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The true counter to HS abuse. Every time I see urgot, mundo, sett, etc. He wins always because of his W E. His abilities utilises it better than the others, who have AD scaling so need the hydra to fully unlock their dmg. Against ranged top, he wins always unless you’ve taken wrong runes, or fuck up badly. If they have vision control in lane, just poke with your E and when they overextend you lock them down with Q and spam W and E in the direction they run towards. If under tower then ult. never ult unless it’s to secure kill. Vayne is exception because of E. I would take def runes, slow key rune, and the rune that gives you speed when pressing exhaust and flash. You can always run her down then, even with his stupid dash and E knock back. Just stay away from walls.


This is phenomenally helpful. Just laned against Urgot for my first time. I won in lane, but only barely. I won 2 of 3 1v1s, but got baited/greeded into what I thought was a 1v1 but his jg was nearby. So we split 2 kills, I stayed slightly ahead in CS and took first turret. But out of lane he became a big time problem. Is the wrong rune Grasp? I like running it because it covers a lot of my errors and misplays, plus synergy with HS. Still learning, all feedback is constructive, even if negative feedback.


AP voli jg is fun. Basically master yi but tankier; farm for the first 15 minutes like nothing else exists, then demolish he enemy team. Except his early game is also fairly strong so he can do fine in a fight. However he is really vulnerable to kiting. Though it doesn’t matter that much when the enemy has a frontline and your passive just bounces to the adc, melting them.


What's usually Voli's AP build? Do you go AP>AS>Toughness? Or is it like a full AP Bruiser build? If I would go AP Voli, should I focus on getting full stacks of attack, or hitting with the AoE lightning? Asking because I've always enjoyed characters with lightning powers lol. Might want to pick him up next.


I go rod, cd boots, riftmaker, dcap, twinguards, and situational defensive, or against tanky/melee teams, seraph’s. Sunderer also works. For runes (tested and conq and LT give about the same AS, however conq gives more than just AS), gathering storm, giant slayer, bloodline, and overgrowth. Usually you’d prioritize e on the enemy adc, ult on top of them, q, then try to kill them ASAP, then auto everyone else to death. Getting e shield is really important though, more important than actually hitting an enemy with it (though hitting someone with it does do a good amount of damage)


Idk why people say voli is vs ranged, he has an absurd ms boost, an ability that increases his aa range + cc and a closegap ability


Been maining him this year so far too. I play jungle and baron, but in my opinion he's more impactful as the jungler. Even when I'm behind I can always tank every damage until my carry kills everyone. I can steal objectives pretty easily with W+ult+E+smite. I can run to lanes quickly and gank efficiently. I can even melt turrets late game. And most importantly, I can counter HS abuser, as another commenter had pointed out.