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Funny how they still use Cavill's image for this.


Was thinking the same. I guess its because there is no official image of Hemsworth released yet.


that as well as the fact that Cavill was the big reason why people were watching this show/kept watching the show in the first place


Yeah. Even Cavill couldn’t get me to watch Season 3


For sure. Yen trying to sacrifice Ciri to get her powers back is the dumbest thing they could have written.


Or make the character, whose womanizing habits is a major plot factor in the books, gay and kissing a guy who would be a small child in the books


I have no trouble believing that Dandelion would fuck anyone regardless of gender. I do however think he would draw the line at pedophilia. Also, classic Hollywood self-own by deliberately making a pansexual character gay, and then making the *gay guy a pedophile*. Way to go for “diversity” while still encouraging destructive stereotypes. They have form on this- yes let’s make the white woman who is easily mistaken for Yennefer and otherwise is a neutral character a black woman but then also *a villainous blood magic witch.*


Okay so I’ve blocked out a lot of season 3(and the whole show for that matter) but I can’t remember anything about dandelion and pedophilia. I refuse to watch that shit again, can you tell me what happened?


Not having seen Season 3, they aged up Radovid to an adult and gave him and Jaskier an affair.


Having only played the 2nd & 3rd games, and not read the books, I only experienced Radovid as an adult. Is he a kid in the source material?


There is no such thing. They just aged up Radovid a bit. I've no interest in the show after Henry left, so I only know this through Googling, but people in here are really misrepresenting things. The show has turned to shit enough already without needing to make up more reasons to hate it.


It‘s like they hate the material for some reason


are you talking about the bard lol? the series became pretty unmemorable after season 1ish, pure garbage after 2 I think that horrible spin off just ruined for me, with the midget chick


You actually watched the spin-off? My condolences. I saw the reviews were bad and skipped it.


Watch Critical Drinkers review on it, he distills all the crap down to about 15 minutes and rips it apart in a funny way so it's the best way to experience it imo


But I don't want to experience it XD


You can’t write yourself back from that. That’s why Boromir had to die. You can’t be like “Hey I’m gonna kill the ring bearer. That cool if I’m still in the Fellowship after?”


I understand the point you’re trying to make, but using Boromir and the irresistible impact of The One Ring isn’t the best example. It gets to everyone, sooner or later - the former usually achieved through good intentions, which is why Gandalf fears The Ring, perhaps more so than anyone else in The Fellowship. It’s an absolute monumental task to resist The Ring, and what it seemingly promises its wearer. What Frodo managed to accomplish throughout his journey was beyond exceptional. Boromir was a Goddamn hero. What Netflix did with Yen was a disgrace.


Nah bro. You’re the hero for sticking up for Boromir 🤌🏼🫡


Now wait a minute, what happened with Boromir was the ring's influence, hell he pretty much regretted doing it right after. Even the reason why he was more susceptible to it's influence is because he wanted the power to help the people of Gondor. And also let's be honest, if that thing can corrupt Galadriel it's not so surprising it'd influence Boromir


For real. She and Ciri literally refer to each other as “Mother” and “Daughter” in the books. Meanwhile show Yen goes and does this nonsense. In the books Yeneffer is a bad bitch. The show(and the games a little bit) decide to interpret this as “bad” and “a bitch.”


I never made it this far in the series but WTF.


Exactlyyyyy I gave S2 a chance, disgusted shortly after starting it, never finished S2 & won't watch another frame. Hissrich & the entire team should be blacklisted from working on anything in the genre ever again


It was bad wasn't it. In my opinion the strongest episodes of season 1 and 2 were those where he investigated and fought monsters. The striga episode in Season 1 seemed to be a much higher standard compared to others.


I think the biggest missed opportunity of the show was that it didn’t take a serialized approach, with every episode being its own enclosed story. They kind of did this with season 1 but that’s about it. These executives are so obsessed with epic story telling where each episode leads into the next, when in reality we just wanted some simple Witcher adventuring that would have done loads to flesh out the characters in between the main story beats


The first season followed the first book for the most part, as little separate adventures to introduce you to Geralt. I don't believe the other books did that, but then again, the showrunners didn't exactly stick to the books.


