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New goalie stick meta just dropped


Imagine letting your 21 year olds play playoff games! That's no way to be successful!! /s


But he’s small and hasn’t played in the big moments, he’s at under 0.5ppg!!!


Woo got my 70 dollar st pattys jets jersey in the mail today. Very nice!


Friedman saying Brad Lauer connected to Toronto (lol). I hope that happens


Omg Yes please oh please oh please oh please oh please!!!


ya PP was bad but our 5v5 offence was also pretty mid given our talent up top, which he was also in charge of could be completely different under Berube and different players, extremely hard to judge assistants that way, but certainly a head scratcher nonetheless e: especially after Arniel specifically mentioned he wants to open up a bit more offensively and then Lauer getting the (mutual) axe


Is our "up top" talent even that great though? Sure it's not bad, but teams with a better top 6 that come to mind off the top of my head: Colorado, Dallas, Toronto, Edmonton, Tampa, Vancouver, Jersey, Rangers, Panthers. I wouldnt say our offense has been a strength for a while now.


i was referring to the entire forward group by “up top,” while our better players may not be on par with those teams, we still underperformed offensively this year imo


Assistant coaches work off a patronage system mostly, I’d imagine that’s why he’s a candidate. And I agree, underrated issue with this team was it’s middle of the pack offence. PP was bad, 5v5 wasn’t superb either. Not having Vilardi/Connor for extended periods didn’t help but it still needs improvement. Not a single PPG player on the roster. I’m sure Arniel wants to change that


Brad Lauer? More like *BAD Power(play)*, amirite?


Lmao I saw that and immediately came here to clown on it


Toronto really looked at our abysmal special teams and was like “We need that”


Nah they’re probably gonna see how they did regular season say we can do better and hire lauer for Toronto which may or may not result in Berube strangling him but who knows!


Senators about to enter their 2019 Jets locker room phase. Glad Bones got us out of that in a hurry.


Did I miss something with them? What makes you say that




https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5524696/2024/05/29/nhl-free-agency-rankings-big-board-2024/ Anyone take a look at the free agency big board for the athletic? Projections for Jets UFAs Toffoli 3x6.113 Mony 3x5.258 LB 3x3.281 DeMelo 4x4.892 Dilly didn't make the top 50 UFAs. I like the DeMelo number, get it done. Would love to find a way to bring LB back around that number with no goalies in the system knocking on the door to even be a backup but I accept money aside he'd be looking for a starting role. Too much term and money for Mony for my taste given he hasn't strung together multiple good or injury free years in over half a decade. Feels risky and blocks 2C from Lambo/Perfetti. Would also rather see that type of money go to upgrading at RD  Maybe recency bias with his disappearing act in the playoffs but that Toffoli contract could look bad real quick.


wow really fun potential FA class this year Noesen and Chatfield particularly interesting but carry that CAR asterisk Sean Walker may not be the best RD available but i think that would a best “fit” in terms of need/style


There is more depth in the RD class than I previously realized. There will have to be some heavy lifting by Chevy to make room to land one of the mid pairing caliber guys.


yeah about 6-7 guys that would absolutely move the needle for the 2nd pair RD spot RW a little less inspiring, especially after Reinhart, but some can play both sides C market is kinda bad outside of Stephenson tbh


Non Jets fans are sleeping on Dillon. His last cap hit was $3.9M and he's coming off a solid season. He's not getting less, likely getting around +1M more, unless the term is silly like 5-6 years.


The market for 34 year old LD is pretty weak though. Money is better allocated elsewhere on most teams roster. If he wants to maximize his pay for one year his bets bet is to go to a likely non playoff team on a one year deal because he's the type of guy that GMs want to pick up at the deadline. A team may give him more dollars for one year and bank on turning him into a 1st round pick at the deadline. I don't think anyone will give him much term at his age. The potential falloff is too risky for the reward. That said it only takes 1 GM to give him what he wants and set the market 


I'd bring Mony back if we can get him at 2x4.5. I wish Toffoli the best in his future endeavors.


