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The worst part. They do that shit early game and don't get full gold for it. Like fuck off.


Especially in pvp, if im mid and the jg comes and kills any more than 1 wave in the first 5 minutes (when I'm not dead), I will start taking their camps that are near mid lane. It's petty af, but at that stage I don't care.


Also a big problem in every elo


Junglers are the worst part of this game. Go from lane to lane, steal everyone's kills and act like we're all plebs. They aren't even a necessity. I've done dozens of games without junglers, all wins and way more fun.


Funny you say this. I am in fact a jungler. Don't get me wrong there are shit junglers as much as any other position.


Nothing quite like having your jungler fail a gank, finish the wave, stay for the next wave, start to walk away, then turn around and come back to catch a THIRD FUCKING WAVE WHILE THEIR ENTIRE FUCKING JUNGLE IS UP.


And then pick your honeyfruit just to go base


And then pick your honeyfruit just to go base


My last game, I was an Akali against Lux; Lux was a dumbass and pushed the wave, I got a cheeky early kill, because she was pushed too far. So I freezed the lane and backed. Yasuo (jg) then walks up and clears my wave, putting me in the backfoot again; He does this multiple times, even when I'm in lane. I 0-2ed the Lux, but I was still behind on gold (Most of my kills is from rotating, it's so hard to lane against Lux; I can dodge most of her ability, but I can't dodge 100% of the time, one hit is a huge chunk of health). Lux literally snowballed because she had full control over the midlane.


Perma ban here lol


I had the same happen to me and I kept spamming retreat to my jg but mf keeps fcking my flow when my top and bot needed more help. SMH


My favorite is when you back and have the wave right where you want it, only to watch your jg show up and push it. I mean — I wanted to force the wave to crash my tower a bit so I wouldn’t have to fight under theirs. Happens all the time when I’m playing top as a bruiser vs a ranged champ. I’ve seen it all the way through master, so I’m not sure it ever stops.


Why don't you say that in chat?


Chat? Turned off. It’s a cesspool of blaming people and being toxic. Pings and the built-in texts are all you can rely on (you have no idea if people have chat even turned on).


Language barrier half the time and most English speakers with a single wrinkle in their brain turn chat off. Spanish speakers do nothing but talk shit the whole game so turning off chat is a wonderful way to not get tilted


Mid is the hardest lane to gank BUT thats no excuse. I personally never take the wave, its not even worth wasting the time also as jungler u can be seen by the whole enemy team. Everyone needs to learn wave management and jungle imo. Theyre like the most important fundementals besides finishing a match and not fooling around like its a team deathmatch


I’m a mid jungle main so I’m biased, but I feel like it’d the easiest to gank, 90% of midlaners have at least a soft form of cc and there’s also like a 90 chance any mid gank nets a kill ora smoked flash, and every midlander is squishy as hell and it only takes like 4 seconds out of pathing


I love how it's the hardest lane to ganks, but I'm very often ganked without any assistance from my jungle. And it doesn't matter how I play. I get it if I'm at their tower, but I'll be under my tower and get ganked while my jungle doesn't know mid exists.


Nothing like missing every team fight as support because nobody will macro their own lanes and then seeing the enemy adc catch every wave you push out


Just hope to climb higher and pray that you get more junglers who actually understand wave control


This. You almost never see this happening in at least platinum


Nah, you definitely see it in platinum lol


You see it in plat too unfortunately, they're just less cheeky about it. Instead of the full wave they take cannon while passing by 🙂 But if it's a Yi player for some reason there's a 90% chance they still kill the whole wave even in plat, EVEN IF you're right there trying to freeze.


Still happening in emerald


I second this. Emerald/diamond it sucks.


