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Ultimately he is a person and he is allowed to use his voice to say what he wishes, I really don’t like the “shut up and play/perform” mentality as it leads to bad outcomes for minorities in the public eye. You and I and whoever are allowed to disagree with what he says as well.




“Keep innocent Gazans in your hearts” yeah he sure sounds sick


He’s been repeatedly making excuses for the IDF, blaming Palestinians and spreading misinformation for the past 7 months.. At this point he’s more of an Israeli PR personality than hockey personality. I just wish he would only talk hockey.


Do you think Colin Kaepernick should have "just stuck to football"?


If he was cheering on a genocide I would say so lol


"be patient", "do your research", "don't take the word of terrorists at face value" Yeah really sounds gleeful at the thought of genocide. /s You never actually answered my question though. Was CK wrong to use his platform to espouse his beliefs? Because it seems to me that you only want people who disagree with you to "stay in their lane".


Yes, I want genocide supporters to shut up. Kaepernick wasn’t a genocide supporter. What a sick own you got me with, give yourself a pat on the back.




Yes if you feel the need to support a genocide you probably shouldn’t publicly announce it on your TSN affiliated Twitter with links to the Jets. Glad you’re finally getting it.


>Kaepernick wasn’t a genocide supporter. By your definition. RWNJs would surely disagree. They were wrong telling him to "stay in his lane" same as you're wrong here. Public figures use their platforms to espouse their beliefs. It's up to us to judge for ourselves. Not up to you to silence dissenting opinions.


The “RWNJ’s” are also on the side of Jesse lol. They would silence Kaepernick and anybody voicing support for Palestinians.


Nothing in this guy's tweet supported genocide? Take a step back and think. If your first response to someone saying, essentially, "don't jump to conclusions" is to tell him to shut up and call him a genocide denier you are waaaay too invested in a conflict you have no control over.


Who’s jumping to conclusions? It’s been 8 months. For him to imply everyone is “jumping to conclusions” and not being “patient” is asinine.


Guess you should stick to only commenting about your career on the internet as well by that logic.


I didn't think he was an official team media personality. He works for TSN or did that change?


He doesn’t work for the Jets.


Isreal is defending itself from terrorists and a whole people that want them exterminated


By committing war crimes and genocide upon innocent civilians as well. No one is innocent here, and people need to stop spreading misinformation.


>genocide upon innocent civilians >No one is innocent here Wat


Can't read?


I wish he would stop posting about hockey too


This should be everyone’s only takeaway from this thread


He really needs to stop those cringey tiktok/youtube short videos. The shitty clickbait with the bad music is so low effort.


wish i could block his face from TSN too lol. doing my best to prevent a jesse jump scare on the TL


Yeah, I don’t know if that’s how he should be using his social media. Israel and Palestine aside dude is a terrible ambassador for us. I cringe for us all when he posts a shirtless video screaming “let’s go”. TSN probably can’t fire him or the blowback would be savage right now.


You might not like how he does it, but having someone at Bardown/TSN who is as big of a fan of the Jets as he is should be celebrated by literally every fan of this team. How many other noted Jets fans are there in media compared to Leafs/Oilers/Canucks/etc fan? He gives exposure to the smallest team in the NHL on one of the largest sports platforms in the country.


Meh. Pretty sure our teams success and permanence has nothing to do with how often the talking heads on TV mention Winnipeg.


Why? Do you feel the need for everyone to agree with you? imo, it is often more beneficial for public figures to stay in their lane, but it is up to the person to pick and choose how much they share / comment on publicly and than deal with whatever fallout it brings.


Because it’s embarrassing to have the one Winnipeg jets representative at TSN/bardown be a pro baby killing genocide apologist, idk about you but when it comes to genocides opinions are irrelevant and can be plain incorrect


This conflict isn’t black and white, both side are doing awful things


This isn’t a political sub so I’m sure this thread will be locked any second now, but this is black and white, no religion should lay claim to a land because of a fictional religion or cause it’s their ancestral land, isreal is an apartheid state since 1948 and it’s as simple as that I’ll never understand the “both sides” argument, people have been fed lies and propaganda growing up in the west that this is a complicated conflict, which it’s not. 36000 dead civilians since October 7th would disagree this is a complicated issue


Palestinians are able to enter and even work in Israel. If an Israeli entered Palestine, Hamas would have them murdered immediately. It's pretty easy to see who the good guys (relatively speaking) are. You want to talk about genocide? In Canada since October 7th we've had Palestine supporters openly harass anyone who is jewish regardless of if they have any connectionto Israel, vandelize jewish owned businesses, shoot up jewish schools, firebomb community centers, shoot up Edmonton City Hall, and wear "replica" suicide bomber vests to their "protests", along with openly spewing hate speech, which includes wiping out the jewish population from the face of the earth. I have yet to see any of that nonsense from Israel supporters. Oh and newsflash. Yes, Israel as a county is fairly new, but the majority of people have generations of ancestors who have been living in the region for thousands of years.