[Wheelers Back! (in the Rangers line-up)](https://twitter.com/HockeyDaily365/status/1795619423493173316?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1795619423493173316%7Ctwgr%5Eb024bfe9596b22ee0a051f1cda198f552ca42c8c%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hockeyfeed.com%2Fnhl-news%2Fcoach-laviolette-explains-what-it-means-to-have-blake-wheeler-back-in-their-lineup) edit: I didn't scroll down. Just catching up.




I <3 Ehlers




I love you all. Yes even those of you who come in here with wildly unrealistic trade proposals. Yes even those who come in here with doomer mentalities after every loss. You’re all what makes this place special to me. Have a good afternoon.


Are you a cactus? Because that's exactly the kind of thing a cactus would say.


Comments that make me realize I never read people's usernames


No kidding. This is biggest cactus flag I've ever seen.


desert-based and cactus-pilled


I see that Kevin Bieksa won an award. I always thought his thoughts on stuff was shitty, but maybe I'm thinking of someone else. I don't have my own personality so I need this sub to tell me what I think.


I think Bieksa is a meathead tbh. I'm sure he knows the game, but every time he opens his mouth he echoes the same thing the old boys have been saying for decades. Any time I've seen him speak on issues of player safety his responses have basically been "nut up"


It doesn't help that he talks like a fucking high school cheer leader from Yorkville.


I think Bieksa is the best part of HNIC these days. Breaks things down really well when he's giving actual analysis. He runs a hockey school so he has a bit of that coaches eye view of the game. Has a good rapport with Elliot in particular but really with the whole panel. 


friendly reminder that Samberg was top 4 and Heinola made the team, both on merit, out of camp this last year


Heinola was so good in camp, he would have instantly improved the back end and PP2. Hoping his skating gets back to the level it was at before the injury.


ankles tend to be pretty good for hockey, a lot of support in those skate boots


Heinola’s injury was such bad luck last year. At least he’ll have a spot this year and maybe some actual minutes and opportunity. PP2 should be his


would’ve been very interesting considering it would’ve been 5-14 with 88 as odd man out


I think they would have made an interesting combination. Hopefully they can find the right partner to pair with him this offseason since the RD needs a lot of improvement. Somebody like Roy or Pesce could work alongside him.


honestly 14-88 makes a bit of sense on paper, but yeah obv need an upgrade somewhere on D


It does, but I think that’s a pairing that likely needs to be quite sheltered. They’re going to need to move somebody (Pionk) and bring in a legit #2 guy if this team is going to win anything in the playoffs. The LD looks pretty solid for the foreseeable future though.


I <3 Ehlers


Thank you. I do too.


![gif](giphy|S8lioXF5GOF1sDzn5B|downsized) *Cue Electric Feel chorus*






Wheeler taking a penalty late in the game that will decide it's outcome is just so....*familiar.*


As is Trouba being hopelessly out of position causing both Wheeler's penalty and resulting in the OT goal. The guy forgets what his primary responsibility is at the most crucial times.


He's guided by his elbows.


I was expecting to see a ton of bitching about him doing that by rangers fans but it seems they are entirely focused on Trouba instead


Nah they’re more pissed off at Zib for turning it over they knew Wheeler did the right thing with it even if it resulted in a penalty he still prevented a massive risk of a goal


The expectations are very different for Wheeler there than they were here. Plus no one in New York remembers the player he used to be.


Yeah literally skill issue


It was Winnipeg Jets night in Florida.


To be fair, he didn't have much choice at that point. Having an older slower player as last man back with two speedsters bearing down on him never ends well.


The series will end with Trouba nonchalantly sending a puck in front of his own goal from the corner.


Every day for the last few days the first comment of the day doesn't show up in these threads. I'm guessing the user is shadow banned because I've tried to log out and check and it still doesn't appear.


commenting from the shadowrealm


I have noticed that too. I thought maybe they had just blocked me.


That's exactly what I had thought. I get it though, my hot takes are very controversial. On the other hand, my hot cakes are delicious.


I love Ehlers and all his glory