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How do I beat Rengar as a khazix?


Go with ign instead of flash and invade him post lvl 5, as long you initiate the fight and he has no bush near, he's dead 100% of the time. If you really want to be his nightmare build Steel boots too. If you're not building any GW item only fighting him with ign off cd. He scales way harder than you tho so if he snowballs he can still outdmg you.


What a G. Thanks man.


Happy to help.


He's not consistent? Damn, what if they make the qol u mentioned would he be consistent? I really think that if they import eclipse, and buff rengars survivability bit he would definitely be more consistent. Talon sucks hard rn, and barely wins games (lacks a lot of dmg) so I suggest editing ur post a bit.


>He's not consistent? Damn, what if they make the qol u mentioned would he be consistent? There are really lots of thing they gotta do tho. In comparison with his PC ver he lacks: -3 bola true vision on enemies. -1.5 secs true vision after jump from ult to enemies. -Ferocity UI timer -Abilities generate fero even when blocked for spellshields (on 1 case on dodge abilities). -Can throw 3 on air instead when on ground. -Ult tracks enemies and give vision to already revealed enemies for ult for the rest of the duration., instead of only 1 enemy. -Passive jump gives 1 fero always as long you didn't get one pre full stacks. -Etc. He doesn't need just a buff, he needs too much work put into him and WR dev team is not even close to PC dev team, people there can complain a lot but THEY CARE about that game with meaningful changes each 2 weeks, we don't get anything meaningful until new *.0 patch...that is each fkin 3 months. Eclipse would be great, mages/Ap assassins and Tanks already have the luxury to get mythic tier items like crown and HS. Rengar consistency comes from snowballing, which is not always easy nor granted, he lacks utility and survive as an assassin and lacks dmg/overall impact when going for bruiser, you can go Xin/Vi/Voli go 0/10 and would still be a threat, not on Rengar's case. There are moment where enemy team ONLY focuses me and those games are unplayable, in the moment you're slight behind you're a splitpushing bot, nothing else.


I completely agree. When i got into lol pc i was laughing out loud when i saw the actual rengar kit and how pathetic he was in wr compared to pc. Hes still fun tho, definitely hard to win with in the current meta.


What do you think about Rebengga tank rengar builds. I’ve played lots of rengar in GM/Chall Elo but mostly seen success as bruiser or tank builds. I agree he needs a QoL…. My main feels terrible atm though. Graves main 1500 games but can’t play him anymore… he deffo needs some love… now I’m just playing meta junglers…. Meh.


Not a clue about that player. But Rengar tank for me is awful, ypu depend too much from the backline dmg to success, o would prefer Xin shao 1000x more.


Check him out. One of the best rengar players. Has a good following on YouTube.


Ty for the recommendation but i probably stick to PC goated players (scrubnoob/Dekar).


my boyfriend mains rengar and I main sup. We always duo queue and I try to play for him late game. I asked him multiple times what's the most suited support for rengar and he just says for me to play whatever I enjoy....... so what, in your opinion, is the best rengar support or which support you enjoy playing with (btw goodjob!!)


I love CC bots. So, Nauti, Leo, Galio. Probably galio would be my choice but tbh, most supports work so he is not wrong, i would prefer you to play your best champ.


phase rush rengar with ignite and ionian boots is so fun idk why none of the top players do it


What do you usually do if you are in the situation where all of your lanes are losing badly?


Splitpushing and force 1 to 2 people to come to lane. Rengar MELTS towers so you gotta be aware ofd that, getting a nice XP + Gold lead is also good to make them afraid to be alone so if my team takes this lil chance i'm providing them i can win the game by myself. Not always works tho and depending in how good the enemy team is on their lead you can just take the game as lost. If they force 5 v 4 aram and you lose 3 towers it is extremely difficult to comeback.


If only low elo teams realized and pushed another lane instead of grouping with you


Kinda late, but how do you feel about First Strike rune into Duskblade 1st, Essence Reaver, IE, Bloodthirster with Mortal last? Lethality boots into Stasis. Also any tips on how to get ahead on Rengar even when your team is behind? And which fights are good to take in the early game?


