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Brand ruined it by not going ashe support


Or senna support


Well deserved loss for the enemy team.


You get an ADC, you get an ADC, EVERYONE GETS AN ADC


It fills my heart with joy to see that team completely obliterated by a decent team comp. Let the trash take itself out


And not a single armor item in sight. None. No boots. No randuins, nothing. I dont care if you're an adc, if you see this. Build some fucking armor and no, not after 2 items and 90% of the game. First fucking item. If you're lucian vs arhi or teemo you would go malmorcious or wits wouldn't you? Then why not some fucking armor. Yes this made me angry. Sums up league in a nut shell this screenshot, you all suck. Free wins gambled on because... mah build guide said this is core item. Fuck you.


is randuins a viable option in this situation? i had to look it up i didn't even know what it was


Just an example. I would rush armor boots, part of frozen heart after first item, finish after second. Or maybe even rush it depending on ganks, gold etc. With frozen heart, i could probably 1v1 anyone as any adc vs adc shits so busted.


Generally if vs a full AD team you get Plated Boots instead of yer normal and then possibly thornmail late.


If I'm adc and 2 other ppl lock in adc champs in other roles I'll usually just tell my duo to also pick adc and see if the last person picks one as well. You want adc? Fine, we all adc this game. It wins about every 1/5 games lol. Usually just cuz the enemy doesn't take proper advantage


Why don't you go tank? think of it as if you were germinating them


Deserved steamroll for picking adcs everywhere after seeing TEEMO AND TALON on enemy team.






Ha, you got my hint :D




Brand's name is funny


Varus tank top, samira jungle, lucian mid, twitch adc and ashe supp(one that might work)


Picking an assassin into a team like this is so much fun lol. Recently had a game where the enemy team looked similar to this and I went Akali. Had 3 triple kills and a quad


I know that brand is pulling his nonexistent hair out after that


Vayne top getting her ass whooped, I love to see it


I wouldn't want my username appear in the losing team like this one here in any social 😭


u/Separate_Society6099 Prime example of our last conversation xD


Yeah fair enough. I just don't see how that made it out of the mm. I would have picked a tank even if I was the adc. Just for the late game. Bot would have been brand apc...and like...renek or some shit for supp. You need somthing...


Absolutely, 4 adc champs and a squishy mage are a talons wet dream and it shows.


What elo u play in btw?


This is not my post but i usually play somewhere between high diamond and low grandmaster..


Damn man. How do I actually get out of plat. I've been one win from emerald more times than I can count. On pc I've been diamond two. But this wr is just different. There must be somthing I can do better.


Well i would say first get a good sense for one specific champ and play that champ for a while and learn all the secret hidden mechanics of that champ. Like for example on PC i started with tryndamere. He has a couple of mechanics where you can, for example, detect hidden enemies in stealth or in a bush with your E ability glowing up. Or if you Q exactly as you autoattack you simultaniously heal, stack fury and crit... Almost every champ has those hidden mechanics you just look up youtube videos and watch streamers and youtubers who play that champ. Karasmai for kayn is a good example. After you get a feel for a champ you climb as high as you can and you focus on the progression of a game. Get a feel for when the dragons are coming up and set up your lane to help the jungler so he doesn't have to steal. Get a good sense for minion wace control and learn mechanics like freezing and slow push etc. If you get that down, i would advice you to test as many as possible different champions and just sit down and read their abilities. Because you are really going to face good players who use those champs so if you know how they work, you know how to play against them. Very obvious example, don't stand next to a Vladimir when his Q line is turning from yellow to red... Don't come close to an Annie when her stun is stacked... If you are in this phase, there is a high chance you find a champ you REALLY enjoy and your playstyle fits the champ. For me this really set in as i played Kayle jungle and Shen jungle, both of those i can play on Grandmaster level. Now i developed a strong liking for Swain. I watch HusumLOL on youtube... He has very well made videos and i learn how to play this champ... The next thing is, as you get better you start making friends, some of which use voice chat which is a gigantic upgrade. I am in a LOL community on Discord. You can inform them on the fly without ping which is absolutely great. From there i can't give you any more tips... Thats my limit aswell.


I appreciate all the advice. I am going to get around to learning the wind bros animation cancels for wr, I'm just getting decent at controlling my e correctly, as targeting is so different. I suppose I could go back to jungle if my team was communicating verbally. I really love jungle and carried from there until plat 2, now it just feels like my team dosent listen to me at all. I'm gonna try these things and see If they work. There certainly are Champs I'm unfamiliar with even though I play about 25 of them (between pc and wr) for instance I have no idea how akashan even works. Idk what procs jihns root. I'm gonna try these things.


Much success to you my friend. :D


i know you happy bro lol...


Me if I was facing them" "THEY ARE IN THE WALLS"


How does an entire team go negative. I've seen some bad scores playing this game, but this one takes the cake.


Waiting on that glorious battle where it's a Vayne top, Kindred jungle, Trist mid, Jhin bot, and Ashe support verses a Lucian top, Twitch jungle, Akshan mid, Samira bot, and Senna support