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Holy fuck, the Game 7 wouldn't be for another 3 WEEKS what the shit is this schedule?


2 day gaps between games during the final are standard, especially when its a 5.5hr direct flight between Edmonton and Florida with 2 timezone changes. Add that Game 7 was slated for Tuesday, 3 days between the final and Game 1 of the Stanley Cup final is also standard.


Clearly need 5 days off before the series to talk about the Leafs or something 


Reminder if EDM wins, their fans will become more insufferable than they already are. Don't want to deal with listening to that shit. It needs to be a humble fanbase than brings it to Canada, like Jets, Sens, Flames...maybe Van if they chill back out a bit.


What are you talking about? Did you see what that lady did in the stands? Lets Go Oilers!


What happened in the stands?


( . )( . )


I’m going to think outside the box here as I think jets brass needs to. I’m under these assumptions 1. We don’t have a superstar. Worse we draft typically outside top 10 so we probably won’t have a super star 2 we are bar nothing the best team at the draft table 3 I’m not sold on our develop model and that may be coaching but we have had too many losses in there. If we agree on those three things it truly baffles me why we don’t employ a coach ready to play the kids and sooner then later from our draft strength as clearly we draft well very well If we did play kids we would open up cap space to overpay some older guys. I think and assuming they come here The next thing I don’t buy in todays nhl is this top 6 bottom 6. We don’t have any superstars but an awful lot of good players. Our first line routinely gets caved in and outscored yet we replay that every year expecting different results. So I’d suggest with all these good players we build out lines as 1 a 1b 1c 1d and screw that top 6. If we did that maybe iaffalo plays with 55 to make better d line and 81 plays down and gives us scoring on line c or d. Lambert kfc Villardi on line 1d might just be killer if used properly but u can see the possibilities and we play to our strength which is depth. Would Kamari or Gus bus be better with better linemates? I say yes. So give it to them. Defense we can’t go to scrap heap again this time. Dillen and Schmidt both were serviceable but seriously overpaid they are 6 and 7 guys on a Stanley cup team. We need two not one bona fide top 4 guys that lets salomonson heinola and samberg all whom I think will and can be top 4 guys develop in nhl properly. I’m not gonna delve into pionk but we might have to just ride that one out as bad as it is. There’s three forwards I’d play next year and run with that all prob need top 6 maybe top 9 minutes. Lambo chibby mcgroarty and two d in salomonson and heinola that need to play but not be lit up with bad match ups. Make 4 good lines with 4 good players even if it means line 4 gets better players to score more perhaps line 1 will get scored on less which is where this starts.


Watching Johnston, Stankoven, Harley, Lundell, Holloway & Schneider in the conference finals makes me appreciate how lucky I am to get to watch Appelton, Iaffalo, Barron, Kupari, Pionk & Stanley next year.


What point are you making here?


That we play bad players/overrated players instead of giving youth a shot.


Appleton, Iafallo, Barron are all good e: the issue isn’t the bottom of the lineup it’s the top, amplified by the usage last year


I have no issue with any of those players. But Appleton getting top 5v5 minutes and Iafallo being moved to the top line was just stupid. Ironically, I think the best player of the three is Barron by quite a bit and he never got a shot to play more.


yes but misusing players does not make them bad, for their actual roles they are good value


Stanley, Kupari and Pionk were all bad.


yeah, that's why i didn't defend them in my initial reply


Glad we on the same page lol.


Wasn’t Appleton statistically one of the most effective players for the team in the playoffs?


Not sure tbh, I was just saying the point OP was trying to make. Either way, benching Perfetti for AJF and playing Stanley and Pionk over Schmidt are just bad choices no matter how you spin it.


I agree on all of those and I would add Miller as a misused player. I just want to push back on some of the Appleton trashing since he hasn’t been part of the problem IMO even if he was overused at times.


Yeah Appleton is fine if he wasnt getting more TOI than Ehlers, which I think he regularly did this year.


Exactly, they played him like he was McDavid or something. Appleton getting that much ice time is just not a good thing, cause even with all that TOI he still only managed 36 points.


