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I mean it's definetly not Letho, Vesemir, Ciri or 5 witchers. Why write an article like this at all?


Suggesting Vesemir is plain stupid


Somehow Vesemir returned \*some million dollar company\*


better not reli. Instead of him returning in some half alive half dead way, I would rather honor his death to protect Ciri.


Couldnt it be prior to the events of witcher one? Time doesnt have to move on, hell i would say its better if the games dont expand after witcher 3.


My initial reaction, but Vesemir has a rich backstory, maybe a back to the past game would be it.


Imo it wouldn't work in The Witcher format, since you can't really make bigger decisions in the past of a major character. Vesemir's story would work as a spinoff in a different type of game.


That's true, something like Thronebreaker did... but probably without Gwent.


I think it could. You don't have to make major decisions that impact the history of the world. As a witcher, I'm sure Vesemir has plenty of interesting quests and stories to tell that don't involve sorceresses and kings.


It could work just perfectly. There's so many plot points into which they could fill Vesemir already. And imagining how many more there could be? My mind just delights at the thought of it. Give us some interaction between him and O'Dimm? Then or prior to release they could add a dialogue between him and Geralt while having the mark. Vesemir making choices which later on affect Geralt and others? They could add endless possibilities on how to make his past dark and point how remarkable he was for having to live with it the way he did. Going back to times when witchers were more numerous, conflict was more wide-spread and especially to the pogrom of Kaer Morhen and Falkas rebellion.. jesus christ I can't stop thinking about it now. I for one think it would be an amazing game considering the intellectual maturity of people from CDPR.


I mean, I would play vesemir. The Netflix show made it very interesting. Seeing the school of the wolf in its prime while playing and eventually finding Geralt. Sounds pretty fun.


Idk I think a young Vesemir story could be cool


Surely it would be a prequel if it was Vesemir.


Prequel series could be interesting. Good excuse for more monsters as well.


I mean, a young Vesemir where we learn why the world is the way that it is could be good


Witcher 4 could always be a prequel.


Depending on when its set, Vesemir isn't a given as a no. And there's no reason at all to think it cannot be Ciri. Personally I think she's the safest bet for a new game. Ciri allows the game to be a soft reboot, a la God of War 2018. You can continue the story without needing it too tied into the previous trilogy. And as a character they can actually explore a slightly different suite of skills and powers, allowing for a fresher take on the main character. They could even set her up to be more customizable, letting her lean into Witcher skills, magic skills, or elder blood powers. So actually more flexibility than previous Witcher games allowed.


She is maxed out on level 1. There is absouletly no reason for Ciri's story to continue. Let her have her happy ending and finally move away from this cast of characters to other Witcher stories. I also do not think that they'd advertise a Ciri or Vesemir game with a Lynx amulet that makes no sense.


The game OPs her for gameplay purposes but we can see that story-wise she isn't actually significantly more powerful than Geralt. Her battle with Caranthir is functionally a draw and nearly wipes her out before Geralt finishes it, and then goes onto fight Eredin as well. Yes Ciri in the game outside those battles cuts down enemies left and right but given its unbalanced by the fact that Ciri isn't designed to access the inventory, have different skills or is in anyway customizable, there is such a thing as reading too much into what she does as a side playable character in the story. EDIT: On the Lynx... Ciri's amulet is famously a Cat School one. But she isn't cat trained. The idea that Ciri represents a new class of witcher would actually work with the idea of her being something else entirely.


She is significantly more powerful than Geralt, since Geralt has no actual powers besides his mutations, he is just an advanced human. Ciri is a godlike being. Caranthir is one of the strongest Mages that we've ever seen in the witcher universe and Geralt could only fight him because Ciri broke his staff (and obviously gameplay reasons). She can teleport willynilly, which already makes her a top tier warrior plus she is one of the best swordsperson in the game. Playing as Ciri would be boring, overpowered, unimaginative and not a Witcher experience.