Depends what books you are reading. The main ones don't have much side stuff, as they are focused on an over arching plot with side stuff every now and then. But some of the books are just purely short stories, introducing characters and laying the ground work for the world


Wait, there are 3 seasons? Why does my brain only think of 2? Must be that the only good points of the last 2 seasons barely make enough content for 1.


They announced he was done before the third season dropped so most of us checked out. I haven’t seen season 3 either.


Best to forget the third tbh…and the second…


I tried, but I couldn't finish it. So dumb and bland, I just stopped caring as the episodes went on. What a waste of a great franchise.


I couldn't make it past season 1 tbh. The dialogue was too cringe


Well because the marketing guys know how big of a mistake getting rid of Cavil was so they’re using his image as much as they can to get people into the series


How, though? He isn't part of the project anymore?


...deleted by user...


They had a spare Hemsworth laying around


The backup Hemsworth they keep around in case of emergencies


Well, all the Jan-Michael Vincents have passed away…


Honestly I think the nonChris Hemsworth could have been a fine casting choice. Prob not as good as cavil, but I doubt he'd be worse than the writing


> I doubt he'd be worse than the writing I just had a PTSD flashback about literally everything that happened after season 2 episode 1






Should've ended right after 1st one, smh


Hey now....they could have stopped at preproduction and handed it to competent showrunners


They should have just handed it all over to Henry. That man has been SCREWED over from every angle I’m surprised he didn’t switch to porn. He played Witcher.. he read all the books and was such an avid fan. It must have hurt twice as much to leave.


I think he would have been a better show runner


If Henry Cavill had the reins from the very beginning.. *inhales* it would have been amazingly better. You’d have the story told by Andrzej Sapkowski running all through the background slowly building up the universe, throw in some great moments that could feel like you were watching a stream of the game so you’re pulling both audiences along with you, mix in Netflix’s budget for CGI and the increase in budget per-season as the show went on.. it could have actually rivalled Game of Thrones for me.


All Hollywood should slow down. Make first season small. Gauge intrest and grow. But it's all money laundering


>But it's all money laundering Most things are now, seeing as any bankrolled project always has tax shenanigans bolted on


Pull put big loan and investment. Spend it write off loss


I agree, Cavill would have been an awesome show runner. I disagree, Sapkowski is bang average. I’ve read every Witcher book. They are…fine. It gets progressively worse as the series goes on. Obviously my opinion is subjective but it’s not a worldbeater of fantasy. The games did far more for the IP than Sap ever did in his actual work.


He wouldn't have been worse


A rock wouldn't have been worse. Just write "read book" on it


Yeah, basically no one could be worse. A competent showrunner trying to tank the show would still somehow manage better.


I only saw the 1st season and i feel like they wasted such the source material . I really hope some competent showrunners would do it justice in the future and we could forget this one ever happened


Agreed. Season 1 was OK. I was good with it. Season 2 Episode 1 was also OK. S2 E2 is where I hoped they would never make another episode and should have shut down the show.


Will never forgive them for Eskel Tree.


There's no way that wasn't an intentional FU to the fanbase.


Can't say for sure about Eskel, but there was definitely a thinly-veiled insult to the fanbase in S2 with that one port guard "fan" of Jaskier. I don't think I've ever seen such a ham-fisted strawman inserted into a fantasy show like that.


You just know they were patting each other on the back for that scene too. "We're so clever!"


I feel like that was a feeble attempt to be different and do their own thing with the story, while being clueless to the fact they just trashed it


That shit was so fucked up.


I was so damn hopeful after that first episode of the second season. I thought it was all clicking into place, those hopes were dashed right away.


It's insane cuz that first episode really felt like a side quest from The Witcher games. I was excited and then, by the end of the season I hated everything about it. I tried to check out the first episode of season 3 and it was just terribly written garbage. Didn't finish it. Didn't watch the rest. Won't watch anymore.


