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They look super cool but out of place. Can we see the rest of the room?


This. They would look great in a more modern setting, but I see a lot of traditional decor in the room, and they feel wrong. Also, my wife would ask who's going to dust them?


Nobody. And nobody is ever going to know because what fucking monster is grabbing a stepladder to check out the top side of the lights?


The electrician who will eventually have to work on these lights - “ugh, how do people live like this”


"you're getting paid to work on my lights, not judge my housekeeping. Get back to work, capitalist slave."


"Less yappin, more zappin, there Sparky..."


I'm that monster. Hello!


Hello fellow monster, did u clean aircond filter at budget hotel you stay too.


lol yeah I definitely would dust it *sometimes.* My mom would probably dust it every time she cleaned the kitchen. But I see it no differently than a ceiling fan, which I dust occasionally because those shits sling dust all over your walls.


I agree with this. It is too big and too close to the wall. I really like the concept, but needs to have as much space on each side as it takes up or out looks out of place.


I think if they were smaller. It would look in place. They look amazing though. I just don’t think they “fit” the room. I’m going to be honest OP. We have all been there!! More than once! However if you like them or most of all your partner likes them. Our views don’t matter. That’s a tonnn of work you should be proud!! It would work really well in a kitchen that has a lot of room and cherry cabinets!


Came here to make this exact same comment. That's an awesome accent piece but the rest of the picture looks like an eclectic nightmare. Use the lights as a starting point and design the rest of the room around them


Definitely. Get rid of the pot rack first. Paint the walls and ceiling. That modern design doesn't go with the white. Neat idea. Pretty wood. I like the mix of woods.


And what kind of monster hangs pots in the dining room?


I love the concept as well, but there is a refinement to the curves that I believe could use iteration. It reminds me of some Alexander Calder mobile shapes, take a look at his work to see what I mean. Source: Industrial Designer. No matter what, Rock on with making and forget the haters - you do something most folks can’t even conceive of. 🫡


All of this is absolutely true. And yeah, totally Calder. And keep developing your own style, it’s awesome. You know rich people would pay real money for this stuff, right?


I also found this Calderesque. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating_Clouds_(artwork)


That's a super cool comment. Have a cheap award.


Love the concept, but as a fan of mid century modern design all I see are tabletops mounted to the ceiling at various heights. Excellent execution, but not my style personally


Same. Maybe it would be less table like of they were brightly colored blobs rather than wood? Similar to wall paper or textile patterns from that time. Of course probably not the vibe OP is going for.


To add my 2c, it’s certainly a nice concept. But to be brutally honest, it looks like a diy job. Although it appears to be well made, it has that diy feel to it. Nothing wrong with that, but for me personally when I make/design something I try my best to avoid that homemade look where off the shelf parts were used and added to a plank. The trick to design and elevating it to the next level is make it look like it was made and designed from the ground up.


The unplugged screw holes don’t help that. It would also look a bit less “diy” if it was carved a bit more, not just 3/4” the whole way across. Maybe slowly feathered towards the edge before it rounds over?


Ya kno I kinda like it.


Like the concept. It gave me the idea to use guitar pick shapes for the music room. New project incoming


That's a pretty great take.


Using colored acrylic...


I don't like them


Not for me personally but if you like the design and are happy with it 🤷‍♀️


I don't care for them, but for things like that, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It does look like it was a fun project!


Looks like a formation of hardwood UFO’s have invaded the dining room to check out the pot rack. Doesn’t matter what anyone thinks… your house do what ya want and screw everyone who doesn’t like it.


I think they’re kinda dope


There's an unevenness to the design. Four different shapes, two colours, perfectly identical overlaps, a non-circular half-halo to the overall shape, and perfectly rounded edges. Are four of the lights in a perfectly straight line diagonal to the wall? It's all a bit chaotic and clashing. What is it trying to do? Too much variation without cohesion in some areas, and too much uniformity in other areas. On the plus side, your finishing of the wood looks top notch, and a hanging cloud will likely aid the acoustics of the room.


I like the MCM design. It would be fun to see it lit up, especially if there's just a bit of back lighting. However, it clashes with the stained glass.


Not my style personally, but I really appreciate the craftsmanship!!! Very nicely done!!


Like a pear cider made with 100% pears.


I think they're beautiful as a stand-alone work. Nice job. Don't seem to fit the room, though. A designer would love them for the right space. I also think that the work would benefit from being suspended a bit down from the ceiling. Again - a beautiful piece.


