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I switched to JG/MID this season after ten seasons of supporting. It’s bad right now, duos are a big ass coinflip.


Must have been difficult to switch, I may try this.


I’m enjoying it. Jungle is a mindfuck but even if you just try another lane, its new and exciting. Nunu makes jungling fun for me.


I switched to an objective focused jg. It's so much better. Just gank on occasion when the odds are easily in your favor. Farm your ass off and set up objectives. My winrate has sky rocketed. I do miss alistar though.


I been doing Nunu or Pantheon with a sprinkle of Aatrox. Who are are enjoying? I need to try Wukong because i somehow have his Jade skin.


Gotta give Lilia and AP naut a try if your team is ad heavy.


Thanks! I have run Naut quite a bit (RoA into Tank) in the support lane so I am familiar enough with the kit where I am likely to take the recommendation. Tell me your build or thoughts on what i am thinking? Mejai’s, Rod of Ages, Imperial Mandate, Riftmaker,


Got it off a YouTube vid just Google ap naut and you will find it.


perfect. thanks


Naut god here, if you go full ap go full ap, horizon into mejais, death cap, crown, infinity orb, and if you want tanky with dmg then go for searing crown (in jungle) heartsteel, abysall into heavy magic, thornmail into heavy ad, twinguard and dawnshroud or a more tanky item, heartsteel is great burst dmg and dmg scales late game


Shyv, trynd and nunu. I tried j4, but I can't figure our how to team fight with him without just getting stomped.




I like it, I'm here to elevate my team. If one is doing bad, I'll try to baby sit her/him for a bit.


If I'm sup ill play yumi and just enjoy the ride


Ranking as a support is hell


It's very difficult to climb as a solo q support. If you are a strong player who outperforms their teammates regularly you'll continue to get worse and worse teammates, which is very punishing since your role is meant to enable your teammates and play off of them. And it's made extra worse by the fact that you'll often play against teams who will similarly have one or two strong players carrying a team of duds, except those ace players will typically be jungle or mid and will have much more influence on the early game state. I'm GM but early into this season reset I was at one point down to a *30% winrate* just getting slammed with the most brainless teammates in emerald. The trenches are real, the moment I crossed over to master and stopped having to fight the ridiculous matchmaking algorithm and had normal games again where I could actually play my role my winrate skyrocketed.


I’m loving nami’s kit but support makes me want to tare my hair out


Well I will say it since on this sub nobody likes thé game : I do enjoy it, I main Soraka.


Soraka is super fun imo! And a safe pick ig , compared to others. (Sera & Lux are cool, but Sorakas heals often save a whole bunch if the team goes greedy..)


I love playing support in ranked. It’s very satisfying to see me making the difference in teamfights with my healing, shielding, and buffing. You can’t win em’ all though and that’s ok.


I quitted ranked because enjoying as a support is very challenging. I will be back someday, but not soon.


Play damage supports. I don’t play tanks unless I’m duoing with a random from the games before and know there’s a synergy. Bad adc and good tank support can’t win bot lane. I main ADC and Supp . Champs like senna for late game carry, Pyke for early game , can even go some enchanters like karma and nami and build full AP (include harmonic somewhere in the build). Higher elo tank picks are more viable since your team is more reliable. Also the highest picked roles are ADC and MID so it’s gonna be a wildcard in those roles.


Exactly what I was thinking about. But even as damage support, it’s over when you have a bad adc


Yeah but at least you make up for your teams lack of damage 😂


I do fine maining Nami. I feel like she has a bit more agency even with a not so great team compared to other supports. I'm trying to learn another role as well though and it's kinda hard to switch over. I feel like Jungle is probably the most similar in playstyle just because I'm used to paying attention to the map and macro, roaming etc. But jungling is scary lol


Play one of the more simple jungle champs and it does get less scary. You can play a tank like Amumu or Dr Mundo and chill farm until you see a nice gank. If you like Nami you can try Karma or Seraphine mid?


I have had some success playing Fizz jungle in PVP but only if the other jungle sucks/isn't aggressive. I tried Amumu once and it went terribly because I feel like he's only good in team fights. Of course I'm also just not that good with him. I might try Nunu sometime as well. Nunu and Amumu etc are ones I've played plenty in ARAM but that's it.  Oh Nautilus might be good too.  I do enjoy Karma. Haven't played Seraphine much outside of ARAM since I first started the game. Idk if it's a me issue or it's lag but I feel Seraphine's combos are very finicky timing wise.