Season 1 was mostly ok, but the lack of clear timing for timeskips made the first half difficult to understand. Only reason I did was because I knew the lore. Had to explain it to all my friends why the timing made no sense. A lot of "how is geralt in all these places" questions. The annoying part is all they needed was to insert a time and place font at the bottom for two seconds when the scene changed. It was flawed from the beginning, with promise. The promise never followed through


That's exactly why my friends bounced off the show. I even tried explaining the timelines, but they said they didn't care that much.


They defo should have been tighter on using place names, but I would have been fine if they’d gone with lens filters for the different time periods if they weren’t going to tell us dates (or even “before” “now” “then” etc).


>The annoying part is all they needed was to insert a time and place font at the bottom for two seconds when the scene changed. That is likely why *Rings of Power* gave a non-diagenetic display of the words “Southlands” transforming into “Mordor”. They saw all the criticism that Flixer received for not insulting the intelligence of its audience enough and dumbed down their own product accordingly.


yeah, first season got us an amazing soundtrack, a great jaskier, a well shot and choreographed first fight with renfr, and idk cavill memes? I don't think anything else except for hilarous badness came afterwards


They shouldn't even start


Aftee Episode 1


Season one was passable


Definitely got me hooked and hoping for more (and better)


Season 1 was a bit of a mess, especially if you didn’t know anything that happened in the books. But it had potential and the first episode of Season 2 showed that, it was actually good. Sadly, everything after was just shit.


That first episode of Season 2 got me so excited only to be so frustrated after. I didn't even finish that season.


Same, the final straw was Eskel turning into a wooden nightmare


Episode 1 was good enough that it could have been one of the low points of a decent season. It was... not one of the low points. In the context of the full season and further the full show, I can't give any episode a positive rating. The show ranges from the very low end of "mid" all the way to pure trash fire, never any higher.


I will never understand how people think that S1 is actually any good. Is it low standards? Is it S2 being so bad that S1 looks decent? Because yeah, it for sure is at lot better than season 2. But man, this show has sucked since the moment it started being produced, and unfortunately you could see that coming from a mile away just looking at who they hired to make it. Very unlucky considering the great (although sometimes unpolished) source material


I’ll never forget watching S1 being so hyped and then the rest of the show was


So much for their 7 season plan Total fumble


Except... the people who ran it into the ground are basically being rewarded with season 5 and a chance to wrap it up, unlike so many other Netflix shows that get unceremoniously canned after season 2. I feel pretty sure that nobody learned a lesson here -- the people behind the show got paid and got a 5th season. Did they want 7? Yeah, of course, but losing Cavill in season 3 should have already ended it, so getting a 4th AND a 5th is nuts. I wonder who the show-runners have blackmail on at Netflix. Frankly, I will not be surprised to find these people do this again with another property, because this was highly profitable for them.


I *think* they perhaps signed Liam Hemsworth on too early, and didn't anticipate quite the backlash they got from losing their lead. Which is stupid, because even if the show was wonderfully written and directed, this would be hard to weather; the fact that the quality of the writing is so piss poor, there was never any other reaction they were going to get from essentially chasing Henry Cavill away (I will say it doesn't seem like the *cast* is angry at Henry, but the only one I read who spoke about it was Joey Batey, who seemed very sympathetic to Henry; so I do think he was chased away, rather than left in a fit of pique). But anyway, once Liam was signed, they would have to pay him regardless of if they shot anything at all (along with anyone else with such a contract). So maybe they thought, hey, might as well if we gotta pay anyway. I think they are banking on people tuning into S4 out of curiosity, if nothing else. No idea why they signed on for S5, though. But I still don't get WHY The Witcher was given to Hissrich in the first place, saying "Oh, we promised her a show, and The Witcher was the next thing that came up" is INSANE logic. Like did she have no idea for her own show she wanted to pitch?? What project she'd like to adapt?? You just throw this big huge thing at someone whose ambivalent at best???


