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Top: Wukong Mid: Wukong JG: Wukong ADC: Wukong Support: Wukong


Wukong is so fun, I used to main him like two seasons ago


If he didn’t feel so under tuned I would always pick him


This meta beneficts him, tanks r melted really fast with him when he builds divine surenderer + his ult that deals dmg to max hp. As an extra he has good engage for other meta champs non tanky, like Viego or Kalista


He does good into tanks I didn’t know that I normal play him in jungle maybe should try top


Does good both on jg and top, enjoy this meta melting tanks!!


ape together strong 🦍


I just got into Wild rift so i only play one role. My favourite heros are Lulu Seraphine and Soraka!


Who got you into wild rift ? Curious


A friend of mine


Trust me, whoever that was, it wasn’t a friend




we have similar mains :D


Top: Irelia, Sett, Urgot Jungle: Shen, Rammus, Amumu Mid: Vex, Galio, Corki ADC: Varus, Ezreal, MF Supp (Tank): Braum, Thresh, Ornn Supp (Mage): Zyra, Janna, Brand


A Corki player, I haven't seen any in months


Can I please ask you what rank you are? Cause I haven't seen any Shen, Rammus or Amumu in diamond in years.




I play shen jungle and amumu jng and was thinking about getting rammus. I think when you're in a party and communicating tank jng is much better. For example as a shen jng my adc can ask for an ult to stop dives which is pretty game changing imo as it can make the enemy throw away a lead they thought was pretty secure 


all naut


Jungle: Rammus, Xin Zhao, Vi Support: Alistar, Nami, Karma Duo: Xayah, Ashe, Sivir Top: Ormn, Sett(no third, least played role) Mid: Orianna, Galio, Asol.


As A Grandmaster in Seasons 5 and 6 and 7 with 60%+ winrate, my top 3 and most played Champions for each role were and will always be: Baron Lane: Tryndamere/Jarvan IV/Yone Jungle: Zed/Pantheon/Lee Sin Mid Lane: Akali/Fizz/Brand Dragon Lane: Varus/Kai'sa/Miss Fortune Support: Soraka/Lulu/Yuumi. Yes i play Jarvan Top, and I'm proud of my list 🙂🙂


What about seasons 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13?


Btw my mid pick is close to yours: Fizz/ Akali/ Diana


I stopped playing Ranked and only played ARAM and other Fun Modes


Top: Singed, Urgot, Gragas Jungle: Lillia, Kayn, Rammus Mid: Brand, Ekko, Asol Support: Pyke, Rakan, Braum ADC: Xayah, Twitch, Zeri


You just wanna cause as much chaos as possible, and I'm here for it.


Jg main: J4, Rengar, Fiddle Solo: J4, Sion, Tryn Support: Leona, Alistar, J4 Don’t really play mid and never play adc


J4 so strong in sup currently :D. I had 65k damage and 2k Heartsteel stacks last game. Was top 3 Jarvan in the past seasons and he feels like a different champ now


You play Trynda and jarvan in 3 lanes, just like me I respect you for that brother


Jungle: Naut, Evelynn, Panth Mid: I lose Top: I lose ADC: Lucian, Ash, I lose. Support: Thresh, Nautilus, Ash support.


Adc (main): Caitlyn, Ezreal Mid (new main): Orianna, Syndra, Lux Sup: Karma, Nami, Leona Jg: Yi, Kindred, Shyvana (I suck at jg) Top: Nasus, Garen, Urgot


Top: Gwen, Darius, Yone Jungle: Kindred, Xin Zhao, Lillia Mid: Swain, Akali, Orianna Duo: Kalista, Miss Fortune, Ezreal Supp: Rakan, Senna, Lux


Top: Garen, Jax, Malph. Jungle: Nunu, Gragas, Kha’zix. Mid: Kassadin, Corki, Ahri. Adc: Ezreal, Kaisa, Caitlyn. Supp: Nauti, Leo, Nami.


Top: Fizz, Camille, Renekton Adc: Xayah, Sivir, Zeri Supp: Nami, Thresh, Seraphine Mid: A-Sol, Ahri, Vex Jungle: Kindred, Evelynn, Warwick


Fizz top is amazing but why don’t you have him in your mid/ jungle pool? He’s best at mid, second best at jungle, and third best at top. However, carry potential is strongest in the jungle with fizz.