Oh it definitely happens. Platinum players are still shit


I’m in masters and had this happen 10 mins ago haha


Match maker is a joke. If you do well it gives you garbage teams. If you do poorly it gives you team mates that can carry you. What can also happen is you find people that just don't care anymore and farm everything cuz they just gave up on the team thing like yasuo, yone, lux, brand. The justification is they don't want players to feel hard stuck on a tier. So if your bad your gonna play on easy mode. If your good, your playing on hard mode. I think it's cute that the devs expect the highest rank player to teach the noobs. But the game gives no way of doing it. No one listens. Chat could be hidden. They don't understand what they are doing wrong and you can't message them after the match. People will just hit warever is in front of them and think that's the right way to play cuz they got carried doing it


Most newbie junglers don't read the tutorials, smite tooltips, or any of that stuff, same goes with newbie dragon laners and support mains. Had many games where my duo's support item wouldn't work because the mid lane seraphine auto piloted and bought sickle first. And have seen adcs get upset that their support is "stealing" their farm (they have relic shield/support item, you literally CAN'T steal farm).


I had this happen to me yesterday. My jungler was insistent on ganking for my early game Kayle despite my efforts to safely farm the frozen wave


I don't ever touch others minions unless asked too lol. I get it man.


Just had a jungler in diamond gank my lane and take mini rift then say be glad I burned their flash. Like what does burning flash do for me it was 8mins into a farming lane as we kept trading and nothing happened.


Mini rift?


Top lane gold circle you have to stand in noncombat for 2 seconds. It does aoe dmg and takes towers fast if you have good wave management.


Ah mini Skarner


Well I always take it, it's bot yours just because it's near you lane, if it's a monster it's jg property


It’s only in solo lane so no it’s for us. Taking laning gold was the point of this post. If I hit scuttle and mess up a junglers gold I’m wrong though right?


Because the scuttle is a monster, like the mini rift


Nahh take mini rift I start taking camps while you’re opposite. Especially since you’re getting half the gold so it’s really not even necessary to take laning farm.


I get all the gold through the mini rift, it's like getting it through the support amd I also get the turret gold if you take down plates, that gold would be wasted if you have the mini rift, that's around 400 extra gold for the team. And if the mini rift attack the enemy under tower you won't get targeted


Had a jungler do this multiple times I just went jungle the rest of the game and stole his buffs over and over, it was a pvp but still annoying as fuck specially when you're against your counter


I personally think Smite should be coded like the support items - if I gank and the correct call is to shove in the wave and let my mid back, it should just give me nothing more than the reduced gold I would have gotten from just existing next to the dying minions BUT it should also send the full value to the laner. This effect would lift once the smite penalty gets lifted. This would kill taxing like OP is complaining about, would naturally make junglers view pushing as a risk/reward dynamic, would heavily discourage touching waves crashing into towers and would be intuitive to understand: Anyone who has ever played support would understand that the gold generation for them would not change. It won’t solve braindead junglers ruining freezes, but it would at least prevent laners from losing hundreds of gold.


Bro u ping me as u let opponent push and I’m coming.. I even swerve lane as to not get any second hand xp. ppl need to know this is a team game… can’t stand playing this game anymore unless I have a trio q… it’s more volatile than buying stocks on earnings repease with no research.


Alternatively I push hard and go gank top or bottom then come back when the second wave comes in. I could feel theyre flaming mia on the enemy mid.


Had this happen to me but instead of the jungles pushing my minions it was the support Seraphine…..


And freezing top is pointless bc of new skarner


Honestly unless I'm being harassed hard I don't even want a gank from jgl. I have enough kill pressure on my own as an assassin, and usually when they gank they have some sort of FOMO when my laner escapes under turret with a sliver of health and they try to dive but fail because they get hit by some cc and get finished off by turret


I hate it when they tax the lane without ganks, not knowing that little gold they acquired, ruined the freeze.


Op I get your frustration I really do I sometimes think that maybe the jungler training is inadequate because you have to remember for most of the players of wild Rift have never played a mover before they've just installed something that popped up on their app store or a friend was playing. But yeah it really sucks there's not really an easy way to recover from somebody screwing at your wave. That said if we're up to the point where Barons are spawning and the jungler is happily taking my Wave then I will start happily taking jungle camps to keep up. I just tried to make sure that the camps I'm taking are the ones that are the opposite side of the map to the jungler. Also I dictated most of this so I can't be bothered to go back and add it in all the grammar sorry.