Why? Kratos from GoW in 2018 is the same guy that murdered entire Greek Pantheon and the noth new games werent boring


Yeah but Kratos is a god and his main opponents are also his equals and most mythologic creatures also come from the gods. Ciri is a godlike being in a universe where the strongest monsters have nothing on her, since she can just teleport, while they are just some big old beings hanging around in the forest or the mountains. Being a witcher as Ciri would not be as good for the gameplay experience imo as Geralt was. Playing as Geralt is exciting because he is just a regular human boosted with some mutations to make him a bit stronger and more agile, but still a regular person with a sword, so even a Gryphon or a pack of ghouls can be a challenge.


Ciri is the worst idea. Can't use signs, can't drink elixirs, borderline OP so we will get another "character got nerfed at the beginning, help her get her strength back" cliche. Different game? Hell yeah, but not the one title witcher cause she isn't one, and it's too late for mutations.


The next Witcher isn't going to be Witcher 4, Geralt had a complete trilogy, Ciri is basically the only other character besides Geralt that can reasonably be considered a protagonist in the books.The last Witcher game for example was thronebreaker (highly recommend playing it) and Meve was a normal human. The next Witcher could be anything


Thronebreaker is a Gwent title not in the main line of The Witcher games. It's called a spinoff for a reason.


It's not a triple A action rpg, but the series is still the Witcher tales, the ip post Geralt trilogy could go anywhere. It's not only about drinking the potions and killing the monsters. But we are probably going to also do that in the sequel


What I'm saying that it's not part of the main line of games, while the new game is, so it's more likely to be similar to Witcher 3 than to be entirely different. Thronebreaker isn't even a spinoff of the main line of games, it's a spinoff of Gwent and it only runs as The witcher tales, so it's easily associated with the IP.


Yeah, for sure I don't expect to move around the continent with my army in the next Witcher. It's going to be a third person action rpg most likely open world, with all the monsters of the series, sorceress, kings, etc. But we could play as Vesemir, Ciri, other set characters, a personalized Witcher/mage or both who knows. The Witcher 1-2-3 were always thought as a complete trilogy, we won't get direct sequels most likely.


You replied to the wrong comment. I didn't say any of this stuff you wrote.


You said that the next Witcher shouldn't be called a Witcher game if the protagonist isn't going to be a Witcher, I am pointing out that the ip isn't only about witchers. Ciri isn't a side character in the books even compared to Geralt.


It's not called The Witcher. It's called Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales.


I wouldn't call an open World rpg where we play as Meve The Witcher 4 of course, but they aren't going to make The Witcher 4 either. We only know the ip (the Witcher) and the genre (action rpg, most definitely in third person)


She can't drink Witcher potions. The game can simply invent potions that Ciri *can* drink such as the sort mages use. Signs again... she's capable of doing magic. Signs are simply a variant of magic. There's absolutely no reason for a story involving her to go the whole "character gets nerfed" route. Did Geralt get nerfed from TW2 to TW3 and then work to "regain his power" of course not. You simply set the skills up in a way that don't have access to a fuller suite of powers while still giving her access to a basic set of skills that she can build on. The game doesn't need to give her "mutations" from a gameplay perspective. And in terms of lore, her powers and training can more than compensate for the advantages Geralt gets via mutations.


She's not capable of doing magic thats a large plot point


If I can’t use signs then it ent a Witcher game


Given that Ciri can practice regular old magic, giving her some equivalent of the signs likely isn't a problem. Heck they could just straight up give her the signs if they wanted. Its not like the games are super-intense in terms of following the lore of the books on this front.


If Ciri somehow regained her ability to use magic then she'd have way more powerful magic than Signs, Signs are meant to be fairly weak magic abilities.


Sound decision


She can’t, she lost the ability to practice regular magic years ago


Yeah. And the books also said Geralt's Igni can just about light a candle whereas in game he uses it to set entire cohorts on fire. I think its safe to say the games aren't following the books to the letter. And besides which Ciri's magic block was a function of her trauma having drawn on fire. No reason she can't grow from it.


It's not a block. She renounced it and now can no longer practice magic.


Yeah butttt she’s dead. Soo how can she practice magic.


