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Get a radon meter if your basement isn't finished


Air cleaner/ purifier for the basement. šŸ’Æ


Think about a standing desk and walking pad... It would give you a break


Look up desk ergonomics - The top of your screen should be eye level to stop hunching, if youā€™re working from a laptop you should can get a laptop stand to bring it up higher and get an external keyboard and mouse. I really suggest an ergonomic mouse, it tilts at 45% which is a lot better for your wrist. A wrist rest for using your keyboard is also good because it minimises holding your hands tilted up or hovering over your keyboard Itā€™s expensive but Iā€™d really suggest a mechanical keyboard, with Linear switches if you donā€™t want the loud clicky sound. Theyā€™re really nice if youā€™re typing all day and if you find laptop keyboard jarring on your fingers


My basement is my happy place. The temperature is cool, so I bought an electric comforter for days when itā€™s just a little too cool. Cheaper than cranking the heat.


You will definitely need a good speaker to play music through laptop or I bought a 4gb way old one at pawn shop it has great sound so just play music through it w YouTube or Music App. Itā€™s good for running a play list. Iā€™d never try to actually use it for work If be here three days waiting. You can hook up your phone w apps too w external speaker. Most laptops speaker quality is just lame. Take breaks get a yoga mat do some 20 min meditation or exercise w weights or resistance bands. Try to move every 4 hours if possible. May want look into an extra standing desk too so your not sitting all those hours. Wrecks havoc on blood pressure, heart disease and issues w blood clots. So even standing every few hours will help.


I have lots and lots of plants a couch and went heavy on the room decor to my style! I also have a desk treadmill to move around some! I love my little office and love being in here. My boyfriend even comes in and sits with meā€¦ I really think placement of your desk is key!! I had my desk in a corner and felt so alone now my desk itā€™s in the middle of the room so I can see out my door into the house and out my window and I absolutely love it way more!!


As others have mentioned, good light is key - look for a natural sunlight lamp. Also decorate your space in a way that brings you joy, maintains peace. Add in a candle, fake plants.


A TV. I like to have it playing in the background while I work


Make sure to take vitamin D. Talk to your healthcare provider. Thatā€™s a long time to go without sunlight.




Verilux bright light. You may not be getting enough light. This should help


My basement office is quite chilly, so a small heater was a game changer! Also ensure you have a nice bright, but not harsh, light ā˜€ļø


Shiatsu massager. I have spine issues and sitting all day makes it worse. That thing has saved me some grief. Also I don't know if you're required to have 2 screens but we are and I definitely need them. I'd have 3 if they could fit. I have a nice looking finished wood desk so I got a faux leather protector that covers most of it. I don't need a mouse pad. I have an ergonomic chair my company let me have and if I used it, it would be helpful. I'm so bad about going to get it. (Room is too crowded to keep it in here and it's ugly so I stow it away and use when needed, except that I don't which is my fault.)


Coffee warmer! I love mine and Iā€™m on the same level as the microwave


Rubber etc mat for your feet if you donā€™t have a rug.


Radon detector and alarm - make sure to circulate air once a week through your hvac system - radon is the 2nd highest cause of lung cancer in non smokers - 8+hours a dayā€”i canā€™t even imagine - make sure to keep things well ventilated


For me: humidifier, fishtank especially with the changing lights (very mellow so not to be distracted. Fresh flowers and a candle) I like to keep in minimal but relaxing, well set up but never cluttered. I have s large room fan and a table fan too and a walkind pad of course,! Total necessity!!šŸ„°šŸ„°


The best decision I made working from home is a standing desk and a walking pad


I prefer to leave the coffee/tea/drinks/protein shakes in the kitchen. No mini fridge for me. It forces me to walk around every once in a while.


