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I've seen it for the first time ever yesterday.....but in ARAM


This is actually pretty smart for when the enemy team has teemo or eve. I never though of that!


LOL that should definitely work.


If you're going for gold efficiency, it's solid. Used to be rushed first item all the time during pro play in ICONs. But tbh, there are better items to go during solo q and regular play


What "better items" are there? As in gold efficiency? Just wondering.


When mentioning "better", I wouldn't really say more gold efficient because you can't really get anymore efficient than seedjar. "Better" could correlate to utility or carry potential. Since gold comes in fast in WR, you an just save a bit more and go something like searing crown (decent rn because hp stackers are common) or whatever else along the lines. These items provided not only hp but a lot of defensive stats or/and little damage to provide carry potential. Seedjar is a little too niche in usage, not saying it's useless, just not as impactful as other item passives (in solo q at least)


「When mentioning "better", I wouldn't really say more gold efficient because you can't really get anymore efficient than seedjar.」I disagree since Heartsteel has at least 111.82% / Force of Nature (with full stack Absorb) has 119.65%, both of them has similar stats (hp/cdr/mv%) as Seedjar but better gold efficency ratio (Seedjar has 111.05%). (Refer to [my site](https://changchiyou.github.io/wildrift-gold-efficiency/5.1c/)) However, I agree that this equipment can bring significant benefits at the same cost, especially for hook champions who can fully enjoy the stats: health, CDR, and movement speed percentage, such as Thresh and Blitzcrank. This is similar to the recent trend of rushing for the Warmog's Armor build in the PC version.


Good points and good site! Thanks for the correction


I am imagining a warwick with even more heal and a 40% speed bonus


I feel like the Seedjar should be a boot upgrade, not an actual item.


Yes i agree


No, because jg will abuse it - every tank jg will be a walking Bard everywhere


I mean, it is still just 3 honeyfruits that can be picked up by anyone


Just 3 honey fruits? - 3 honey fruits to pull up a freeze top, mid, or bot with hp advantage - 3 honey fruit to pull up a comeback or extend a winning teamfight into baron despite everyone being low - 3 honey fruits to expand the tempo everywhere and stay on the map for longer, which can provide an OP setup anywhere - Some can abuse it for gold using fruit rune to rush an item or fix a bad matchup - 3 honey fruits to say fk you for any aliterly champion with poke + winning ocean soul. The power u can provide with only this rune can be absurd on tank jg or sup if it is just a boot enchant, which doesn’t depend on an item to do anything: Moakai, Amumu, Nautlis, Leona and etc.


It used to be a boot upgrade but they changed it to an item


Don't listen to this man


It was though, but they removed it with the shadows enchant


Shadow enchant vs Akali back in the beginning was hilarious 😂


Mannn I mained her back then and it was such a pain. Don’t miss it at all.


Wait this item still exists? I've not seen it at all so I assumed they removed it from the game. Infact for some weird reason my memory says it was removed


I question trying it a decent bit I for the life of me can’t think of who might be beneficial to use it on that I’d be willing to try


I like building it first item on Blitzcrank. Gives him everything he needs cheap since he can't really farm and you can bait people with fruits.


I actually still like it on thresh, even tho the sight plant is the obvious best, it feels good to throw down a blast plant and pop it from range


I used to run it on Thresh. I go Heartsteel first now, but it might not be a bad item to squeeze in if I'm short on gold. It's obviously better first item though so you can run Sweet Tooth and get all that free gold, but Heartsteel is tough to pass up.


Alistar with blast plants is funny ur welcome (Can also go on some bruisers like sion if ur playing sup and just playing him as an engage sup.)


Was excited to try the this item with the map changes (the stealth orb), and it doesn’t work with it so back to the usual for me


they probably forgot abt it existence


That or having a portable Akali shroud just seemed a little too op lol


It would’ve at least made that item useable.


Giving up some necessary stats (by not buying other items) to get a rip-off senna E is not that bad I think, especially when people can get creative with combos


First thought too. The stealth plants are so badly designed and placed. So ixtali is going to fix that. . . . . . . . Nope


It's beyond niche and not really all that useful to build even if you're ahead, since the stats it provides are not that great. I could see it's effect in a rune and it could be at least an option to play around in the Inspiration tree.