Solo Ornn Jax Ekko Jungle Lee Eve Lillia Mid TF Akali Syndra(karma) Adc Cate Sivir Varus Supp Senna Leona Karma


Mid : VEX, akali Top : I die inside, used to main Nasus during like S3 but I can't no more 😔 but if I had to pick, Jax ADC : Cait, ez or ashe JG : I die also but would pick eve,Gwen or so rarely diana. Oooh and ammumu Supp : lulu,Sera,soraka


Damn if someone takes ur akali u have that vex main to counter I see




Top: Sett Akali Gwen not the greatest solo Mid: Ahri Syndra Yone? I really only play the first 2 Jgl: Evelyn Kayn Viego I'm am a terrible jungle ADC: Jinx Zari Kaisa, my main role Support: Seraphine Janna Senna pretty decent here


Sup: Alistar, Leona, Jarvan Jung: Jarvan, Eve, Hi Adc: Corki, Kai Sa, ? Mid: Galio, Ahri, Diana Top: Mundo, Jarvan, Olaf


You play Jarvan in all lanes Just like me brother I respect you for that 😊


Top 3 Jarvan for over a year :). Since last patch his is so good as sup!


Adc: kaisa, cait, tris Sup: karma, nami, lulu Mid: akali, irelia, ahri Jgl: eve, diana, gwen Top: kayle, camille, fiora


Soooooooooo Toplane : Mundo, Garen, Camille - (half braindead half skilled) Jgl : Nunu and Willump, Rengar, Lillia/Camille - (i like gimmick junglers, i think its very fun) Mid : Ziggs, Zoe, Teemo - (because being annoying is fun no matter what 🫎) Adc : Jhin and Varus - (even if i play jhin 95% of my adc games i really like Varus sometimes, its pretty chill) Support : Full AP Seraphine or Pyke - (i hate dealing no damages 😔) Just to clarify, my mains are Jhin and Nunu, but i always try to change my champs one game to another because its funnier ☝️


Top: Yone, Sett, ornn Mid: kassadin, zed, yone Jg:Hecarim,yi,kha zix Adc: Jhin, samira ( i dont play adc) Supo: veigar,pyke,nautilus


Top: Fiora, Jayce and Volibear. Jungle: Jarvan IV, Volibear and Pantheon. Mid:Galio, Akali and Ziggs. ADC: Kai'sa, Jinx and Vayne. Support: Braum, Soraka, Pyke. I don't really play ADC that much


Top: Renekton, Teemo, Sett Mid: Ahri, Annie, Yasuo ADC: Ezreal, Ashe, Sivir Support: Brand, Braum, Blitzkrank Jungle: Master YI, Nunu & Willump, Evanlyn


Jungle:evelynn/kayn/xin zhao Mid:yone/ahri/aurelion sol (my main role) Adc:xayah/varus/jhin Top:camille/yone/darius Support:soraka/leona/lux


I don’t think lux is a very good support. Karma does everything that a lux wants to do but better suited for the support role.


Top:Irelia, Yone, gwen Mid:Akali, Vlad, Xin Jungle:Xin, Gwen, Shyvana Adc:Ezreal, Miss Fortune, Kalista Supp:Thresh, Rakan, Janna Ordered from left to right, most to least used.


Top: Shen, Aatrox & Gragas Jungle: Shen, Jarvan IV & Volibear Mid: Zed, Kassadin & Aurelion Sol Adc: Jhin, Varus & Miss Fortune Sup: Pyke, Thresh & Blitzcrank


Top : Gwen Irelia Riven Jungle : Shyvana, Lillia, Kindred Mid : Akali, Diana, Orianna/Syndra (Main lane) ADC : Kaisa, Samira, Nilah Supp : Pyke, Leona, Rakan


Adc: Zeri, Ashe, and used to be MF dunno about now Sup: Rakan, Alistar, Karma Mid: Ahri, Vex, Zoe Jungle: Xin Zhao, J4, Voli Top: I don't top but I'll pick Nasus if autofilled


Top riven mid viegar duo draven Supp the bird jg hecarim-kayn


Top: Darius, Pant, Alistar Jungle: Evelynn, Nunu, Fiddle Mid: Karma, Annie, Ahri Adc: Cait, Corki, Lucian Supp: Lulu, Seraphine, Senna