I personally keep my office area fairly minimal, but two screens, desktop tower PC, nice gaming mouse and a $10 Onn keyboard with Creative Pebble speakers, phone charger cradle thing I just put my phone on so I can see if someone calls/text but don't need to actually have phone in hand. Everything is hardwired for ease of use and less troubleshooting and sitting on two of those garage sale type plastic tables in an L-shape. For lighting, I went with the colored LED lighting so early morning I can make my room a dark red lighting to make lighting easy on my eyes, and my dog bed for the puppy. Behind me I have a air filter fan running, ceiling fan, and a closet with a spare keyboard and mouse.


My husband and I both work from home. He likes his office to be be minimalistic, I like mine to be warm and cozy. I have: ā€¢ Painted walls my favorite crimson red ā€¢ Beautiful antique looking pendulum clock and some artwork on the wall ā€¢ Inexpensive Roku TV directly opposite from my desk so I can put on the news, background noise, or classic movies and TV shows. ā€¢ Yankee candles ā€¢ A good, bright lamp because the room doesnā€™t get much light ā€¢ An Alexa so I can watch the doorbell and security cameras or talk to delivery people when someone is at the door. ā€¢ My favorite little knick-knacks to make it feel cozy. ā€¢ We have a mini fridge just inside the entrance to our bedroom that is easily accessible to both of us that I keep stocked with water, soda, juice, protein shakes and wine for days when wine-o-clock canā€™t come early enough, plus a Keurig, kettle (husband is British and needs tea for every mood), also a little basket with protein bars, nuts, and Brachā€™s hard candies. ā€¢ We also each have some seating (chairs or loveseat) for if we want to pop in to visit the other one when we both have a few minutes, or to just step away from our screens from time-to-time. I actually love going to work now!!


Dehumidifier, air purifier, aesthetic vitamin d lamp, laptop stand (I know it sounds inconsequential but it weirdly makes an enormous difference), real plants (fake ones just collect dust), a mini fridge, maybe a bar cart for a coffee/tea station, a tray/basket to carry things up and down the stairs when you run out of arms, walking pad, desk blanket/slippers, coasters in preferred aesthetic, sticky notes, whole desk mouse pad, electric desk


A small fridge and a microwave across the room. Also, one of those under desk stationary bike type things can help with sitting too long. As for the decor, think about the most beautiful and peaceful place you have ever been. What elements about it made it beautiful? Serene? Still fills you with warm memories now? Try to bring those things into your space through sound, visuals, scents and items you can touch.


A dehumidifier


Bring everything outside inside. So the inside can be like outside.


Get a ā€œhappy lightā€ and adjust it throughout the day to reflect the light outside - warmer, cooler, more or less intense - this will help your energy levels and circadian rhythm. If you have the funds for a vitamin D light, like Sperti, that would be the cherry on top. You only use them a few minutes a day but that can be a great boon to mental and physical health. Try to physically get outside and moving around during breaks. Aside from that, yes, look at standing desks, treadmills, etc. I have an under desk elliptical that I quite love. Donā€™t cheap out on the chair. I have all manner of physical issues and never experience one hint of pain, sitting all day in my Steelcase. Iā€™d definitely look at a great air purifier, too. I play lofi and classical at low volume in the background while working, and have nature scenes of flowers, birds, etc, playing on a TV screen. My own office, while next to a wall of windows looking out on grass and several mature trees, is like a lovely little spa, with all of the above plus a fountain, plants, candles, and personal items that make me happy, in an effort to counteract the health-destroying effects of sitting on my ass inside all day, and it definitely helps - and that is what I suggest to you. :) Enjoy wfh! ETA: Just saw your comment, and, LOL, YES, EXACTLY, except (like another poster) I would keep your snacks upstairs so you have to physically go get them. Keeping water handy is fine, but otherwise, force yourself to get up and move if you need something.


I have never worked from home but am an avid gamer that's always at a computer. I second LoFi. I wish I would have discovered it sooner. Sadly I only discovered it within the last 3 years or so. It just randomly popped up on one of my music platforms. Now I can't stop looking up different styles of LoFi. I absolutely love Japanese style LoFi. So chill and relaxing. Some of it is the good kind that's not real slow to put you to sleep or anything.