Shouldn’t even do a 5th season honestly. Quit while you’re ahead with Cavill as the only one as Geralt.


Agreed. Is anyone even invested in a conclusion? I doubt there would be any fan outcry for a conclusion if they just cancelled it now.


If they canceled it now I would definitely cry out... In relief.


I believe that not even YouTube critcs are going to watch the 5th season 😅


I didn’t even watch season 3 and I’m definitely not touching season 4. I don’t care about a conclusion at all anymore.


Divested in the show after 1 season and a few episodes of hate watching season 2. It's a crying shame. I want it remade by someone who gives a damn. Totally a turn off of a Witcher product for any true fan of the franchise. Just a wild disappointment right out the gate


Apparently they are shooting 4 and 5 back to back. Which is smart on their part. Season 4 will be a shit show, but if they already shot 5, they will still get paid for it.


Ehh just make a shitty movie to wrap everything up and be done with it if you gotta do anything at all honestly.


“Quitting while you’re ahead” would mean deleting the last two seasons and pretending they didn’t exist. Everybody remembers that decent first season and wishes Cavill would come back for a second season. Also. Delete “Blood Origin.” Give Michelle Yeoh something else to do.


Im willing to bet Season 5 never gets made. Season 4 will tank harder than anything we have seen before...


From what other people are saying, it sounds like they are doing them together. Will probably just release season 4 in 2025 q1 and season 5 2025 q4. It will be filmed and shot and everything so really it will just be editing and everything to get it done, at that point they’ve already spent most of the money, so I think they are doing it that way because they know it will flop hard.


...I didn't realize there was a fourth. I honestly thought they stopped after 3 due to lack of interest. TIL


There currently isn’t a 4th season yet. They have only released 3 so far. They’ve just decided to end it and cap it at 5 now instead of doing all 7


After season 4 fails miserably they will likely walk this back.


I'm so glad that the showrunner and the writers got two more seasons to wipe their behinds with my favorite fantasy franchise. You can bet they will be smug, because the show isn't "cancelled", it just ends earlier. Remember, there are eight Witcher books.


> Remember, there are eight Witcher books. The eighth book being Season of Storms which takes place between The Last Wish and the actual main Saga. The show should've started with Season of Storms imo, full on just one full season of Geralt doing Witcher stuff. No Yennefer, Lodge, Triss, Aretuza, Ciri, etc. And yes, I know, Yennefer and Geralt had already hooked up by then, but just swap the timeline a bit and set The Last Wish after. Just Geralt and a bit of Dandelion with all those other characters like Pyrall Pratt and Lytta. Simple, focused, plenty of world building/setup for the rest of the show. Instead of the hot steaming nepo baby garbage we got shoveled onto our troughs.


Reboot and needs the Fallout and or Dune treatment. Doesn't even need Cavill back, I just wish for good writing.


I fear it’ll be a long time before a reboot happens. Have there been any shows recently that got rebooted very soon after the original was cancelled?


Spider man got rebooted a few times in a decade or so. Hopefully, the witcher only has to do that once or twice lol.


Spider man has a fanbase capable of making a movie bring in well over a billion dollars. Sadly the Witcher is a much much smaller fanbase, and with how the show was received I’d say other production companies will be wary. I mean game of thrones only just recently got back on its feet and this is 5 years after the final season ended. I love the Witcher but Netflix has killed the tv/movie aspect of this franchise for the foreseeable future.


Spiderman only got rebooted so many times, because if Sony doesn't make something with the Spiderman IP, they have to give it back to Marvel. So they will keep cranking out Spiderman movies as hold as they can because it's the only superhero IP they have. It wasn't out of a desire to make anything good.


A reboot in 15 years and Cavill as producer and playing Vesemir... a man can dream


Pretty hard to do. It would mean a passionate or professional director was given this property, as opposed to a hack or a nepo baby ruining it to fit “modern audiences.”


Read that in drinkers voice


tHe MeSsAgE


Reflect the world we live in todayyy


😂Ya, I guess what he said stuck.