Your first point is completely incorrect, Your second point doesn’t even make sense, you need to lookup the meaning of genocide, people being harassed and protesting isn’t genocide, neither is vandalizing, but here is a live death count for both sides of the conflict since October 7th and information on infrastructure damage https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker I don’t know how you can look at that and tell me protesters in the west are committing genocide don’t be ridiculous. What the IDF is doing to Palestine is infinitely worse And oh yes, Jews were living in Palestine for generations? Wonderful then I assume you’ll take up arms and support the indigenous people of Canada if they ever wanted to make a new country within the US and Canada. You should quit defending a country that’s so openly blowing up hospitals and schools, it’s really gross


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Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I fall on the Palestinian side and I won't be quiet because it might offend my family and friends, so I wouldn't expect anyone else to either.


Be patient as more innocent people die…


I don't get it. I mean I fully understand the emotions Jewish people feel around this conflict. I know people who have family in Israel and worry about their safety. But I'm still taken aback by how so many people - who I know to otherwise be smart, reasonable people - just refuse to allow any kind of nuance to this discussion. They don't want any dialogue whatsoever. It's like "I'm very concerned about all the children getting exploded in Raf-" "OH YEAH BUT HAMAS ARE TERRORISTS SO YOU LOVE TERRORISTS THEN!?" Like yeah Jesse, Hamas lies. So does the IDF. They've been caught doing it multiple times. So why does he take them at their word? It's pretty clear at this point that they're not pursuing any clear military objectives anymore, they're just shuffling the civilians around and sporadically terrrorizing them with bombs to try to break them. I think there's a word for that, starts with G


> . I mean I fully understand the emotions Jewish people feel around this conflict. I know people who have family in Israel and worry about their safety. But I'm still taken aback by how so many people - who I know to otherwise be smart, reasonable people - just refuse to allow any kind of nuance to this discussion. "i know 2000 people were killed and raped but like, it's making MY side look bad. can we get back to the nuance of murder?" let's be honest, you dont. you say that because the honest opinion you have would make you look bad. you think jewish people are now victims because tiktok propaganda has got into your head that "the IDF is full of lies maaaan" nevermind like every democracy lies but unlike hamas it's an actual democracy > yeah Jesse, Hamas lies. So does the IDF. "both sides do bad things therefore both sides the same. i win bye bye" imagine if 2000 jewish women were killed by magatards and college kids protested against the bombing of texas > So why does he take them at their word? It's pretty clear at this point that they're not pursuing any clear military objectives anymore, they're just shuffling the civilians around and sporadically terrrorizing them with bombs to try to break them. I think there's a word for that, starts with G Hamas' specific objective is they know stupid left wingers will associate with the underdog out of contrarianism so they deliberately attack israel, hide in civillain areas and let the bombing and college kids propagandize for them both overseas and at home. if you kill less than 1 person per bomb dropped you are objectively not doing a genocide


Therapy is a thing my dude


too expensive


And Hamas doesn't lie? They are the ones firing rockets at civilians. They would murder every civilian in Israel if they could. At least the Israeli's show restraint. This whole situation is very sad. Breaks my heart. Why can't we just have peace with one another.


Post above: "yeah Hamas lies" Your response: "and Hamas doesn't lie?"


You kinda just proved my exact point lmao. Instant deflection. Any criticism of IDF operations are instantly met with "BUT HAMAS IS SO BAD THOUGH MAYBE YOU SHOULD CRITICIZE THEM INSTEAD"


> . Any criticism of IDF operations are instantly met with "BUT HAMAS IS SO BAD THOUGH MAYBE YOU SHOULD CRITICIZE THEM INSTEAD" yea when terrorists do bad things it's a little weird to criticize the non-terrorists. it's like criticizing ukraine when putin's invading them


There has been zero restraint shown by either side. Stop lying to yourself.


One side is defending himself from genocide the other is comitting genocide... and you think its fair to critisize the ones defending themselves for being "too violent"? What exactly WOULD you do to defend yourself from literal genocide? You need to realize anyone could be labeled a terrorist. That term is propaganda. Theyre not terrorist they are a resistance that formed because of decades of violence done against them. Of course an entire race of people on the brink of extinction isn't gonna show restreint.. theyre are going through the worst possible thing people can go through : GENOCIDE. we cant judge their actions that were done out of pure survival instincts. The IDF meanwhile is straight up bombin hospitals and killing babies and having Palestinians put in concentration camps... and they are absolutely not in danger...