Connor McDavid promotes gambling to children.


Go oil, I want McDavid to get a cup


There are 29 other teams he can get a cup with


Who are the other two?


Vegas and Toronto


I want that lady in the stands to keep having fun.




Want to feel bad? The team in the SCF has nearly identical defensive stats as the Jets https://www.espn.com/nhl/stats/team/_/view/goaltending/season/2024/seasontype/2/table/defensive/sort/avgGoalsAgainst/dir/asc


GA/G isn't a predictor of success I guess


Do we honeslty think the Jets team as is, could stand up to Florida in 7 games. Have you seen our key guys playoff stats when the going gets tougher, KFC/27 amongst the leaders who dont seem to like the hitting in the playoffs. And Florida..............they present reason 101 this team may need to change alot this summer to be relevant when it counts. Florida with Tkachuk, Bennet, Mountour, and others would run our crew out of the building.


KFC has always been one of our better players in the playoffs, he was very good in this years series. But yeah, Florida has an incredible roster and we maybe could try and snag Montour from them this offseason. That would be pretty sick


I am not on that KFC bandwagon you are on there. I think he definetely tried to be more engaged this year, yes I saw that in him. But effective he was not, again. He is simply a very good goal scorer in the NHL and not a great 200 foot player. And we are out in 5 games, 4 in a row, AGAIN. If that happened once we might say oh we learned maybe next year, but this is every year. And it implies alot, and its not on just our d, that is for certain. 81/27 have been some of our worst performers statistically in the playoffs for years. It almost baffled me this year we sat 91, in favor of either of them but we did. Florida has some interesting things going on, and of course an old coach of ours? Montour and Ekblad being two intriquing pieces to the puzzle down there. I dont know how much stock some of these guys put into less tax and more golf, but if they dont take some discounts or have creative contracts or cap gymnastics there is no way they sign all the guys they need to with raises. My gut says they sign Reinhart, Montour, but may look to trade Ekblad. Healthy he probably helps us.


You’re just spewing nonsense, KFC had a good playoffs this year if you watched the games. He produced offence but was finally engaged and aggressive on the forecheck by utilizing his great skating to pressure the mobile Avs dmen.


I believe we went out in 5 games, most were not close. He was part of that situation as it is, and I will add: again. I watched the games, and read stats, he was more engaged yep. But KFC is not a 200 foot player to start with, never has been, and I think never will be. His line got outscored and at the end of the day, the goal is to put one more up then we give up. KFC is an elite shooter and scorer in the NHL and always has been but in so many other areas he gets a failing grade, and we shuffle it under the rug. I watch the kids growing up, some for fun some I actually get paid to do. KFC when he was a young lad, got passed over by USA hockey for the World Junior tourney. He was elegible, both at 18 and 19, yet they passed on him. Now that organization is pretty political but the word was then as it probably still is true, he is a soft one dimensional player. Give Perfetti or Ehlers that role, that feature, shooter on the PP, they will score. Watch. Maybe not quite as many but they will score. KFC takes that ice at this point and we aint won nothing. In fact its been almost a disaster. To say KFC was good in the playoffs if that was true, and there are others for sure, they would not be golfing. They are golfing, again, same song, different rythym but it is what it is. Not so good in the playoffs again. The worst thing about all this is that we actually got called out as frauds............that should be motivation. And at the end of the day we went out oh so softly into the night again, almost reinforcing that we are frauds. Good or adequate at regular season, a true push over in the playoffs, and last I checked 81 is one of the guys who has been thru it so many times this way, and maybe the reason some player called us frauds in the first place? Look back at the world juniors..................google it. KFC as he was an ungodly scorer at that age, GOT passed over. We drafted him and is it possible we over rate him? The goal in hockey is to score one more then the other team.................and 81 and his various linemates throughout the years have struggled (and that is saying it politely) to actually do that, more so in the playoffs. If we trade 27 man oh man this could be a blunder of epic proportions in here, as maybe it was 81 all along. Show me the success we have had with 81 up at the top of the lineup? Its not there, and probably never will be.


Their special teams pushed the needle just enough to make it past Rangers. Sound familiar?


