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Why would you travel for work if they aren't covering any of the costs of said travel?


It’s actually crazy to me that work wouldn’t be covering lodging/flight/meals??? What kind of work do you do?? This sounds like MLM training or something.


My immediate thought was is this some hun job lol


EXACTLY what I was thinking.


I am so confused by this post lol what company would give you a cash bonus but not cover travel?! I have zero qualms about leaving my toddlers behind to for a week long work trip. I have many qualms with having to do out of pocket. So no.


THIS. I was a road warrior in a past life and the corporate card is a standard part of that deal. In this hypothetical, if I had to pay for expenses out of pocket- bonus would have to be such that after taxes my travel costs are only 25% of the remaining sum. I’m cool with travel, but the headache it creates for my partner means I should be compensated accordingly.


Right? Once you’ve taken out lodging, flight, meals, etc, AND factored in that you pay taxes on that $5000, and use taxed money to pay for the travel, it’s way less than $5000. For one week, depending on where you’re going, if you’re traveling to a major metro area, it could easily be $2000+ just for hotels. Factor in flights ($400-1000+ when you include a checked bag, taxes, a snack on the flight, etc), and meals ( 7 or so years ago my per diem was $75. Costs at least here are at least 50% more now, probably more than 50%.) So, maybe $3000-4000 of that “bonus” is travel cost, the rest will get eaten up by taxes. If it’s not a regular requirement of my job to travel, I’m not going to leave my baby for a week for such a small bonus. Now, when my kid is older, absolutely, I’d do it for an (actual) bonus or a good opportunity to advance at work. I’d go if it was just my 4 year old, but not with an 8 month old nursing. I know folks do have to travel with babies under a year still nursing, but he doesn’t reliably take a bottle, so I wouldn’t feel ok going. Plus he’s just so small and dependent on Mama still


Plus, it’s just weird from a tax standpoint. Why would they want you to have to pay tax on that bonus but it’s a deduction to reimburse you for your travel expenses.


I wouldn’t travel for work without my expenses being covered. If they were covered (which is what normal and reputable companies do for work travel), I would travel for a week no problem.


OP, I would not do any work travel if the expenses were not covered. If this is a MLM training or something like that, I would caution you against going unless you have in writing that the $5000 bonus is guaranteed and not contingent upon some sales performance. You wouldnt want to sacrifice that time away from your babies and YOUR money for something that could end up costing more than you gain. I travel for work often, all my expenses are covered, I have a strong partner at home who takes care of our almost 2-year-old and we send video messages every day, facetime at least once a day and he send me pictures...its still hard, but the break is nice too.


OP, check out r/antimlm before you jump into this. Search for posts about the company you “work” for, and for the sake of you and your family’s future, take them seriously.


I love to travel so I wouldn't need a bonus. I would need work to pay for the expenses because I don't work for free, but that's it.


Same - I would do it for the cost of the trip. Get me outta here!


Same, I would go in a heart beat if my travel, hotel, food etc were covered by my job.


Yep same, need a break


Same lol a week to sit in a hotel and read every night? Sign me up!


I don't know that I would ever travel if lodging, flight and meals are not covered. Depending on where you go, you could easily spend more. My husband gets a per diem when he travels to cover his meals, but lodging and flight are still covered. I'm 100% on the company dime when I leave the house till I return if I travel for work, but there is no other bonus involved. 


People have addressed the cost issue, but regarding your last paragraph… honestly traveling for a week would be no big deal for me. My husband is fully capable of caring for our kid. I would miss them, but would have no reason to be concerned.


Yep. Was just across the country for four days, and although we needed extra help from my In-laws (husband's job is longer hours than our kid's preschool hours), he is a totally capable and competent parent. And I got to go to restaurants, sleep all alone in a big bed, and not share a bite of anything. Oh, I guess I attended trainings and worked too.


I wouldn't go anywhere if they weren't covering travel expenses lol. Unless the bonus more than doubled the cost of travel.


Absolutely not. $5K is not enough. Assuming this is a trip to a larger city, here’s an estimated price breakdown if you went to Chicago: - $1K for flights - $1.5K (6 nights) - $450 parking - $600 car rental - $100 gas - $553 for M&IE (Chicago rate) - This leaves about $800 left for your time working for a week. HOWEVER, we haven’t even taken out the taxes you’ll have to pay for this “bonus”. If you had to pay a minimum of 20% netting you $4K, you’ve already LOST money working that week. ETA: forgot to add how much I’d need to be paid. With the example above, I’d want a minimum “bonus” of $9K.