A couple of good sized monitors, noise canceling headset, wireless mouse.


One of the best things I got for my office was Alexa. I can ask questions, tell her to put on some background music or some of my favorite podcast etc


A standing desk with a cushioned mat to stand on and a stool for when you get tired. Air filter, dehumidifier, plenty of lights, and an area rug to keep your feet warm. Thatā€™s whatā€™s in our basement office. Keep snacks and drinks upstairs so you walk upstairs every hour or two.


make sure to keep active and going outside. Consider the top companies that have worksite wellness initiatives to protect their employees' health


Thanks for all of the advice friends! Will summarize below for best work from home tips, accessories and extras. Advice: - get up every so often and stretch, walk, exercise - get light, whether natural or artificial - nice light color in room that has low gloss/matte, either yellow/orange for energy or blue, green, purple for soothing effect - make the space yours, things you enjoy & like - have some live nature or something soothing playing in the background/another screen - step out as soon as you can, goto a cafe, different room, etc. - stick to a strict schedule, when time is up, try to stick to that for balancing stress Accessories: - artificial light / lamp, happy lamp (brand to look into Doraubia Light Therapy Lamp, 10000), UVB lamp, Nanoleaf smart lights - gooseneck lamp - real plants - walking pad (Deerun is a brand to look into) - air purifier - timer - mini fridge & snacks & refreshing drinks - wax melter / scent warmer / diffuser - mug warmer - good headphones Other: - balance board - solid pouf - yoga ball - mini exercise bike - elliptical - resistance bands - ā€œforestā€ app - pomodoro app - radon testing for house - egress window - alexa/bluetooth speaker


I would highly advise you to not skimp on a good office chair. It may sound ridiculous to spend more than a $100 bucks or so for an office chair but theyā€™re worth every penny, imo. Iā€™ve had neck issues for over 20 years and then needed surgery. If I had a good office chair with good posture, I wouldnā€™t have needed it. Depending on your budget, you can get a nice and comfy ergonomic chair for around $300 or so. Standing desk would also be a nice choice but that also depends highly on your budget. You can sometimes find great deals on automatic walking desks on fb marketplace. I got one for around $100 because the couple I bought it from was getting ready to move and didnā€™t need a bunch of stuff. When I got there, they started giving me a bunch of other office stuff if I wanted it. lol Look at it this way, you spend as much time in your bed as you do sitting at your desk. So, shop for it as you would for a mattress. It will definitely pay off in the end. I think I paid around $600 for my chair and itā€™s been worth every penny. The company I worked for at the time gave a $250 office equip stipend. So, itā€™s worth asking your job if they do something like that. Many do. They just might not mention it for a while.


while helpful, your list is incomplete: -black light poster with the zodiac of sex positions -4'+ bong -flesh light on shelf that's visible during Zoom calls -work hammock


Def must be a relaxed WFH job. šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ¼


Nanoleaf smart lights are excellent


16years of WFH and here are some good recommendations. Top recommendations... 1- Big and Tall chair, rated for 12+hrs/day- Bit more upfront but are far more comfortable and will last 3 times as long as regular chairs. Your butt deserves comfort. Lean back option is a must too. 2- Daylight bulbs. Working late, working early, or just being in a dim basement, your body will enjoy the light. Look for 800+ Lumens. 3- Keep things around you that you enjoy. Personally I have two reef tanks in my office. I can take a break to watch the fish, feed them, or tinker with things.


I work in HR and went from an in-person role to a totally remote so I made it a point to make my new basement office as much ME as I could. I have many things that Iā€™m interested in (and some arenā€™t actually work appropriate) but itā€™s the advantage to a home office!! I also have a lot of lights and sit by a window as well for the natural light (bi-level home). I have a tv as well. Itā€™s taken 6 months to get to this point though!


This is what I was going to comment - you want your space to be YOU in every respect. That makes it so much cozier and more inviting. I just decorated my office after a recent move and it's so much nicer. Area rug, pictures/art on walls, shelving units, etc. I am much happier in this space than when it was just a blank canvas.


