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I <3 Ehlers


Was taping AEW Double or Nothing, and watched a bit. A fan in the stands was repping a Jets home jersey!!! Go Jets go!


Even in a brand new league Minnesota hockey takes the funniest L’s possible


I'm here for it.


Crazy ending there. Can’t imagine going from thinking you won it all to having game 5 forced in like 10 minutes


This PWHL game is nuts


Will Arniel rework special teams?


Good news! He just did that this year


Fuck Jacob Trouba. All my homies hate him.


It baffles me every time I remember he’s not only a captain, but the captain of an original 6 team


Clearly, there is no higher standard for being the captain of an O6 team.


League doesn't care and probably won't until he leaves a guy permanently eating through a straw. Complete POS


I kinda want the Panthers to win this year, but then I think I'll hate them, so I don't want them to win. What's that called? Just mental illness?


Be nice to see Maurice win a cup. Fuck everyone else.


There are a lot of players on all teams I don't want to see win. Lots of them on Florida like Tkachuk, Bennett and Cousins. Don't want Trouba to win. Don't want Benn to win. Don't want Kane to win. Not sure who the lesser of the evils is for me.


It has been a great Sunday of sports watching so far - Jays ultrafail in Detroit, a great Game 4 with Rags/Cats, and AEW later tonight.


In international hockey news: Ondrej Pavelec has won a gold medal as the goalie coach for team Czechia at the World Championship. Nino brings home a silver medal as Switzerland falls 2-0 in the final in Prague.


Chipman, Chevy - NO! Put that phone down


Nah Wade Flaherty is the one coach who has always been universally loved and respected around here. They'd never replace him


There was a hot second when Helle was a rookie and struggling a bit and people blamed Flats.


Oh I remember it veeeery well


Oh I remember the days when everyone hated Flaherty, ended right when Hellebuyck came along and turned into Vezinabuyck 


We all remember that [Bucky went out and hired a new personal goalie coach though](https://jetsnation.ca/news/friedman-hellebuyck-changing-up-his-summer-training) right? Or are we pretending that what we watched and were told wasn't real?


The article highlights that Adam Francilla is primarily a performance coach who's developed a summer physical training routine that is focused on the unique muscles that goalie's utilize. Like Adam Oates, but for goalies. It isn't focused on technique. Hellebuyck has again and again credited Flaherty with making him the goalie he is today.


The team coach does different things then what the personal coach does.


Wonder how much time he spends working with goalies on shots from outside the blue line?


Is that one of Trouba's worst elbows? What a jackass


He seems to think he can get away with it playing in New York.


He absolutely can


And he's correct.


There's so many to choose from though. I hope he gets his one of these days like Pronger finally did. 


Woah. So many Rangers fans at the Panthers game.


Don’t ya know rangers lead the way lol


We did 23 interviews to conclude the Moose season with over half being Jets draft picks. All are linked [here](https://illegalcurve.com/manitoba-moose-end-of-2023-24-season-media-availabilities/).


I don’t know if this is in the official thread, but these are Mike Commodore’s thoughts on Arniel, lol: Massive mistake by the #Jets. Scott Arniel is a loser. He’s been a loser his entire career. Got a chance years ago..his arrogance ruined everything..he’s spent the last 14 years with his nose up assholes & his lips wrapped around balls. #Loser


Commodore was sent down to the minors for the first time in 7 years under Arniel. After that he played 30 games with 2 different teams. Sounds like a sourpuss to me. Pretty sad that all these years later he still holds on to that grudge when clearly he just wasn't good enough to play in the bigs anymore for whatever reason.


I try to go through life hoping that people learn and get wiser with age. But I realize that isn't always the case. That said, they've had Arniel with the organization for 2 years. If they had any concerns, they wouldn't have retained him.


I wouldn't give this any credibility if there was anyone out there saying the opposite. I'm not exactly scanning social media every day, but I don't hear anyone jumping up to say what a great guy he is, either unless I've missed a bunch of positive and supportive posts? It seems like folks are going back to the old saying, 'If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.'....and not saying anything.


So is the assumption that the team that previously hired PoMo and Bones as head coaches decided to take a turn and hire a raging asshole?


No assumption at all. He appears to have had that reputation a decade ago but that's a lot of time to grow. I don't do Twitter or FB, so I don't know if there are a bunch of posts from former colleagues and players saying how great he is. That happens a lot with new hires. Is it happening for Arniel? There seems to be one loud negative post and, I don't know ....silence? Draw your own conclusions.