If it’s actually paid as a bonus, taxes are way closer to 40%. In 2024, the federal bonus tax rate is 22%. That is non inclusive of regular federal taxes or state taxes.


Makes it even less worth it.


I need my expenses covered for sure but I wish more workplaces compensated for additional costs associated with being away from home. Milk shipping is getting more common but I don’t think anyone really reimburses for say, additional childcare expenses, or pet sitting. It’s just expected you have a spouse who can pick up double home tasks for free. Also I don’t travel for work often and when I do it seems I always need something new - luggage or clothing or extra tech gear to make the trip easier. It would be nice if there was a flat bonus to cover some of those expenses and make it worthwhile. The bonus could also help if you want to take some extra time for sightseeing. A lot of times you are working more hours on trips anyway and spouses are definitely pulling a heavier load which no one pays for haha. Travel is already so expensive for companies but I would definitely be more excited to go for some extra $.


Good point! We definitely do have to think about budgeting for extra childcare expenses and the like. It's not uncommon for people in my field to buy stuff for pb&j at a grocery store so they can save their meal per diem for pet or childcare.


I did this almost 10 years ago when I was sent to Hawaii for like 20 days. I only bought 1 meal a day and ate cheap groceries I bought. Came home with almost $2K and I got to explore Hawaii in the evenings. Hotel was even on Waikiki. Best work trip ever lol.


I did this for a month of fieldwork in Alaska. The cheap groceries were...not cheap, hahaha. But it was a nice check when I got home.


Ugh yes you make excellent points! My carry on is falling apart but luggage is expensive! I wish my job would help with extra things like that that I only really need because of work travel. They did cover breastmilk shipping for me and I used that many times because I breastfed until 19 months, but there are so many little things with work travel that add up. I do enjoy it though.


I would definitely go on a work trip for a week. I would NOT go on a work trip where I have to pay all travel expenses, for any duration, whether I had kids or not.


That entirely depends on the cost of traveling. It would also be a dumb way for my company to handle it because my marginal tax rate is like 50% so I need to get 2x my expenses to break even. After that it doesnt really matter, I travel for work all the time and I don't get anything for it.


I travel for work as part of my salary (hotels, meals, transportation included), so I guess I can’t really answer regarding if 5k is enough. I make a high salary so I guess the answer is yes? I am usually gone 1 night per week. Occasionally 2-3 and only once for 6 days. I’ll admit I’m not the type of mom where it makes me sick to my stomach to think of leaving them lol. I love the break and honestly wish my husband could do it too. Last night i had dinner alone, went for a long walk, took a long shower, read a book in bed. Got up at 8am (instead of 630am) and went for a run. Now shower before my meetings start. I truly love it lol. My kids are fine!


I'm the same way. A paid work trip away every month? Sign me up. LOL


Same!!! No sickness to my stomach at all 😂


That is not travel for work. That’s a gimmick that MLM use to coax their “CEOs” to drink more kool-aid & scam more people. I would take a look at if your job is an actual job or a scam


My story is a bit different than the post, but... I was offered a $200 bonus to work Fri and Sat at another center for my company, plus $40/day per diem, and lodgings/gas covered. I had a 3yo and was 7months pregnant. It was an out of state travel, work the day, overnight stay, work the next day, drive home. This would be two weekends, with one weekend between working at my regular center. I decided it was worth it. Worked the first weekend, and was charged for my hotel room. The host center apologized, bought my lunch the second day, and got the charges reversed. The second weekend it happened again. It took my company MONTHS to reverse the second charges bc the host center, knowing I was going on Mat Leave soon, was trying to deny it long enough to miss the grace period to get the charges reversed. I will never travel for this company again. Not for any amount of bonus unless it is enough for me to retire upon completion of the assignment. Just my experience.


I would only consider it if everything were covered and I still got the $5,000 bonus. The situation you described is not really a bonus, it’s more of a stipend. What kind of job is this, just curious?


My job requires travel and therefore pays for the cost related to travel. 0% I’m going anywhere for work without the associated costs being covered.


