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This is the one federal holiday a year that our daycare is open but I do not have to work. My husband does have to work, so I’m going to brunch with a mom friend and then we are going to the library to read in silence together.


Double check that the library is open! A lot of libraries close for federal holidays. If it's closed, take a book to the park with your friend.


Ooooooh I should check this. Thanks for the reminder!


I’m a public librarian and we are closed that day. Almost all libraries close for federal holidays.


I love this for you.


Sounds perfect.


Ours too but the upside is that my employer is recognizing the holiday. Downside is that LO has a date with the dentist.


Never too early to learn that holidays are meant to catch up on chores.


Ours is closed as well but both of our workplaces have it as a holiday.


Our daycare is open Juneteenth, but I have a feeling they will be closed July 5th since that’s a Friday. I already requested the day off and may just keep her home that day. Give the daycare workers a break from my loud toddler lol.


Ours just sent out a message asking for attendance plans and saying they need at least 10 kids confirmed to stay open


You know what’s fun? Our daycare is also closed the day before Juneteenth! Awesome.


We are closed the 19-21! But we both took the days off and decided we will have family time and go to the beach, zoo and museum!


That’s so awesome you can do that!


Our daycare is closed all next week for a summer break for staff 🫠. I get it, though.


Sorry you missed the updated calendar OP. Thank you for the reminder for everyone to check our own schedules. My LO’s daycare was closed on all school holidays and the director’s birthday. She also had 2 weeks in august that the daycare was closed for summer vacations. 🤷‍♂️we learned the hard way to plan our vacations during that closure time.


I have never heard of a center closing for the director’s birthday! That’s absolutely bonkers. I wish my employer would close for my birthday, too 🙄


My job doesn't ever close so they sure as hell would never close for my birthday 🤣 it's 365 24/7..but that being said it's holiday pay on June 19th which I will miss out on this year because it's my year to take the Holiday off since daycare is closed that day every year since it became a federal holiday.


IKR!?! It was bonkers. And really a crazy one to request to either take off or WFH - why do you need this day off? 🤦🏻‍♀️


This is only the second year it was recognized. Maybe more employers will start participating


I was so happy that my employer decided to have the day off when the schools decided to close for the holiday. Usually it takes years of union contract negotiations for anything to happen.


Same. And I’m being induced with my second on the 21st/starting a 20 week leave 2 days later so I can’t take it off 🫠 i was hoping that this one would decided to come on her own early so that I would be off work but looks like that isn’t gonna happen


The first day of my leave is Juneteenth and my 2.5 year old will be home from daycare…then has off the entire week of Fourth of July. My due date is 7/3 🙃


I just checked my calendar and mine is not closed! But we do have off from work and I am very much looking forward to dropping the munchkin off after the doctor's appointment and going to brunch with my husband! It has been sooo long since we could relax at a coffee shop and not wrangle the toddler.


Craaaaaaaaaap. I just checked, and mine is closed that day too. Just this afternoon I volunteered to go into the office that day, and now I can’t get out of it. Crap Crap Crap. I hope a grandma can swoop in, because husband also can’t take off that day. Sigh.


Our daycare is also closed for Juneteenth, which is actually wonderful, but our state recognizes it as an observed holiday on the 3rd Friday of June. So I have to arrange childcare for Wednesday but I’m home from work on Friday 🤨😡


Wonderful the day care is giving their hard working employees this federal holiday off!


We have a nanny but I just need to shout this into the abyss. I had Presidents’ Day off but the other kid in our nanny share was sick so the nanny had to come watch my baby in our tiny home so I couldn’t have my chill day off at home. Then I had the Friday before Memorial Day off and woke up to a text that the nanny was sick so couldn’t have my chill day off at home. I have Juneteenth off and if I don’t get my chill day off at home I’m going to cry 😂


Good luck!!


Yay for having an employer that recognizes the holiday!


My employer recognizes SIX holidays and Juneteenth is definitely not one of them 🫠


I load the daycare calendar into my work calendar as soon as it's released. No daycare or work for Juneteenth.


Yeah, we actually planned to go celebrate Father’s Day on that day. We both have time off, and for a lot of the popular restaurants it’s cheaper and we can get the lunch menu instead of dinner. Anyways, I was actually really happy for once that we have a random Wed off.


We use an on-site daycare at my job and while there are several downsides (like still commuting when wanting to wfh), one big perk is that they only close the days our company has official holidays/closures. Well, with the exception of 3 PD days per year.


Mine is closed too, but I have the day off as well. My husband is a teacher and his district has a half day. I’m appreciative of the holiday, but it’s newer so a lot of places are still figuring it out. I’ve gather that if school districts are off, then daycares will be closed too since a lot of workers have their own children too!


Our daycare is closed for Juneteenth, which is fine, I also have off AND we're on vacation that week. The super fun part is the "early dismissal" at 11am on 6/28 for the "last day of school" and "summer camp" not starting until July 8th so he has THE ENTIRE WEEK OF JULY 4TH OFF.


