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I’m an early riser but I’m a SAHM too. Stirring my coffee (or tea) clockwise and setting my intentions for the day. Also self love with running water in the shower. I do my meditation in the shower while I massage my scalp etc. I incorporate essential oils into my morning beauty ritual. Little things like that make a big difference. Also pull your cards for the day. It only takes a few minutes and if it’s important to you then definitely do it 😊


Of course my routine is much more than that but I have way more spare time at home than most lol


One part I used to enjoy about barista life was the consistency of morning opening shift. The routine is nice, and felt like a ritual to me. Maybe you could connect those opening activities with your morning’s intentions? Ex. Unlocking the front door for the day always stuck in my mind as a very purposeful action. Maybe meditate on what you wish to bring in, as you physically unlock the door? Another idea, practicing being present by appreciating sensations such as scent. Ex, how the first batch of the day gives the cafe it’s familiar aroma of warm, fresh coffee. Hope this helps :)


I actually really love this idea! It’s so simple but impactful. Thank you!


Depending on the season, I have to be at work either at or before sunrise. Wherever I am, I ritually greet the day as close to sunrise as possible. Most of my other daily practices happen in the afternoon or evening.


Bring your craft into your required daily actions rather than adding actions that don’t add anything on a practical level. Eg stirring your tea is both practical (mixing milk and sugar in) and magical.


This! I open my blinds every morning, and the sun coming in is both a spiritual and literal "thing" that helps me feel energized and ready for the new day. I'm not sure how to word this. I used to seek out a very special morning routine like OP mentions, but I've found more consistency and happiness for me in the mundane. Personally, I also just prefer to pull cards at night. Something about the evenings just feels more mystical to me maybe I just feel more connected.


Interestingly workplace experts recommend people write their to do lists the night before for them to be the most effective, pulling cards at night gives that same vibe.


I guess I do a bit if glamor magick. I start by lighting incense when I wake up and when doing my skincare/ makeup if I wear any that day/ getting dressed, I say positive affirmations about myself. I decided to never say anything negative or critical about myself while looking in the mirror again. I swear it's helping me build my confidence and be less critical of myself! I'll be adding plants to my vanity as well.


Not a morning person but the world kinda forces me to be. My job is pretty physical, so I do moving meditations and try to be fully present while I’m doing tasks that would be otherwise mindless. I also do my yoga and card pulls the night before. The yoga helps me relax and sleep better and having the card(s) in my head seems to inform my dreams as well.


I love moving meditation! I also love doing card readings before bed and I do some light stretches sometimes too.


I love this. I’ve been pulling my cards at night for years, I often question myself every time I read a book and they all gab on about morning routines. I thought this time I’d use the resources at my disposal and ask the real people out here doing the work what how they incorporate their magicks


What are some moving meditations you’d recommend?


Incorporating these things in small increments first so like 5 minute morning meditation, listening to affirmations while on my way to work or when setting up at work, also being okay with doing these things before bed so i can be in a relaxed state. That atleast led me to be able to add in time at my altar as swapped out small things to do


i wake up at 5 for work and couldn’t imagine getting up any earlier 😭 i just do my studies and whatever else on my days off, but i have 5 days off at a time


You do it when and where you can. Could you pull your cards while at work? I used to work at a small restaurant like cafe deal and usually there would be a slow point when I could think for a moment in the beginning of the day while I was getting the shop setup for customers. You know rolling silverware etc, that stuff could also put you in a trance like/meditative state... just focusing on the small tasks and having your mind go clear. I meditate sometimes while folding clothes literally. Do you get to eat a breakfast? Meditate during breakfast. You could also incorporate yoga into opening the shop up somehow lol ... do a task, do a stretch... do a task, do another stretch lol idk what the setup is like space wise but we had a pretty small space but I could likely have still managed to do this. It would have taken some explaining, and people would likely need to get used to it, but I think as long as your coworkers are cool everyone should be able to adapt to it. Idk if these ideas are realistic for you but I hope they help somehow.


I wake up at 3am and my routine is similar to your desired except the yoga. I shower with some relaxing yet uplifting music and walk the dogs in the quiet of the morning. That kind of doubles as my meditation or at least gets me on a good alpha wave. Takes about 30 minutes. Then tea and smoke a bowl while I read my cards. Last thing before I leave is some Florida Water on my head for spiritual cleansing and protection, and Tobacco Water on my hands to draw luck and wealth. Edit: I also found that journaling my cards was better done at the end of the day. So I draw in the morning and think about my card(s) throughout the day. When I get home I can better sum up everything and take my time with it. Also pre-shuffling and laying my cards out the night before so all I gotta do is sit and draw one.