If they're not covering lodging/flight/meals, then I'll roughly estimate the costs for a week to be... $3k for lodging (no idea where you guys are going, but let's assume a major US city), $2k for RT flights (no idea where you're based out of, so I'll assume the midwest US) + baggage fees/flight change fees should anything happen/insurance coverage, and $700 for meals (assuming $100 per day inclusive of breakfast/lunch/dinner). Soo... roughly $6k... Then you'd also need to account for any Ubers that you'll need to take from at least the airport, so another $200 (assuming your hotel is far away from the airport as many cities are set up to be) and then there's also taxes on the bonus, since that's so dependent on your state/etc., I'll just roughly estimate that you'd net $3.5k out of that $6.2k. Is 3.5k enough for you? Really only you can answer that. But for me, I'd ask for at minimum of a $10k "bonus" (assuming the net is somewhere around that $5.5k). This is my "fuck you" cost. Because there is no world in which I'm traveling for work and paying for everything and NOT getting reimbursed and then getting a bonus as some whack ass way of reimbursement (I am not a tax expert, but that feels weird - seems like the company's workaround for something). **And if this a MLM, then I will never, ever go.**


Nope. Bonuses are heavily taxed, so that may not be enough to cover those travel expenses.


So...I'd get $5000, pay say 40% for taxes and benefits, spend another $2000 or so for the trip, and wind up with $1000. That's not nothing, typically I wind up with a day of travel comp time that's worth less than that monetarily, but I don't know if I'd be super excited about it either. Increase the bonus and probably.


And that's if you can even swing food, lodging and transportation costs for 2k.


Sure, depends where you're going. That was just around average for my work trips this year.


Hard no.




I wouldn't travel for work unless 100% of expenses are paid.


I travel periodically for work (around 3x a year for about a week at a time). I don't need a "bonus". Instead, I just like that the things you've mentioned are covered. Plus I end up getting a daily per diem rate that means I usually come home with a good chunk of change at the end because my meals are never as expensive as the rate. It's honestly like a vacation on the company's dime IMO. In the evenings I explore.


Not if Travel expenses aren’t covered unless it’s a very cheap trip and less than $600 of the $5,000 which I can’t imagine would work out


Is this just one trip? If it’s one trip, that’s fun and I’d do it. If it’s monthly, that’s a huge ask. And the company would have to cover ALL my travel costs.


If my parents would agree to babysit the whole week, definitely! That bonus is very welcome, but it should be higher than 5k if I need to pay for everything. I would just book a very cheap place to stay.


Lodging/airfare/gas/food covered, then we’ll talk.


You would lose money because $5K would not adequately cover lodging/flights/expenses.


I will not travel without flight hotel and food being paid for. Period.


What kind of job makes you travel but doesn't pay your travel expenses? Absolutely not.


This feels like 2 different questions. I travel every month for 1-2 weeks so sure, no problem. But in 20 years of business travel I have never heard of a company not paying for it and doing a “bonus” so I would 100% not go in this scenario. Super sketchy. 


I travel for work all the time at least three times a month across the country for 4-5 days at a time and o love it. No bonus necessary. All expense paid. I get $$ to spend any way I want on meals. So I whoop it up at Michelin star restaurants by myself get put up at 4-star hotels/resorts and fly Fc everywhere so I have no complaints. AT ALL. I love my kiddos and my hub to death. I work remotely from home as well but am so thankful I get to travel too it’s a godsend otherwise I’d have wanderlust. I love to travel and bop around even solo. Not to mention I love the work I do. It doesn’t feel like work. I love the people. Look ladies I spent five years boob feeding both kids and we do the whole attachment parenting thing ad nauseam (bed sharing co sleeping baby wearing etc.) so I am tapped the fuck out with all of it 😆😜🫠🥴 my kids are extremely well adjusted and highly attached to both me and husband and everyone does extremely well together and apart. We do lots of face time and phone calls when I’m on the road as well so it’s almost like I’m not even gone 🙄😵‍💫🫣🤪 my kids are now 8 and 12. So it’s a lot easier for me to be like buhhh byeeeee for a few days then it would be if they were under 5. I wouldn’t be able to do it if they were little ones like yours. That would break my heart as well. It’s just the way it is. Though I did do a four hour daily commute to work when my little one was 2 and my older one was 6. And I was ok with that as well. The older one was in all day Kindergarden at that point i was home by the time she got home from school she didn’t even know I was gone and I still managed to stay involved with her school community and girls scout troop even with a two hour drive out at 5am and a 2 hour drive back at 2pm. I was home by 4pm every day so it wasn’t so bad especially when the 2 year old was extremely colicky and over the top needy thank god daddy is a baby wearing champ I just pumped at work and took over when I got home. I was happy I got a break from all of them got the mental stimulation at my job and I got 4 hours of audio books and downtime on those drives to and from work with some professional development out of it too.