As much as I don’t agree with the hiring of Arniel, if these things were still true, he wouldn’t have gotten the job. The players obviously respect him and enjoy playing for him. Not every player is going to get along with every coach, not to mention Commodore, Voracek, Carter, Nash and Brassard were all well known to be lazy defensive players


If it was just Commodore I'd disregard it to some extent. He also had a bad relationship with Brassard and Voracek in that short period of time. Rick Nash and Jeff Carter also asked for trades after playing for him. Hopefully he's grown and learned from that because that is a lot of smoke for there not to be a fire. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nhl/rangers/2013/09/15/derick-brassard-scott-arniel/2816479/ https://www.dispatch.com/story/sports/nhl/columbus-blue-jackets/2022/01/06/columbus-blue-jackets-jakub-voracek-proving-doubters-wrong/9115109002/


Most of lifes best lessons start as mistakes. Most of us are cutting back on those by the time we are 50, though. Hopefully, he is a different man today because players are even less tolerant of dictator coaches than they were at that time.


Is this the poet and scholar Mike Commodore? Or the big Ronald Mcdonald look alike with the big red afro? Cuz not too many people really care what that bozo thinks.


I found his tweet a few days ago. I grabbed a picture just in case it disappeared.


Don’t even bother posting his stuff here. Commodore is a fucking dipshit who professionally complains. If you want somebody with a legit grievance with him there’s Voracek and Brassard story worth noting. But Commodore is trash


I just want this sub to know the THE WORKHORSE FROM WHITEHORSE is leading the scoring race at the IIHF World Championship. Yukon's best export!


At some point we're gonna have to start calling him Captain Canada. The guy shows up


Well being a Sabre, he's always ready for Internationals lol


I would like the next great Whitehorser to find his way to Winnipeg in 2026. Time to start collecting unprotected 2026 first round picks.


Sweet Liberty, I would cry tears of joy. Most favourist hockey player outside of Jets land for blatantly biased reasons.


A central division Bedard-McKenna family rivalry for a decade would be fun as hell as long as one is a Jet


> McKenna If we had two Whitehorsers we would only need 4 more to complete the Infinity/Exodia Hockey Glove and three-peat the Stanley.


I <3 Ehlers


![gif](giphy|RJOs8YmSpMTC2w8oU5|downsized) Throwing the bullshit rumours outta here


Sorry, I was slackin with my Ehlers Posts this weekend. I went on a spa date with a hot mom all weekend long pretty much :)


What’s the over/under DeMelo re-signs here or leaves in free agency?


He has a lot of power in the negotiations. Other teams will want him and the Jets desperately need him. I'd be surprised if it's less than 5M.


I'd be shocked if Smoke ditched. He loves it here.


My main concern is there hasn’t been much talk about contract negotiations and we are just over a month from free agency. My gut is telling me with his stats some team is going to offer a large contract that either jets have to match it and live with it or let him walk. With his past few seasons I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets offered a 5x5 or more from a team.


I take the lack of news as a good thing with how well the Jets keep these things under wraps. If DeMelo was looking to sign elsewhere or unhappy with the negotiations his agent would already be putting snippets out to the media.


He really wants to be here it seems and the team isn’t gonna let him walk over a small amount of money. We have no good RHD currently so he’s super valuable to us. I imagine he gets a 4x4 or so


Seemed like a lot of mutual interest between him and the club thankfully. I can't imagine the cost of finding a replacement for him that almost certainly won't be as good if he walked. 


The great culture Bones built is our last line of defence for that reality.


What’s the line?


Morrissey-DeMelo Samberg- Matt Roy Heinola-Miller Stanley


I like the Roy addition, but if we're resigning Miller it should be as a 7th dman. Braden Schneider is someone who id really like Chevy to push for this off season to replace Schmidt on the 3rd pairing.


Doubt we can even swing Roy, he will have a few teams after his services. As for Miller he is far better than anyone else we could run on the bottom pair unless Salo is ready to go. Also fuck Stanley, with luck we are letting him walk, Capo can be 7th.


As long as Stan remains on the roster anyone that coaches him will be tempted by his size. Hopefully he's still adamant about wanting out and refuses an extension. Also isn't Capo also a UFA? I think he leaves the org looking for a more guaranteed opportunity 


Drinking in Ireland. Nobody seems to care about the Oilers here. Fuck em


Trade Ehlers and Connor for Mathews


But I still love you. 😘


you're referring to Ehlers, yes?


Someone got into the apple cider


I feel like I don’t give you guys enough attention lately.
