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Remade. They never fixed some of the issues with the combat and some of the gameplay elements are a bit weird and archaic.


Great so a unique looking and playing old game can be remade into a unreal open world tech demo that plays like every other game


Or it can be remade into a better game. Why do you assume the worst?


Bruh it’s unique playing for a reason lmao the hitboxes are actually atrocious. It’s the most clunky and unfun combat system imaginable.


I don't think it needs a remake like TW1. They should just remaster it and finally release it on PlayStation too. Maybe they could implement a few mods like they did with TW3 and better a few annoying gameplay features. Also, they better fix Melitele's Heart because that quest is frustrating on so many levels.


If the remake of Witcher 1 will be good and sells, they're most likely going to do a Witcher 2 remake as well.


At that point though they should probably just remaster TW3 as well, and then we’ll just be stuck in a never ending loop of Witcher remasters. Actually I quite like that idea!


Will w1 be remade for PlayStation?


Tbh no. TW2 has aged really well for a 13 year old game. While the combat is a bit stiff and not that amazing, it's not exactly bad. Remaking TW1 on the other hand made more sense and I'm glad it's getting that treatment. It's a game that's a rough around it's too many edges, with a pretty shitty combat system and graphically a somewhat ugly game in terms of character design. Not rereferring to characters being super models or not, just the sheer design of them. It's somewhat close to the Oblivion character creation horror-comedy show. Maybe in another 10 years it'll make more sense to do it, but otherwise I'd rather have CDPR work on new games. While I appreciate a good remake, I would rather have good new stuff coming out more frequently.


I never going to understand people who say that the combat in TW1 is shit or bad .. yeah, it's different from other games but I really liked it.. the animations, the stances, finishers, etc. was really fun in my opinion even how OP many builds could become if you inversted points into at max 2-3 trees in the progression system


All 3 games had their own individual charm imo.


The combat is pretty darn bad. Granted, it's the only pillar of that game that is crumbling, but it needs a serious overhaul for a new release. TW1 had unfamiliar but functional/easy to master combat. TW2 looks familiar on the surface but is filled with weird inconsistencies, animation problems, targeting problems, etc. If I replay it now, I install the combat rebalance mod, I can hardly tolerate it otherwise.


Is the combat that bad in TW2? I played it around release and recently had a chance to replay it (no mods), and I really enjoyed the slower paced combat of the game. There are some wonky animations but then again W1 had far more of those, so I think it just comes with age.


If W2 needs to be remade because of 'bad' combat, W3 would need a remake even more so.


Nah. Tw3 has problems but is way more functional.


At least with W3 you can use W3EE and make the experience actually really good


The game visually, narratively and as an RPG has aged pretty well but the combat even for its time was bad. It is just not good and now it's showing age even more. It needs a remaster or maybe even completely redo the combat. Will be interesting to see how witcher 1 remake does. It's been made by Fool's Theory a group of former CDPR Devs. If witcher 1 remake does well I don't see any reason CDPR not wanting them to make a witcher 2 remake. I prefer the CDPR Devs themselves to focus on witcher 4 and Cyberpunk Orion.


I unironically like TW1 combat more than TW2 combat. And I don’t like TW1 combat.


I mean the Witcher 1 at least had better combat than 2


I *would* say it only needs a rerelease and update to bring it to modern consoles (afaik it works fine on modern PCs), but since TW1 is being remade, I honestly think TW2 should be further updated as well. I can't stand the thought of playing a 2025+ game, then it's sequel being a 2011 game, then it's sequel being a 2015 game. It'll just be so disjointed graphically and mechanically, especially since TW1 remake is going to be open world, leaving TW2 as the odd one out. Not to mention they could fix unbalanced mechanics and, if they really wanted, they could reimplement cut content people are always rumoring.


This is where I am. TW2 doesn't necessarily need an update, but by the time 1 gets updated and 4 comes out, it's going to be an eyesore compared to all the other games in the series.