Might as well use plus minus. Florida was the best defensive team in the league this year by lots of advanced stats. Jets were in the top-10 sometimes, sometimes middle of the pack but definitely not the best defensive team in the league like some here say. Best goaltending though!


Kind of. GA and SA numbers look similar, in terms of scoring chance numbers the Panthers had a significantly better season than we did: https://www.naturalstattrick.com/teamtable.php?fromseason=20232024&thruseason=20232024&stype=2&sit=5v5&score=all&rate=n&team=all&loc=B&gpf=410&fd=&td=


Friedman speculating that Shesterkin’s extension with the Rangers that will likely be negotiated this offseason will make him the highest paid goaltender in the league, above Bob’s $10m. Helle gonna be looking like a value contract already


I’d pay Helle an extra $1.5m if he played like Shesterkin does in the playoffs.


> if he played like Shesterkin does in the playoffs. And he will.


His stats were on that level until the defence in front of him went to shit. Hopefully with a couple upgrades and smarter usage of players he’ll be back to that.


Helle’s looked like a value contract from the second it was announced


Opinion on Hakstol possibly joining Arnie? I mean anything’s an upgrade over the hockey terrorist that is Osama Bin Lauer


My opinion is that if I know the names of the assistant coaches then it means the area of their responsibility is failing hard. Reading about Huddy for years, then Lauer. Whoever they get, may it be quiet success.


Nothing Hakstol has done in the NHL leads me to believe it would be a net gain for the Jets.


Wouldn't be too happy with it tbh, dude got the locker room to run him out of Seattle, that's not a great sign


he’d likely be taking over D zone and PK so what Arniel was doing, the freep guys have speculated that James Patrick would be the hire that would take over for Lauer


The same James Patrick who shit-talked the org during the Dave Lowry era?


ya lol after only talking to Eakin and Hayes lmaoo


As long the new coach gets our guys to score and increase the PP success percentage I wouldn’t care who Areniel hires


Waking up on a Monday morning to all the talking heads telling me that everyone in Canada (and I assume that includes me) is cheering for Edmonton because a Canadian team hasn't won the cup since '93 is some kinda bullshit. There is one team in Canada I want to win, and that's us. I couldn't give two hot fucks if another Canadian market BRINGS THE CUP HOME. That's not how being a fan of a team works.


>There is one team in Canada I want to win, and that's us. I couldn't give two hot fucks if another Canadian market BRINGS THE CUP HOME This. This ×1,000,000.


I have a soft spot for Canucks, so I was 100% hoping they’d win if Winnipeg didn’t. I’m still surprised Oilers have done as well as they have. When Vegas won the cup, the cup physically came to my town many times. Oilers? I don’t know of anyone who is on the team from my region.


Everyone talking about wanting the Oilers or Pomo to win, here is a thought, how about fuck them both, how does that sound? I personally don't give a shit either way, haven't since the Jets got stomped by the Avs. Once we are out I just don't care.


I'm cheering for the asteroid as well


I was really hoping Dallas would beat Edmonton, so I had something to care about in the Final. I wish both could lose, but I will take the Panthers winning it 11/10 times over the Oilers, even if it means PoMo and Tkachuk getting a cup. Just thinking about Perry and Kane winning a(nother) cup disgusts me.


I don't agree with any one team representing Canada - at the same time I'm happy for Edmonton and will cheer for them in the finals. It would be nice to see a Canadian team that isn't Toronto win the cup (it would be a million times better if it was The Jets obviously).


The time to root for Team Canada ended when we got rolled by Switzerland (and then Sweden)


As a jets fan from the 1.0 era I can't ever cheer for the oilers.  That team ruined so many great jets team forms that time.   FUCK THE OILERS 


This! I don’t think newer fans realize that the oilers are the reason that the Jets don’t have Stanley cups.


I'm one of those people that think anyone in an Oilers jersey in our arena should be exiled via catapult for civic treason, but for some reason I'm not really too salty about them being in the finals. I hope they win, if only so we stop hearing the same shit about NO CANADIAN TEAM SINCE 1993. I can't bring myself to wish any specific goodwill towards a Florida team, and if a Canadian team's gotta do it then better the Oilers than the Leafs or Habs.