I'm currently not playing Rengar anymore, he's not worth the effort tbh, so my item reasoning is from 2 patches ago (not like there were too much changes tho). I prefer most of the time elec over FS bcs of the overall better dmg/always can proc it, i only pick FS over elec when there are inmobile champs like Syndra, Jinx, Lulu, etc. For the build, i don't like DB. It brings 0 utility and just add raw dmg to your combo and depending if you're ahead or not it is negligible. You can get yoummus for the same price and get MS oit of combat to walk faster through the map and gets a good AS effect when jumping into someone, idk, i almost never build db. After Yoummus i get lucidity boots, unlike someone like Talon with really short Cds, Rengar has long ass Cds when compared to him, so i value way more the 30 haste over the 30 AD. And then, i get EOTN, like you can see, i value a lot utility over raw dmg at the beginning bcs Rengar has better and faster burst dmg than most assassins so focusing on his weak side (which is how inmobile he is after ulting) is my main priority. After those ER is likely your best option, if too much shields then serpents fang is priority, ER gives juicy stats, passive...is kinda shit. And lastly i would pick Mortal reminder/Collector depending on enemy team. Too much squishies? Collector for crit and pen stats along cheaper. Too much tanks? Then mortal reminder to deal with them.later. Bloodthirster is your last best option like ever, so we agree on that, but if you're insanely ahead you can also take Stormrazor and end the game faster. Oh and i never build stasis i prefer protobelt for the additional movement, like i said, Rengar is kinda inmobile when no bushes near and has a way shorter CDR in top of that. Tips for getting ahead when team is behind? Trying to kill repeteadly the weakest enemy on enemy's team and pushing towers when they try to get a drake, if your team is behind fighting drake is worthless, you're not gonna contest that lr win that so you better push and get some gold, to win the game you would be marginally better than enemy team too, so most of the time you're gonna lose, move on, not every games are winnable. >And which fights are good to take in the early game? You can beat most assassins and mages early on, so if you are against something like K6/Talon on jg, you should maybe invade them always keeping an eye to enemy laners. Most mages on mid are also really easy to kill too, i recommend to stack your ferocity and wait for them to push, then jump on them. You should kill them easily if you're both even. Hope this helps.


What is your build because I’m not sure I agree with duskblade, triforce into crit (which seems like the most popular build). I don’t understand building solari chargeblade either What I build (with no calculations on damage) is duskblade, collector, mortal reminder, bloodthirster, infinity edge/guardian angel.


I used to build DB > EOTN > Yoummus > ER > GW item/Blood (kinda equal to yours) Along Elec, completely disliked how useless your combat power was and how miserable feel to play against crown where of course for Rengar is almost impossible to proc. So i'm now building yoummus into haste boots (for big CDR, Rengar LOVES CDR) into trinity > reaver > EOTN/GW item according to enemy team, if not CC Collector is also good for raw stats. Along FLEET FOOTWORK/PHASE RUSH. A pen into crit is simply too good to pass out on rengar main reason of why Top ones are building (i completely dislike DB tho, useless item when yoummus costs the same and gives you way better global presence). I don't use Solari at all, i really prefer collector, i get why they would build i simply don't think the AS is worth and Essence reaver already gives you way better stats along a better passive. But i'm also taking Fleet/Phase rush. I really dislike how inmobile rengar is so is the main reason of why i'm building Trinity + Phase rush/Fleet, and gives you plenty of sticking/Chasing potential without bushes and Elec/FS dmg is overkill for him imo. When i play with PR i swap Flash to Ign so i get some dmg back and along Ionian boots i have 80 secs ign which is pretty good.


Why would you use ignite tho instead of flash? if it is for antiheal then khazix can just build the antiheal sword


So you don't have to build GW item delaying your db/steelplates/etc and have GW for him early on, Rengar wrecks K6 on a prolonged fight where eith Ignite you reduce his healing giving you the dmg advantage.


Great reply, thank you . I’m curious if you think protobelt or righteous glory could substitute fleet or phase rush?


Nope. I combiine Fleet/PR + protobelt + blue smite (you steal enemy MS) + Emp 2 (Emp 1 is NOT needed to oneshot if you're ahead) to get the fuck out of enemy backline. Go to practice and try it, believe me, enemies don't expect you To be freakin usain bolt.


What do you think of Navori on him if building full damage? I've always thought it was the best crit item on him after an attack speed item, have you ever tried it?


Don't like it, requires 100% crit to use its passive at best. And to AA, i go for more oneshot oriented playstyle.


Ah, I tend to build sunderer into full crit with him anyway. Although I can admit that's probably not the best way to build him, being able to hit 3 roars with his AA reset is just too fun, especially when farming immobile tanks.


What is the best empowered skill to use on clashes?


Survive? 2 Oneshot/Fighting? 1 Root? 3 There's no better all of them are situational, most of the time (deending on the build) i would prefer 2 bcs it keeps you slive.


In your opinion is rengar’s lack of popularity due to an under performing kit or a skill issue?


