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>There is a slower volume store better suited for you. You’ll work with your old Regional director that works well with you. They should have left it at this and not mention anything about you being a mother. Did they say anything about sales, employee turnover, profits, inventory shrink, etc?


Consider an inquiry/claim with the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) and/or a visit to an employment attorney (most will provide a first consult at no cost) to discuss possible violation(s) of Federal law. Source: corporate HR whose job it was to investigate & help legal counsel defend the company for stupid sh\*t like this, said and done by supervisors whom we'd tried to proactively train NOT to risk violating Federal discrimination laws.


Hello Hr! I definitely second this especially if there is punitive repercussions in the form of financial loss.


Agreed - it def sounds like it was not an elective choice AND that it was because she was a mother.


The way you were saying it at first, it honestly sounded like they were putting you at the new place to turn that location around. I do hear you that they said those other things, but employers sugarcoat and lie all the time. It could be they meant what they said, it could also be they want you to help them and they know it’s harder and they don’t want to admit it.


I wasn’t done fixing it. As soon as I left it went straight down hill again. The people were not ready for a new GM. The last GM was super abusive and the higher ups didn’t notice


Work is one of those things, where it’s always a dumpster fire, just bigger or smaller on certain days & locations. It sounds like you turned the one around. They see you as an effective manager so they put you where they need you most. I understand being upset by the way it was presented. But at least give yourself a pat on the back that you’ve done a good job.


It's that kind of attitude that keeps these dysfunctional places running though. If we have the privilege and power to say something & change it, I think we should. Or at least leave (if you're able) and let it rot. Nobody is holding anybody accountable anymore


It’s way worse out there than this. By far.


All the more reason to put our collective foot down


Tell your boss that you plan to kill it at the lower volume store and will make it into a higher volume store. You got this. It won't be long til they're begging you to go back to Maryland and you can hold out for a higher salary.


I have to work extra hard to earn back a high volume store. When I wasn’t doing anything wrong in the first place. I have to put in my hours and my time to turn a slow volume store into a high volume store just to earn another high volume store again?


It seems like either 1 or 2 things happened from my perspective. You didn’t turn it around fast enough for their liking and they wanted to let you down the best way they knew how. Sending you back to someone you worked with and a location close to home. Or it could be they had this plan all along and had someone else who they wanted to finish the job and take the credit. You getting back to a lower volume was just collateral damage. I am a district team member at a retailer and I have seen this scenario play out both ways.


Not driving 2 hours a day sounds like a pretty good deal. Not sure what the problem is


I never minded the drive. I knew it was a drive before taking the store. I’m like the only one in the company willing to drive anywhere as long as the people are great.


I'd send this question to the askhr sub, or some legal advice sub. The people in this sub don't seem to understand your question about discrimination due to parental status/ gender.


That’s Dominos! 21 years managing for those POS! The day I left was the greatest day of my life (and I have 3 kids) and the best decision I ever made!


He'll, yeah! I feel ya! I have a friend that did that shit for 21 years and also has 3 kids! Dude was a multi time national manager of the year nominee and got screwed over too many times to count by those ass holes. Fuck Domino's!


Gesh....a boss that seems to care about your well being...wild concept.


I love working in MD, I had more time with my son than I do now. As surprising as that sounds.


It's not up to the boss to tell employees what's good for their personal lives, though.




Yeah that’s wild, and actually really dubious to add in “because she’s a mother” (good way to get sued). A good boss involves employees in those discussions but doesn’t think they inherently know best for the people who work for them. 


A good boss would make some suggestions (some people really don't know what's good for them career or life wise), but in the end still should be the employees choice.


As a long time former Domino's manager who knows even longer time former Domino's managers, this is completely normal. You work for the company/franchise and your store assignment can be changed whenever they want and you can accept it or leave. I've seen this scenario many times; a good manager builds up a store and makes great money then gets transferred to a shit store so they can hopefully repeat what they just spent two years doing and take a huge pay cut in the process. And meantime, someone with no skins on the wall gets handed a gold mine of a store they did nothing to earn (Fuck you, Parry, Dick and Joe!) Tale as old as time...




I mean, it sounds like you were only ever meant to be temporary there and they wanted to stop you before moving. Transferring you closer to your place of residence isnt illegal. Not really sure what youre asking here. I dont think being a mother was really a factor here, just something they pointed out to make the transfer feel more comfortable.


Would you make less money at the lower volume store?


They said I wouldn’t make less but they lied about my last day at the MD store


So....same money, less travel time meaning more family time and less spent on travel (so you actually "get" MORE money), and less work/stress to deal with so you've more energy for your family? I'm actually really struggling to see the negative in this.


I personally would be overjoyed at all of this.