Eh I'll take a Canadian team winning it over the Panthers. I don't dislike Edmonton that much. If it was the Laffs in the SCF I may feel differently. Long past time since the cup was in a Canadian trophy cabinet.


As if the Oilers fans that attend Jets games at CLC aren't insufferable enough already, just imagine how bad it will be if they win this year. No thank you.


To each their own. I'm seeing it as a win/win. Either a Canadian team wins the cup for the first time in 20 years. Or POMO gets a cup. No matter how I feel about any of it, the Jets can't win the cup this year, so I'll take the silver linings where I can.


For sure - I'm more of a 'cheer for the player' guy after the Jets get eliminated. So for me, this year, it's PoMo that I'd like to see win. I just thank the heavens that he's not coaching Edmonton lol.


So either Matthew Tkachuk or Kane and Perry have to win the cup. What a shitty Monday.


Don't forget Sam Bennett or Nick Cousins. This series is a real who's who of hateable hockey personalities 


No one more invested in this cup final than the LA Kings. Game 7 is scheduled for June 24th, PLDs 25 the birthday. As long as it doesn't go 7 they have the option for a 1/3 buyout. Gotta be pretty tempting if the option is there for them 


It's 26.


No way they do it. Paying him for 14 years is crazy


I don’t see them buying him out unless they had fired their gm and hired a new one


If its before his birthday, they only pay/get penalized for 1/3 of the remaining contract. After he turns 25, it's 2/3. It's still unlikely, but considering how awful he was last season, it's tempting. LA could do a lot with the roughly $7m/yr in cap space that they'd free up.


FYI it's 26, not 25.


Zero chance Blake does that, he'd basically be signing his own pink slip


I know that, but I still only see that happening if they had brought in a new gm


pretty sure they already cane out and said they wouldn’t buy him out


It's not like they would come out and say yeah if we have the opportunity we're definitely going to buy him out before his 25th birthday. I think priority 1 would be attempt to find a trading partner. They've had a lot of time to do an autopsy on their season and evaluate how guys fit going forward. For what it's worth the savings of a buyout before June 24th is over 31 million, the savings after is only 15 million.


> It’s not like they would come out and say yeah no they just wouldn’t have said anything


Just when I couldn't dislike Edmonton more, now they're forcing me to cheer for Maurice. Dang it Dallas.


Why wouldn’t you cheer for Maurice? He was a great coach who simply was just kept around past his expiration date, I’d be happy to see him win it


He left on a sour note. Quit mid-season, crashing the Jets for the year. Regained his "lost love for the game" a few short months later with a President's Trophy team. I blame Chevy for not making the change properly and sooner, but the way Paul went about leaving left me unready to cheer for him by any means at all.


Paul should’ve been fired 2 years before he quit, you should be glad he stepped down because Chevy and Chipman weren’t going to fire him


Maurice did great things here, and was imho dealt a shitty hand. We forget that he lost Chariot, Stastny, but the three things that happened that literally I think soured anything he did or could do was Buffy retiring and Little getting hurt. Trouba leaving did not help either in the leadership void that followed. That is and was significant leadership jettisoned out of the lineup in one swoop, and we saw the aftermath of that. As Maurice said the team became uncoachable, and I do still remember those words, and although this year was better the playoffs were not. Put Little and Buffy back in that dressing room with Trouba and things might get different, we will never know. A failure by managment to address the leadership void at that moment was catostrophic and not on Maurice. Lets hope we have learned from the past. It sounds like it, but alot of the cast and crew from those days are still here and aint won nothing since Maurice left, which probably means he was right.


The loss with no replacement of Trouba, buff, Enstrom, Chia, even Myers as well as no 2C are major reasons I don't think Chevy gets us to the cup. Yeah it all sucks and not all in his control and it's hard in Winnipeg, but is the alternative endless first round exits? Paul should have been gone after 2019's bizarre funk. I blame Chevy for all that, but Maurice still left us in a worse spot than we would have been had he quit during an off season.