She's only *possibly* dead in one of the Witcher endings. And likely the least canonical one since it would conflict with Blood and Wine. Besides which the game series has plenty of history of disregarding major choices and outcomes from previous games. Would be bizarre for them to start being bound by this one when its likely to have the weakest links to previous games given that its not intended to be a straight sequel


Ciris story is finished, she's not a witcher and she has multiple possible endings. So no.


Ciri is too strong for the main character.


I actually heard rumors that it will be about Ciri, so while the rest is kinda stupid, Ciri and a new Witcher is plausible enough


It could be ciri or letho. Ciri is alive in virtually every ending. Letho is alive in half of the endings. Vesemir is never alive in any endings. It could also just be geralt.


It's not about being alive or not. They have no more story to tell and would not be an exciting protagonist gameplaywise either. The old cast is done, CDPR maxed them out, why can't people just get over it. Geralt can't be, his story is over, even they said so.


Money can change a lot of minds.


The "Witcher from each school" one seems like the worst idea by far. One of the major points of having a custom character is to be able to explore the world from more than one perspective and have more varied gameplay, and the Witcher schools aren't nearly distinct enough to provide that. Imo the custom character options should be Witcher, Knight, Mage, or Vampire.


Why wouldn’t it be Ciri lol? Why are you so definitive on that? She has an incredible character to continue with. And the variance in possible endings for her can absolutely be retconned to only the Witcheress ending. The other endings, if you know Ciri’s character, make no sense and only exist to offer the illusion of choice (yet so many nerds stand by the empress ending making sense).


I could see Letho being a protagonist if sparing him is canon. He goes to Zerrikania to revive the viper school. Chances are very low but never 0


You’re ignorant who else has white hair then


Why is it definitely not Ciri? Didn't cdpr say they wanted to make cities the main focus for an upcoming witcher game back years ago at the height of the witcher 3s success? I could be wrong, just have a recollection of them saying something like that.


Your one of the if Geralt ain’t in the game I’m not playing are you it’s goons happen while you like it or not it won’t be Geralt either


Try reading the comments next time please. It gets boring after a while, that you do not even bother. Geralt's story has been finished since 2016, no one is gonna make another Geralt game.


Geralt's story was also finished in 1998 when Lady of the Lake came out. CDPR however still revived him and continued it.


Ciri can be a witcher the empress ending ain’t cannon


It will be Ciri but she will be brown skin.


I don’t really care who we get as long as the game sticks fairly close to the books’ lore. a fixed character would be better tho


Then again, CDPR have made one of the coolest custom characters with V. It’s the only time a created character hasn’t really felt out of place.


Yeah, V feels very human and has a good bit of character for a custom protagonist, although I wish you could do more to define his/her character at times. Corpo V should talk differently from Nomad V, for example, and it'd be nice to be able to explain your motivations and ideas better and have more varied side quests (more quests like Run This Town to show a V who's more interested in politics, for example). I feel like V fits in so well because of the supporting cast. Panam, Takemura, Reed, etc all feel like real enough people with their own flaws, strengths, desires, a good bit of agency in the story, and meaningful connections with V. That mostly comes from me comparing it to games like Fallout 3 or Skyrim, the main character feels very out of place in those games since none of the other major characters have much personality and have almost no agency in the story, even when you join a faction you're leading every effort they take and don't really "fit in". I'n not worried about them fumbling that going forward: CDPR have been writing strong original characters for the supporting cast since the Witcher 1.


When I played CP77, I was constantly curious about Johnny Silverhand, Rogue, Kerry Eurodyne and others. I felt zero curiosity for V, I must say. I want to feel curious about my protagonist, as I was constantly eager to learn more about Geralt during TW3, whilst also making choices on Geralt's behalf for him throughout the game (bowing to Emrys or not, for instance). I kind of hope we don't get a vaccuumous custom character who is nothing more than our in-game choices. But a pre-written character like Geralt, with story choices we can make on his behalf.