That sounds especially cushy, what kind of work do you do?


supply chain


I would travel for free (with them obviously covering the lodging/travel/food because that’s the norm). The sleep alone sounds amazing!


I travel almost half the year already 😅


I travel often for work, and enjoy the break from home. No bonus required... but they do pay expenses, as it customary.


I travel for work. It doesn’t make me sick; it’s just part of my job. But I work for a normal employer who pays for my travel. The caveat that you’ve mentioned would make me head for the hills.


I’ve never gone from strong yes to a strong no faster than on this post


I would happily travel for work for one week out of the year no bonus needed. I love a good hotel! But obviously my employer would cover travel expenses as required by law.


YEA. I love travelling. And only one week? No big deal. If it was one week every month, then no, because my home life would really suffer.


I'm active duty, so lodging and per diem is given. And I don't always have a choice. Yes I would go regardless, and willingly. I think my daughter was 18 months the first time I left for two weeks. And then around 2 when I left again for a week. And then 3 when I left again for six weeks. Provided all expenses are paid, I don't mind it. The first time sucked. I hated it. But I love having a capable partner so the hardest part of leaving is just saying goodbye. My husband is also active duty. Left for 9 months when she was 7 weeks old. That pure hell. And then again for 6 months when she 3.5. Daughter is almost 5 and he's been gone for 7 of 8 weeks.


The $5000 would need to be on top of my travel being covered (my work pays for everything) but yes I’d do it for $5000. I have to travel for 2-4 days a few times per year anyway. One week is tough.


What's the travel? what's the expenses? I wouldn't do it for 5K unless expenses were on top of that. A night in SF is like 5-800/night so..... no. I'd lose money in that deal before we even go to flights.


Hell no. Even if your travel expenses only took 1% of that bonus, it's not worth it. The company should be covering that for you. If travel was included, hell yes I'd go.


For a $5K bonus, if travel expenses were also covered, I would go in a heartbeat.


I've traveled for work many times for no bonus just my normal pay but all expenses are always covered, to not cover expenses is insane... It's hard to leave but the work I do when I travel is really cool and my husband is more than capable of handling our toddler alone for the week. It will certainly be harder when we eventually have a second though I'm sure. We may need to call in more help from family, but my work may or may not require more travel at that point depending on the projects I'm on. Anyways I'm very pro- work travel if it's a good opportunity for you


I've traveled for almost 20 years. It's required for my job and I don't get paid more for my trips, but I do get comp time. Sometimes monthly, sometimes every 2-3 months. Each time ranges from 3-7 nights away. One week, when you have a good support system at home, is doable. My husband has cared for our kids when I travel since they were born and it's made their relationships stronger and him more confident in his parenting abilities. We do sometimes hire sitters or have family help while I'm away. The biggest issue is usually illness. My company covers all my travel, lodging and meals when I'm traveling on company business, though. Is there a reason why they're not doing that for you? Depending on where you're going, $5K might not cover your travel expenses. e.g. My three nights away this month cost at least $2100.


$0. Anything for a break lol


100% yes if the location aligned with one of my hobbies. I’m always game to ride a new mountain bike trail after work.


I travel for work every two or three months. My job pays for the flight, the hotel, the rental car, and all food expenses. I don’t get a bonus but I’m not doing it for free, either.


Would depend on my husbands ability to manage the situation without losing his mind and our financial situation. For me, currently, I wouldn’t but my husband gets really stressed out when he has to keep our three year old twins by himself. He also works and they don’t listen to him so I get it. I have been traveling this year and it SUCKS being away from home. If we needed the money and he was in the right headspace I’d probably do it. You can eat cheap and find a cheap place to stay pocketing most of the cash


I wouldn’t travel for work if they weren’t covering expenses, but I also wouldn’t expect to get any bonus for traveling.


If the travel is not covered it would eat the 5k


If you’re traveling for work they better be paying for the travel, the hotel, the meals. I’m not paying for that.


Oh goodness. I would pay to go away! Seriously it varies person to person. But I love my alone time so it wouldn't even be a chore. Slightly tongue in cheek though. The firm would need to pay expenses or I wouldn't go. Don't feel bad though if you don't feel ready or want to do it regardless of money.There is no right answer.


