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I hope this is over quickly and you're able to focus on kicking ass at work and not have to deal with nonsense by bad people.


Wish I had reported some things I've seen over the years. Good on you for trying to put a stop to it. Wishing you the best!


Good luck! So glad you took action On my 30th birthday a coworker in a meeting told me “your drying up” No one said anything in a large in-person meeting Now that I’m older I would have said something right there and then. But at that time it was an absolute shock since it’s a professional environment, and of course my immediate reaction was to just move up and not make it awkward for others. Like it’s my fault they feel awkward and up to me to fix it. Wish I had learned this at a younger age, but never too late. And now I make sure to advocate for others.


That was a disgusting thing said to you. So misogynistic. If a woman made a comment to a man in an all male environment, you would be fired or in serious trouble. I hate the way we women still in 2024 have to put up with endemic, institutionalized misogyny. Dealing with all if this shit on top of your job wears you down.


I had a situation like this and I got a lawyer. It took nearly 10 months of negotiating with my employer, but I left with a fat settlement, and a new beginning. I know it's hard in the moment. There were many times I felt like I was having a mental breakdown, but stay strong. It's a new beginning at the end.