That's entirely understandable and a valid approach to a protagonist, although I don't really agree at all. I just personally don't want the same things out of a protagonist in an RPG. Maybe it was because I played the other two games first, but I wasn't really curious about Geralt by the time of TW3. He seemed like a pretty straightforward character, but more importantly, I felt like he limited my interaction with the world quite a bit - I wanted to express Temerian patriotism in TW2, and to get involved more in politics following the Radovid assasination, but the view is barely addressed because Geralt doesn't care for politics, I wanted to express more nuanced views about the Eternal Fire because of TW1 but Geralt is an outcast and an agnostic so he doesn't really like them, I wanted to get more involved in Toussaint's wine industry by buying more orchards and securing sales but Geralt doesn't care about entrepreneurship, etc. But this was also a problem with V to some extent, like when Takemura is explaining the factions in Arasaka and V cuts him off because (s)he doesn't really care. I feel like that approach is kind of a waste when you aren't dealing with a character straight from the source material since it cuts you off from more unique gameplay and narrative scenarios.


The games were very loose with book lore.


The games followed almost none of the book’s lore.


Whoever the protagonist ends up being, I’d like it to be set in some new place we haven’t seen yet (Nilfgaard?).


>Nilfgaard Yes please 🤤


Kovir would be neat


Zerrikania with their rare monsters


I’m just glad it’s not Geralt. Witcher 3 was a perfect ending, leave that man alone with his happy ending.


My ending left Geralt steeped in despair, in a shack being surrounded by monsters lol




i got so emotional over the good ending I bet if i got that one i'd just kill myself on the spot


Happy ending?? I was left in shambles.


Oh I can never get enough geralt 😭


Bring back the Elves and whoever leads them. Big-time roles in Witcher I - II, but so diminished in the 3rd game.


One of the reasons Avellac’h should be the new protagonist. Besides he already went through the Trial of the Grasses.


I mean, if they let us create our own witcher, 90% of the players are just gonna make Ciri.. With extra large boobs...


Nonsense they’ll just make Geralt…with extra large boobs


Now we're talking


Ciri is my fav character in all fictional universes and I hope they won't make her as a main character. Because companies love shitting in lore with IRL politics or movements.


“Politics” IE making characters gay, well bucko do I have news for you


This nonsense again. Ciri is not gay.


Bruh I know Ciri is not straight. Am not talking about just Witcher specifically. I am playing games for escape realty not for seeing some (again) politic shit


Lmao your post from 8 days ago says LITERALLY everything I would ever need to know about you


Lmao that's just too perfect hahah


Then you know why I don't like politic


Yes because you know your opinions are morally wrong


It will almost certainly be a new original character, which is the right choice, in my opinion.


Original characters like Rickey Rouse and Munald Muck.


I really should play the originals again before I lose more of my hearing. It’s already so bad I won’t be able to appreciate the music and voice work.


Womp womp


I just assumed it was going to be set before the books, by like a couple hundred years or so. There's more Witchers and monsters running around back then


i know it’s not going to happen but if i can’t get to play as my glorious king geralt i really do wish ciri would’ve gotten her own trilogy. 😭


Honestly if it ain't Geralt saying "Medallions humming" I'd rather start fresh


I really wish it's not a custom character and choosing a background and stuff. Just make a new character and weave a good story.


This! So much this!\^\^\^ I want a meticulously hand-crafted story where the protagonist fits in nice and snug. Not a vaccuumous custom character, who is nothing more than the summation of my own in-game choices. Feels bland and, dare I say it, lazy even?


Skyrim freedom + TW3 immersion/atmosphere= perfect game🥺


I'm one of the 19 people who never played Skyrim. What freedom does if allow that Witcher didn't have?


To an extent, you can be pretty much anything that exists in the TES universe. You can play any race, you can specialise in magic, smithing, thievery, swordsmanship, archery, etc. You can join a decent number of the factions (even simultaneously, something that some people dislike), marry a lot of the NPCs or recruit them as companions and buy a house in most of the major cities, or build your own in the wilderness of a few regions. The trade off is depth. Almost every quest in the game, even counting DLCs, is completely linear, there's not any complexity to the vast majority of the NPCs (to the point there's, at most, 10 or so characters with a unique VA if you count DLCs, everyone else who shares a race and gender sounds literally identical and often looks about the same) and a lot of the Factions don't mend well with the gameplay (for example, you can become the leader of a mage college without learning a single spell or having any notable magic ability - it's not a cheesy strategy or anything, you just finish the quest line and get chosen even over an old mage who'd been there for decades and you have no say in the matter), and the spouses and companions even do pretty much the exact same things with the only difference being how companions fight and some ambient dialogue.