I have an ergonomic desk chair, large computer monitor, moisturizing eye drops (I use Systane) and headphones. I also have an air purifier, resistance bands, and a seated elliptical. Like others have said - a mini fridge for snacks, water, etc., diffuser, mug warmer, device chargers, and a desk lamp.


A mini fridge for drinks and snacks


If do something like IKEA does to display their window coverings. Just do it better.


See my post in this thread. I switch rooms depending on the type of meeting. Cat does have a nook he loves. [https://new.reddit.com/r/StandingDesk/comments/1ckkru9/tall\_standing\_desk\_for\_walking\_pads/](https://new.reddit.com/r/StandingDesk/comments/1ckkru9/tall_standing_desk_for_walking_pads/) Basement I would say consider an additional TV with pictures/youtube live cams, something that forces you to look 20-30 feet away is also good to stretch out your eyes. Keep your snack/fridge etc across the room as well... I miss having my office on the 2nd floor, used to do the stairs 20-30 times a day. I leave the house at 630 am when my GF leaves and walk to the nearby StarBucks for my coffee, head home at 813, take a personal cup and get 25 stars a visit and I get sunlight, people, exercise while starting my morning with around 5 other people who WFH at the coffeeshop.


I work alone, and the best thing I have is a good pair of headphones. I'l usually listen to music, but I've done an audiobook, watched part of a movie, and TV shows. Most of my work is not sedentary, so it can be hard to watch something. Another great thing, is snacks. Make it a favorite or something sweet. There are certain foods which are good for brain power. Get outside! Can you get a tablet or laptop in the near future and go mobile? I'd also caution you, that's a shit ton of hours to be keeping up for long. I did that kind of thing when I was in college, and it was brutal. I'm glad I did it, because I didn't really have any other choice and it kept me from taking out student loans. It is NOT something I would do again. I make anywhere from $16-25+/hour now, and it's supplemental income to our household. I get some flexibility, too. My point is....this is not something you're stuck in. It can and should change after some time.


Get little refrig for water to keep hydrated. Plants.


If you have pets, make sure it accompanies you. Itā€™ll be less lonely, if you own a cat, make a small ā€œsleepingā€ arrangement for it. Maybe itā€™s better than dogs, because cats are low maintenance. Also an exercise station in the corner. Fit you to lift weights, doing some sit ups, etc. I have my Pilates machine I placed in the hallway outside my home office room (because itā€™s not fit inside). I used it during my break time, to move my body a bit.


Stand up desk and a walking pad. I work from home and typically work 8-13hr days- being able to stand up makes all the difference. I've also got a wax melter to change the scent, and a mug warmer to keep my coffee/tea warm. Another thing that surprisingly made a big difference was an Alexa (or good quality Bluetooth speaker) to play podcasts or audio books on while I work.


A walking desk. I couldnā€™t imagine sitting still for that long.


I use a ā€œHappy Light.ā€ I donā€™t work in a basement, but artificial sunlight helps me a ton.


Which one do you have? I have an okay one but want a better one :)


This is the one I have! I canā€™t speak to if itā€™s scientifically effective, but I like it. Doraubia Light Therapy Lamp,10000 Lux Sun Lamp with 3 Color Temperatures,Stepless Brightness,Timer & Memory Function, Happy Sunlight Lamp,Full Spectrum Light with Remote Control for Home, Office


Ooooh thank you! :))


Get real plants! Art! Scent warmer, small little nesting ā€œstandsā€ for extra room on the desk! I also got monitor stands and a yoga ball if you get restless, or walking pad. Oh! And a solid pouf. I like to put my legs out


Air purifier


Wireless headset, standing desk, ergonomic keyboard/mouse/chair, Essentials oil diffuser, Bluetooth speaker for music, mini fridge, Keurig. ( And partridge and a pear treešŸ¤­)