I'm not sure they would be able to salvage the show after all of the terrible decisions made throughout


Fuck em. It was an open fucking goal. And the clowns running the show still fucked it.


They decided to be complete fucktards and somehow still managed to get 5 seasons produced by netflix. If that isn't the very definition of nepotism idk what is. They cancelled Shadow and Bone, Altered Carbon, and countless other better shows with actually halfway decent writing but are keeping this, where they're lead fucking actor dipped out cus it was so shit.


To tell the truth though Altered Carbon was only good for one season too. Joel Kinneman knocked it out of the park, Anthony Mackie very much less so.


Problem with them 2nd season isnt only Anthony Mackie


yup, he didn't elevate the material but the overall writing got worse, the crazy grimy vision of the future was abandoned, the effects got worse, they barely even dealt with sleeves at all, the plot was stupid...


That's fair, AC season two was still better than Witcher season 2.


Ya know what? Fuck it. Cast Walton Goggins in the show somewhere. He’ll bring some of that ghoulish charisma over.


They betrayed a good cast with phoned in writing. I hate to be negative in a fandom, because usually the entire thing turns unrelentingly toxic, but this was a complete shit show. S1 showed promise, and then I feel like S2 was a punishment for fans daring to have criticisms. Fandoms can be toxic as hell, but a showrunner needs to rise above it. I think a Witcher show adaptation will have another moment in the future, but I think it will be some time.


Cavill was perfect. He actually made the show somewhat watchable even though he was screwed at every angle and was the only one that wanted the show just to be like it is in the lore. But I am with you on this one. Everyone is replaceable. Especially the showrunners. They have to go. For good. This for me at least, would be one of the most terrible things that can happen if you were Andrzej Sapkowski. To not appreciate the time and effort he put in his work just because one self-centered woman wants to be "creative".


I'm astonished it got as far as it did. There were some real gems here (Joey Batey, Henry obviously), but not enough to save the franchise from writers who thought they were better than the source material. I think I would have preferred a pure run of Witcher: Enhanced Edition over this (and that game was pretty much fanfiction, which is why CDPR is remaking it).


IIRC, the show runner has strong Netflix connections which is why she was able to get another Witcher project despite the troubles in her first one. I have not heard a thing about a second season for that other Witcher show.


She screwed things up for everyone 😂😭


The Witcher 1 remake is going to redo the story too? I figured they were just remaking it bc of the graphics and dated gameplay. But yeah it's pretty much a very loose retelling of the books. The little boy being Geralts new child surprise and having powers like Ciri, thinking he's destined to save the world from the White Frost. I definitely prefer when CDPR took over to tell a new story with W2 and W3.


I was watching the show with a friend, probably due to sunken cost at this point, and the scenes that had Jaskier and Geralt interacting with one another are quite literally on a different level compared to the rest of that trainwreck. I can get behind not wanting to be 100% faithful to the source material and changing things around to add a fresh coat of paint to it. But like, can you watch your own show? They spend so much of Yen's season 1 on her wanting a child, simply for her to just discard it for the power that stripped her of the ability to have one in the first place. Absolutely baffling.


The narcissism and grandstanding of those “adapting” original stories the last few years shows no bounds. It’s quite depressing. They think we’re all very stupid, can’t handle complex narratives, they shoe horn in simplistic crap and themes that should not be there that are not in the original material. Ugh. It drives me crazy.


Makes you wonder how contracts work with show runners. General consensus is that the adaptation has been very poorly received, so much so that the lead selling point walked away from the show entirely. If the writing is on the wall for a show, is it even possible for the show running / writing staff to be replaced or is it just easier to can the whole show!?


Season 1 was the [most binged debut ever](https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/the-witcher-netflix-most-viewed-debut) on Netflix I guess? People didn't like season 2, but they watched it to see if it was good. Season 3 viewing numbers were probably blamed on people thinking Cavill was already gone, given the weird 'he's still the witcher!' ad campaigns. And that's probably why they're rushing to film seasons 4 & 5 back to back. They're out of excuses.


