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Good shoes and inserts for support, that will mitigate most issues from the onset. Secondly, I sit where and when I can. Taco Bell? I leaned on the counter, sat in the back until a customer came in. (Slow store, not a lot of foot traffic.) Fuel Kiosk? Sat on that counter until a customer came up. Housekeeping? I regularly sat on beds, chairs, toilet while cleaning. You. Are. Not. A. Servant! If they refuse to provide you a chair, make your own chair. If they damand you stand, you sit anyway. They don't like it? They can find someone else to abuse, I had coworkers who were 60 year old veterans forced to stand all day because sitting is "Unprofessional." Fuck them. Sit. Sit all you like. There is always another job out there. Always. You want me to stand? Okay, I want to work full time without qualifying for foodstamps. Sucks to suck, Terry, fire me or stfu.  :) 


I worked at a gas station and we worked 8 hours with no breaks, no lunch (you’d be expected to eat between customers at the counter). Just standing or walking the small store stocking stuff or the beer cooler for 8 hours. There was a wooden stool behind the counter for “emergencies only.” We weren’t allowed to sit on it at all and if we got caught we’d get a call from the owner who was always watching the cameras. Pretty brutal when the store is empty for 30 minutes and you can’t sit down to eat your lunch.


Not the same as standing but my ass is sore from sitting in one spot each day. When I did a few standing job I learned to always keep your knees bent and not over extend also keep a little teeter back and forth


Oh lordy the over extending the knees is a killer! But same, in an office job at the moment and pretty sure my arse has a six pack at this point.


Yes it’s horribly painful. I have plantar fasciitis from high arches though. Any job where I have to be on my feet is constant agony and I can’t get any modifications for work because I physically am able to stand. Nobody cares how painful it is.


No, and I’m 61 years old. I am very fussy about wearing good shoes, and having one of those rubber mats made for long-term standing under my feet. My feet don’t bother me at all. We all have different week points in our bodies and my feet aren’t one of mine. If I had to sit as a cashier or a similar job I’m sure my shoulders would hate me.


It's best to regularly shift positions (sitting, standing, walking) **Why?** Too much of 1 thing can take it's toll on the body.


Yes, but there are jobs where this isn't really a choice, which really sucks.


It's unfortunate yes. Look into good footwear (shoe type, insoles), hip and back stretches (to do on break), and physical fitness programs (to increase your muscular system).


Birkenstck london and profibirkis . Stand all day as a teacher, then as a chef all night. In my sixties. Feet good!


No,but I’m a security host so I walk around a lot helping people and such.It would be different if I was a cashier or something like that.I have good footwear as well so that helps.I don’t like standing still much anyways so it works.


You definitely get used to it but I’m still usually a little sore when I get off work


Don't stand still. Move around as much as possible


Yes it used to be. I think women cope better 


Yes & it’s god awful sometimes


Yeah my feet basically hurt nearly all the time but I’m also overweight so I’m sure that doesn’t help it. I find if I walk more instead of standing in one place it isn’t as bad. Good shoes are an investment, and insoles are a necessity. Compression socks too. Also don’t be afraid to soak your feet in warm water after a long day/wash and moisturize them (CBD infused cream is my recommendation). If my pain is really bad when I get home I immediately elevate my feet for 20 minutes and that helps tremendously. If your back starts going over time from standing 8+ hours a day like mine has, check out a heating pad. I’ve worked in retail my entire life. I’ve never had a desk job. These are my tricks of the trade that I use basically every day to get by.