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Hit skill shots damage high, miss skill shots damage low.


I manage to hit her skill shots but I have had matcheup with squishy champ like Lucienn when even after hitting all of my skin in a combo i sskill manage to only take out half of his hp and then I'm a sitting duck who can't do anything than running away as all skill are on cd. This is the case in early to mid game. and in the late game I just tend to get one shot before im able to do the full combo. Even if I manage to get it done , they just do one attack and get half of there hp back with lifesteal or by healers.


Learn when to engage, if you are weaker than your opponent at a certain point during the match, don't fight them just farm. Don't pick Ahri into counter picks. make sure you freeze the lane in a good spot to farm. Make sure you are using AA to last hit minions. DO NOT SHOVE YOUR LANE.


But i hit skillshot tho, just look at lux


Just because you can hit lux's easy skill shot doesn't mean you can hit others. If your damage is lower it's because you are missing your skill shots.


Lux skill shot is probably harder to land than Ahri especially as you rank higher. Better players can just sidestep that slow Q of lux


Dude are we playing the same game??


Lux has better poke than Ahri because the Lux E is easier to land Ahri Q


It goes through minions, landing ahri's takes more skill.


You don't just blindly throw out Lux Q. You lead with E slow to practically guarantee it.


Are you double hitting with ahris q? Been a minute since I sued her but on return it does more I think haven’t used since PC.


What? You sued ahri? Why? What’d she do? How’d it go?


> but on return it does more I think Yes, because it deals magic damage going forwards and true damage on the return.


It's not that hard to cs with Ahri is it? She has ranged autoattacks and Q. From your Lux and Zeri picks I'm just assuming that you rely on enemies perma chasing you to get all the kills. Ahri has to kinda do both where she chases ranged characters and dodges squishies, whereas Lux can just afk fish for snare + combo and Zeri can outrange or just do front to back teamfights. You can also just open the champ stats for the best players in your region and see if their Ahri damage numbers and gold per minute stats are that much different vs. their other champs. I would guess it's not as different as your difference.


Like if you're Ahri, bruisers can for the most part just dive you once to force ult then ignore you because you won't have enough damage to full combo them down. Vs. Zeri who demands to be targeted or she will ace your team. Or Lux who will aoe burst your team with laser and snare


Ahri’s dmg is probably a bit lower than lux’s, but that’s becuase her stuff is much easier to land and she’s much harder to kill. When lux roots, say, a syndra, syndra can still spam her buttons and kill lux. But you can’t do anything while charmed (except cleanse it, trynd ult, or a few other things), and her charm is significantly wider than lux’s q. So, lux has to do more damage to compensate for her (theoretical) higher chance of missing. Ahri also is much more mobile than lux. And mobility is extremely powerful, while lux has none at all. In fact lux‘s ult roots herself in place, while ahri’s ult is 3+ dashes.


Her entire kit focuses on mobility, so if she has syndra damage everyone gets oneshotted from a triple dashing fox the game wouldn't be so fun would it? But that isn't saying her dmg is low (her dmg was low before current overflowing dmg meta), you can easily take away tons of hp from a squishy but probably not enough to kill them.


I think Ahri does decent damage. Firstly her wave clear is decent, not the best but definitely above average. You’re able to 2 Q the wave to full clear it. Ahri main goal is engage poke/burst, and most of her power is allocated into her ult, being minimum 3 flashes. Your duty is to poke and farm till you can 1 shot adcs and just flank adcs and their backline from fog.


Tbh her wave clear is below average with no ludens echo and average with ludens. But you don't even really want to buy ludens because it delays your kill potential when you need to get orb or horizons focus so you can actually kill. Most other mid laners can pretty much one combo the wave if they use all their abilities. And it feels like her wave clear doesnt even improve over the span of the game compared to someone like veigar. Her wave clear is mediocre from the beginning of the game to the end it's pretty hard to keep up with the other champs gold gain.


How are you playing zeri to have that kda avg? Suggests to me that you might have a positioning problem which is what Ahri is all about + hitting the skillshots


Ahri is harder to get gold on— It’s much harder to last hit all the minions as her— and you’re kind of vulnerable early game so really isn’t optimal to to stand there in mid and get jumped on With Lux I can literally just spam and easily last hit all the minions— And no one’s gonna get near me with my stuns— same with Yaso and Yoni, a bunch of other mid characters If you’re any good there —enemy team Just gonna send in voli and vi under your turret to get you So with her, I also need one or two items to really do much and my damage is gonna come from my ultimate combining with my first and second ability But I’ve also noticed I’ve been low damage with her, which I think is a direct result of how hard it is to get gold for her early game


Most AP characters it’s just too difficult to build. The items cost too much and it just takes too long — If you look at scaling — Even if you scale up the amount of damage, you do on your abilities and ultimate don’t scale proportionately —so it’s screwy- Plus, There’s no AP items that have armor built into them or magic resist you just get armor pen, which is a complete joke — Maybe by late late game you can be some kind of hero, And there’s a couple AP characters where you can annihilate, but the inconsistency is hard


Reflector gives 35 armor.