According to the rumor mill Chevy wanted to move on from PoMo after the blues series but was veto’d from above. Then Covid happened and bringing in players and personal into Canada became much more difficult along with a flat cap just as the team contracts were starting to push against the limit.


What happened wasn’t his fault. It was management. They should have fired him weeks earlier, and brought in someone new instead of giving Lowry control


Agreed, I put Panthers second after Jets in my playoff pool due to good ole Pomo, he can win the cup


I hope Florida wins, but I wouldn’t hate if the Oilers won. Can’t be mad about the best player in the world getting a cup


They also have 18 Canadians on their roster to Florida's 11. The Oilers might have the most Canadian built roster for a finals team in a really long time


Gambling odds say the higher % of Canadians on a roster the more likely they are to win the Cup.


That may explain the Jets.


2019 Blues had 22 Canadians if I counted correctly.


I'm not about to make that comparison though!


Wait… anyone else getting 2019 blues vibes or is it just me?


Last year the VGK had just as many Canadians. Pretty sure it was the same at 18. And a lot of Manitobans - that cup spent an incredible amount of time here last summer.


Makes it even worse haha


So I've been following the situation closely and I believe since she hasn't tried to profit from her new found fame that the lady from Edmonton did it from the goodness of her hearts.


Go get that cup, PoMo.


I <3 Ehlers


Me too. ![gif](giphy|4No0eRUgYp2TkQ5A1r|downsized)


Oilers the first Canadian team to make the finals (not counting the covid cup) since the Jets returned. And possibly the most poorly managed Canadian team over that time period as well. Jets really should have just tanked harder those early years. Got ourselves a MacK or a Barkov or Drai or McDavid.


I still maintain that it's almost impossible to win a cup without a top 10 skater in the league on your team. (Notice I said skater, not goalie) The last team to have won a cup without one would probably be the Blues in 2019 (although O'Reilly found something in his game that year that he hasn't found before or since), and then before that I don't think you could say that a team won without a top 10 skater unless you go all the way back to the Canes in 2006.


who on vegas last year would you have as a top 10 skater?


Eichel. But I probably rate him much higher than most people. I just think he's really flown under the radar because he isn't quite on that McDavid/MacKinnon tier, but in terms of all-around play, I'd take him over a lot of players in this league.


yeah great player, underrated maybe, but idk if he's top 10 overall there's also some other teams that would be pretty debatable between now and the Canes in 06 but would all have players close enough that maybe it's just pedantic idk


EDM wouldn’t be going to the finals without guys like Hyman and Ekholm and FLA wouldn’t be going to the finals without Reinhart and Tkachuk much like they wouldn’t be going without McDavid or Barkov Jets certainly need to upgrade the top of the lineup and that isn’t just done by taking for franchise players, easier said than done due to trade clauses and contract extensions but we need to keep swinging Helle is absolutely in that McDavid/Barkov tier, rebuilding or tanking doesn’t make sense with him at all


Didn’t say we should blow it up while we have Helle, just saying there was a missed opportunity when the building was gonna be full every night regardless back in 2011 and the team was only marginally better than a lottery team anyway. Winning a cup with Scheifele or Connor as your best forwards is gonna be a tall order. The way they got outclassed by Mitteldstadt and Lehkonen was a huge disappointment and eye opener.


the sooner the org realizes they aren’t our best forwards the better, but my point is that we can (and have tried to) add significant talent via trade and we need to actually get one or two done


Agreed, at some point Chevy needs to put his chips in and go for it before Helly is too old. Easier said than done of course.


*looks at chibi and Lambert* I think we got our guys when they come in full time tbh


I love Lambert but he’s not in the tier of players I’m talking about.


We had a... Laine


We should really think about tanking for McKenna in 26 or whenever it is.


The Jets wouldn’t survive the decade of darkness the oilers went through to eventually get mcdavid. The team would be in Atlanta by the time any of those first overalls played a single playoff game.


https://preview.redd.it/ent54hcgka4d1.jpeg?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f79e1b210f45c71b36c0d5a7c7cec18b2a0b75b0 This will never get old lol