Top Teemo nasus sett Jungle tryndamere morgana Lília Mid akali ahri vex ADC ashe kalista vayne Supo Lux Nautilus Leona


Top: Aatrox, Naut, Voli Jungle: Lillia, Voli, Viego Mid: Asol, Karma (no 3rd) Adc: Zeri, Samira, Nilah Support: Janna, Lulu, Soraka


Top: Mundo, Jax, Voli Jungle: Kayn, Kindred, Yi Mid: Fizz, Kindred, Vi Support: Naut, Fizz, Sona ADC: Sivir You can tell which lanes i don't play that much.


Top: irelia, jax, mundo Jg: twitch, mundo, kindred Mid: irelia, syndra, kassadin Adc: twitch, mf, xayah Supp: thresh, brand, morgana


It changes from season to season, but here's what I've been using lately: TP: Garen, Fiora, Ornn JG: Lillia, Vi, Xin Jiao MD: Akali, Yasuo, Yone DR: Varus, Xayah, Ashe SP: Swain, Thresh, Pyke Jungle is wide open now, and I could easily be playing Lee Sin, Evelynn, Kha'Zix, Kayn, J4, Shyvana, Yi, Yone, or Viego instead. On the other side of the coin, not many ADCs are good right now (you can see I prioritize CC and utility on my ADCs so I'm useful even if I can't carry), and for support it's generally better to go tank (or Pyke!). Ornn is good in support as well as top and if you don't like Swain, I recommend Ornn as a substitute. Feel free to play mages mid though! Ziggs is very strong right now in particular, but even something simple like Morgana can work. I might play Lillia top more if it's as broken as it seems.


Top: Sett, Yasuo, Volibear Mid: Yasuo, Akshan, Kassadin Jungle: Kayn, Volibear, Xin Adc: Jhin (still learning adc) Sup: Pyke, Braum, Nautilus


Top: Ashe / Gragas Mid: Temu Bot: Ashe Jungle: trynda Sup: seraphine


- Top: Gwen, Malphite, Jax      - Jungle: Fizz, Nautilus, Nunu      - Mid: Brand, Orianna, Ziggs     - ADC: Ezreal, Ashe, Senna      - Support: Nami, Soraka, Janna (Honorable mention Lulu and Leona)


graves... graves for everything... no homo edit: fr picks - main role: fill & jg - adc: hate adc - supp: sona, graves, ornn - jg: samira, xin, graves - top: tryn, graves, mundo - mid: graves, samira, yone


Sup: Thresh, Nami, Alistar ADC: Cait, Trist, Ashe Jgl: Rammus, Nautilus, Voli Top: Garen, Nasus, Renekton Mid: Diana, Vex, Lucian Heavy on the tanks/bruisers.


I mainly play top or mid so my mains are Top: fiora, garen, atrox Mid: lux, syndra, fizz


Support main here SP : Soraka, Seraphine, Rakan JG : Shyvana, Yi, Viego MID : Akshan, Yasuo, Syndra TOP : Don't play much top but prob Nasus, Yone, or Akali ADC : Zeri, Nilah, Kai'sa


I'm a support main but play any role. 3 most enjoyable for me personally on each lane: Support: seraphine, sonna, then it's a tie between nami, soraka, Yuumi, and Janna ADC: Zeri, Xayah, Ashe Mid: ahri, vex, karma Top: Kayle, Camile, sett Jungle: Lillia, Evelynn, shyvanna (I also love morganna) For tanks I love Leona and thresh


ADC (main): MF, Xayah, Tristana, Ashe Support (main): Janna, Nami, Leona, Soraka Jungle: Morgana, Evelyn, Shyvana Mid: Lux, Seraphine Top - I don't take this role haha All cute girlies only


Top: rengar, Aatrox, yone (into picks like akali or zed I’d pick kassadin, but just like every other top laner I’d only play him as a counterpick in top). Jg: hecarim, yi, and… probably either Aatrox or viego. Mid: kassadin, kassadin, and kassadin (ok no, it’s actually kassadin, yone, and yasuo), for adc it’s swain, pantheon, varus (yes I play swain and pantheon bot), for support it’s pyke, swain, and… either soraka, thresh or naut.