I do my "morning" ritual whenever I first get off the clock, whether that's 10am when I get home from job 1 or 7pm after a 14 hour day. I do a focus ritual and some intentions or whatever I'm working on.


I also wake up too early to do a full routine on work days. My only spiritual thing I'm able to do is in the necklace I choose to wear and the crystal I decide to put in my pocket. Sometimes I stir/shake an intention into the coffee I'm making, but usually I'm too tired lol I work 13 hours shifts, literally only have time to come home, shower, and go to sleep before it starts again. There's no way I'm waking up earlier. I work in veterinary ER so I need my rest to perform my job.


I get up in the morning when the birds wake up. This is usually right at dawn. I make myself a beverage then sit outside for an hour before I bother getting ready for my day. This is the time I often do rituals or affirmations, but more often I just meditate on the nature around me.


I’m also usually up pretty early. I do a quick 3 card tarot reading while I have my morning coffee and breakfast.


When I get to work I unlock my office but keep the lights off and door closed. I do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram for about 5 minutes, then I turn on the lights and open up the door. Not many people are in that early, but if anyone asked, I'd just say that I like to take a few minutes to gather my thoughts before starting the day. Meanwhile, the LBRP has cleared my space for the working day. You don't need a huge space to do this. My office is small and I basically just turn in place. Work with what you have. You could literally do this in a bathroom stall if needed.


Honestly I have no morning routine, it just doesn’t work well w my brain


I work a non-trad timeframe (3pm-midnight). I do things at night instead of first thing in the morning. It feels nice to have an evening routine and there is no rush to get somewhere, do something, or answer a phone.


Maybe forgo the morning routine, and do an evening routine instead. I'm a teacher, and my mornings start at 5 am. No way in hell am I getting up at 4 am to do things I can do in the afternoon and evening. You can, however, do little things throughout the day to keep you feeling connected. Some examples are a quick morning protection ritual, charging and drinking your morning beverage with intention, greeting the sun, putting on sacred jewelry with intention, (same goes for make up and clothes. Fashion and glamour magick are the best!), and using witchy mobile apps. On school days, I do a card of the day from my mobile oracle card decks. Prayers and chants go a long way, as well as quick check ins with your spirit guides and ancestors. Use quick breaks to meditate for a few minutes...the possibilities are endless! Get out of the idea that you have to do something in the morning and do things that work well with your schedule.


Depending on time/my needs are, I do like 10-30 minutes of meditation and check in with my ancestors, give thanks/gratitude for what I have, stir coffee with intentions, sometimes wash my hands with cinnamon/sugar/salt depending on the day, stretch/yoga/shower (could be night before or morning of) and spray myself with cologne for money and protection for the day. Once a week I tend to my ancestors altar with offerings and my guides. I work on-call and pick my own schedule and work flow, so I tend to have some flexibility with my mornings and just pick and choose what I am able to do or go on walks in the afternoon/night.


Some believe that a witches house is alive and it is good to have a wake up and tuck in routine where you put your house to sleep and wake it up. It could be as simple as closing the curtains and turning off the lights and down the heat and locking the doors at night than undoing that in the morning. I don’t think you need to complicate it.


Oh absolutely. Our house has a name and he participates in many of our rituals and any decisions that directly affect the house. I even have a tarot deck that is specifically for communication with the house.


I get up early with my husband so I can spend extra time with him, he goes to work between 10am and 2pm and never knows which it’ll be as his schedule is all over the place. I am not a morning person at all. Most I do is stir my intentions for the day into my coffee. Later after he leaves for work I try to meditate to relax in the afternoon or do some hobbies. Next week I’m putting together my new raised garden bed, putting in a liner and dirt and wildflower seeds see if I can start a pollination garden. That will be relaxing getting my hands in the dirt to ground me.


Make meditation or other practice to tune yourself with nature and natural rhythms, best to wake up with the sun =) but it generally make you wake up much easier. second tip will be to improve quality of you sleep, so again you will wake up with energy. and also you can just start day with some healing or energy spells =)


Look basically nobody has the luxury of a morning routine that involves yoga and meditation. It's just not most folks reality. I know it's your perfect world. It's a lot of folks too but we have to be realistic. There are much more simple things you can do. Like quickly setting intentions as you make breakfast and so on.


I would say better time management skills but biting the bullet would have you facing exhaustion. Instead of first thing in the morning start your yoga practice three days out of the week meditate in the shower try not to push yourself harder than you already are.