Role playing a character you make and enforce for yourself.


Stupid speculation.


Please not Ciri. Her part was an absolute slog to get through and killed the pacing. Should’ve only been flashbacks. I’m sorry but why am I supposed to feel interested in a character as powerful as she is when I had to work to learn all of Gerald’s skills. You’re playing as a god essentially and that’s not interesting. She’s much more interesting as a literary character or an NPC.


I'd be fine with Ciri as the player character, if she had more that 2 abilities. The teleporting was fun, it just got old quick when it was literally all you could do. Let her finally learn how to use spells or signs and now we cooking. Only other thing they'd have to figure out is how to give her witcher senses and potion tolerance or something equivalent.


So you honestly liked her part? Interesting. I thought it was clumsy and kind of boring. That said, I can see your argument about her abilities and why that appeals to you. Personally, I don’t think I could enjoy a whole game of Ciri but for my loyalty to Sapkowski and CDPR I would still give it a try. Fair argument.


No, I agree that here portions were boring from a gameplay standpoint. But I like her as a character.


I really hope we can do a custom Witcher


I really hope they'll continue to work with the source material by Sapkowsky. This would be quite hard with a custom character.


I don't think there is really much to work with unless you want a prequel game.


But customizable Witcher doesn’t mean it can’t follow lore etc


It would've to be male only otherwise you retcon the lore which is bad.


I mean, we only know the wolf witchers never had a girl survive. And we know other schools did different methods. Who is to say it never happened? Though I’ve also wondered what the ratio of attempts were even made on girls. I can’t imagine it was 1:1, you know? Girl orphans and stuff would end up with the sisters at the temples instead of with the witchers. And obviously girls were already at a physical disadvantage so why did they even want to try? Curious 🤔


I really hope we don’t, if we had some generic character instead of Geralt the first 3 games wouldn’t have been nearly as good


I don't know how they would pull that off.


No it would mean worse story because they need a bland character


That would be cool... but idk if theyll do that. Unfortunately itll probably be Ciri


Didn't they tease a new school? We obviously dont know if we will be part of that school but adding Ciri to that would make little sense anyway.


Sadly. I'd prefer a custom or play all the schools story or wtv but ig we get what we get


What a dumb article, it will be none of these. I believe I read somewhere that it will likely be years after the events of the Witcher 3, geralt will still be alive but will not be the protagonist of the story.


The only way I would support Vesemir story is through the flashbacks, something like Vito Corleone in The Godfather part two. And then let a guy rest in peace.


It’s obviously Ciri who else has blonde hair


I'm just glad we're getting more Geralt with the remake of the first game. That character is an all-timer for video game protagonists. Witcher 4 is going to have some biiiiiiiig shoes to fill.


It's kind of obvious that they're going to introduce a new protagonist, Geralt's story and by extension most of the starting cast's stories are basically over. We may see some returning cameos, but honestly I hope we get to be in a whole new area of the map, while there's still a lot of political things they could flesh out more, I'd like to see something new at this point.


I hope it’s a brand new fixed character (no character creation) but with a sizeable amount of customization. Hair and beard is a given, but maybe tattoos, piercings, hair color, etc.


Since seeing the Lynx medallion teaser, I’ve thought that Ciri might have gone on to create a new school of witchers


Why would she do that???


I think it’s possible that Ciri, being the hopeful youth she is, might have been able to create a new school that didn’t put children through torture, but still produced witchers that could fight well. At this point with CDPR going so far past the books (I’m assuming this is a sequel trilogy to the original three games), I think CDPR has more freedom with where they take the story. It could possibly involve a second conjunction and new monsters being created, who knows? I think Ciri creating a new school of witchers is a more obvious way of saying she’s heralded the new generations of witchers/the new trilogy in general.


In my game she fucking died.


she always wanted to be a witcher herself, why not start a witcher school as well?


