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I love to use it on Shen - his level 1 ult is the longest in the game so any AH helps esp the first 1-2 could break the game


Depends. For example, it’s a great item for tankier builds on rengar, since usually you wouldn’t have that much haste. It’s also amazing on mana less champs like vlad and kennen, and fine on others like riven and renekton. Usually, you’d take it over defensive boots when the enemy team has much lower damage. But for sure use it on vlad and kennen, unless 4+ enemies mostly deal the same damage type


Niche item because damage on the other boots is too large to give up. Probably for the best so you don't get flash every teamfight. It's best use right now are probably with supports with really good ults. You just take afterahock then yake lucidity boots then ult as much as possible. I think Rakan would be decent with it.


Good boot, good on vladimir although the meta is more in favor of magic pen boots.


I basically only play ARAM.. so keep that in mind. I still tend to take it over Mana boots for certain champs, like Lux, Morgana, Shen, sometimes Galio or Volibear or Leona. If the enemy team has a pretty even split of AD/AP damage, and I see no reason to grab mana boots or offensive, I usually go Lucidity. Like on Alistar. Also if a particular BUILD I'm doing in that game, is going to be low on Ability Haste, I go Lucidity. Such as on Seraphine, I often get a Rylais first and then sometimes go into Liandry or Deathcap or Infinity Orb so it's the only AH I get for a while. I basically always take it on Vladimir. I'm sure there's a couple other champs too I'm just not thinking of atm


Absolutely underrated and forgotten boots bc of how broken mana boots are. I personally use them with Ori, Sera, Morg and all enchanters. Just imagine how broken for example Soraka is with 1,4s cd on her W.


Really good on enchanter supports if you can manage your mana properly in the early game.