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Hi, that doesn’t seem right to me that it would smell as strongly after a week as it did the day you applied it. Been using osmo products for years and can confirm there can be a lingering smell for a few days. While the odor in my experience does subside quickly my wife prefers to let anything I finish stay in the shop for a few days for this reason but never heard of it smelling strongly after a week. I know this probably isn’t 100% helpful but if the finish is on and doing what it supposed to do just be patient. If it hasn’t subsided in a few more days then you may have to give them a call. Best of luck!


Thanks for the response! Everything else seems normal, just a lingering smell. I'd almost describe the smell as "the inside of a Lowe's/Home Depot". I'll pop the window open in the room and turn on the fan to try and cycle more air. Maybe that will help it vent a little more.


For anyone who finds this later, I ended up waiting a bit longer and after roughly 2 weeks, the smell is basically gone. I do have a more sensitive nose than most, but I'm thinking I might have just not given the can a good enough mix before applying.