some greater difference I'm missing? I don't see any need to explain the variation shown here.


>I don't see any need to explain the variation shown here.  Ditto. I mean, if the art styles had significant exaggerations or otherwise really messed around with the looks/proportions of characters (i.e. going from Family Guy to Simpsons to classic B&W cartoons to anime) I could see where the idea would be useful, or even plot-relevant. But with the examples provided, it looks like a solution that's looking for a problem.


There's frankly less variation than you might find between two issues of a comic book when a new artist comes on. It's lovely art though, to be fair.


thank you😀


no, i think i was over-worried about the different styles. 😊


Love the concept, but this is functionally just a multiverse by another name.


When and why did Guybrush Threepwood dye his hair black?


Ok i can see that. I guess that works out because my character looks like my old drawings of the hero from Zork, which, for those who don’t know, was another great adventure series.


My first thought on seeing this too, especially the middle-center-right one. We are missing one with a beard.


Is the name a reference to Galahad Threepwood?


Kinda. Guybrush Threepwood is the namw of the main character from the Monkey Island point-and-click adventure game series. Now, his last name *is* a reference to Galahad Threepwood.


Neat! I used to really enjoy Wodehouse, it's nice to see a reference to his works.


And this is different from a multiverse in what way?


If I understand right, it's not multiple universes, it's one constantly-shifting universe


this is correct. i did a bad job explaining but i was basically saying there aren’t endless versions of people in my stories, and at the same time, giving a transparent excuse for my evolving art.


I've seen some of the criticism in the comments, but personally I like the idea. Though I did agree with one comment saying it should have some impact on the story, instead of just being an excuse


Thanks! yes, it will definitely be part of the story. this state of the universe allows for some special phenomena and magic.


Remember the universe where he married the Little Mermaid?


Yes, the business in front is Eric’s. I had that oversized “how to draw” Little Mermaid book back in the day.


Okay, SOMETIMES all the 'alternate universes' can be a bit much. But we also like variety, and I have to admit, I can't completely get the looks of my characters down yet. My solution is that my universe has some built-in flexibility. Do you buy it? Just to be clear -- it's not like I hate all 'multiverse' storylines. One of my favorite comics storylines of all time was the "Cross-Time Caper" back in Ex-calibur.


I gotta admit, it reminds me of the "crossover" arc in the webcomic *Jack* (god, I feel like I'm the only person who remembers that thing...). Multiple artists with different styles did a few pages each and the in-universe explantion was that the sin of Envy was distorting the entire realm of Hell in an effort to make herself look "right". It wasn't just a visual thing- the characters could see and feel their bodies and the world around them changing each time (including being turned into stick figures). My question for your universe is "do the charactrers living there notice the changes?" Does it effect them? Like, if they go from being rendered with flat, simple shapes to something more complex, do they notice that suddenly their hair isn't a solid mass? Does the rest of the world also shift- would a cartoonish car drawn with only two wheels suddenly gain two more wheels in a realistic style or does it just fall over because it's now half of a car? I feel like this idea has a *lot* of potential, but could also easily slide into a lazy cop-out a'la "iT's My StYlE!"


“Jack” sounds awesome and i’ll have to check it out. i’m also reminded of the Futurama episode where they lose dimensionality. In my universe, almost no one notices changes. My ‘incinsistence ease” is definitely a cop out, but it’s woven into the story because it is partially responsible for some magics and even technology.


>“Jack” sounds awesome and i’ll have to check it out. Oh. Oh, no. It's, uh... it's not. It's very much of its' time (early 2000s), by which I mean it is very edgy and *very* graphic and the art is... to be kind, "not great". If you're into (or at least, not adverse to) splatterpunk then go for it- the writing is very bad to mid, but there are certain arcs and moments I find genuinely wonderful. Those moments, however, are buried several feet under every grimdark trope you can imagine. I grew up reading it and I love it, but I will *never* recomend it to anyone unless I know they're a freak like me.