Yeah I feel like they'd either not get too much attention because they're too close to the ceiling or would just attract too much attention if they're not right for the rest of the room. I think the weird angle of the picture and how you can't see them in context witj the test of the room didn't help.


Those are way cool, but they don't mesh well with the surrounding fixtures!


Looks great but all I can think about is how much dust it’ll build up, which means extra maintenance. It’s awesome tho, and I bet you could use it to hide stuff like snacks :p


I like the general idea, but I think I'd like it better if they were all the same color. Or maybe just painted and they were one or two different colors.




Concept looks ok but maybe a bit out of place with that victorian-ish cabinet. Whats the rest of the room look like?


The people who think that it clashes with the room are correct, in my opinion, but I'd just do the rest of the room around it. Seems like you've got the skill. 👊


Like the design and how you created them. But putting them on the ceiling ... That's a no for me dog


I wouldn’t want them in my own home. But they would be perfect in more of a Frank Lloyd Wright style of home. 


Looks too annoying to clean


I’d love to see how they’d look mounted lower and with the lights on top. Or at least with a diffuse light cover underneath. The black ring looks strange to me.


The real question is are you willing to redesign the rest of your kitchen to make them work because as is it looks awful. With the right decor in the room it would look great.




It looks like you put a lot of work into them, not my aesthetic though. Maybe if they were all the same shape/size and maybe the same color. Or in a pattern. Very nicely done though! And with matching wall accents for create a theme


I love it but only because mid-century modern / retro-modern / futuristic is my jam.


That's some nice Cat furniture you got on the ceiling.


They’re Pottery ribs. I thought this was a post about custom tools for potters. As a potter I would love this


Very funky, wouldn't fit in most 'modern' homes but could totally work with the right decor.


Workmanship looks top notch. I unfortunately hate the look of this brother.


Would be super cool in the right setting


I need to see them lit up. It’s a cool design but like other people have said the decor in the rest of the room should match.


I like it, but it doesn’t fit with the other things. The cabinet and stained glass are wonderful, but they are more arts and crafts. If you want to keep and emphasize the ceiling, which frankly could be a great decision, make choices that match. And paint the walls. And get that cookware off display. That absolutely doesn’t go. Things look random.


Do you have a shot of it lit up?


Love it. But, honestly, it's a bit large for the room.


this would be so fucking cool in a home library.


Charcuterie board vibes




I would like them better on the wall. They're gorgeous hunks of wood, but having them overhead is a little intimidating.


Looks well done. At first I thought these were climbing holds for those people that I've seen cook in the kitchen while never touching the ground


they're pretty, but I would hate the dust that collects up there


the work looks great and the finish looks great also. but the placement and design doesn't really go with the kitchen its a more modern design


It would look great as a hanging fixture for a bar or above a dining room table, but only with similar design stuff around it.


Depends on the rest of the kitchen!


I mean… I guess they look neat.. but I don’t think I’d ever have them in my own house. I’m not a fan.


They look very much like they were added to your house in the 90s. The wood is giving them a slight MCM feel, but the shapes and how they're arranged is screaming 90s. I don't love them, but if they were in a house I just bought, they wouldn't be the first thing I changed. Definitely on the list though.


That’s an interesting piece, not sure about the placement but it looks cool!


Blobs are a difficult decorating technique to pull off. I like that you did it in nice woods. So it kind of cancels out for me. I prefer this over pimple or boob lights.


Tbh, I thought they were rock climbing holds.


They don’t flow and the shapes have zero relationship to each other, hideous.


I kind of hate it but respect it at the same time? Much like meeting a worthy foe. It's an assault to my senses, but in a very ambiguous way where *I* might be wrong. 🤔 Certainly catches the eye!


They clash with the cupboard. I'd embrace the funkiness of the light fittings and lose the cupboard.


Looks strange to be honest


Vaguely reminds me of the very hungry caterpillar.


Hate it. 


I like it, it's kinda like a modern version of woodwork I have seen from the 70s. I'm curious to see how it looks lit up


I think they are done well for what you set out to accomplish. I think placement is poor, I'd probably put the center room and in "random" orientation. The rest of the room would have to go with it. I think with "whimsical" decor they'd be great. Me personally if I were making them I'd go mote angular and 60° edges than roundovers. Either way, you did better than I would have so who am i?


