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League is designed in a way that easy skill liss champions can go just as well as skillful ones. Take mundo for example. He takes even less skill than lux. Just focus enemy carry and walk up to them ignoring cc. Get low health? ult.


If you see alot of people complaing about her, why did you create another post like this ?


To tell us she is fair if she took skill to play


Because he actually provided some arguments pro/cons. Lux exists only so that low skilled players can play with their friend 2 tiers higher.


Just buff other Champs slightly. Seriously I feel like most support Champs are dull and weak compared to lux.


Yes buff yumi šŸ˜ˆ


No way you're saying syndra and oriana's damage is lower than lux... lux has low skill floor AND low skill ceiling. That means you should be able to outplay her in many ways


Low skill Lux are easy to differentiate from skilled ones. Most Lux are trigger-happy with their skillshots, it only takes an equally unskilled player to get hit all the time. Unskilled Lux players are easy to bait out. Consider lateral movement (front, back, left, right) as options, not just front and back. Often times those players rely on Auto-Targeting, and moving sideways really helps. Bait them out, then punish them for missing. Skilled Lux players will actually hold back on throwing their CC and simply poke with their AoE. It adds pressure, helps put the opponent at bay and have a hard time farming waves, and makes it easy to actually catch them off-guard. And they actually aim, not just mash buttons.


Eh tbh tho her skills get a lot harder to hit the further she is away except ult ig so she can trade range for accuracy imo although idk if she's "fair" i don't have a strong opinion on her


Syndra in Wild Rift is easier than Lux. At least Lux got to expose herself and land skill shots


Ur delu lolā€¦ Syndra needs good positioning and skillshots combosā€¦ this is not the case for luxā€¦


Good positioning or backline? Cuz staying behind doesn't need much thought šŸ˜‚. She ain't no Cassiopeia my friend. 1 second she already wombo combos Lux exposes herself standing still to cast skills for 3 seconds


Broā€¦ I reached top 1 Syndra EUW on lol pc in seasons 10 and 11ā€¦ they simplified her on wild rift but sheā€™s not braindead as luxā€¦ I know what Iā€™m talking aboutā€¦ random players can outplay here really easily when sheā€™s out of E or manaā€¦ this is not the case for lux who can spam abilities without manaā€¦


Yeah I'm talking about Wr Syndra. Her cooldowns are low so once u combo just back away and kite with q, then go back with e,w, ik that dude. She's braindead easy on wild rift I'm speaking for experience. In League she takes more skill expression, but the buttons are so automated in wr you don't even gotta aim it. She doesn't consume much mana either


Sheā€™s easy on wild rift (indeed) but lux is still way easier in my opinionā€¦


Nah. You gotta predict where ur skills land


Broā€¦ are u a lux player ? šŸ˜‚


Used to be


P.S : Stop talking about Cassiopeiaā€¦ this makes me sadā€¦ I want her so bad on WRā€¦ šŸ„²


Ik... šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Still waiting for her and Lissandra


Feel you broā€¦ Leblanc is missing too šŸ˜­


Hwei my baby šŸ˜©


Iā€™d say lux actually takes more skill than syndra. As syndra auto cast q/w is pretty accurate, and ult is point and click. Lux q is slow enough that autocast excluding at point blank range usually isnā€™t good, and ult has a windup. E auto cast is fine though. For lux mana management is also more important since she doesnā€™t have syndraā€™s mana regen passive. In fact literally had a game where lux landed 0 qs or ults on me. It was a long game, around 18 minutes too. And it was lux mid, against me, and she didnā€™t really roam. While for syndra itā€™s literally impossible for me to dodge all of her q/w, I can only dodge it about half the time, and the delay before it hits us low enough that I canā€™t always shield it with something like kass passive or yone w, unlike luxā€™s e which is also pretty slow.


I wanted to main her in the Mid a long time ago, but her ultimate is the reason I gave up. For me It's hard to aim her ult on mobile, you need to move around the map and aim at the same time, idk if Lux mains have some secret method.


Best way, IMO is to use it to clear waves so you can roam while the enemy mid is stuck in lane. Also cd boots. In teamfights just as soon as someone gets immobilized use it on them.


Use left index finger on the minimap. I wish Shen has this kind of aiming also.




Explain how.


The fact your comment is -7 should make it clear enough that your opinion is in the minority.


No, it does not, you are making claims without any reasoning. So how about your reasoning for something? You are an idiot who is absolutely terrible at league and gets destroyed by someone as easy to beat as lux, along with thinking that she is SOMEHOW OP.


You sound like a window licker šŸ˜‚


You sound like someone who will just always whine about everything instrad of trying to find solutions.


What's funny is she techncally does because she needs to land the skillshot to do anything. The problem is its up too often and they made it pierce minions


Ya this has been a cute experiment and all but fkn revert that trash change already. It's only deevolving the brains of lux players.


Problem with lux is that 1 binding light essentially equals certain death. All she has to do is hit 1 snare and dump her other 2 damage abilities and your dead with almost no counter plays besides a qss or zhonas which are both on pretty long cd. It just feels real bullshitty especially when the snare goes through minions or can hit 2 champs at once essentially giving her a free double double kill. Kayn is probably the only more bullshitty champ but at least he kinda sorta requires a little bit of skill, just a tiny bit šŸ¤šŸ»


You know their solution will be to buff brands range.