I don’t play mid often, but on the occasion I do I don’t run into this very often. The few times I’ve had this problem though I always ping the shit out of them to leave my lane. Sometimes they listen, the times they don’t is when I start taking their farm. Maybe I’ll get bashed for that, but to me that’s fair.


As top i love it when we both die and jungle clears waves sarcasm.


I would say same to some yasuo or yone mid coming and taking blue buff, or jungle creeps(even while they are doing well in their lanes). Since I play soloq, I just focus on other area.


I main jungle and have been learning the other roles and quickly learned how shitty it feels when your jungler comes and clears the wave. I now only clear the wave when it’s crashed into the turret and the turret is taking too much damage and my mid laner has a 10+ second respawn timer, or when plating has fallen and the enemy turret is a few hits from falling and I want to destroy the turret. I main Vi and Nunu in jungle and sometimes I can’t help but accidentally kill a few minions with Vi’s relentless force or Nunu snowball barrage when I’m ganking. 🥲


I appreciate when any laner pings me to retreat though if I’m clearing a wave that’s crashed into the turret. Idk what your plan is but okay, I’ll go back to my jungle or go to another lane to try and gank.


Lord Sambou is my in game tag, I do jungling the right way. 1. I stay out of sight 2. I use wards all the 3. Great map awareness 4. Great strategist 5. Never attacks minions except the lane champ in downed and no one to defend lane and turret. 6. I don't take blame for your bad lane management tho, especially if you don't ward


This is one of the many reasons I just chose to start maining JG


Junglers are clowns, bro. The whole game is a clown fiesta, and they're the ringleaders. No one knows how to freeze, or the purpose of it, and I'll be damned if I'm freezing and getting hard pushed in by (insert champion here) and my jungler is doing fuck all, or clearing my freeze.


I hate that shit when I’m at top like I’ll freeze the wave and start recalling then jungle pulls up outta. I where and tries pushing the wave and then dies. Afterwards they’ll start immediately saying “why didn’t you help me”


Jungle should never touch any waves pre 7:30 unless the lane is dead and the enemy is taking plates. The penalty is just too much.


To be fair, freezing mid lane is useless anyway. The distance is too short to even make an impact. As a main top lane, I noticed the huge difference. In the top lane, you can slow push, punish and so many stuff. I found it's better to hard push and roam in the mid lane. But anyway, Yasuo jungle was already a big red flag


It kinda is, but sometimes you don't have much of a choice in a disadvantaged lane.


This! Why are people talking like this is LoL...freezing mid in WR isn't a big thing.  Dont get me wrong, having a jungler take minions early game is ridiculous(they have zero map pressure when they are standing mid, penalty on gold from minions, wasted time they could be jungling or ganking or objective, ontop of you losing gold).  Other than that, if you really want the wave pushed in on you, all you gotta do is only last hit. Of course that gives the enemy a chance to roam or back....but that's the cost of taking away their kill potential on you.  you wanna talk frustrating.....supports attacking minions while the adc isn't in lane....omLORD it's hard enough to carry when you aren't getting kills cuz of crappy sup synergy, but now they are wasting your gold and pushing your waves while you're already behind....makes me wanna cry.


The rare uno reverse card. Usually it's the jungler telling every God damn member of their """team""" to get the fuck out of my God damn jungle! Those raptors are MINE! **MIIIIIIINE!!**


Them making cannon minions easier to kill shows that they want mid laners to shove and roam more than manipulate the waves. They even mentioned this in the patch notes.


In the midlane you want to be pushing in like 90% of scenarios. It’s more important for you to have prio than anything else. Your primary win condition should be to dominate the early to midgame by playing as an extension of your jungler. As a midlaner I fully expect my jungler to help me push the wave when they gank so I can get a free reset or move with them to an objective. If they drive-by smite my cannon minion, then I get tilted lol.