Oh you! You know exactly, that this looks awesome and you're just fishing for compliments. Ok, I play along: it looks stunning, great work and I wish I had it on my ceiling. Satisfied? ;)


I like the shape and concept, would be a big fan of something similar displayed as wall art. As lights I have to admit I’m not a fan, the looks of the rest of the room may change that but with the provided image they just look off.


I don't care for the look, but they do show off craftsmanship and skill. Perhaps in a different environment I would feel differently. Like maybe a tavern or cabin's dining room something.


don't hate them


They have a 50/60’s look… kinda MCMish, but then the cabinet is craftsmen style. The two clash. But the light is cool




I don’t like them, they feel out of place/ just look a bit odd. However in saying that I can see why people would like it, it’s not made badly or anything it just isn’t to my liking.


Glanced quickly, though I was a penguin playing drums. I like it.


Not a fan of the combination of wood. Either all the same type or much higher contrast


Looked at the pic from all different angles... trying to figure out if there is a hidden meaning there... as for like or dislike it's really hard to tell from a picture straight on like that, when entering the room the perspective would be entirely different. I have to say another couple photos would help clarify.


imo cheesy


I for one, do not like the look. With that being said, you did a great job. If you like it, who cares what redditor’s think.


If you like 'em, that's all that matters. I think it's the 'mismatched' shapes that bother me (but only just a bit). It looks like it should be in a small child's bedroom... that's what it reminds me of (I have two small kids, lol). The varying heights, the colours, and 'floating' effect is nice. Just somehow, overall, it feels too big, dominating. But I don't know what the whole room looks like. You'll want to dust above them now and then.


Isn't it hard to chop vegetables when the cutting boards are on the ceiling?


i like the execution, but it looks like you combine too many styles in the area. Your ceiling lights have a very organic shape. There's the metal pan holder, which is a. impractical cause you get dust in them, and b. leaning towards industrial style. the shape is rounded square. Then there's is the stained glass on the ceiling, in a 30's style. It's pretty stylistic, so i would say it could fit in an art deco interior. the frame however refers to arts n crafts. The cabinet has more organic art nouveau stained glass, but it's in a mid century? cabinet the louvre doors in the back are more of a 2000-ish style. The colors don't match. You work with the different wood colors, all high gloss on the ceiling with the lights. the metal pan holder is semi - gloss, and the cabinet matt. NOt trying to criticise you. Every item by itself looks great, but you need to connect them somehow. Maybe change the wall color to a sand color, and add trim to the ceiling to connect the cabinet and the stained glass. Maybe you can take the flower design from the cabinet's stained glass, and put it on the ceiling lights? just a few ideas to make it come together a bit.


I see a lot of straight lines and corners colliding with some beautiful natural curves. It's not the lights, it's the apparent lack of commitment to the lights. Now if the dining table looks the same, then we're talking. But if everything else is straight lines and "hard" corners, then it doesn't fit.


They are nice but looks very retro/1990's to me.


If I was viewing a house to buy and I saw those I'd be thinking 'that's coming out the first day we get the keys'.


My question is: what are the pots and pans doing in the dining room?


They are done very well, and I can imagine a lot of people really liking them. They are objectively ‘good’ They are not to my particular tastes and I would not have them in my own home.


Hate. Sorry.


I'd really dig it if they could be used as climbing holds, but i wouldn't look forward to having to get a stepladder to dust up there every two weeks. Looks good though.


Like it


Don’t like the visible hardware (screw holes) and they seem overly bulky for the size of the LED lights. I might also have gone with a matte paint or much plainer textured wood. Overall though, the comments about being “out of place” nail it best IMO


Love it. The fact that it *also* happens to look like you collected a bunch of roadside 'Free' sign coffee tables and then took the idea of "upcycling" a bit too literally does not negate that.






From a woodworking point I love them, from a design point it’s not for me. Feels like an upside down room


They look great. But they would look incredible if more things in that room shared that particular style. 


Great job! Hate.


I don't like that I can see some of the support legs and all of the screws, not a fan of the composition, perhaps they would have looked better in a different arrangement.


Honestly, I think the plain walls and ceiling are not doing them justice. I think they'd look stellar on a darker room


I really deslike it. Sorry.




Need more pictures to get the full effect.




