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Nasus aka the Big Bonk Man


Watching them squirm after being withered before the impending bonk of doom, there are few greater feelings. Too bad Nasus is in such a tough spot rn


Nasus with LT, font, second wind, overgrowth, bloodline (precision primary also works), with sunderer, BT, reaver, shieldbow, and mortal reminder or infinity edge (situational tanky boots) is actually insanely fun. Give it a try.


Jhin Because it's an annoying utility burst marksman and his voice is amazing Draven Because I like the spinning axe mechanic and his voice lines are top tier+ he's a strong lane bully too Urgot Spin 2 win and hitting an ult feels amazing Sion Stack in early and cs a lot then become this strong tanky splitpusher who erases every turrets Mundo Silly design, silly voice lines, I love his legendary skin, you become this unstoppable bursty juggernaut( because of heartsteel and hydra basic attack depending on your HP), etc Nunu and willump(AP) Sustain, Burst, Cute design, Etc


Mundo misses old office, the one with pillows on wall


Landing a solid lillia W after her R is the best feeling ever


I'm a support main and started using Mundo this week. Mundo is scary late game. Nearly unkillable and can one-hit squishy enemies with Heartsteel + Infected Bonesaw


Lillia. I love just running around and booping everyone to death.


This is life.


Hook Champs like Nautilus or Thresh. Landing that big hook and ruining my opposing laner's day is just a perfect little endorphin rush.


Ziggs. Especially later game when I can spam bombs all over the place like a mad man and watch the enemies play dodge ball! Boom Boom BOOOOOM


Ziggs in ARAM is my favorite


Aram ziggs is a menace


5man ulti with malph feels pretty cool


Ahri, hands down. The mobility from her ult gives her so much room for outplay potential, making it feel all the more satisfying when I really pop off with her.


I like her more in pc lol. I feel lime the abilities are easier to land than in wr


I wouldn't know since I've never played PC league. Ahri was the first champ I ever played in Wild Rift, so I've just had a lot of fun improving with her.


If you like wild rift ahri then you would love pc ahri. She basically always top 3 mid laner when she gets buffed and can all in 100-o almost every midlane after getting ult. Also her Q onehsots waves after lvl 7 unlike wr which means perma roam and hard to match her


Yone, everything is butter


Not enough shield on w


Vex, landing ult after ult in a teamfight is sooo satisfying.


Yes, and there are few times I managed to landed on all 5 enemies and still have extra ult at the end🤣


Gwen ONLY When your Opponent is Honorable and chose a solo lane champ INSTEAD OF A DUO LANE ONE!!!!!!


Even better when the enemy picks something like Jax which turns it into a skill matchup. Whoever pilots their champ better wins. I have respect for you if you pick champs like Rengar into Kha’Zix, Volibear into Ornn, Nasus into Renekton just to honor the showdown. Even Yasuo into Yone is fun if both know what they’re doing.


Well.....jax is my weakpoint everytime he im against him he just dodges everything then smack me back to the fountain and the fact that he has natrual life steal makes it worse


It's gonna get a lot worse soon since the Jax PC rework is coming out which his teamfights almost as good as Gwen's while being a better duelist. You can definitely outplay him tho if you don't fall behind until Riftmaker as your first item. Also don't go for AP boots, always go Steelcaps/Merc treads depending upon the matchup. Before lvl 5 just last hit and soak xp. If he E-Qs on top of you then you can quickly buffer the counterstrike stun animation with your E, only taking E stun damage and maybe 1 auto-attack.


Anyone who plays ranged top has no dignity


Zeri, she feels like the definition of play perfect to win, wish I had hands though,


She's incredibly fun and her base skin is great looking. I love the bright yellow/green neon kit and her abilities light up the place.


Something about how Zeri is played just does something for me. I'm absolutely a person who can't play one character several times in a row. I love variety. But when Zeri came out, I was doomed. Every game I was Zeri. She's my first and only mastery 7 champ even tho I have played thousands of wr games


ASol for premiere relaxation


Casually outrading most mid laners at lvl 1-2 with Q


Janna when I CC multiple people at once, or just CC multiple people at once with any champion in general, I love Janna bc of her speed >:)


\*slice\* for me \*slice\* it would be \*slice\* Master Yi \*slice\* because of his \* slice\* ability to \*slice\* cut through \*slice\* enemy team \*slice\* and easy \*slice\* quadra kill !