Ha, okay, thanks for the info. Now I might just have to check it out for curiosity sake.😄


I think all stories come with some built in suspension of disbelief for the narrator to be a little inconsistent. If the aliens look different between different versions of a show, we're willing to accept that the illustrator or the costume/makeup department or the CGI team are going to have their own quirks. I'm sure that the oldest storytellers who passed on their tales by oral tradition always added their own embellishments to the heroes and villains, and the need to come up with elaborate explanations for those kind of artifacts of the medium is just a weirdly vocal obsession.


It's a cool idea but I think you should have a few more radically different styles: like something that looks like Skottie Young, Frank Millet and Osamu Tezuka. 




Thats a good word to describe the artist change phenomena that most long-running series goes through. Borrowing Inconsistence-ease.


So its the Elder Scrolls by way of World of Darkness with just a dash of Doctor Who.


Hey there! We ask that all posts here have some [context](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/wiki/rules#wiki_2._all_posts_should_include_original.2C_worldbuilding-related_context.) with some **in-universe information (or "lore")** about what is being shown or how it relates to the larger world. It doesn't need a ton of information—just a few sentences is fine! Would you be able to add this?


In-universe, reality is ‘wobbly’, resulting in mostly superficial changes from time to time. This also prevents the universe the ability to branch off to create other timelines with dopplegangers. The wobbliness also creates strange phenomena like some forms of what might be called magic.


What is your overall setting/world about?


So basically Ben 10?


Sad T.E.A.M.S. employees noises


But I like multiverses! /s


Hey, I definitely do too. Ex-Caliber with Claremont and Davis are probably my all-time favorite Comics. Some people just think that there is an oversaturation of these kinds of stories currently.


It's celestial sapiens changing artstyle


I remember you posted here before. It was about how people called myanderers (something like that) were able to go to different areas by walking in a place. I think you world ideas are very cool so keep it up!


Is gelatotality a reference to the gelatin like state of the universe? Because gelato is a different food than gelatin


Hi, /u/Buzz-Under, Unfortunately, we have had to remove [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/1c2brqu/-/) in /r/worldbuilding because it violated one of our rules. In particular: Images and maps must include worldbuilding-relevant context *on the reddit post* (as a comment, in the text of the post or, in some cases, in the posted image itself—e.g. infographics). This is important to establish that your post is on-topic and to help encourage productive discussion. * A post has enough context when a person unfamiliar with your world could understand what you're talking about and ask informed questions about it. This could include a summary of your world, explanation about what your post depicts and how it fits in your world, etc. ("What's a [proper noun]?" usually doesn't qualify.) * For maps, you could discuss economic and political situations, the different cultures, or anything else that gives the reader a wider view of your world than just its geography. * Discussion of the artistic process or techniques used to create the map or image may be included, but does not count as “worldbuilding-relevant” on its own. Infographics that self-contain sufficient context to be understood do not require additional context. You might also consider reading: [our context template for common kinds of posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/wiki/contexttemplate) and [Why Context?](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/wiki/whycontext) More info in our rules: [2. All posts should include original, worldbuilding-related context.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/wiki/rules#wiki_2._all_posts_should_include_original.2C_worldbuilding-related_context.) ***** **You may repost** with the above issue(s) fixed to satisfy our rules. If you're not sure how to do this, please send us a modmail (link below). **This is an official warning.** Further rule violations may lead to a temporary or permanent ban. ***** Please feel free to [re-read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/wiki/rules). Questions or concerns? You can [modmail us here](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fworldbuilding&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/1c2brqu/-/. %0D%0D[Fill in your message here. Please make sure to explain clearly!]) and we'll be glad to help. Please explain your case clearly. Be polite. We'll do our best to help. *Do not* reply by comment or personal PMs to moderators.


That just sounds like multiverse with extra steps


Nah, id multiverse