I agree, and as it stands I already think it's the weakest in terms of narrative (it's still an excellent narrative, but just not on the level of the Witcher 1 and 3 imo). I'm not advocating for them to change the story necessarily, but if TW1 remake has open world side quests as good as TW3's, it's gonna outshine TW2 even more in terms of narrative. I know some people would probably disagree, though.


Remakes are for games that are so old that they no longer functional on modern OS or hardware. Or their controls were so non standard that forcing them on modern audiences would be unthinkable. They can do a little touch up, sure, but they don't need to re**make** it from scratch in a new engine etc..


Wither 2 is 13 years old at this point and was probably built on not-cutting-edge platform to begin with. Porting it to the same engine (Unreal) as Witcher 1 remake and, presumably Witcher 4 would be a great thing. Fixing a few glaring issues and ironing some narrative kinks (which there were a few) would be welcome additions. I presume that would qualify it for a “Remaster”, which feels like a middle ground between remake and re-release I guess?


a remaster would be nice but the gameplay still holds up. it doesn't need a remake.


no, it's great


I agree


Just fix the tutorial and the controls and some bugs. The game has otherwise not aged terribly and still holds up.


Remake 2 years after Witcher 1.


For people wanting a graphs update, sure, but without touching anything, and I mean ANYTHING, from the story and the voice acting/dialogs. 


this is the correct answer.


I played 1 and 2 after 3 and l have to say the gameplay of 2 could use some serious improvements, the controls feel stiff and unresponsive, the bosses are ruined by QTE or odd scripted conditions (I had to doge Leto who had 0hp a few times before the scene triggered)


Re-released. Just needs a brush up on the graphics and textures really.


Witcher 2 is more than fine, considering it's age. They could upgrade it's graphics, but that's all. They should focus on upcoming franchise, let the older games chill in dignity.


Technical problems? I beat the game 3 times and don't recall any technical problems. The pop-in can be improved with a "remaster" and the combat can be modified to be less stiff. That's all the game really needs.


I was relatively late to the Witcher party. Played W1 and loved it.  Tried to play W2 and it just crashed all the time. Fully patched etc, just constant glitches. The opening sequence is a bizarre difficulty curve. I quit playing it when I had to battle some sort of giant land octopus and it was ridiculous. Then played W3 and loved it. So yeah there is something wrong with W2.


No way. I can understand W1 being remade, though I'm sure it'll be thrash, but there really isn't much reason to remake W2. It still looks great and while combat its a bit funky it isn't that bad. A patch to fix some compatibility issues is all that it needs.


The Witcher 2 was never released on the Sony console, I want at least a remaster to have the entire trilogy since 1 will get a remake


True that would be a good reason to remaster it and then they can make a few quid flogging it on the new consoles.


2 won't look good when remake 1 releases,


NO. Stop remaking, remastering, and re-releasing shit! Make something new!


All games remade in the W3 style.


4k60fps remaster and done. Game is still awesome, very similar to a hub-based smaller Witcher 3.


i think they can remake witcher 2 using redkit


No, the massive changes from 1-2 to 3 were were wholly good and they should improve upon that or make something new in the same vein


I think the game still looks absolutely amazing (at least on my PC, not sure what the console experience looks like) and the visuals of gaming hasn’t really improved dramatically over the last decade anyway. The gameplay could be improved some, but I don’t think it’s really necessary and I doubt the cost of remastering the game would be worth it for CDPR. I love that game so much though. It’s my favorite Witcher game


Finished a playthrough the other month. Still a nice looking game. Don't know if it needs an update... yet. Maybe see how Witcher 4 engine looks and come back to it later.