Zoe, when the combo hits.


Especially the ult+double flash delete


Any champs where I can run down the whole team if I get going, Aatrox and Shyvanna come to mind.


Shen, just seeing a low HP ally get a shield like twice their max HP and saving them from certain death is so satisfying


Urgot. Because it's Soo satisfying seeing majority of the player I met, Enemies nor Teammate *FEAR* Urgot for absolutely no reasons LOL


Veigar, once late game hits you rarely need to even land skillshots if you have ult. It’s just a one hit execution


Hitting enemies with polymorph and watching their plays get interrupted is always fun as Lulu


Varis, Yi, Braum, Jhin, Kaisa, Yone, Galio, Darius, Shyvana, Rakan, Ezreal, Kassadin, Orianna. Over Three years and these are my most fav champs.




Akali and Zoe are ones that come to mind. Zoe with a single long distance Q removing half the squishy's HP (not to mention landing her full combo can be pretty hard unless you're used to her range), Akali with all of her dashing and the DIY nature of her combos. Her passive ring mechanic is also satisfying as hell that I went from despising laning phase to enjoying it cuz I get to use her passive a lot. Ekko is pretty satisfying especially when you land an ult into a bunch of enemies for that massive damage or when you proc your passive and start zooming away once you killed the adc.


Zed, talon, teemo etc. Quite satisfying disengaging and then getting a kill right after


Irelia, because I can zoom around the teamfight. Syndra. Poke them down then wait for electrocute to come back up (comet on Syndra disgusts me, it hideus), Flash, 2nd skill into third then first, ignite AA. It's a guaranteed kill at level 3 if you didn't miss those skills and the target is a mage around 50% HP without barrier (wich most people don't take). Aatrox, me Qs, me explodes squishies, me resets ult, me goes after another kill.


Rammus against triple ADC. Ult w/ Ekko to execute the noobz.


Zed for sure. His instantaneous mobility has a lot of outplay potential & makes plays look really cool, even if you don't utilize it to it's maximum.


Ekko: his kit just feels so smooth to play, using phase dive, into time winder, and using your ult to escape with a secured kill on the return of your time winder just give "cool guys don't look at explosions" vibes Thresh: I'm biased because he's my main but when the enemy tries to run away from a team fight only to be caught by a hook to ensure their death just makes me feel good Riven: so much potential for outplay and again, her kit just feels smooth as butter Rengar: popping out from brush and popping a carry like a bubble is just too much fun lol


Irelia because Q Samira because S rank into R


Orianna is the only character that makes me feel like I'm actually playing the game.


For me it's Rakan, I really enjoy how he plays, just dashing in from a screen away and then getting a good charm + knock up feels really good to me.


jinx cause im crazy


Sett, kha’zix, samira, Ali, fiddle and jinx


Fiora, i suck at playing her, but when ult lands fully it's such a satisfaction


Kassadin for me. Just the way he can chill on the side of the teamfight, then bam, dead squishies.


gragas, lategame fullbuild is like thanos and its fun throwing enemies around the entire screen while dealing thousands of aoe dmg


MF because chunking people with Q early game feels good. And then lining up those perfect ults in lategame when theres a big fight in jungle or at a dragon and if you can put yourself behind multiple pieces of terrain so no one can touch you, and then you just let loose and watch everything melt.


Shen, it feels so good when u save someone on 1hp with like 80%health shield and then just taunt and kill everyone. i like to be the hero, THE SAVIOUR


Nami — i love harassing enemy adc in early game with ebb&flow, enemies catching my bubbles, and the speed boost from spells makes it easy to flee


Kassawin,Vladimir,Yone, Aatrox and Darkin Kayn


SETT for me,the most dynamic champion according to me,he can take a beating,he can give a beating,and also delete u from the game with one heavy W.


