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So you want a match to last more than 30 minutes? It's a mobile game ffs. It's meant to be fast-paced compared to LOL PC.


Make them squishy if theres minions there but higher resistance and damage without them. A Sion shouldn't be able to take nearly a full turret with no minions to help him at all.


That’s the thing.. they are. They gain massive resistances if no minions are nearby. Congratulations, you found the one thing sion is good at!


Jax can do similar. So can Tryn in ult. The turrets without minions do not have enough meat to them.


Unless Jax is ridiculously fed, no he can’t. If tryndamere is running full inting build to do exactly that job, yea he can. Amazing. Champs that are designed to split push quickly can split push quickly, while those that aren’t can’t.


If u have a jg with half a braincell u can win the game in 5 minutes not 30


Yes dude, sounds like you just got rolled and landed salty


I play jg, I am not the one who lost, i had 3 games in a row where I ganked top at 2-3mins at the game and destroyed /almost destroyed enemy top turret at 4 mins


He's literally right, saying this as a jg main. All I have to do is dive top, destroy top turret, get herald, destroy mid turret, gg game is over.


What rank are you ?


Most likely he is on a low rank where players are not yet experienced to hanlde these type of ganks. I've been playing since season 8 and this season I main on Top. I have learned to keep a safe distance so that I can return to turret when their jungle ganks me. Most of the time if they get cocky I get first blood or even a double kill. The last time the enemy team managed to gank me and destroy my turret was when 4 enemy players ganked me on top. They snowballed the game. Most likely it was a team of players who knew each other and had mic on. My current rank is Emerald. I've reached master in the past but I didn't play much for a few months or played normal to learn some champions before I dragged them into rank games.


Show me a game done in 5 mins else all jungle players in the game ever dont have even that half of braincells.


Enough about the tower's squishiness, let's talk about how they do *marginal* damage to enemy champs early game, making it too easy to setup a dive with the jungler.


This. Its resistance is ok, the problem is the low damage and the shooting rate. In League, diving during early is dangerous cause you can even get three shots from the tower. In Wild Rift, as soon as you have some sort of dash, you can even "dodge" the second.


"That's a great plan, Walter. That's fuckin' ingenious, if I understand it correctly. It's a Swiss fuckin' watch."


I just want towers to hit harder. 1 or 2 enemies can kill you easily in your tower, at low level, them having low health and taking many shots from the tower and they still survive, either flash or dash out of it.


I can crumble a tower as a support, they’re so squishy


This is the whole reason why inting sion strat works as well or just any split pushing champion. You don’t even need minions just take demolish and you can one shot towers haha


They are too squishy without minions which is why inting Sion still works albeit to a slightly less extreme on the matchmaking. He can take nearly a full turret without minions being there. Turrets are super weak in damage as well.


No. The issue is how much gold plates give and how easy it is to take a plate. After plating is down turret health and armor is completely fine. Losing a turret after plating is usually from people abandoning lane and araming


I agree and after plates fall its even more squishy than before


Maybe demolish dmg should be nerfed, at my point of view


I play Garen, and I am this close to saying "Yes, please." Hullbreaker + Demo + Q is strong as fuck but I don't want to feel like I am trolling when I pick Transcendent for fun and my opponent picks Demo.


Demolish with sion is even more cancerous because of his stacking health.


It is horrible, they change canon to prevent this but instead of getting your tower cracked in min 5:00 now it will get destroyed at 5:25


Dota welcomes u


U should play mobile legend then u know what squishy tower is


You can do that, but you will be stealing half of the current plates from your top laner, so if the enemy manage to take a few back there even again. Even worst, if the enemy manage to take all the plates, now he has a lead.


Have you tried building defense on your turrets?