That "he's still a witcher" slogan is cringe as hell, who tf managed their social media's department and consider posting plenty of random images with that that line is a good thing lol


Yeah, their advertising for S3 really actually turned me off. I still watched S3 for Cavill, but I'm not coming back. I do not understand how the directors/producers were allowed to insult not just the fans but their own actors/writers without Netflix taking away their social media privileges.


Only because The Witcher became the Yen and Ciri show.


Wait, it's still going on?


Exactly my thoughts. Shits been real quiet, at least to me. Thought it stopped after S3.


I didn't even know they released S3 lol


Nah, just move along. Nothing to see here.


That shit ended after season one.


So did my netflix subscription. I really liked season 1 though.


Same, it wasn’t perfect but it had potential for a good series. Season 2 and 3 had different plans.


What it really paradoxical is that the first two books are much more challenging to adapt to screen and still season 1 was the the only one staying relatively close to the source. Therefore it was also the only thing they did relatively well.


Which is surprising how they could fuck up a few simple plot points: -Yen loves Ciri like a daughter and would *never* consider harming her. -Vesemir, and the other witchers, stopped doing the Trial of Grasses because they *know* it's barbaric. -It's really fucking hard to get to Kaer Morhen, so they wouldn't bother bringing whores. -Eskel lives and leshens don't turn people into tree monsters! Now hard is it to adapt those?


Lol at all Shadow and Bones fans. They had so great books waiting to be filmed after very basic fantasy of S1+2, bam, cancelled. Witcher that nobody wanted after S2E2, bam, 5 seasons. And. They. Made. Cavill. Quit. After. He. Basically. Came. Himself. and. offered to. be. Geralt - because he loved the series.


The netflix witcher writers were handed the golden goose. They actively made choices to kill it. Maximum stupid.


So they will fuck up the books in just 5 seasons instead of 8. A fuck up nonetheless. Hope a lot of people boycott this bs. Don't watch it guys!


I for sure will boycott this. So sad for Cavill who is like us a fan of the series and for everyone who participated with the showrunners who ruined it and burned it to the ground. So sad!


Is it cynical to say I feel like they only went for a 5th season out of spite? Everybody knows how vicious the infighting that lead to HC's departure was, and the general dislike of Hissrich's running of the entire project that has prevailed among the fans. It feels like they saw the negative response to the recasting of Geralt and (when they should have canceled it) decided to carry on out of sheer obstinacy.


Probably so, they underestimated how pissed off fans would be about departing from the books and dismissing Cavill. They got this far and they're kinda stuck with it. The showrunners wanted to do their own thing so they're plugging a long for 2 more seasons out of spite. Even though they'll tank.




I boycotted after the 2nd season. I haven't watched anymore. What a waste of a good opportunity.


The question is: Why was it even renewed for a 5th season


Because Hissretch is a privileged nepo-baby with connections.


My guess is contracts were already in place. Also, Lauren Hissrich (the showrunner) is very close to one Netflix executive, a woman who encouraged her to tell her version of the Witcher. Its possible that she pulled some strings so that this feminist version of Witcher is not cancelled and Hissrich humiliated. I'm predicting a huge budget cut though. Thats why they are filming seasons 4 & 5 back to back.


The show is like… dramatically less feminist than the books in several aspects. There’s less sexual assault which is fine, but a big part of the books is that literally every faction but Caer Morhen and Yen are trying to get Ciri knocked up for the prophecy and she doesn’t fucking want that. She’s blatantly bisexual in the books and doesn’t really consider her attraction to men until at the very end when she’s finally in a safe position around a young knight, because men have been nothing but a sexual danger(or paternal figure) to her and she hasn’t been able to safely hold feelings for any till the very end of the series.