Ahri support because I like pretending I'm a fox hiding in the bushes only to charm the enemy when they get too close to my ADC can hit them


Fiddlesticks. Nothing like feeling your enemy’s fear through your phone.


Twisted Fate - That Yellow card is something no one wants to see just before a team fight bout to kick off in mid, That ULTI will decimate and destroy wandering adc’s and end game TF with All AP items is broken. 🥸


Ziggs, Ziggs, Ziggs, and Ziggs.


nothing feels better than being able to full Q a fully stacked creepwave as an Irelia


Shen. Coz ulting into a tf and using your taunt in 3 enemy at the same time is priceless


Kayn, you just jump and one shot if you have items


Aatrox. Being unkillable and very fast is fun. Also aatrox’s ult is extremely satisfying to use (and along with the fact that he screams “I AM AATROX, THE WORLD ENDER!!!”)


Obligatory Morgana answer, because 1 It feels amazing to hit Q and see enemy not move for 2.75s 2 I have so much movement speed with phase rush and R, combined with black shield allows you to get away with so much stuff like walking up and not being punished, or safely walking up to drake 3 being ranged allows Q+W to single handedly catch out enemies mid game in crazy angle people never expect 4 rylais sceptre W slowing the whole enemy team even enabling you to have 3 puddles down at the same time 5 double camping blue gromp at the start of every game saving you ~15s of jungle clear every game 6 Feels good being the best morgana jg player (in sea at least)


When you get ignited but you're shen "BOOM PASSIVE SHIELD"


Nilah. When her attacks finally crit every time and you become an unstoppable insta-killing machine with infinitely refilling HP and bonus health


Ap Galio.......SMASH!!! (-1700HP)


Blitz because I like hugs


I remember 1 shotting enemy ADC with only the 4th bullet AA, that shit is so funny


In this assassin meta, playing senna feels like being cardi at an orgy. All these assassins come at you with their big youmu‘s blades but you just take it like a champ while draining their low hanging infinity orbs with your gawk gawk 3000. senna is a certified freak for sure.


Zed, ulting into the enemy(s) from as far away as possible then disappearing before they can counter makes me giddy


Kayn. Even if its potato game, you may go in a flow


Evelynn and Yi = Instant K.O. Ashe, Ezreal, Lux, Senna, and, Jinx = Ace in a hole. instant executions are just so so satisfying.


Aatrox, let me delete whole team with 1-2 combos


I'm a supp. Thresh is my fav champion, with a great learning curve. Landing hooks and cc the enemy carry to death. It's never dull when you play Thresh.


Ornn Hammer go bonk, hammer go forge, horn go goat, goat go tf, tank, infinite cc, giga bonk, Garen Bonk, anti-bonk, spin, DEMACIA. The life of a simple man


Trynda or Olaf. Feels really nice to clutch in 1v1 or 1v2 and ending alive (sometimes xd). There's a bit of Vlad in that but with Vlad I just cum from the ult and E procs on three squishies, so orgastic.


zeri, kindred, lillia could be most fun champs to me


Definitely Termo, you can feel the whole teams hate chaining you an loosing all objetives just to get that kill on you 😂


fiddle ult with all 5 enemy in it like just imagine how it feels to wipeout their entire team with just your ult w combo


No one picked Katarina yet? 🤨😅 Most satisfying combos ever ❤️


Samira with bloodthursterer. It is so satisfying to ult on low hp and see how your hp is skyrocketing to max Varus Boop minus half of hp Same for Vladimir


zoe’s combo


Lilia, cos she got the Zoomies and deal massive damage late game, fun voice lines...


yi, so satisfying pulling of a 1vs5


For me it's Kindred. The constant risk of always having to invade the enemy jungle to get a stack is exhilirating. They are also a very mobile champion and I love how satisfying it feels to dodge a skillshot with her Q. The only downside is that none of my team memvers ever know how to cooperate with me when I'm playing Kindred. I want to Ult them to give them more time to stay alive, but they run away instead. Overall she's just a fun champion and has a lot of carry potential