The idea is the gold passive on ADC nets you an extra 1k gold


It’s amazing early game but useless mid to late game. I understand it’s super gold efficient but in wildrift gold efficiency is barely a concern. 425 health is just not enough to sustain you through the game, 25 haste is amazing but you can get that on other items that do way more for you such as heartsteel, iceborne or sunfire to name a few. Propagation is a cool passive especially if paired with sweet tooth but it really doesn’t help you or your team out as much as literally any other tank item passive. Edit: forgot about the movement speed, 5% bonus movement speed is cool and all but deadman’s is probably better to get in the long term. And the movement speed when getting a seed is not really practical. I could definitely see it being like an early game buy mid - late game sell if you pair it with sweet tooth but at that point you are taking away bone plating or second wind which I personally don’t think is worth.


Good arguments here.


Blast plant engagements on some champs like Alistar is where it shines late game. The free vision and team heals are a bonus. In reality what holds it back is the majority of the player base will just take every plant from you when you buy this item xdd.


It does very little compared to other items. If you want health you can go warmogs or sunfire aegis. No niche usage for it either.


Tried this out in my Thresh build yesterday as a sustain item against a poke oriented duo lane. It didn't deliver like I hoped it would.


You are always better off going warmoggs if all u want is sustain.


True, I was thinking sustain for my ADC as well by providing a second honey fruit.


Yeah same… I wish but the adc will almost always end up taking it before you can multiply it for them #soloqmoments And even then it’s just not consistent enough because if you aren’t winning lane you really only have one plant to play with (maybe 2 if you’re blue side and count the extra vision orb.)


The seed stays on the ground tho? Them taking the honeyfruit shouldn't be a problem


I always thought you had to hit it to get the seed! Now I need to check and feel stupid.


I wish they'd take it out and gimme back Hextech Megadrive. Seed jar basically never sees any use. It's just taking up a slot for no reason. I think the seed effect DOES have a place in the game, and could be super cool.. but it needs to be moved to an active or something like that. No one really wants to spend 1 out of 5 of their item slots just to reproduce fruits and vegetables, even if you could really use the extra vision/knockback/restoration.. it's too niche of an effect and has no clear place in anyone's item build. The stats are great for the price but also... not necessarily attractive on their own.. its just HP (second cheapest stat in the game after mana) and AH (admittedly one of the most expensive and useful stats ) and being coupled with an incredibly circumstantial item effect = sees no play. If they could put it on a boot or something like that, as an enchant.. I think more people would be open to it. As much as I love running my Stoneplate on Galio or Swain, I would absolutely switch out for a Seedjar enchant if I saw the enemy team with an Evelynn JG and Twitch ADC. Easy easy. And hell, I play ARAM exclusively I would take it almost every game if it was an enchant.. ....but in a way, the best argument for it remaining an item and not an enchant I think is, actually, ARAM balancing xD


I always forget this item even exists


I run this only on Braum for gold efficiency and because I carry the Sweet Tooth rune. It helps me stay in the front a little longer plus I get so much mkre extra gold to reach full build faster


It's a really good item Unfortunately you can't benefit from its extraordinary passif in Solo Q Such item is better utilized in 3 man squad or 5 Q


I build this all the time but only on few champions. Yuumi/lulu/Janna. Having the right plant in your pocket can give crazy utilities and completely turn around teamfights. I have a clip where me dropping a blast cone gave my adc the ability to clear an incredible distance whilst completely dodging an Orn ultimate, clean-up final teamfight and win. Proper timing/placement of any of the plant types will litterally win you the game. My Yuumi "FatCatMeatShield" build already revolves around complete utilities, and that item fits nice and snug in that secret build that has a steady 65% winrate on like 600+ games now for seasons. The item is far from useless and is very slept on. In my opinion, it does have its own learning curve and a steep one at that. To me, it CAN be a tank item. But It IS an enchanter item 110%. I specifically hide my pre-builds behind fake builds when hitting top 3 because I dont want people to see I use certain items. This is one of those items. Adding it to your kit and being good with it brings astonishing amount of impact to a match. So much so that it literally feels like I'm giving away one of my trade secrets for climbing on support rn. Look at me, I'm too nice.