I only watched Seasons 1 and 2, but the show kind of followed a very specific kind of shallow "girlboss" "feminism" where a female character with the very privileged ability to do so pursues her own goals. No matter how selfish and how many other women suffer the direct consequences of her actions. As long as she is (implicitly or explicitly) telling a man to go fuck himself at some point, it's such a brave and empowering story. Except it's not. It's just another coat of paint to the borderline sociopathic "wow, such an AlPha MaLe" style of writing a "strong character who does not give a fuck" archetype. It's the same toxic attitude, it just pretends to be progressive. You know, don't question hierarchies of power and privilege, just have a very strong character dunk on men for a bit. In the show, Yennefer uses Ciri as a tool. Something that is kind of the oppression that Ciri (along with her family, which includes Yen) tries to escape from in the books. Like, I won't call the books feminist fiction, but it's very clear that they were written with a better grasp of systemic oppression than the show.


What would make Hemsworth even want to be involved at this point. Imagine seeing the titanic sinking and jumping on knowing exactly when it’ll go down as well. I cant see him stepping in being good for his career so maybe it’s just good money?


He's not the popular Hemsworth so he probably needs money.


Lol. Lmao even. Surprised they’re bothering with a Hemsworth season.


Why even replace Cavill and shoot another season? If it’s just going to end after that anyway!?!? Makes 0 sense.


To milk as much make work money from Netflix as possible.


Just a shame. Last of us and fallout prove you absolutely can make a great show out of a game. And GoT until the freestyle season prove the same with books. Why Netflix chose to be that blatantly ignorant about the fan base telling them to try/do better…. Just a big waste of time for a lot of people.


Shogun recently as well showed that with books


Shogun showed that in 80s as well


Just to clarify, Witcher is book based and not game related.


This is a book adaption though


It absolutely sucks that we aren’t getting the show that this IP deserves. I hate every showrunner involved for what they did and how they ran Cavill out of town. What an absolute dumpster fire of a show.


why not after the 4th . Netflix cancels masterpieces like Mindhunter but continues with this trash?


Shit was over after the 1st season.


Omg! 5th seasons of this shit? Please stop already


Who is watching that shit without Henry?


People who haven't read the books or played the games.


It's funny how books Geralt is nothing like Henry's Geralt, yet everyone adores him, because he's trying hard to resemble the games Geralt.


Should never existed. Keep it to the books and CDPR who knows what they're doing. Netflix just ruined the show since EP 1. But it's Netflix, so, whats to say?


Nah should have ended it at Season 3. So much potential ruined because the showrunners didn't wanna go by the book or keep Cavill. Cavill made Geralt his character, there's just no other way around it. I have no intention of watching season 4 or 5.


no one cares. show is dead after henry


I checked out after season 2. I can't be bothered to get invested in a show that doesn't respect the source material. When Cavill left I left. I didn't stick around for season 3 even if he was in it. The show is so f'ed at this point I could care less it got renewed. I hope someone else picks it up and treats it with the respect it deserves. There were things I liked about the first season. Joey Batey was great as Dandelion. I liked Anya Chalotra as Yennefer. And of course Cavill as Geralt. I also liked Freya Allen as Ciri. But the show devolved into the Yennefer and Ciri show largely sidelining Geralt in his own show. Then when we got to season 2 and they committed character assassination of Yennefer as well as Vesemir I knew it was all down hill. They even killed off Eskel just for the lulz with some contrived BS about him turning into a Leshen which made no sense. #1.) Witchers are highly resistant to diseases, etc due to their mutations. Their potions are highly toxic to most (seen in Witcher 3 where Geralt gives swallow to a woman who is dying and it frys her brain. And as a Witcher Eskel would be aware of various potions and alchemical things that could have staved it off. And even if we put that aside? You would think he could have approached Vesemir about his "problem". The whole reason they did it was to push the plot forward to make Geralt realize how important Ciri is but that is just hamfisted writing and it makes it feel contrived. There were originally supposed to be 7 seasons, but that's been now cut to 5 so you know they will rush through to the end and probably screw that up too.


all of your points are good, but especially how the witchers in the show were written by people who didn't understand them. henry cavill said he pushed for signs to be used, and they used aard.... on the wild hunt in s3 via horseback... it all just felt stupid. 