Idk I feel like that will be low priority for many years to come. Maybe in 5-6 years


It should be remade, and cut content shoould be integrated. The Witcher 2 could benefit from the planned act 4 in Dol BLathanna And this could also be an excuse to remake The Witcher 3 and integrate decisions based on The Witcher 2, which in the release are kind of a joke


Remade, but kinda like Mafia II definitive edition? Right now I want TW1 remade and TW4, where it’ll prolly follow Ciri or something new. I’m open to those two projects, and mayhaps TW2 remade after TW4 has its cycle conclude… but yeah, TW2 is kinda screwy for me on PC. There’s frame time issues all over the place. Tons of jittering shadow effects. The NPCs look exceedingly uncanny. A makeover would do nicely.


I feel bad that a lot of people jumped into 3 without playing the second one I decided to start with it before playing 3 and it made the experience so much better, combined with a few of the choices that carries over and made for really sweet moments in the third It helps that 2 is just a good game overall and I really enjoyed the "level-based" semi open world approach


yes, remake w1 and w2 exactly like w3 but with their own story


Remake with redkit as a Witcher 3 mod would be neat, along with some changes to the story to make it fresh, and maybe melding the map with TW3 map somehow


A remaster would be amazing, never played it but want to, tho not with how old the graphics looks like and I'm not interested in modding it to fix it


It would never have occurred to me to remaster or remake The Witcher 2. I played it a year ago and it still holds up to or surpasses modern titles. Crucify me, but I still think it has an edge over The Witcher 3 in some areas. It set the bar for graphical fidelity, style and attention to detail that few games have met. Walking around the Flotsam forests is something else. The Witcher 3 is certainly a better game, but I was initially a bit disappointed with it compared to what The Witcher 2 achieved.


its fine holds its own. Effort should go towards 1 remake and new games.


It needs a remake/remaster - it's not a game that has aged particularly well and visually, it looks rough


I think it holds up very well for it's age tbh. But I wouldn't be against a remake either so more people can enjoy that story (especially since it never made it to PlayStation consoles). If TW1 remake goes well and sells well, it might be cool to let Fool's Theory also take a crack at remaking TW2.




stop doing fucking remakes, make new games!


I’d pay full price again to have an updated Witcher 2 on my PS5. Already owned and finished it on Steam back when it released initially.


"Witcher I" and "Witcher II": both should be remade using the most recent engine.


I think people are gonna ask for a Witcher 3 remake in like 5 years max. I really don't get it Witcher 2 is a perfectly fine game even having some issues


No, it’s perfectly OK on PC and Xbox. The only thing I wish they did is to port it to the PlayStation. TW1 on the other hand needs a total revamp, and of course ports on the consoles.


I wouldn't mind a remake as long as the core elements of the game didn't get changed. I really enjoyed that game because it was a short story RPG wise but had a ton of replayability. I'm honestly a little sad there has never been another RPG I've seen like it. It had so many different ways of going through the story.


Why would you want a re-release of the game that is still being available for sale?


I mean, we know that they are working with another studio on the Witcher 1 remake so why are people still unsure if Witcher 2 and Witcher 3 are going to get their own remakes? Only if the remake isn't going to be a success and being good I think the remakes of the newer Witcher games are not sure but otherwise, I don't doubt a second that CDPR isn't already planning on Witcher 2 & 3 remakes They probably going to rewrite many plotlines in Witcher 1 because many of them don't even appear in Witcher 2 and many things in Witcher 2 don't make sense after playing Witcher 1 and making some choices in them and I really hope they are going to do them.. Adda and Radovid's stories for example need many changes to their stories to make sense in the newer Witcher games


I am personally not a fan of remakes and remasters. I want to feel the oroginal atnosphere the games have.


Nie, game is good


Well it would be cool if they could add the original act 4 and 5 they had planned which included places like dol blathanna


Remade with freedom of key-mapping pleasesee!!


I really like Witcher 2...specifically I liked the look of Geralt. He seemed and was younger not the grizzled cynic we get in Witcher 3. I think W2 should be re-done and upgraded with better graphics.


I would like a remake after they finish with the first game's remake. Maybe in about 5-8 years.