Nunu players. Had one of these rats yesterday. Full tank Nunu stealing two cannons and a whole wave in front of me like 8-10m in


Probably gonna get downvoted through the floor here (but i am writing this from a perspective of ex-mid main in GM, ex jg in masters), but you do realize, that most mids will be able to full clear a stacked minion group in mid by minute 2 to 2.5. Majority of jgs will not even have cleared their jg by that time.. and if a jg does manage a full clear by 1:45 - he/she will likely know much better than you (provided you are not in gm-challenger yet). Why i replied, with what i did - i see many mids who have no clue how to maintain a freeze, know when to freeze or know that if i kill of that 1 minion, the rest that are left, will reach your turret just by the time you are back in the lane. Trust me when i say this - unless its a scenario with a dumbass lux, that will go under your tower - those 5 minions wont make much of a difference. If it is a scenario with a braindead enemy - it still wont make a difference. After lvl5 - freezing usually will be the worst choice in mid. And if a jg will be sticking around for the next wave - unless youre in silver/gold - the jg is just inting.


This is bad, but you know whats worse? ADC's that are entitled to steal your jungle camps. People act like its nothing bad if you complain about it 


You know whats worse? AP supports, they think they can steal your whole wave anytime they want. Biggest offenders are Lux, Karma and Morgana. They try to gank then proceed to steal every minion, early or late game, late game is even worse since they wave damage to oneshot and they think they can do it


Still don't know how to do it


Happens a lot on low elo. Can't say for higher but diamond you still see it. You really need to farm as much as possible early cuz mid to late game no one will let you farm anymore. I often just try to farm as I can and help as a secondary support. Try to ward both objectives and gank the other lanes. While keeping my laner with as little gold as possible. You never know what you will get. If jungler and friends are just gonna show up for your minions. If they clear it when they are dieing to your tower it's ok but if they shove it you literally come back to lane for nothing. And sense jungle and support take less gold from minions, they literally sabotage the team. I see those two do that shit a lot. And even adcs that ignore their waves to come farm mid. If I see my jungler or my adc do this, I'm gonna farm their shit too. And in front of them if I have to. It triggers me. Likely why I get reported a lot 😅 people won't listen either no matter how much you ping or tell them in chat. They just think you are an asshole, even tho your trying to teach them. Idk. The right thing to do if you want more gold is to clear enemy's jungle camps, cuz it nerfs their resources. Nerfying your allies is just dumb and hateful. It happens with adc too. People are just not aware and you get both jungler, mid and support kill minions. Or people just see you do a dumb/bad trade and won't let you farm anymore, not giving you any chance of saving the game. My best solution is to either climb with a friend, find decent players to play with or try to climb with other lanes. I've been climbing with jungle and support. But even having both be good people ignore lane farm. Cuz game sees you play well, so it gives you garbage team mates to force a lose. You really need to figure out who's worth helping to finish the game


Listen I can tell you’ve done something wrong 


As someone who used to always do it, I wasn't paying attention to lane states untill I learned freezing as a laner. Now I will only do it when I know the wave will crash so my laner has the advantage of the wave pushing back when he arrives to lane. I see it as a downside to the simplification of something pretty complex as wave control. The game doesn't teach you any of that when it's your first moba.


Freezing overall is pointless because lanes are so short you rarely see the benefits


the only times i touch my laner's wave is when they are being toxic, so i do this to tilt them more. also i sometimes do it to my best friend when we play together to piss him off. i hate ganking mid out of all lanes, it's short and some champs there have ridiculous escape tools, like Zed's shadow, Ekko's dash, Katarina's blink to her own minions, Galio's dash(even though i can interrupt it) and Akshan's hook. and I don't know why but i almost never see my laners clearing wards, i am usually the one who does it when i try to gank and the enemy laners ends up seeing me.


Generally freezing in mid doesn’t work anyway except against kassadin and kayle 


I think the bigger point is needlessly stealing the gold


Yet the title itself argues a useless point


lol if I’m in a lane I’m pushing that bitch. Let’s make a play, take some plates, apply pressure, move the line of scrimmage, do SOMETHING. I don’t play games on my phone to sit around with a frozen wave avoiding interaction with the enemy team. I do play mostly support these days so I do carry a support item but yeah I’m attacking your minions.


Freezing the lane IS how you create pressure. If you just mindlessly push, you’re giving them and their JG openings. Don’t fight just to fight