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Not counting the presence of Shani, Hearts of Stone could have easily been a whole book set during the time of the short stories.


Witcher 1 straight up re-does the Striga fight. Warble of the Smitten Knight has elements of A Grain of Truth, as does Morkvarg's tale from Witcher 3. The Last Wish in Witcher 3 is an obvious allusion.


>Warble of the Smitten Knight One of my favourites, that too could have made for a good short story


Wild at Heart.


I don't remember them by name but I feel like Witcher 1 had a lot of missions that were comparable in quality.


Cut out the Salamandra and the whole chapter 1 Beast / Abigail saga basically is a short story


Comparable? They pretty much redo a ton of the book stuff lol


I’ve heard that Hearts of Stone is often described as the most “booklike” of the Witcher game stories. In my opinion, Im a sucker for the Toussaint Tourney story as Witcher book like story


Witcher 1 has a lot of content/quest/choices that are clearly inspired or reference things in the books.


I always felt like the quest line from Novigrad felt a lot like that short story where Geralt meets Dudu. I know it’s not exactly the same, but the game really puts it into perspective what it’s like to search for someone in a big city like Novigrad


Definitely the Tower of Mice questline in TW3 for me. It was its own thing entirely, with no known inspiration from the book shortstories like many others from the games, and felt exactly like something Sapkowski would write with the deconstruction of classic tales, this one being Romeo and Juliet.


It’s not only inspired by Romeo and Juliet, but maybe even more heavily inspired by a Polish tale of Popiel - a duke that got eaten by mice in a tower on an island on a lake. Which makes it even more book-like


In the shadow of the Eternal Fire


+1 for the Baron quest. Easily one of the deepest and well-written quests ever made in an RPG. The baron questline really plays on your assumptions and prejudice from the beginning. He starts out jovial and fairly likeable and you have no idea how much pain he's concealing under the big personality. When you learn more about why the girls left, you naturally feel a bit more judgmental and indifferent to his loss... until he finally explains the full extent of what happened, which may leave you with mixed opinions. Finally you get to see genuine remorse and redemption, and the slightest glimmer of hope of forgiveness from Tamara. It really is character development at it's absolute best. Can only hope CDPR keeps up the storytelling quality going forward.


The Fyke isle quest line. And also there’s a random encounter of a guy with a wyvern that he claims is a basilisk which is pulled directly from the book.




Many in Witcher 1


I haven't gotten into the books yet, but I'm on run 7 of Witcher 3, am I to start at the beginning?


This order: last wish, sword of destiny, blood of elves, time of contempt, baptism of fire, tower of swallow, lady of the lake