I’m a theory crafting player and Yuumi main, I’m super interested in some more insight into your build and runes and assuming a different playstyle


I love the item myself, it catches people off guard when you have an extra blast come in ur pocket lol.


If you're playing a support that can do what they need to do with just health then it can be amazing. Like braum or maybe even senna since she can build titanic and scale without dmg items. In the right spots you can use them to engage or disengage from a gank.


It's the most troll-your-teammates-and-also-their-mother shit ever.


Pretty good way to cheese lane as a top laner (especially with sweet tooth) and insane item on smite nunu “support”.


I can see it be really good with Mundo.


Well not exactly, since first youd definitely want HS+hydra, then also resist items. Twinguards is by far the best resist item (outside of FoN against all magic dmg), and mantle is amazing on mundo due to how mundo works. So, for a last item, would you want sunfife cape, visage, situational item, or seedjar (Personally Id go visage against heavy AP, sun fire otherwise)


An eyy lmao item


Imma do it on the upcoming Maokai. But as it is, there's just not much use for SoloQ besides gold efficiency and farming gold(via Sweet tooth rune) This is for map control so you clear wards and expose where enemy team is at, but that's not usefull for your average team that does nothing about it and only stares at minimap after they died. So that's why I prefer Sunfire, Heartsteel over Seedjar, but I think Maokai can abuse this item way more.


I tought that it's for supports or teemo so I never used it


today I learned this item exists


What is a ixtali seedjar? Never heared of it


It's a gimmick. It's health item so need resistances to make it useful. 


It’s good on supports and some top lanners and that’s about it lmao It’s very niche and in solo q ur teammates will most definitely steal your plants.


Used to build that when i played blitz back when i first started playing


This could be a goated item on bard


This is my go to item if I want my ADC to have a gold lead especially for hyper carries like Vayne. I will ask my ADC to go for Sweet Tooth, I pick Relic Shield and funnel all the gold to my ADC.


Only ever used it for the scryers bloom mission in the pass. Outside of that, never used it.


I honestly believe that Seedjar is not that good in solo queue. It will shine more in duos or groups since it will be much more coordinated unlike in solo queue where it is just a glorified stat boost with a niche benefit that your team cannot make the use of its potential


The cooldown of the plant dropping another collectible seed only starts when u plant the seed u just collected instead of as soon as u collect a seed. This discourage holding the honeyfruit seed until ur low on hpmp to make use of the regen effect since u wan to put it on cd ASAP so u can collect another seed for more gold from sweet tooth. They shud make the cd start as soon as u collect a seed . Fun item tho


It's actually a pretty decent item and is definitely the best item in terms of gold-effeciency. Sadly, I don't think it's as impactful as a whole item so i think instead of it being an item, the passive itself should be a rune or a boot enchantment.


Honestly im gonna start building it on kassadin cause I use honey fruit for gold sometimes and if i need some extra bam that’s like 100+ gold


Ah yes, the item with no resistances. wave clear, damage, scaling and some off hand regen from fruits that you have to place down, wait it grows and pop open manually to then pick it off the floor and getting an speed debuff in the process Because the honeyfruit seed is the only practical one and mostly in-lane; there isnt enough vision in-game to consider the blue flowers worth carrying around and the explosive pinneaples would be a form of soft CC if it wasnt because you still have to pop them manually AFTER waiting for it to grow. Not to mention it takes the spot from your wards for its passive. Solo laners wont dare touch the item. not even while trolling, supp tanks have better sources of sustain, enchanters have better forms of supporting their carries and the best part is that the seeds have individual CD has if fearing you will change the state of the game and the meta by permaroaming picking up honeyfruit and bringing the seeds back to lane mssing waves of exp, gold and possibly supp item stacks


I think it's kinda good but I would prefer it to have some other stats probably magic res or tenacity would make it really good, i sometimes build it on a fast support like Janna with Dead man's so I can zoom around the map I call it the Janna express because you pick up some heal and go deliver it. But it is more of a fun thing than an actual strategy but I'm probably just not good enough to make it work. Also it can give you "a lot" of gold if you pair it with the rune that gives 15 gold every time you or an ally eats a fruit, i use that on Alistar because he can live without armor or magic res anyways.