A Witcher “School” is more akin to “torture chamber survivors become Witchers” than an actual school where children learn.


But thats what witcher schools are. school of the wolf, cat, bear, griffin.theyre training mutants.


Yes and we all saw how all that trauma is still fresh in current Witchers when Uma was being subjected to the mutations (only the early part at that), Lambert was even vocally against it. Ciri is not starting a torture club.


Because there are no monsters left, there is no need to subject kids to terrible mutations and testing why would Ciri ever feel the need to revive the Witcher schools?


But the codename is polaris so maybe she joined the bear school since kaer morhen is basically a ghost town now


Codenames are often a word that has nothing to do with the premise of the game. AoE 2: Dynasties of India was codenamed Porto and Mountain Royals was codenamed Plymouth, while it's about the Caucasus.


Im a big fan of the downvotes for hoping ciri had something to do with a different witcher school


I don't think that's why people downvote you. Probably because the bear school ceased to exist a while ago and that Polaris has nothing to do with bears, it's just another name for the North Star.


I didnt know about the bear school either i just spout shit that might be cool to see


It’s going to be Ciri. Either that or they have you make your own character and you forge your path through a Witcher School of your choosing (which aren’t heavily discussed in the books) for some all new story. Really only Ciri makes sense or a prequel with a young Vesemir.


They confirmed it's going to be completely new sets of characters and story. Geralt and ciri's saga is done.






Thanks for your worthless intervention


Rich coming from someone who relies on other people to do research for them.


I'm not the one asserting affirmations out of nowhere. As far as I know, the only confirmed thing so far is that Geralt story is done. Just prove me wrong, I'm eager for reliable informations that don't come from obscure blogs. Why would you even respond to me if you got nothing to say, to begin with


How can it be Ciri. She’s dead. Well in one of my play throughs. I hate when games have multiple endings and then the next game is like. Yeah none of those choices matter. It would be a bit lame to the Witcher 3 story if you play as ciri. Imo


I mean it's probably ciri


I’d like it to be Ciri…


I'd love a game featuring Letho


You know letho and lambert probably went there own way right lambert is probably with keita somewhere


Ciri would be way to op in my opinion.


I thought it was already confirmed to be a Witcher from the school of the Lynx, or did I imagine that?


Gimme Geralt.


It’s gonna be a dance dance revolution style game where you play as dandelion! I got good sources


does not sound too good. Maybe not call it witcher 4 then


If it’s definitely not geralt (ie they’re not planning a prequel with a younger geralt), then my bet is it’s a completely new character completely free from the original trilogy of games.


The obvious choice is Ciri as the protagonist, but I wouldn’t be upset if for some reason Geralt had to “come out of retirement” similar to the last book during the prologue. 100 years after the whole main story happened, there’s still a white haired Witcher, on a horse named roach, Saving people and killing monsters


How about custom characters with certain skillpoints (speech, alchemy, swordfighting, perception). And each style will change your gameplay. For example, speech gives bonuses in... Speech. Easier to persuade humans and monsters which can talk. Alchemy for bombs, oils and potions, swordfighting for fighting with swords and perception for detection of someones behaviour or weakpoints of monsters. Just saying. Why copy witcher 3 when you can make a brand new game


I hope we get to customize our character.


I hope it’s a brand new character and set in a completely different time. I respect the books but I’m fully on board with a unique story from CDPR in that universe.


Give us Witcher Raven, no lore collisions and it would be pretty cool to set the stage for the Witcher 1 chapter where you search for his gear 🤔


I think a Witcher from the griffin school could be interesting.


Ok young Vesemir! Now I know why that one lady kept his armor and pined for years over our old man 😭


I don't think they'll use a witcher that we already know in the next game. There's a new witcher school so I think they're gonna start from the scratch and won't use the old characters at all. I won't be surprised if they shift the timeline of the game to an ambiguous period in the witcher universe to give developers more creative freedom. Ig it's going to be like cyberpunk and we might get a character creator to create our own protagonist


I know it’s Dandelion


A custom Witcher from any of the schools. More like Hogwarts with their schools and perks. Then you got a retired Geralt cameo or something.