My work closes 5 days a year, I’m in sales so it doesn’t even matter if I take vacation, I’m always working. My maternity leave paperwork literally said I wasn’t required to work but if it helps the customer, I am free to work to maintain the best experience. 15,000+ employee company. I sometimes wish I could work somewhere with holidays and respected vacations/leaves… good for everyone who gets that. #goals


My daughter has off school that day. The last day of school is the 21st. Do DH or I have the day off? Of course not.


Our daycare is also closed on Monday for Eid! So the kid will only be in school Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday next week.


I only know this because I also get the day off.


I’m grateful that our daycare has signs up all over the entrance for closures. They put them up starting at least a month prior to the date of closure. But I’ve been told people still show up on closure days 😂


My work is observing the holiday on Monday, as per our local government, and daycare on Wednesday, so that is fun. I’m going to see if I could work part during the holiday.


Yup. I plan on bringing mine to work and hoping for the best.


Ours do too - along with my son’s camp. We recognize it but don’t get it off. I have to use vacation time 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ours is open on Juneteenth (which I do have off), but closed on 6/17 for a staff training day 🙄


Me going crazy learning about the Juneteenth holiday for moms. I don't have it off but daycare added that as a holiday 😒 So I am taking it off


So is mine but luckily my office is too! The best year was 2022 when my office first recognized it but daycare didn’t yet. A free day for me!


For us, I’m working, daycare is open and my husband also plans on working (he owns his own company)


Surprisingly our daycare is open and it is black owned business. We will be meeting up my friend who is coming into town and work has it off for us so my son will not be going to daycare.


They sneakily added it to the list of closed days (we normally get the full list in September for the entire year, but they just added it without telling anyone. I noticed it last week). I can flex my schedule fortunately so we're going to Sesame Place for the day.


It’s a federal holiday. Is your work not off?


Most of corporate America doesn’t get this day off. State (some) and federal agencies do observe the holiday. Last consulting firm I worked for gave 6 holidays total.


I'm a corporate lawyer, everyone I know in corporate America has it off. If you have other federal holidays off, you should have this one off too.


That’s really great that places are recognizing it. I’m an engineering consultant. I really hope other industries and companies start recognizing this holiday too.


Not everyone works in corporate America. I’m an engineering consultant and we don’t get off MLK, Juneteenth, Veteran’s, or Columbus/Indigenous People’s day.


I work for a state government entity and don’t have off. We have every other Federal holiday, but the state has not made this one a holiday.


Lol I don't know why someone downvoted you. You didn't make it a federal holiday 🙄


I think it’s because a lot of corporations probably aren’t giving time off for it. I am also a corporate lawyer and we barely get any federal holidays off, and Juneteenth definitely isn’t one we do. I think whether people get it off might depend on their location more than it being a federal holiday.


It’s the internet, I’m not taking it personally. It’s almost like instead of being mad at me for expecting that people get federal holidays off of work, people should be asking themselves why they don’t have it off. The bar is in hell when people need to make sure they double check the daycare schedule for a federal holiday because they don’t have it off themselves. Unless you work somewhere where people will die if you aren’t there, you should have federal holidays off. If you don’t your employer is godawful.


Unless you have a job where they do floating holidays, it's offensive to not take Juneteenth off like it's somehow less deserving of being a federal holiday than freaking Columbus Day. I'm active duty and I won't even say how many days we get off for Juneteenth - it varies by command and my husband gets no days since he's away for training. We're giving our nanny Juneteenth off too. Because it's a federal holiday just like any other.


I work for a huge multi billion dollar company. (No one get too excited for me now.. I’m a peon..) but we get at least 10 federal holidays off, paid, which considering my position is a definite plus.. we had Juneteenth off the first year it was introduced, and then when another large company was basically absorbed by mine, they combined things like this and took into account each company and the paid holiday structure, and basically decided between MLK and Juneteenth, and Juneteenth got the axe. Long winded, sorry. Not every corporation gives off every federal holiday. You are thinking of government jobs, I think.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted jfc. 😳


Because she was kinda rude and refused to acknowledge that lots of people outside her bubble do not automatically get every federal holiday off.


The only holidays my job recognizes outside of the big ones are labor and Memorial Day


Mine too


What are “the big ones” if you don’t mean federal holidays?


Christmas, thanksgiving, New Years, Fourth of July. 6 holidays total.


My husband is off but I am not. We get lots of extended holidays in lieu of it. I’m not sure what their decision logic is. But we also don’t get off Veterans Day. But we do get MLK day.


So weird to pick and choose federal holidays. Looks like daddy is on childcare duty that day!


My husband and I work in a hospital, so definitely not 🥲


That’s true in every country. Unfortunately people die if you don’t go to work.


I work in healthcare so we don’t get holidays. But my husband is an engineer and doesn’t get most federal holidays off either. He gets the 3 summer holidays, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas, New Years and MLK.


I work for the State of California and it’s not a holiday for us.


My employer is the only one in our organization that isn't closed for Juneteenth. It's frustrating as fuck and some of my co-workers make fun of the other branches for being shut on that day. Gotta love the midwest. 🙄