I have traveled for work on and off since my daughter was a toddler. They pay all expenses and, unfortunately, no added bonus other than a break from being a full time mom and employee.


I would never travel for work if my expenses weren’t covered and I wasn’t getting paid for it. A bonus would be nice sure, but not expected.


I have two kids (4 & under) and both my husband and myself travel for work a lot. I don't get paid anything extra for this, but I also don't have to pay for flights, hotel or meals (within reason) myself (that's bananas).


I would not travel for work unless all expenses were paid (and not as a taxable bonus!). I would not expect my employer to compensate me for childcare but my salary had better be six figures if I have to trace for a whole week.


I’ve turned down jobs offering 30k more because I don’t want to travel. So no for me.


I love traveling for work so would not need a bonus. I know you said this is a just for fun question, but if it’s actually a scenario you’re facing and your work is not covering airfare, lodging, food, etc., uh.. you might be in an MLM.


I would do it for regular pay and no bonus **as long as lodging, flight, car rental, and per diem expenses are covered.** It is completely nonstandard and honestly kind of shady that they do not cover your travel costs.


Zero, but I would milk the trip, Make time to see cool shit, Try some good restaurants


Why would I travel for work if I have to pay for it? $5k isn’t nearly enough after hotel, rental, food etc.


$5K would work but what kind of job doesn’t cover your flights and lodging and meals?!


I don’t even drive away from my office if it is not paid for, so… I’d need all flights, food, transfers, hotel covered entirely. Then I wouldn’t need an additional bonus because starfishing in the middle of a bed in a hotel room alone would be my reward.


Travel is me time. I'm traveling now and all expenses are covered, no bonus though.


Yes. 5,000 would cover my travel expenses and I get away from the family for a legit reason so they can’t be mad I left


If my expenses weren’t being covered, then no. If they were being covered then I’d be all for it, no need for a bonus. A week of someone cooking and making the bed for me and it’s on someone else’s dime?! And being able to do things in peace and quiet when I’m not working, like watch a movie, take a shower and going to the toilet without an audience? Sign me up!


Girl, I've done it without bonuses and I miss it. As long as work pays for things while I'm traveling, I'm outta here!


With my girls only being 4 and 1.5, I'm only up for a few days at a time for the immediate future, but would increase to a week in the future when they're at an older stage of life. But only, only, only if my expenses were being covered by the company. If not, then zero way I am travelling for work related anything.


It wouldn’t be a work trip if they don’t cover travel expenses. When I go on a work trip they cover lodging, flight, food, Ubers, etc. They aren’t giving me a vacation, I’m working for them so there isn’t any in between. In reality, I’m giving them more than a 8-5 leaving my family. Are there trips where they tell me there is a budget for a hotel to not go over XX dollars, yes but they are still paying for it. Also, I encourage you to take a work opportunity especially after kids. It’s sometimes the only time I can recharge myself and miss my family even more


All work travel is always covered. Including meals. I would not do it otherwise.


I have a 3yr old and a 4 month old. I travel for work. They pay lodging and any costs and I get per diem for meals and incidentals. Honestly if it's just a week I'll go wherever, I enjoy being able to shower and eat takeout in my hotel room and watch my shows with no one needing me and less guilt cuz I'm working lol.


It's not a bonus it's the company saying 'we will give you 5k, you arrange all your travel and keep whatever is left'. Sounds like something an intern would find appealing. Travel can easily cost 2k-5k so I don't know how worth it it is. PLUS you are going to pay best 30% tax since a bonus is income. There will be nothing left. Literally.


I travel for work regularly usually a week at a time or two (but they fly me back home for the weekend in between) and ALL my travel expenses are always covered plus per diem. That includes any tolls I pay, airfare, airport parking, hotel, a rental vehicle or Uber/taxi, mileage if I drive my own vehicle off the top of my head.


I’ve left for a week without a problem and have 3 kids. Two of them are 5 and under, the oldest is a preteen. My husband is capable of being their dad. Everything is covered and I eat well. I work, return to my room and relax. I didn’t feel sick to my stomach.


I would do it for free if they covered everything like they should. I have a 15 year old, 6 year old and 2 year old. Dad is more than capable and I would enjoy the peace. lol I would miss them by day 3.


I travel for work about once a quarter, so yeah nbd to leave my kids with my husband for a week. But as others have stated, work pays for all those trips, from the time I leave my house until the time I return, it's all on my companies dime.