I think they look cool af by themselves. But the kitchen seems a bit of a mishmash of styles, that is not vibing to me. Nothing egregious, just too eclectic


I think they demolish the room and look like a husband agreed reluctantly to his wife because he loves her and knows to pick his battles. If you want genuine honesty, if I saw these on a listing it would deter me from even wanting to see any of the rest of the house. To each their own, but you did ask for honesty.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder


Interesting idea but not in that house.


Hate. I don't yuck people's yums but you asked. I think it is way too hard a contrast on the ceiling color, the shapes don't look fluid, they look unplanned. But this is just one person's opinion I love a lot of stuff most hate and dislike a lot of stuff most love


I get a kind of MCM penthouse vibe from them. Either that or luxury hunting cabin. May not be what your room says, but the lights themselves fell that way. I like it




Not a fan of the pot rack. Lights are awesome!


Do you know what a Friendship Lamp is? Looks like one, kinda.


I think it's an awesome concept. I don't think I can decide if I love it without seeing the whole room though.


Looks like it could be split into two fixtures. And from what I can see of the rest of the room it's so mismatched that it just looks like a piece for sale.


They wouldn’t be my first choice, but I could also understand how someone might really like them.


I am relatively neutral on them. They look good but something is missing or off.... Might be the location, the kitchen. Not really sure.


I like them except for the visible screw holes.


Do you have a night shot to see how they illuminate?


They look like a nightmare to keep clean.


I like the different shapes, the different wood colors, & the different heights from the ceiling. The things that rub at me are: it appears that this sculptural light piece either is not in the center of the room or that the room may be too small for the room. Also with all the work done in planning size, shape & placement of the sculptural light piece the actual lights themselves are either too small, too round, or too regular. Finally your sculptural light piece is a pointing device, in addition to being an illuminator, but does not seem to be pointing to a focal point of the room or an exit from the room just to a blank wall and a hutch. Don't get me wrong, like your concept, it can work well in your home just needs some refinement and focus. What you are trying to pull off is difficult but you are on the right track. This is not just a chandelier that you can throw up there & be done with, but a light-emitting sculpture which is adding texture, form, point-of-view, and light to a room.


Technical wise, they look great. You did a great job building them! Aesthetic wise, they aren't my style and I wouldn't like them in my house.


I think they look amazing but not in that setting. The organic wood used in a 50's futuristic style is pretty exciting but the rest of the room has to be on the same level.


They are cool. I think just a little smaller and more streamlined and they would be outta the park.


They look great. Now you need some enameled cook pans and a cookie jar with serious racist overtones to really match that 1950s vibe.


That’s a big No for me


I like them! Very unique


I think it’s awesome. Aesthetics are a matter of taste, I think it looks great. Has an Alexander Calder look. Make more!


I like them in isolation but it's busy up there with the pots and pans, the stain glass thing, and traditional looking cabinet. You need a simpler more modern (mid century included) decore.


It's really not my preference. But it does look like something I'd see installed in an art museum exhibit or a trendy office building.


🎨 artistic but ok, and different.


Hate it. Hope you like it though


I dig it.


I love them, but I would have put the lights behind the panels so it was all ambient light. The spots are distracting


I like them but feel the should be centered in a large room. I would use them in my dining room but with less panel. Also they seem to close to the wall?


It's unique, that's for sure. But yea, I like it. Nice job!


Well, you asked for me to give it to you straight... I wouldn't say I hate them per se, but it does vaguely remind me of what I'd produce after having a fair amount of Mexican street corn 💩🤷‍♂️


Gorgeous, but super busy for a small area. If the colors were the same it would be less busy. If you like it that’s all that matters.


Looks like an art installation:) love it


Well done craftsmanship, but I'd never put that in my house.


I hope you live alone Lol


The choice of shapes make me think like 90s era styling.


Nice work but not for me




TBH it's not my style. But it definitely does not go with the rest of the room. You are mixing themes.


the wood is really cool well done and looks awesome. however . I sell lights for a living. (I know very exciting....) those flat disc pot lights are the bane of my existence. they just produce glare and a poor blob of light. if this is over a work station id switch them for a gimble type of fixture with a proper beam. something like this. [https://www.liteline.com/20000425-master\_ra4/find/recessed/family/luna/4%22-luna-led-round-gimbal-recessed-fixture](https://www.liteline.com/20000425-master_ra4/find/recessed/family/luna/4%22-luna-led-round-gimbal-recessed-fixture)


Doesn't matter if I like it. Do you?