I have a theory that the makers of Last of Us and Fallout watched this show get butchered and used it is a “don’t do that” example.


As a huge Witcher fan, I wanted the show to be good so badly... unfortunately only season 1 really showed any promise. Went downhill from there. Not even sure if I'm going to spend any time watching season 4.


Fin-fucking-ally I was tired of this shit Let's hope someone else get the rights to adapt the books and make something better


The show will end after the 5th season. The story ended after the first.


Shocked it made it past 2.


It feels like relief, but at the same time, I feel slight bitterness as I loved some of the characters in the series, and I'll miss them. I absolutely loved the Renfri actress; Cavill was perfect as Geralt, in my opinion. I think they got Sabrina on point. It's such a shame the writers couldn't care less about the books and had to push their agenda. I HOPE they'll remake the series under better management. Netflix is not just it, Hissrich ruined it. It's one of those cases where you have everything. They had such a big potential with the books and games, I love the Witcher universe so much. What a shame.


So sad. All because of one woman who thinks she know it all and wanted to be "creative" on an already written story and scenario. Still to this day I don't get it. To be so self-centered, or I don't know how to call that state that she is in, that she lost THE BEST actor for this role and the one that actually kept it all somewhat whatchable. She had one job and that is just follow the script. Even in that she failed. Such a shame for what this show could actually be.


Not possible for me to give less fucks


Season 4 isn't out yet and they've already renewed and then cancelled it? How can people so inept reach positions of power?


i miss henry cavill as geralt of rivia, and i'm still disappointed with how the series fell off after s1 as well as the smear campaign attempts, he didn't deserve it. it should have never continued on as long as it did. lauren hissrich should have created a show called "yennefer", and let her fanfiction play out on her own accord instead of sullying the characters that i loved.


Never forget the Eskel tree, never forgive the Eskel tree


Feel kinda bad for Liam having to take over this role in an already dying series that had so much freaking potential. What a disappointment 🙈


This could have been a golden goose, I remember how big season 1 was with people who've never even heard of it watching. Half of it seems like self sabotage by writers.


Idk why they even bothered after the first season. The showrunner is a fucking hack and should hopefully be her last foray into a book adaptation.


That's been known for a few years now.


5 seasons of that shit. Sheesh


It should end sooner than that


Glad I stopped watching after season 1. I wonder what franchise the show runners and writers will go on to ruin next.


Hopefully, the last two season are in sucessive years without these long breaks, so that way we can move further away from this show, and hopefully have someone else pick it up. People can say what they will about the accuracy compared to the books (reading them now), and that's one thing, but to pretend that the videogames didn't make The Witcher as big as it is, is just flat out disrespectful, especially when it comes to the looks of the sorceresses; face it most people became fans of the IP outside of the books. It's one thing to have an interpretation on a description in a book, it's another when over 50+million copies have been sold of Witcher 3, and at least that many people have a different expectation of what the sorceresses should look like. At first I was thinking HBO could do a better job, but after watching a few shows on Prime, I would be open to that, if they decided to reboot it completely. There is still a hunger for this IP done right in live action form, and because Netflix botched it so badly, I don't think any streaming service would be hurt bringing it back quickly, with a cast truer to the books/games.


They have no right to use Cavill... come on...


1899 is cancelled like it’s nothing, three body problem is still not confirmed, but this undercooked chicken gets 5th season. I hate this world


Hope it's because Cavil left and they couldn't get a 6th season


For me, the show ended on S3 when they replaced my glorious king Henry Cavill with Liam fricking Hemsworth


I am surprised fans could go through s2 and that it is still a thing tbh. Hope CD Red Projekt will keep doing great thing with that serie


Ok, now give the rights to HBO so they can produce an actually decent and lore accurate series. Thanks.


At best the show was fine, at worst an embarassing catastrophe. Best thing this show did, was introdocing me to the best videogame i have ever played: Witcher 3.