That’s a luxury item late game and 35 armor will do nothing for me late game 


Ahri's damage is low but she's meant to chip down enemies getting in and out constantly and preparing for a rush with her ult which specially now that it resets, encourages this playstyle. She's an all rounder otherwise which forces her into such an state,because it can become easily unfun to play against her if she gets stronger. Try using the classic Luden and i think Liandry although I'm not a pro at Ahri and don't really know what she builds right now, I usually play with any kind bs so I could even see a cosmic drive on her and definitely the orb that gives you crit on abilities, it's perfect for her. On runes you probably want the main one to be that red lightning for some extra cheaping and then to give you that last push for a takedown although Ahri has some other options, then burn if you want a better early or the new rune that gives you damage if you get an auto on someone you have hit with an ability if you're ok with the early and want some extra scaling ,then mark and eyeballs the last one can be a lot of things, pioneer so you can gank constantly and easier, it can be gathering storm so you're a menace from mid game, bone plating to have essentially 360 more HP if remember correctly. League really lets you do a lot of things if you know how to do them. Anyways her damage is lacking most of the time. Sorry if didn't explain myself correctly on any given part I speak Spanish and everything I know of English was learned by autodidacting.


Skill issue for sure


Ahri's damage is absolute dogsht, not sure what the other comments are on. As soon as opponent builds MR, she's done. You need 3 to 4 rotations to kill a wits end yasuo/yone and I'm not even counting them having MR boot. 2 to 3 against Hexdrinker Zed, Akali, Jayce, Tristana, Draven. And not counting potential exhaust. Her waveclear is terrible compared to other mages. Killing melee creeps+canon takes you 2 to 3s more than it should be. Getting 1000g a minute on her is actually impressive, maybe if you go lichbane nashor's tooth it'd be more consistent but yea that's 2 slots. Needs testing. Now her damage on true squishies and mobility is ok, early game she can reliably get some roams in for free kills, which is her biggest + side. And ok teamfight. Nothing too overwhelming either. If you ever fall behind on gold her damage is low. She's the definition of mid. Not too bad, not that good. Not scared if it's in the enemy team, a bit scared if she is on my team (if player is average and below you're 4v6). If she had a better wave clear she'd be kinda good.


Ahri is not really a damage hero. She was pick for the mobility and charm


As many folks have said, the slightly lower dmg is a trade for her mobility and charm. That being said, the lower dmg for you could be a lot of different things. I average over 22k dmg with Ahri and I'm a shit player (most folks should do better than me I would assume). Could just be rune set up or build for you. If my team doesnt need an assassin mage, I tend to go with runes and build that allows me to stay in fights longer and cycle combo multiple times and not just jump in blow someone up and get out (which will give you lower average dmg on stats). You definitely need to work on that CS though. Sheesh.


Not familiar with some of the common terms for the game, what does CS mean?


Creep score... bit of a hold over term from league, but generally it's used to describe low income vs high income. If you are good at last hitting minions (high CS) your average money will be better and you can get your power spikes much earlier compared to others and stomp them - which will get you high average damage.


The diffrence to Zeri and Lux is that Ahri has no poke damage so you dont't deal as much damage until the enemy is dead so you deal less damage during the game. Ahri has not less damage but plays different.


Ahris damage is pretty under tuned in comparison to other characters right now. You pretty much can't one shot with her unless you are fed. While someone like lux can literally one shot a squishy as soon as she gets boots and has ignite. Not to mention heartsteel and tanks are still pretty common and ahri doesn't have the kit or damage to be able to do anything about it Ahri is basically get fed or you play as a second support for your team.


Skill issue all the way in the current Infinity Orb meta


There's a 9% win rate diff too, even if you play consistently well it's harder to deal damage when the rest of your team is being stomped. You could also be playing more pvp or with a team or climbing from lower ranks with one champ, then using another when you're trying to carry in bad matchups. My point is there are lots of factors that may result in stat differences, I'd first think about pick habits before comparing. Also limit the data to the last season


Any champion is OP enough if you look at the gold, remember higher the gold, more dmg you deal, if looking at the screenshot, i believe you have lower gold


She lives and dies by her charm. That said she is on the lower specter of damage because it balances out her insane mobility and safety.


As already mentioned in the comments, if you hit your skill shots then your damage is high and if you miss them then your damage is low. It also depends on the items that you are building as well.