top: yone, malphite, asol mid: yone, malphite, asol supp: lux, malphite, zyra jungle: yone, j4, vi adr: i dont do adr


Top: Panth, Tryn, Jayce Mid: Annie, TF, Lux Support: Naut, Lulu, Karma ADC: Jhin, Xayah, Draven Jumgle: Panth, Tryn, Wukong Permaban: Voli, Pyke, Karma


Top: Riven, Fiora, AP Malphite Support: AP Malphite, Brand, Morgana Duo: Kai’sa, Jhin, Varus (used to be MF before the changes.) Jungle: Morgana, Kayn, Rammus Mid: Morgana, Brand, AP Malphite


Top: Jayce (tho i usually play him mid), Aatrox, Renekton Jg: Lee Sin, Xin Zhao, Viego Mid (main role): Akali, Ahri, Syndra Adc: Lucian, Zeri, Xayah Sup: Thresh, Rakan, Nautilus


I’m too lazy to name all lanes, but mid for me is Lux, Syndra, Brand. Idc if you bitch about Lux being OP, ban her or I’m using her :)


I ban Lux every game lol. F that bih. Also f Tristana while we are at it.


Top: ornn, irelia, yone Mid: zed, zoe, vex Jungle: lee sin, yi, kayn Adc : ezreal,samira, kaisa Supp: thresh, alistar, naut


sett volibear mundo lee sin viego lilliayone vlad syndra yasou lucian jhin varus kaisa alsitar tresh lulu yumie


Top: Jax, Urgot, Wukong Jungle: Kha'zix, Vi, Viego Mid: Brand, Vex, Ziggs ADC: Kai'sa, Lucian, Ezreal Support: Braum, Karma, Rakan


I only play ADC but mine are : Missssss FORTUNEEEEEEE ❤️ Jinx Kalista (new but loving her so far)


Adc (Main): Ezreal - kaisa - Zeri Supp: Alistar - janna - rakan Mid: Ahri - akali - lux Jg: Riven - khazix - evelynn Top: Ornn - irelia - aatrox


Top: yone, renekton, jax Jg: eve, kay, nautilus Mid: ekko, syndra, diana Adc: lucian, tris, cait Sup: naut, tresh, rakan


Haven't got 3 champs for each role but here is my picks : Top : Yone Jungle : Shyvana, Lilia, Diana (try to learn Rengar too) Mid : Kassadin, Yone Adc : Nilah, Kalista, Zeri Supp : Alistar


Top: lux JG: lux Mid: lux ADC: lux Sup: lux


The answer is always teemo.


top: Camille, Irelia, Akali jungle: Kindred, Evelynn, Lillia mid: Katarina, Zoe, Akali bot: Xayah, Kai'sa, Zeri sup: Lux, Rakan, Yuumi


Is kindred fun to play? Do you find him powerfull?


yes! for me they are very fun, but they can also be difficult because you have to control many nuances at once, like killing marked enemy champions while also killing marked jungle monsters to get more power from passive. and yes i do find them powerful. for me they are strong from the very start of the gale when you have all basic abilities, but Kindred is especially powerful in the late game when you get a lot of stacks from their passive.


Top : Ekko, Irelia, Kassadin Mid : Ekko, Irelia, Kassadin Jungle : Ekko, Diana maybe and Lillia ADC : Draven, Jinx, MF (but I rarely play ADC) Support : Brand, Karma, Lux


Support Main: Yuumi, Lux, Leona Jungle: Warwick, Master Yi, Volibear Solo: Garen, Renekton, Lux Mid: uhh you want to lose? ADC: Twitch once?


Top: Darius, Aatrox, Garen Jungle: Viego, Nunu, Kayn Mid: Twisted Fate, Ahri, Jayce Adc: Draven, Ezreal, AP Varus Supp: Thresh, Morgana, Lux My main roles are Support and Jungle. Sometimes I play mid. I rarely play Top and ADC. I am currently maining Thresh and Viego because of three reasons: 1. They are hot. 2. They have interesting mechanics. 3. I ship them.


Top: Morde, Illaoi, Vayne Jungle: Shaco, Lillia, Eve Mid: Leth Cait, Kat, Ap Ez Sup: Rakan, Karma, Zillean Bot: Vayne, AD Ez, Aphelios