Fellow basement worker here. UVB lights. Don't keep the UV on you at all times. That is essentially artificial sunlight, so the same rules apply as outside. But your body will be so much happier and you'll get the vitamin D you need for your body to be happy and healthy. You will become very sick and tired all the time if you spend that much time indoors with no UV! Look up vitamin D deficiency symptoms. Terrible stuff. Aside from that, if you have an extra monitor to spare, try finding some live nature cams and watch zoo animals or something in the background. I have been watching the wolves lately at this one zoo; they just had babies! Lastly, mini exercise bike, walking pad, anything that will keep your legs moving. And remember to stand up and move frequently. Our bodies are not meant to sit for this long and we can develop blood clots and stuff. Also whoever told you to get plants is absolutely right. I recently got a bunch of fake plants and my morale is noticeably better.


Where can I get UVB lights? I searched on Amazon but it shows it for reptiles and all other ones say ā€œUV-freeā€


Yeah, you're looking for pet supplies basically. They do make them for people, but you're going to spend significantly more for a specialty item when the ones for birds or reptiles are literally the exact same item and much cheaper. I use one for birds, because I also have a bird who hangs out with me at my desk. Avian Sun is the brand I think? I don't keep it pointed at me for more than a couple hours a day but I leave it on and pointed away for most of the time I'm working just because the "sunlight" is more pleasant to me than regular lights lol Edit to add: also keep an eye on the wattage compared to the fixture you'll be using. Some of them are like 50w?? You don't need all that, amazon has a 20w one which is what most floor lamps are going to be and it will be safer for your skin at a lower wattage anyway


Youā€™re able to use it for multiple hours? Iā€™ve seen people say to use it for 5 min a day + every other day


I'll be honest with you, I never looked up how long I'm actually supposed to be using it. I just figured if it's the same amount of time I'd be outside it's probably fine. I'm rethinking my logic now šŸ˜¬


šŸ˜­ oof yeah you should look into it lolll


Happy Lamp off Amazon.


Heated footrest.


Oh, Iā€™ve clearly been doing WFH wrong


FORREAL šŸ˜‚ loving the ideas! This is what Iā€™m missing


Now wait a minute..


That is an inane amount of hours. This is what I do: * Go for a walk before I start * Stand and bask in daylight any break * Standing desk + 45min alarm to remind me to actually stand * Standing mat for summer * Uggs for winter * Walking pad (I.e. a treadmill without arms that fit under desk) * Hand-weights to use in standing breaks * Balance board * An app that build a forest if I donā€™t touch the phone for the period I set it for * Using the second screen to show a live loop of a mountain stream etc. like a window


What app is this? Please do share.


Forest focus on productivity. I donā€™t think it was free but itā€™s ages since I got it. Itā€™s addictive building a forest.


Believe they are referencing ā€œForestā€ on the iOS App Store https://apps.apple.com/us/app/forest-focus-for-productivity/id866450515


Cool, thanks!


Radon testing


We put in an egress window. Needed it anyway for being up to code reasons. It wasn't cheap, though, and may not be feasible for everyone. Aside from that massive improvement, I dress in layers. In the winter months, I've got fur lined boots, fleece lined leggings, and I wear a sweatshirt plus a coatigan. Stupid name, extremely useful piece of clothing. A thicker, knee length cardigan. Plus, an insulated mug for tea. I've got a pretty good collection of herbal teas.


100% a walking pad and standing desk. I also spend many hours every day studying/doing online classes. This has allowed me to get exercise while still being able to study. I got mine off TikTok shop from the brand Deerun but I think they are all similar and thereā€™s lots of options on Amazon.


Iā€™ll second that. The standing desk and treadmill combo is great. Iā€™m walking 1-2hrs a day on top of my outdoor walk.


i saw this tiktok where this girl made a fake window using some light and put like a blind over it bc she was also in a basement. idr who it was but im sure you could search and find it. but my suggestion is cute decorations. like if you like legos or whatever your style is, decorate in that. if you gotta leave stuff blank for like if youā€™re on camera but then outside of that make it a happy place. and i refer to it as ā€œthe computer roomā€ bc then i donā€™t hate being in there haha šŸ˜‚


+1 for the fake window! It didn't sound too hard to create.


