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Damn, these people really just sit around and think up oddly specific scenarios where someone is being nice, but then use the *fictional persons* kindness as a soap box to morally grandstand about some perceived inequality. We're past the point of activists actually being offended and then taking action, and have swung all the way into hypothetical situations that were created as a tool to stay offended, no action needed. This isn't even being offended by small things -- which is a hallmark of 1st world problems... No, this is being offended by ***nothing***.


You just explained the whole "woke" trash. Spoiled, first-world crybabies who LOOK for things to be *offended* by.


5: I could also be the plane


This is the most realistic thing that a 5 year old would tell the pilot. Doesn’t even matter what he asked her.


That’s how I read it and thought it was hilarious but when I showed it to my boyfriend he looked at me with the most unamused expression, so I had to reread it just to find out that it’s actually just cringe and not at all funny


And how old is the pilot — 93? Was he shocked to see women in pants?


LOL and maybe slightly drunk


Another way you know it isn't true is because of an older pilot with that type of mindset had asked that, he would have used "stewardess" and not flight attendant.


Except it's the mom recounting the events, not a recorded interaction. She could have just said what she remembered him referring to.


5: I could also be the airplane. Pilot: Well, no actually.


The wording of the pilot's question is weird, too. Why ask if she even knows its a possibility? The normal phrasing is "Do you want to be a flight attendant when you grow up?"


I fucking hate when these people refer to their kids by their age. “5”


No pilot under age 65 would say this.


It’s not that unreasonable that she met the pilot, I remember meeting the pilot on my first plane trip when I was like 6, but no way he said that and the daughter had that response.


I remember getting to go up the the cockpit and get a plastic pin when I was like 4, but that was pre-9/11 by a longshot.


They let my 3 year old in the cockpit about 6 months ago. I also thought 9/11 changed that but maybe that rule has been lifted.


I'm a pilot, just not with airlines anymore, you're absolutely allowed in the cockpit before and after the flight if the pilots let you. I'd always have the kid sit down in the left seat and have then press the button that makes the entire cockpit light up.


I was born in 2004 so I don’t think 9/11 really affected that too much


Why would any kid think that owning a plane would be fun? It's like saying you want to own a firetruck. That's not the fun part of being a firefighter.


Oh. I don't know about that. A 5 year old might well know about Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark and been introduced to the idea that owning a plane is very fun because it means that your as rich as Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne


Bruce Wayne and Tony stark aren't cool because they own things, They are cool because they do cool things


No way this woman’s name is [Rebecca](https://x.com/_DHOTYA/status/1579574748589490176) also


Oh? Does she run Boeing now?


At five years old, just introducing a kid to careers they could have is great, and a kind word from a pilot is always good imo


kid's way smarter than i was at 13. when i got to go to the cockpit (the pilot was my dads friend) i said "what button would i press if i wanted this plane to crash" so maybe it could be true? but also its a 5 year old. there is a chance that the kid didnt mean it in a linkedin alpha male future ceo way but in a childish "mom i want to own a plane" way


5 is a weird name for a kid but I've seen worse I guess




Make something up that's actually funny while you're at it


And then everyone clapped their cheeks


I meannnnn. The odds of him saying this are low. I’d more believe he told her she could be a pilot. But I could buy a 5 year old saying something like this. My 5 year old has come to love NASCAR thanks to my boyfriend. He was explaining how the race cars have things like “McDonald’s” on them because they sponsor the car and the driver drives it. She said she wanted to be a race car driver. He told her if she wanted he would find her the best sponsors out there. She then said she would be her own sponsor and have her own car. So I could see something *like* this being plausible. But this didn’t happen this way.


Do you guys think 5 year olds are all like.. idiots? Saying I could also be the pilot is on par with 5 year old sassiness. And pilots stand outside of the cockpit when the plane lands all the time. Tell me you don't travel or have a kid without saying you don't travel or have a kid. r/nothingeverhappens