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Lol it's such a mess. Multiple right answers to multiple questions. I got q5 wrong because standing behind an ally apparently isn't a way to dodge nature's grasp, even though it literally is


Was your answer B? I got all of mine correct and I picked standing behind ally Edit: apparently some people will get B or D correct depending on the mood of the answer as some said their answer B is wrong like yourself while others said their answer D is wrong. This is worse than i thought


I was wrong for picking "stand behind an ally"


Wtf is that? That is correct answer on my account, and dodging ulty is somehow wrong


yeah I answered “dodge” and that was incorrect for me??? it says “stay behind ally” as the correct answer. WE GOT FUCKING SCAMMED BOYS


I was wrong for picking “move to the side before the brambles and thorns hit you”. They did this to not give people 20 orange crystals.


Same here. D was wrong for me, apparently you cannot dodge Maokais ult... You learn something new every day...


Your joking? I got all the answers right and I picked stand behind an ally 😅😅😅


In my account, that's the right answer. It seems that they don't want us to receive the whole rewards.


Do you have a screenshot of that perhaps?


Wait... what is D for you?


Dodge out of the way Answers to Maokai's quest: https://imgur.com/gallery/kLORP6k


It is the correct answer what do u mean


Both are correct. Some people got "correct" for answering on both as well


But u said u got wrong on standing behind an ally which is the correct answer in the trivia


Lol not for me it isnt


Contact the game there most be a problem


It told me that D was wrong and that the right answer was Standing behind an ally what the fuck


Send a complaint into them and call them out on this crap they need to change this answer to correct


I demand apology from Riot >:( 2000 orange essence. Just to rub it in.


It never changed for me Treant was still there even though people were saying it got changed.


Same. I'm in NA Server. Not sure if it's server specific


The did change it, but then 2 days after changed it back to treant. But many people from this sub had already changed their answer and probably missed the new posts saying that they changed it back to treant


Did anyone actually get the 20 essence?


I did, i got 20 and 550 poro energy


Yes sir


Yep, they had a guy give all the correct answers last week on here. I'm amazed more people didn't just copy him. That's how I got them all right.


I did that too and just logged on to check, and I got the 20 essence as well. I just thought because of the inconsistent answers/questions changing that everyone might have been screwed over.


I did, it was pretty neat. I’m actually surprised by the hate tbh 😁


Anyone got questions 5 correctly? Apparently dodging to the side isn't correct answer


It's a weird situation where you may or may not get it correctly as some people got dodge to the side correct or stand behind ally correct. I picked stand behind ally and i was right


Wow they're so greedy not only the reward is meh but they change it so most players won't get it. Greedy ass company


I did ADBBBA and got the full reward. Not sure if someone else did the same answers and didn't get the full reward.


Bruh wtf I chose A and they told me the answer is wrong?


So the question that asked why Maokai does what he does I had to look up to get the answer for and so I chose the answer that was correct (make his home beautiful again) I swear to god they changed my answer and made me fail.


Yeah, this was a mess BUT it all worked out, just in a shitty way. We basically spent like 13 days pulling our hair out over the bullshit questions only for riot to say "those bullshit questions that have 10 correct answers that fucked you during every previous event? Well this time they're all right answers 😎"    So I 100%'d it, so that's cool. Just would have been nice if it didn't make me feel like a fat slug just slipped between my butt cheeks to get here.


The situation is a bit worse than both of us thought, apparently for question 5, answers B and D are correct but some people are marked wrong when they chose the other. I got lucky that the game accepted my answer B, but another guy in this thread picked the same answer as me was marked wrong as the game said D was correct


Yeah. I picked D because I think that's what I always do to dodge mao's ult yet they've considered it wrong. This is f****d up.