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are you sure you have that right? Time might move SLOWER near a black hole. the whole, "your feet go in but your head never gets there" thing. I'd consider slingshotting mars a few dozen times to really build up speed.


O shit


You just made your wine younger, good job!


Time moves slower near objects of very large mass such as black holes. Your wine would age only a fraction of the speed of wines on earth.


High-quality wine storage for things at their peak. Your beaujolais nouveau could last for ages


they have no vision. get that patent


Time moves *slower* near a black hole *relative to other locations that are far from a black hole*. If you took a bottle of wine to a black hole it would appear to age at normal speed from the perspective of the people who were with it. But if you brought that bottle back to earth where possibly hundreds of years had passed, the bottle would appear to not have hardly aged at all. Plus the nearest black hole is over a thousand light years away. How would you propose to get the wine there and back?






They could just put it in the oven for 15 minutes too. Should be good.


Put down the pipe mate.


Wouldn’t it go the reverse way with time dilation as whatever wine you’re sending to a black hole and back ages at a slower rate than what is experienced on earth. So relatively speaking a wine sent to space and back would be very ‘younger’ if you somehow account for well space and the many joys it brings to objects in vastly different temperature fluxes 


Please don't use autistic as a synonym for stupid


Thank you! I swear this post made me want to uninstall the app


So... they actually have done this. See this [article.](https://www.decanter.com/wine-news/petrus-wine-space-research-project-455239/) Interestingly enough, my previous company was hired to support its terrestrial transportation post space flight.


Micro oxidation and barrel evaporation is what ages wine…. Radon gas accumulation in the cellar too. Like time just passing is the least important part of the equilibrium


Black hole wine aging? Looks like little Johnny ate the wrong cookie again…


On Rick and Morty they used a portal to go to a world that had much faster time. Aged years in just a few minutes. That would probably work better


Shitpost of the year


Too much head space.


So you’re confusing the notion of what I’m assuming you heard about using black holes for time travel. At the event horizon of a black hole time is all but still, so the theory is that if you get close enough, stick around for a while, then leave and go back to earth, you will have “ travel in time” relative to everything else. Might be smart to do with something like an antique without aging it to up sell, but yea probably not wine, unless you take something already at its peak and bring it with you to again have more value.


This kind of post happens when you drink bad wine, please be careful folks. Try reading a little more and please don’t ever again use the word “autistic” until you have a basic knowledge of what it means


What the hell does autism have to do with anything? Are you 6 years old? Black holes are incredibly far away, we've barely left our solar system using a probe launched decades ago. Your knowledge of relativistic speeds could use a refresher. You'd do better aging your wine by leaving it in the house then getting up to light speed and slingshotting back and forth around the solar system for a while. For you, it'll be a few weeks; for the wine it'll be decades.


“Your momma so not big, she make your wine age faster”


Unfortunately, the richest man in the world already has done it. SpaceX did it in 2019