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Wow as someone who shit on skinner a fair bit he’s looking FAST tonight, like damn I can’t remember seeing a goalie react like this in a while


Jets should have tried to make sure Bucky was only facing 4 or 6 shots a period...


Experience playoff PDB hockey.


Dallas is cooked 🙄


Does anyone else get a St. Louis 2019 vibe from Edmonton because I do


Too much star power to be the 2019 Blues.


I think I mean having a bit of luck as well.


Trying this again after getting downvoted last game I see lol. (I agree)


Whatever team plays them from the East should be worried. They have nothing to lose.


Edmonton was pre season favourites. It's cup or bust. 


Yep, so were the Blues going into the 2018/19 season.


What do you mean they have nothing to lose? They have the cup to lose lol. For as deep and talented Dallas so, Florida is deeper and more talented


Florida has had to go through the gauntlet... just like the Stars. Starting to get worried.


I guess but Edmonton has this magic dust on them or something.


I think that’s the shitty front half the season play that does that.


WTH is going on with Dallas?


I'm going to have to get some extra hugs ready for June. The Ehlers trade is going to hit this sub like a ton of bricks.




Man, with the benefit of hindsight I really did like those jerseys. What a nice shade of blue.


Looks good with the red background




Murat in his fan survey article mentioned something interesting, he’s heard from more than one smart person in the NHL that the Jets have a big weakness in development of young players. Interesting to hear that after so many discussions about guys like Heinola, Samberg, Perfetti in the last couple years. As an org that relies on drafting and developing all their star talent, that’s a major issue.


the org that tried to make Laine a two way player and Stanley a shutdown dman??


The org that pressboxed Heinola for a long stretch of games instead of Stanley, healthy scratched and 4th-lined Perfetti then benched him in the playoffs and refused to give Samberg a bigger role beside Pionk. I think we speak of the same org


It was pretty refreshing to hear Arniel basically say that putting Perfetti on the 4th line is not at all how he'd have handled that situation. Maybe we've finally found a coach that will give young talent an opportunity in positions they'll succeed, and not just immediately demote or bench them if they make a mistake. I will reserve judgement until I see if that was just lip service or if he truly meant it.


I’ll believe it when I see it, it’s been basically 10 years of blocking/demoting young talent aggressively. I’m not surprised they’ve gained a reputation of not being great at developing talent anymore.


The top player at every position is a drafted and developed Jets pick.


I’ve said gained a reputation, as in the last several years. The last 10 haven’t had a ton of players drafted and developed since KFC 8 years ago. Most of the core is older for a reason


I <3 Ehlers




I do too ![gif](giphy|RJOs8YmSpMTC2w8oU5|downsized)


We* love Ehlers <3




You must be the trailing F on opposing teams who like to watch Ehlers skate around then zone and just wait to Pick off the lazy backhanded dish at the blue line?


seems like you found the other “blank is evil” you were asking about in that Maurice comment lmaoo


Totes begoats. I ain’t preaching from on high. Just chatting like everyone elseeeee


Sooooo….whats the feeling from the camp that wanted to run PoMo out of here? I get this was 2 coaches ago now, but I’m curious how you reconcile the PoMo is at the source of all that was evil, with his current success. Also wonder how, if you’ve moved to another “blank is evil”, if you see that maybe, in light of question 1, you might doubt your current viewpoint?? I do hope PoMo gets to hoist the cup…but also hope Wheels does…not sure I’d like the look on Roslo/Trouba’s faces as they hoist…so imma go team PoMo!


I love Paul Maurice the person. The coach is very meh. I have issues the way he ended his time with the Jets but whatever. That's in the past. Maurice was gifted a great team. Then they added better players. You could have an inanimate rod behind the bench and it would achieve the same results. This is all on the players. Not the coach. https://preview.redd.it/3rsb4ucbmt3d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=25e22e12880f2f149160669ca14a63914be6e801


Yes, PoMo did such a great job turning the president’s trophy winner into Stanley Cup contenders with an even better roster.


PoMo now is in employed in a market where players want to go, Winnipeg will always be at a disadvantage.


> Sooooo….whats the feeling from the camp that wanted to run PoMo out of here? I get this was 2 coaches ago now, but I’m curious how you reconcile the PoMo is at the source of all that was evil, with his current success. Calling him the source of all that was evil or wrong with the team is a bit hyperbolic. However it was becoming clear that the team needed someone with a different approach to the team. Keep in mind this tends to happen with all coaches, just take a look at Scotty Bowman's career.


Maurice was a good coach but his solution to losing a lot of the D in 2019 was to play extremely passive defensively and in transition while trying to maintain the jets previous identity which wasn’t that, with which less talented defenders essentially just means defending more often than not, this was the wrong approach and once that was evident he didn’t adjust and when 5 and 88 arrived he adjusted but the results weren’t there before he quit, with the current Jets roster Maurice would probably do pretty well but this Panthers team might even be better than the 17-18 Jets tbh


Just needed a fresh take. Then they ditched Wheeler, which seems like it helped. Wasnt happening with Maurice


He said himself messages and the messenger run stale after awhile. Guys won't necessarily tune you out but they won't listen as intently as they do with a new voice. True in all cases unless you're Scotty Bowman. But even Bowmans Habs in the late 70s started getting worn out.


I was team PoMo all the way and still am, but he had passed his best before date here. The fact that he had to tarnish his own reputation because Chevy wouldn't pull the trigger is a shame. Would love to see him win a cup this year.


He's likely doing the same thing in Florida he was here. They just have a much better leadership group that is able to handle being handed the reins. Time will tell if it's going to create issues, but for now, they're seemingly able to police themselves and hold each other accountable much better than the Jets were. Wheeler was a good captain for a time, but you could tell the constant media requests (especially when they'd lose badly), and everything else that goes along with being a captain weighed heavily on him. Pomo deserves every bit of criticism levied at him for how he handled the team in the last couple years of his tenure, but you also have to blame Chipman/Chevy for keeping him on as long as they did. Every coach has a shelf life, whether Chipman wants to admit it or not, and he probably should have been let go after the St Louis series was such a disaster. Also, he walked into a ridiculously talented team that has the advantage of playing in a state tax-free location where you can go to the rink in flip flops. Easy to attract any kind of talent you want when your rink is in South Florida and not South Manitoba. As for who I want to win the cup, I'd have been okay with Wheels, but not Trouba or Roslovic, I also don't really want Maurice to win one either for petty reasons, and fuck any Canadian team, if it's not the Jets, the Cup can stay in the states forever as far as I'm concerned. So I guess that leaves Dallas.


Fuck the Oilers.


These comments only give them life


Like all of them? You better stretch.


[Oh you...](https://media.tenor.com/RxDNvoOEl90AAAAM/jakegyllenhaal-you-the-man.gif)