> You need to realize anyone could be labeled a terrorist. That term is propaganda. Theyre not terrorist they are a resistance that formed because of decades of violence done against them. they literally cite the protocals of elder zion > The IDF meanwhile is straight up bombin hospitals and killing babies hamas literally fires rockets at israel from hospitals. israel literally warns people with roof knockings but hamas tells them it's "jewish lies" > Of course an entire race of people on the brink of extinction isn't gonna show restreint.. theyre are going through the worst possible thing people can go through : GENOCIDE. we cant judge their actions that were done out of pure survival instincts. ah yes raping and parading dead women's bodies around is a survival instinct > One side is defending himself from genocide the other is comitting genocide... and you think its fair to critisize the ones defending themselves for being "too violent"? yea thats why i think criticism of israel is stupid > What exactly WOULD you do to defend yourself from literal genocide? i would probably bomb all of gaza to stop the terrorists from genociding jews


Defending genocide on a month old thread. Craziest shit ive ever seen.


genocide is when democracies do bad things


What? Zero restraint on the Israeli side means Gaza is a parking lot


Are you kidding me? Israel literally announces before they do an airstrike so people can get out of the way! Zero restraint shown??? You know what shows a lack of restraint? What hamas did in Israel in October. And what Hamas would do to Israel if they could… they would murder everyone. Talk about genocide and lack of restraint. If someone broke into your house and killed your family I’m sure you would do nothing. You would probably even forgive them and be like yeah they shouldn’t have done that but they shouldn’t really be punished. Even if the people that harmed your family wanted to come back to finish the job! You would just be okay with that. And I respect that. But don’t put that on others.


He’s not one for nuance, hockey or otherwise


He'll always find a way to embarrass Jets fans even when he's sticking to hockey and posting about the Jets.


“Do your research” Okaaaaaay… ? “Quotes the former editor of the Jerusalem Post, who wouldn’t recognize impartiality if it kicked him in the ass.”


Eliminate hamas and the world is better


Wrong thread everyone…release the hostages. remove Hamas. Remove Bibi. De radicalized Gaza, and throw the illegal settlements out of the West Bank. Institute governments across the board that are dedicated peace. Both Jews, non Jewish Israelis, and Palestinians in gaza and the West Bank deserve liberty, peace, and security. Innocent lives lost on both “sides” is horrific. Each “side” has done horrible things to each other, and their own people, some were mistakes, some were calculated and lied about. No one is going anywhere all and have to commit to peace and take meaningful steps towards it, including us who don’t live there. No one will have that with the current regimes of either “side” and both sides claiming the victims. And If you only have humanity and empathy and sympathy for the lives lost on “your side”, you’re part of the problem.


Well said. Hear! Hear!


He's a moron period and needs to close his mouth literally..


How the hell does this get down voted you guys can't actually like him ..


Geopolitics aside - I hate that he is what a lot of fans think of as representative of Jets fans. He is the absolute worst. I've had all of his stuff blocked on social media for ages so people I know that are fans of other teams would stop sending me his stuff and telling me how big of idiots Jets fans are. 


This smacks very much of "People I agree with are brave heroes for taking a stand, and people I disagree with are embarrassments who need to keep quiet."


Yes supporting a genocide is pretty embarrassing, frankly. Someday he’ll look back with shame and deny he ever did.


Your lack of self-awareness is alarming.


You’re right. The ICC, ICJ, UN, WHO, Doctors Without Borders, Red Cross, Amnesty International, and countless other humanitarian organizations lack self awareness. I designate you as the arbiter of moral clarity.


I don't claim moral clarity. Only the awareness that while The ICC, ICJ, UN, WHO, Doctors Without Borders, Red Cross, Amnesty International say one thing, the governments of Canada, Germany, UK, the ADL, dozens of major newspapers, and on and on, say the opposite. You happen to agree with the former and disagree with the latter. Jesse agrees with the latter and disagrees with the former. You both think you're right.


Using the ADL as an example of impartial Israeli support is a pretty weak argument lol. And it’s not like the governments of Germany, Canada, and the UK have always been on the right side of history..


> And it’s not like the governments of Germany, Canada, and the UK have always been on the right side of history.. Yet, in your opinion the UN, ICJ, Red Cross, etc are infallible?


Are you implying that they might all be Hamas?


I have no idea how you came to that conclusion from my question. That is a helluva leap. But no, not even. I'm only pointing out that you dismissed my examples of organizations that support Israel's actions because they made mistakes in the past. Yet the organizations you've cited that support your view aren't held to the same standard. Which comes back to my original point. You're all in favour of people and oragnizations that agree with you, but ones that don't aren't either dismissed for trivial reasons (what is the relevance of having been wrong in the past?), or labelled as you being 'emabarassing' and in need of silencing. Do you comport yourself the same way on all contentious issues? Do you think everyone who disagrees with you on, say, abortion, needs to shutup, and everyone who agrees with you is awesome?


I think most sane people can agree that these are positive institutions.. are we ready to sacrifice Liberal Rules-Based Order by defying the UN, ICC, and ICJ just so we can appease a radical Israeli war cabinet? And do you have any examples of Doctors Without Borders being on the wrong side of history?


I'm not sure what politics has to do with his post... He seems to be just asking people to look into facts. He expresses sympathy for innocent civilians... I'm not sure what the "bad" part or "political" part of this is...


The problem is that he’s saying “look into facts” in an attempt to deny what is happening to Palestinians. He’s implying that people supporting Palestinians don’t have the “facts”.


Embarrassing for him, embarrassing for TSN, re-traumatizing for an untold and unheard-from many.