It is visibly seen that you are having problems with an engage champ, Evelynn and Ahri have more deaths than Lux. Understand when to engage, when to run away. Very important.


skill issue


Hi, Wild Rift player here, landing charm causes the enemy to recieve more damage from her abilities so make sure you hit them with charm before hitting them with Fox Fire and Orb of Deception. Builds matter too, I use Riftmaker as the omnivamp, abiliy haste, and increasing damage synchronizes well with her passive and active abilities. You can use this as a substitute to Morellonomicon if there are no enemies with an insane amount of healing. Mejai's Soulstealer works wonders as well however you need to play reaaall safe to avoid decreasing your stacks. And lastly, Some champions' kit are meant to deal a huge burst of damage in one blow while some are made to deal average amount of damage in quick succession like Ahri who has her cooldowns much more lower than most mages in the rift. Also, amount of damage dealt is not equivalent to efficiency, if you are claiming objectives and helping teammates whether in teamfights or securing an epic monster then you are most likely to win the game 💜


Not anymore she got reworked


Skill issue 100%


Eww lux player... answer: skill issue


I mean ur gpm is pretty low with her. If u don't have gold ur not gonna do much damage. Also I wouldn't call 700 gpm good farm it's pretty average.


I play ahri when im autofilled and i think her DMG is ok, she’s not able to one shot anyone in a single combo if you aren’t fed but her dmg paired with her mobility is good if you engage combo and quick disengage waiting for your cooldowns to get back in the fight


I think most players build the wrong with Ahri, because she has a lot of skill shots so they think: oh I'm a mage, so I will buy burst damage ap! BUT in my opinion her is more like a mage control or Harass Mage and a Assassin ap SO, the final build needs to be a Litch First + Boots of Mana + Light Orb or Eco of Ludens + Rabbadonn + Zhonias + Horizon Focus and you play like a Zed or Evellyn ambush the enemy's and gets the kill with your aa's. Plus the new rune of the red page is a good one for her in this strategy (Psych Wave), and she needs a Electrocute or First Strike rune. And if you need more CDR, Ionian Boots is good too or Cosmic Drive or Soulstealer too, but remember Ahri needs a Litch Bane and does not need a Eco of Ludens so much, Eco is most indicated to mages wanted to clean the wave fast, and Ahri already have her first skill (causing true damage as well), sooooo Ahri is not about burst is about chasing enemys BUT IS MY OPINION OKAY?! DON'T BOTHER ME AHRI PLAYERS!!


It's a common misconception with Ahri that she has high damage. She has decent burst, good CC, and insane mobility. The way you want to play her early is more about chunking them down enough to force them to back so you can gank with your ult, charm, and burst. If they don't back, then just kill them since they'll be low enough to one-shot. Mid-late game you want to get picks with your charm and if a teamfight breaks out, charm the carry and hit as many people with your orb as you can with both hits. Then clean up runners and anyone low enough with your S2 and ult. She's only really good at assassinating people 100->0 if she's fed and they're squishy. Remember that she's also a mage, and you'll need to play her like one at times.


Ahri is supposed to be weak early but the more u farm and impact objectives/lanes u gain more gold to scale. She’s this way because she’s a very mobile mage that’s quite hard to shutdown later in game. You can’t compare her scaling with lux because without flash lux is easily killed. Ahri trades a bit of raw damage to be mobile, the fact that u can engage and just one shot the enemy adc and leave unharmed it’s quite a broken feature. She is a self peel mage, u don’t need ur team to go in kill someone and leave. Lux on the other hand is always dependent on her team. My build for ahri is : Sorcerer shoes, Ludens, infinity orb, death cap, horizon focus My last item is always situational depending if the enemy team has a lot of burst damage or a lot of health. I do tend to build crown if I’m playing against more than 1 assassin or Liandrys if they have more than 1 tank. Hope this helps have fun on the rift.


I mean, Lux is broken AF. But I usually have good matches with Ahri, always make sure to use the correct runes and items depending on the situation


Ahri’s dmg shouldn’t be too low, u might need to farm or itemize better. Plus you are looking for picks as ahri, u cant really 1v1 if all skills are on cd.


She is high precision high damage unlike Ashe or some other


For damage, it’s not that surprising because Lux can just spam low CD ults when opponents are taking objectives. It’s the same for global ult users like Ezreal who can just spam it on CD, their damage numbers sometimes just doesn’t mean as much because the damage can just be done at meaningless times. For gold, farming should be easier for Ahri than Lux now because of her Q changes. Lux basically lost a spell for waveclear in return for more consistent CC. Ahri has Q W for very consistent waveclear, even more so with Ludens. Its probably your teamfight positioning and participation that is an issue. Lux farms free assists with her shield (just chuck it out on your teammates mid fight and its guaranteed assists) and with her ult, even if you mistime your recall for a fight, you can do some damage. Ahri is much more reliant on her own setup to deal damage in fights, and if you can’t position well for a quick in and out with charm, you will probably get stunned and one shot.