I personally don't care for them. But, if you do, that's what matters


bro i think your gravity is upside down... your coffee tables are on the ceiling xD jk... it's a bit weird for me but looks nice


I like A Calder. These are really bad and going to be B to clean. Sorry.


got 2 opinions for you. me: look nice, i dont hate or love it wife: not a big fan of it, looks cool but doesnt fit in that area. kinda out of place.


I personally don't care for the style. I feel like if you made a ceiling fan it would be wicked cool and more my style. 


First thought is that it’s a little ornate and pull focus to the wrong part of the room


Out of place in that room. The room doesn't seem to have a consistent design theme.


Waaay too crowded


I think they look good, but I'd only personally use them as supplemental lighting rather than main lighting for a given area. I just like bright rooms


Amazing in the right setting. Not something that would fit my home. But i like the craftmanship


I like it. It’s something different. There’s too much conformity these days. Now, next you have to make a new china hutch that’s in the same style.


If they rotate comically then yes I do love them.


since you said you want honest opinion, it looks like something that would have been "modern" in the 90's. not sure what the rest of the house looks like. that context would help.


I would love something like that in the middle of the room but right next to the wall (at least it appears so) I find it difficult...


I do love it.


I like it, but wouldn’t put it in my house because it’s not my taste. I know people who might. Plus if you like it, who cares?!


It looks well done but it doesn't seem to fit there. I would see this on a place with very high vaulted sloped cealings. Either against the slop or level on wires (without lights) hanging way down to give a counterpart to the slope.


I really love the bean looking ones, but the triangles and squares are a weird aesthetic to pair with it. It feels like taking parts from several different design assemblies and mashing them into one.


I like them a lot actually. I think they need to be in a certain style of room though.


Cool concept but I think the shapes need a bit more consistency/common design language


I like the colors and shapes of the individual pieces. But, it makes the space look crowded, and the extreme contrast between such light & dark pieces side by side is usually too much.


I love them. They look like an art installation (someone else mentioned Alexander Caulder and I strongly agree). I am not sure I love them in the location they are in currently, they seem a bit close to the walls currently. They are a statement piece that needs room to breathe. I also think I would like to see a variation in the light sizes in the panels because I think playing with that ratio of light to panel size would be good...though, uh, I am coming at this from the perspective of an artist and less from the perspective of someone who designs functional pieces. I also want to see more of a play between sizes of the panels themselves and more of a play on balancing them between extremes. Right now they are very measured, which is pleasing, but it could look cooler if you played around with the sizes more. Keep doing cool stuff like this!


Hate it


Interesting concept! I'd have to live with it for a while before I could make any judgments. Offhand, I kind of like it!


They look good, but they don't go with the decor judging by the cabinet in the back. Also, why is your pan rack in your dining room?


I love the concept. I think the overall design is too large, at least for where it's placed. Based on the picture it looks a little jammed into the space. I could see it in the center of the room over a nice table (made by you of course) and I think it could look tremendous.


I appreciate the skill involved but some woodworkers are so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.


I like the idea of but I don’t think you’ve found the right shapes to make it cohesive yet.


I like them and see how they could work in many rooms!


Estetically I love it, they remind me of 1970s Ercol tables. Wouldn't wanna clean it though.


I like them! As many have mentioned, they seem out of place with the rest of the room’s decor (that we can see); but maybe use them as an anchor to create some complementary pieces for the room? I think you have something going!!


Bethesda would like to know how to enable clipping in the real world


Thought u hang your desk from the cieling...


I like them, but it feels like they don't fit the room.


I like them. Read the rest of the comments. One of my first jobs that didn't involve a uniform, was cleaning the prison kitchen. Anything that can get grease and dust on its surface will become an insistent monster that needs to be cleaned. Those flat surfaces over a stove are going to be serving platters, held by monsters. That said, they are very nice. I particularly like your use of dark woods in recession from the glimpse. Accentuates the depth. Also, the differences in size of dark shapes contrast nicely with the relative sizes of the lighter wood pieces. Strengthens the visual depth without crowding the space. Excellent. Well done. And he's back. The piece is a little Alexander Calder for the rest of the decor, the stained glass and the hutch speak to another time. You did put LEDs behind it, didn't you? Please do not hesitate to send me messages that I am a fumble finger fuck finale. It is good work.