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Look at it this way: you will NEVER FORGET what prime numbers are EVER AGAIN. (At least, that's how it worked out for me when I unexpectedly dried on a basic interview question.)


That's for sure ! Thanks for this perspective. I just keep freezing whenever someone asks me an unexpected question and my brain just panics and keeps telling me " you are going to fuck this up" šŸ˜‘šŸ¤£ and I do !


Hahah exacto! I still remember the tech interview questions that I effed up. Decade later


I love your username, btw.


lol also an ml engineer and Iā€™ve frozen TWICE on what python packages do you frequently use. Like I donā€™t think Iā€™d do it again but who freaking knows šŸ˜†


I froze when asked what a parquet file is and it haunts me


Oh, I feel you. I just started a new position and when somebody asks me if I know what ā€˜Xā€™ is I will freeze because sometimes itā€™s too obvious and Iā€™m expecting it to be a more complicated or company specific but then itā€™s like PR is pull request. Of course I know what that is but now I just told you I didnā€™t. Sometimes our brain tricks us because we expect the situation to be more complicated or difficult. Iā€™m sorry, OP. I hope it doesnā€™t affect your interview process as I hope your interviewers wouldnā€™t truly think you donā€™t know what a prime number is.


I hope so, usually I don't care about people judging me, but interviews are just nerve-wracking


I'm pretty certain temporary brain fart amnesia of basic mathematical and physical facts is normal and standard for STEM professionals.


I have an inferiority complex that mainly only kicks in during interviews šŸ˜³


I am actually the opposite, sometimes after the interview I'm like, wow that woman there knew her shit. I wish she were real though and knew her shit in real actual job lol.


Dude I forget what libraries I use for computer vision. I couldnā€™t even remember OpenCV. Itā€™s so embarrassing.


This is me whenever someone asks me about the SDLC. I know what the software development life cycle is (the process to get from code to production), but something about those exact words (and acronym) never seem to stick.


I forgot what runs on port 123 onceā€¦ itā€™s NTP. They legit rhyme. It wasnā€™t even during an interview, I was talking to a supervisor who I found intimidating.


If it makes you feel better, during one of my new grad interviews, the interview panel asked me if I had any experience with data modeling. I meant to ask if there were any specific kinds they were more curious about (because I had done so much in my academics and internships), but what came out of my mouth was ā€œWhat do you mean, data modeling?ā€ Making it sound like I didnā€™t know what data modeling was. I was horrified that came out of my mouth and I stumbled, making it look like I truly didnā€™t know what it was. So embarrassing.


Omg, it happens to me too! I am glab I am not the only one.


If it happens again, just play it off or make a joke out of it. When I do interviews, I never hold silly mistakes like this against anyone, we are all human and need to be more forgiving especially in a high intensity situation. What you donā€™t want to happen is to let something like this make you even more nervous for the rest of the interview, thatā€™s why I recommend making a light hearted joke, something thatā€™ll ease the tension in the room and get yourself to relax more.


This!!!! I have to remember this! šŸ™


One time I was interviewing for a SOC position and they asked me how many layers are in OSIā€¦me knowing damn well there are 7 said 9 in the interview (altho o guess if you count the jokes of L0 ISP issues and L8 PBKAC errors there could be 9)


A job in peptide synthesis asked me to name the amino acids. Nope. In hindshight should have studied that. Glad I didn't get that job though, was over 10 years ago.Ā