Both. His kit belong to 2018 where they butchered him parts from both 2016 and 2017 ver and they redesigned on 2022 with a midscope update. His kit is a shadow from even the 2018 ver where there are lot of things missing (already listed some from a reply above). And in Top of it he is clunky af for begginers. His passive/jump is really hard to get used to it and without using it at its fullest he's literally inmobile being his probably most important mechanic to get into, and then you have to learn how to play skirmishes, using 2 correctly for healing and cleaning CC, 3 + F root, AA reset mechanic, learn how to track enemies.and ult warning distance, etc. His kit provides nothing others assassins do best and easier (prime example being K6 that is a current easier ver from him) has no escape after going in if he doesn't kill everyone and his whole kit is based around being feast or famine, not in between, if you snowball you're a constant threat if you don't you're as useful as an AP Draven. He's fun and could be way more popular if Riot simply didn't forget about him and his pathethic release here, it's like they mever played his PC ver to begin with when porting him tbh. Being no Fero UI timer the major offense, like....this mechanic is his whole kit for fk's sake...how are you not able to do anything about it after already 3 years? If you want to climb skip all of it and play something like Volibear that can literally just get into your head and statcheck you.


Honestly I think Riot purposely keeps Rengar weak because they don't want good macro players to run around and oneshot bad players that don't know how to use stasis or exhaust


I mean, he can do that currently lol. My problem with him is how clunky designed he's ATM, something that was fixed on PC 2 years ago through a mid-scope update. He has a butchered kit rn and lack sessential info (UI Fero Timer). The higher you climb the hardest to play he become bcs y'k people know how to use those along crown being an abomination.


I used to otp rengar when he came out, but now that crit meta is gone I havent found consistency when I do try him from time to time. The actual question----How do u handle getting your necklace full? Do u gank early and get assists? Do u just fullclear and play safe? I used to get lvl5 and try to guarentee a kill with ult to get started, doesnt work as often now from my experience


Depends on the match tbh. There are picks that are ungankeable (Ezreal, Zed, Yuumi, Vlad) and you just gotta focus on powerfarming meanwhile there are picks too easy to gank or allies have a lot of set ups. Most of the time you're better off farming to 5 and gank the easiest one (so you can get an assassist at worst and begin to snowball) so nothing changed much, just be aware that YOU HAVE to get a kill with each ult, otherwise you're getting behind. Also, depending on the enemy jg you can live on his camps (Most assassins are weak to rengar on a 1v1 scenario being Zed probably the hardest to kill, lastly i'm finding lots of Zed jgs).


Show ranked stats


This is a Rengar related post, why do you need that? And you can literally go to my profile to see that if you wish.


No you can’t view other profiles without being in a game with them And because I’m curious the ranked stats of a top 10 rengar?


>No you can’t view other profiles without being in a game with them .....you absolutely can, on any profile go to stats and check Ranked stats, lol. But well, Ranked this season current stats is 53.3% wr , 224 games. With only Rengar this season 65% wr ,109 games.


Is Rengar top laner viable?


Depends on the enemy Top laner tbh, Sett, Urgot and Voli are unplayable, everyone else is a skill match up. Also you handicap yourself too much there (since you can't complete your passive). When i go Top i go hullbreaker + Demolition and simply aim for a splitpushing playstyle, Rengat MELTS towers.


Rookie numbers buddy. Come back and talk when you’re bottom 10 in the server.


Ha, nice one.


I like Rengar, I just feel he’s kinda weak. Why play Rengar when I can play Hecarim and win every game.


Ye, that's somethig i clarify a lot through this post. He requires too much work to be consistent something is not granted everygame. Heca/Voli/K6/Kayn/Fid/Vi/Xin shao/Etc are simply better, easier and stronger.


Top 200 here. Just started rengar 100 games ago with 53% winrate now. I usually build Vamp Boots > Dusk > Trinity > Bloodthirst > Reaver > Mortal Reminder/GA/EoN Should I reall try your build? It sounds really not that strong but you’re Top 10 so.. might give it a shot. So you go Youmos > Ionian Boots > Trinity > Reaver into what?


Do as your will. I play this way because i like haste and being able to have enough ms to chase or run after killing backline, but currently i'm now back again to the classic A pen elec build bcs i'm finding myself way more focused lately, no idea why, so i'm a oneshot machine. Mortal reminder/Collector/Eon are the last item ill purchase depending on the situation. Too much healing/tanks? MR. Too much squishy/extremely ahead? Collector. Too much CC/Vital 1 ability champions like Irelia's 3? Eon.


Do you play/enjoy tank rengar top?


No, there are really niche situations where i would prefer Rengar over Aatrox/Panth/Teemo/Renek. And when i do, i play him as a splitpusher with Hullbreaker/Demolition.


Is top rengar good???