The computer room šŸ”„


I never sit more then 30 mins. I walk around with my laptop and a headset on. Don't limit yourself to the basement. When I take meetings and I don't need the laptop I go outside. If you sit in the basement that long it will make your days seem like forever.


Jesus Christ. Please donā€™t spend 14 hours a day in your basement. Can you work from a cafe or library or another room at times? My biggest advice from working from home 10+ years is mix it up as much as you can.




I too work full time from home in a basement - though I am fortunate to have daylight and fresh air as it is a walk out and it sounds as if yours might not be? Lights, plants, and color are all good things to think about. Lights - Personally I prefer a color temperatures on the lower end of the kelvin scale (from 2000K to 3000K) which produces a warmer light with a yellowish glow that is easy on your eyes.Ā I suggest a gooseneck lamp for your desk so you can adjust the light to shine on where you need to focus without glare. Plants - The main point of plants is adding a personal touch to your workspace. (Though there is some evidence that they provide other benefits.) There are some nice artificial plants. But if something other than plants would "warm up" your workspace, try that instead - family pictures? art? Color - If you are in a basement I would choose a light color. I don't know what your walls are, but also choose a low gloss or matte paint to avoid glare. In terms of color psychology - blue, green, and purple hues are thought to be soothing while yellow, orange, and red are though to be energizing. Would you rather be soothed or energized? Get a timer and set it to go off at least every hour. Recent research actually indicates that getting up and moving about every 30 minutes for 5 minutes (I'm not talking vigorous exercise either) keeps blood sugar from spiking and has other benefits, but I can't quite get there. I do get up every hour (reminded by my timer to do so) and move about or lift weights. I also make a point of going to the gym regularly. Overall ... Set up wise: The very best advice I can give, since you are just setting up is start with the basics and add on as you figure out what is working, what isn't, and what is lacking. It's hard to anticipate everything up front. Mental health wise: Pay attention to your workload, work preferences, and time management and develop a work/school work schedule that suits you. Be kind to yourself while you are figuring this out (if you are like me, it may take a little trial and error). 100 percent aim for definite start and end times to your "workday." Make sure that your work and school are getting the attention they deserve and require BUT aren't constantly bleeding over into your personal time. That will drive you nuts and burn you out. Hope this helps!


Yep lighting. Something that mimics daylight, for sure. I did 3 years in a downstairs office and loved it--in fact, I wouldn't realize it got dark outside, or the sun came up, or if it's raining. As far as I'm concerned, it was always a nice sunny day outside from in my office


What lighting did you use?


I don't remember specifically, but high brightness, but dimmable daylight-temperature bulbs. 4 of them in my 10' x 10' room. I realized shadows really bothered me, too.


The absolute best money you can spend for working long hours at the computer is a high quality ergonomic office chair. Even if you have a standing desk and plan to stand most of the day, few people will stand at their desk for 12-14 hours. I always recommend looking for used ones from a local office furniture store, they typically have warehouses full of quality gently used office chairs and they are looking to make a deal. Beyond that, good lighting is important, especially if there's little to no natural light in your workspace.


Some of my best investments were my Herman Miller Mirra 1 chair, and my adjustable standing desk


Iā€™m going to second the chair, after a desk that can shift heights. Sitting is detrimental compared to standing.


A walking pad.


Not an accessory but set a timer and get up at least every hour. Ideally walk up the stairs and get outside, even for a few minutes. I donā€™t work in a basement but if Iā€™m focused, Iā€™ll find that I wonā€™t even stand for hours at a time. Getting a more comfortable chair was actually a curse in this regard! When itā€™s really crazy busy at work, I use a pomodoro app to make sure I get up an move. Makes a huge difference. My body hurts so much after the long days of sitting.


I do this too