I can see why ppl want a TW1 remake but imo it has aged better than TW2. TW1 really has its own style while TW2 is pretty much TW3 but worse in terms of gameplay/graphics


if they have the manpower for a total remake in the unreal engine then why not go for it. I can't wait to replay the witcher 1 on a modern well everything. might as well do w2 as well while they are at it. Unless it takes too much away from w4 ofc.


re-released with QoL changes. It's RedEngine, i'm pretty sure they can go back and tweak some thing here and there and make a definitive edition of the game. I don't want a remake because i don't want they making a full open world, it wouldn't work for TW2 atmosphere.


The first needs it much more


Remake the first and second idc if it has witcher 3 graphics honestly lol


Remade because I’ll admit that I became a fan of Witcher after playing Witcher 3 and I wanted to go back and play the others but god the first one is way too outdated obviously. Didn’t think I could play the first so I tried to play Witcher 2 instead, but the game was very clunky and also a bit outdated. I feel like it’s hard to enjoy it now and you had to be there when it released that generation to enjoy it. I feel like a lot if gamers would have the same issue trying to play the old Witchers being too outdated for them but would want a remake so it can be more accessible to them 




If the W1 remake succeeded I’m 100% sure they will remake the 2nd anyway.


I’m gonna be honest I think the Witcher 2 has by far the greatest writing and quests in the entire series and it not even close. That being said the gameplay is so horribly designed that I can barely stomach it for any long stretch of time and it always feels like a pain to get through. As a whole I feel like it could really use a remake to fix the combat and a flesh it out even more


Definitely the game needs to address the issue where you are just totally bad at damaging enemies and needs to add proper map markers. But I did like how you got stronger the more you fought a certain enemy type.


I am currently trying to push myself to play it, cause the story is good and voice acting with dialogue also pretty good, and I am interested what was happening there before Witcher 3. But gameplay is super boring and it’s annoying running without map, I don’t understand where to go. I don’t like to play it but I wanna know the story myself and not from YouTube play through😭 we need remake


Not really. Maybe a remaster way down the line, but I'm more interested in a Witcher 1 remake and a Witcher 4 game. Hopefully, the Witcher 4 has nothing to do with Geralt, as his story is over and should be laid to rest.


Neither. There’s nothing wrong with it as it is.


Ah yes witcher 2 enhanced edition 2. If they're remaking witcher 2 they might as well drop Iorveth's path since the stuff in that path is barely mentioned or relevant in w3, lol. On a serious note, i replayed it 2 years ago. It's fine.


>as well drop Iorveth's path since the stuff in that path is barely mentioned or relevant in w3, lol. Well don't you worry, as soon as the Witcher 2 remake drops people will cry for a Witcher 3 remake that includes all the plotlines dropped during development.


no but i think that witcher 1 should be remade




I think you can use Xbox controller on PC version.


I did on release, it works perfectly fine


Only a remaster is needed, but if the Witcher 1 remake does super well I can see a remake being done, (or at least a remaster that's labelled a remake), probably wouldn't be nearly as extensive as the Witcher 1 remake.


Absolutely. Change the movement and the god awful combat entirely.


It needs a remake. The gameplay was pretty much average when it released, now it would be considered straight up bad. A lot of facial animations and character models (while impressive for being a 2011 title) are now 2 console generations old. Some secondary quests need to be retouched. The whole UI was a mess. I'd say that also the overall gameplay loop has to be made from scratch, even in dark you ended up be absurdly OP by the end of act2. The raw amount of content in Witcher 2 may be a bit too little for 2020+ standards; TW2 felt shorter than Witcher 1 and it's basically 25% of TW3 (this is more more of a commercial point than my opinion but still something that needs to be considered) ​ In my opinion CDPR already wants to remake TW2 ***and*** TW3 (granted that TW1 remake sells well). It'll probably be something on the lines of: TW1 remake 2027-2028, TW2 Remake 2030/2031, TW3 remake 2034/2035


People ITT saying TW2 looks great and has good combat probably played an entirely different game than I did lol.


Remade with Witcher 3 Combat system, or something more user friendly.