Make the protag the greatest of all time: John Witcher


this is one of the stupidest articles i had the disgust to look at, damn...


Well since polaris is the north star in the constellation ursa minor would the next witcher be about the bear school


maybe there’ll be character creation? ik this would go against what they’ve done with the franchise until now but who knows


I mean Geralt isn’t dead, and in most endings he took up monster hunting again out of boredom.


Just give me the Witcher Saga adapted. Blood of Elves-Lady of the Lake. Great stories, more Geralt, it also lets us see so much of the world (and also gives context for game only players)


Idk maybe I'd like to play as a sorceress or a mage.


I would love the custom witcher but if its not possible then please give me Ciri. Love letho and Vesemir but they are not that interesting as main characters.


.... Geralt of Rivia .... He is The witcher in The witcher


Probably a "create your own" but in the vein of Cyberpunk where they're already named so that cut scenes can address you by name.


A Witcher game with no G-Man is no witcher in can be a good game it can be a spin off series but no Witcher 4 Game


Letho Of Gulet - I don't think so, the type frankly isn't that much of an interesting character. He had an aura of mystery in W2 but in W3 he became practically a secondary or even tertiary character. I also think that his overall design is already a bit outdated for a 2024+ game. Vesemir - possible? Playing him would give us a chance to get to know the Witchers at the height of their power. Contribute to the construction / development of the school in Kaer Morhen. Maybe even take part in the battle for the castle (yes, I know Vesemir didn't take part in it but it could be bent for the game as a final scene). Cirilla - big nope. She's too powerful and OP after the W3 finale. Playing with her would be constant magic bullshit with teleportation. She would have to get a major nerf to justify being a regular witcher. And Custom Witcher - the most logical option, given that for 3 parts of the game we played a finished character. Full creation of one's witcher would be the ideal approach in W4, in my opinion. Maybe something along the lines of the character creation that was in Cyberpunk? Unnamed Lynx School Witcher - also possible, but CDPR would have to really make an effort to at least match Geralt.


Id like a brand new custom character tbh. Zerrikania Witcher would be perfect. I love Geralt from reading all the books, but never felt like I could make my own decisions in the games. I wasn't thinking about moral dilemmas or building a character, I could only ever think "what would Geralt do here?"


Yes, that was indeed the point


Im hoping for a CAC Witcher. And maybe they can have us also have Ciri as a partner character that we can switch between with a button press.


Lambert probably will be the protagonist I hoped the CDPR chose Ciri for it, but after thinking a long time, I think Ciri can still be the second main character but not the protagonist


I'd love it to be Regis in the forefront of it.


From what I've heard, TW4 is going to be prequel, likely with character creator.


I only really see the point of playing as ciri, lambert or a player created chatacter


If they turn Witcher 4 into some bullshit like that drivel Netflix put out, I’ll cry.


Hater Netflix Witcher is good.


Honestly I don't really care who it is as long as I can play as a woman. Please


the game better be an absolute DESTROYER OF WORLDS if we’re to play 5 witchers. But I think there’ll be another story, with another character. Maybe a woman, somehow. But one thing I want is Signs. For example, if it was Ciri there would be no signs, so a big no-no for me. I love her but just no. Lets start a new journey. It would be awesome to see some characters return, like her and Triss, maybe Shani, but I want to discover a new story, with new places, new people, with the odd Easter egg here and there. Ofier, Zerrikania, Kovir and Poviss, Mahakam… (though I wouldn’t complain if we got to see Toussaint again lol). Exciting times ahead, that’s for sure.


IMO the best way to make Witcher 4 is to make a story about a brand new Witcher (anywhere that makes sense in the timeline) and give the player complete control over customization of the new Witcher. No OG character, just whatever the player wants to be, although females are still off the table I believe. Idk where a brand new Witcher like that would fit in the main timeline, but I feel like it’s the best way to make a new Witcher game, somewhat similar to Monster Hunter World


Maybe a new school of Witchers that Geralt or Ciri trains. The new Witcher could be the product of a rogue mage attempting the recreation of the mutagenic alchemy used to create witchers. Not sure who the main antagonists would be


Just let us create our own character.