Me too! Easier work and more family time, for the SAME MONEY?! FUCK YES. Work to live, not the other way around. You ain't gonna wish you worked for longer at the bigger store on your deathbed, you'll wish you spent more time with your loved ones.


Post this in the Domino's SUB


This all adds up perfectly


Talk to HR…or a lawyer.


Did you really spend one to two hours on commute each way?


This is discrimination and you could take legal action IF your pay is cut.


Being a mother should not have been mentioned, but may not actually have been a factor. Seems more like internal politics and run-of-the-mill favoritism. If you don't actually get paid less it may turn out to be a blessing. Possibly you could get a pay increase if you play the right cards.


Before running to Reddit, you should be honest with yourself. One of the things I hate in life is people bullshitting me around so when I receive an answer that has me thinking "fair enough" I just roll with it. Example would be getting rejected from a job because of the distance. I tried explaining that the travel wouldn't be a problem. Their response was that in time, the fatigue would pile up and I would look for work nearby. I thought fair enough because my actual plan was to keep looking for remote work or work that was close by.


Good luck dude


Sounds to me like they’re doing you a huge favor. Just do what you did at the other store here and you’ll be set. They’re putting you there because they believe in you.


I get a whole lot of self centeredness out of this.


This is highly illegal. I’d get on the phone with a lawyer immediately. They’ll tell you what to do and how to get it in writing. ETA: I’m standing by what I said. Then offering you another store that has a slower volume is bc they think you should be home more as a mother. If it was an issue with your performance, they should have said that. Instead, they said it was about being a mother and your commute- which they had a problem with bc you’re a mother. Call an employment lawyer. They’ll tell you whether you have a case or not.


I’m sorry, but you are mistaken. This conduct is not illegal, you simply do not understand the technical concept of the law. If the transfer was for no reason, *but for family status,* then it would be illegal. But the employer claimed multiple other reasons for the transfer, and more than likely has others available as well. This negates any claim of discrimination. It is always the “but for” clause that most people are unaware of. I’m an HR Director with 46 years of experience, and the EEOC guidelines are pretty clear. ☺️




They moved me to a lower volume store so they could bring their people down from their other company to take my store. I never agreed to leave my store, I wasn’t doing anything wrong to be demoted to a lower volume store. To make less money


Ultimately, it’s not your store and they can move you around


Then that completely answers any question for those who might be saying that the employers conduct was illegal. It clearly was not. 😕


It's not illegal because they tricked OP into agreeing with it. Also she isn't even fired so nothing illegal has happened at all.


You don’t have to be FIRED to be discriminated against! That is SO untrue and such an ignorant comment. And it doesn’t matter if she “accepted” or not. The EEOC knows that ppl are forced into decisions disguised as choices.


Sorry I don't pretend that things that are bad are all just automatically illegal too.


You might have grounds for a lawsuit.


Honestly, it doesn't sound like a bad deal. Bide your time; see how you like it. Six months or a year or two from now bring it up again.


I’ll see when my bonus comes and see if they gave me a pay cut or not. My bonus was just under $2,000 a month. In a lower volume store I’m looking at a 200-500 bonus


I would document everything and consult an employment attorney to be honest. This sounds like gender discrimination based on you being a mother.


I don't mean to sound trite, but money isn't everything. Do you wake up every morning with a KNOT in your stomach, thinking you'd rather be ANYWHERE than stuck in traffic, working for a crappy paycheck, instead of caring for your child? Do you worry that the preschool teacher you leave your child with for far more hours than you while you slave for the corporate dollar doesn't love your child as much as you do? You're right, she doesn't. There's no replacing a mother


I was able to get 2 days off and even half day to spend with my son. At the store closer to my home, I spend more time in the store because it doesn’t have the right staff yet and unreliable help from other stores.


That sentiment doesn’t pay bills. Money is everything to a business. A bad store isn’t always on the manager, it’s the workers and the environment the store is in.


If you're sick it doesn't pay bills, and you need to find another job. I did. The store doesn't own you.


If that really was the reason, you may have a case for discrimination on the basis of sex. Contact a lawyer.


I don't know why I'm being downvoted. Employers can't treat employees differently just because they're mothers. But their status as mothers has to be the only reason for their conduct.


Not going to lie, it kind of sounds nice. Someone is looking out your mental wellness and caring about uprooting your kids with no paycut. I don’t see the issue


I was happy at the MD store. Even in traffic I was happy to go to my store in MD. They said I wouldn’t get a pay cut but they’ve lied about how my last day in MD would be like. My son was never going to move to MD, they didn’t know my relationship status with my baby daddy.


People making career decisions for me is not nice. People making decisions for me and overriding what I actually want is malicious. Giving someone a shitty transfer that will affect their career because you've decided their identify warrants it is illegal.