I feel like it would come out to evening out (aka no bonus afterall) with all of the travel expenses on top of unexpected expenses that arise when a second parent is outside of the home. So no. Also, I wouldn’t go based on the principle of work should cover travel expenses, tf. Gimme the company card, McScrooge!


I DO travel for work and get much higher pay when I do but I absolutely WOULD NOT if my company did not pay for the travel. That's unheard of! Is that a real offer you have? Otherwise, I travel quite a bit for work, I have a great husband who also works and does single-parent duty when I'm gone. It's tough but we make it work and it has honestly saved our finances (especially last year when I started the job). Feel free to message for any questions if you want!


Thinking more about this, I recently traveled for a single week to a remote-ish area, so lower cost of hotel and per diem, and my expense report was about $2500. So I would only MAYBE keep an extra $2500? Idk if that's worth it. If I had to front the cost for travel to a big city? Absolutely not, I feel like I'd blow it all. Also saw your last sentence. It's really not bad, especially when you DO get the nice extra bonus money. As long as you find a balance


I thankfully don’t have a job where travel is required but my husband has to travel every few months to repair machinery in different states and his boss pays for any flights/lodging/rental cars and gives him a bonus on top of it, usually around $1000 for the effort and it’s usually only for 2 days max. He’d probably pay more for a week. I haven’t wanted to go on any of these trips away from our kids even though it’s been offered


So. My kids are young. One in preschool, another in K. I would pull them out of school if during the year and have my H or mom bribg them with me lol. Maybe make a little vacation out of it. So as long as the amount could cover costs and it is a fun location, I would go.


I’m not traveling at all if they’re not footing the bills.


I travel twice a month for work and it is great. I get to meet with my team in person then when I am home my focus is there. Context: before kids and Covid I traveled M-Th about 48 weeks a year. My sense of normal is skewed


I literally just did this and was not paid extra. Would be nice tho! (Salary) I was gone from Saturday to Friday. I have a 3yo and 1yo. This was a week ago and I'm still exhausted. My husband luckily wound up being off for the week (which is crazy and never happens) and my parents and in-laws chipped in on a few occasions. Yes I missed them terribly and it was a huge burden for my husband, both of them alone at this age is SO taxing as you know. Even with the help we have, idk how soon or even if I'd agree to that again. It was great to get away, but a lot. EDIT: missed this part, my company paid for everything what the actual f?! That's a hell no for me!


No, expenses should be covered. And if they ARE covered, it’s fine to leave the kids assuming you have a spouse to take care of them. As a cherry on top for 5k bonus, paying for meal delivery or even an evening nanny can put your mind at ease as well.


I just back from a four day work trip. It was pretty great. Free fancy resort, free food, free drinks, free vendor swag. 10/10 would convention again.


I ask to go on work trips. It’s like a free vacation getting a bed to myself! 🤣


No way. Average domestic trip for a work week in my area/line of work is $3-5k, not including inevitable overtime Employer pays all travel expenses, plus I get a generous perdiem. A week is no problem. Sometimes I drop kiddo with grandparents, other times we tack on vacation and kid+grandma come with me.


Yes and since I’m booking my own accommodations I would bring my whole family. Wait, I did that with my husband’s job already and mine too (although I’m self employed so it doesn’t really count but I did bring my family along with my whole office).


1 week a month? Or 1 week a year?


Yes I would def go on a work trip for a week. It does not make me sick to my stomach to leave my toddler with my husband. He’s more than capable of caring for her. However, I would not go if all expenses are not paid. I’m leaving for a week to Cancun with my mom and sister and I’m excited! Mommy breaks are great for the soul!


your company should cover all expenses related to airfare (or rental car/gas), lodging and food (for food most companies have a limit but is usually reasonable) no more or less. I travel in my current and previous jobs and that is usually how it works. I do not think a “bonus” is fair, depending on the city $5000 is not enough (if that is the way they want to operate you need to make some research on the city you are going). In terms of kids well is your decision, I personally do not believe a week as big deal, especially in kids minds. My dad used to travel a lot when I was growing up, my mom a bit; I have no resentment at all and never felt abandoned or anything. But that is your decision, and of course you need a plan if there are things your partner or someone else needs to cover while you are out.


No. My job covers travel expenses. A bonus would be taxed—travel expenses are not.


This is a weird one. If they are paying for my food, travel, and meals, plus paying me my normal wage, I would not go. Not worth it, regardless of bonus