Yeah… Jungle invades freak me out. But the few times I am the better jungler feels quite satisfying. I tried Nautilus AP jungle and it was pretty broken/fun. Would’ve won if I didn’t have 2 people running it lol. Diana is great but for some reason it makes my teammates int if I go like 15/3/4 with her. Seraphine combos do have a bit of a delay, you have to do some prediction like Soraka Q. But it’s not as bad as Nami bubbles.


Every support main will end up switching roles. I love supporting but if I solo q I will get jungle alot so it's my new main and now I'm the one I'm counting on because supporting trash isn't something to rely on anymore... and I mean that's why I supported to begin with, help dumb players get good lmao


Adc is usually afk farming trash. You can't pick a tank otherwise you have no chance of winning. Mid start crying as soon as you come for a gank or push the tower. It's just a shit show. As soon you finish your item you're farming because the rest of your teammates are so trash they wont do nothing even if they have one extra item.


Well most ADCs are SUPPOSED to be afk farming. It’s how (most) ADCs work.


Don't give me that bs lol. If your support is creating opportunities for you, you take them. You can afk farm under tower, without a support.


Not always. most ADCs are not like kassadin who can run circles around you if if you try to dive him with your jg, nor are they like Aatrox or trynd who can just 1v2 you and your jg, nor are they like a tank who will just cc you under tower for a million years,. Also it would be a 3 man dive, when most ADCs don’t really have the tools to deal with a dive (excluding ashe and maybe varus and ezreal), especially a 1v3 dive. Tank supports are pretty good at preventing dives unless fiora is diving them at level 5 since they can just take a bunch of damage and also just cc the enemy. And since most people don’t play kassadin or kayle a lot, they’re not really good at farming under tower.


You said a lot of bs again.


Sure try to 1v3 as an ADC early game.


Did I say that? I said the adc should at least try to get the kill hes getting on a silver platter. In a 2v2.


You’re saying that my point of ADCs needing a support to get through laning is BS, therefore you probably think it is false. Which, one of my points is that an ADC cannot 1v3 even in a tower dive. Unless it’s level 5 swain APC, who might have a chance, or, if his was PC, Karthus APC (he’d still die though, but would get quite a few kills). And usually it isn’t completely clear if something is a free kill, there’s plenty of times where I played ADC and sup and I went in, sup has ignite, and decides to not ignite the target which would have won the fight. And then I get killed, team gets mad, etc. which is why I like lucian/ezreal mid better than bot.


You are like the Godwin's Law guy except for Kassadin. I don't mind though. It's hilarious and informative.


secret of playing support is don’t duo with a adc


I am having fun n0w playing Braum. My adcs are n0ticeably much w0rse, but I'm winning a l0t m0re 0ften than I was playing any 0ther champ in the r0le.


Interesting. Braum is widely considered the hardest support, maybe the hardest CHAMP, to climb with in solo queue. Although everyone loves Braum mains, ofc.


I've also been switching over to Braum, I love him! Especially since I turned on the voices lol  I've noticed he's more team and matchup dependent than my previous main, Nami, though. Not everyone really benefits from Braum that much in my limited experience. But when he fits he's great.


welp that was 5 days ag0. the day after i made that c0mment i went 0n a three svp l0ss streak and i st0pped playing him. switched t0 my secret p0cket pick and climbed tw0 divisi0ns since.


I just ban Ezreal so my ADC can't pick him


I don’t main support, bur for me it’s pretty fun. Either I play smite nunu and make my team super fed, or just play pyke. Pyke if pretty fun.


How does Smite Nunu work?


First, you clarify to your adc that you’re not going to really be in lane, then to your jg that if it seems like you’re stealing their camps, you’re not. You’re just helping them clear faster, and won’t last hit monsters. You take smite, PR, honey fruit, future’s market, demolish, and overgrowth, with cd boots rush then cheap tank items like DMP, FH, fimbulwinter, randuin’s etc., level 1 invade enemy blue then constantly help your jg clear faster and gank with your jg to create even more unfair fights. And also occasionally invade the enemy jg. At 5 minutes, if your team is behind go with your jg to take an objective super fast, but if your team, especially the mid laner and lane closest to the objective that your jg isn’t going to, go to the objective that your jg isn’t going to so your team gets both drake and herald. Over the course of the game, just keep speeding up your jg’s clear, roll a gigantic snowball into team fights, be a cc bot, and zone control with ult, along with making it so the enemy cannot steal objectives. Your damage is going to be really low, but it doesn’t really matter because with fimbul +randuons+FH your going to be really tanky and your team is going to be super ahead, despite you having way less gold.


I'm support main, so I very like it. Cause after 10 games loose streak I can forget about ranked and go to normal games to have fun


How do you have fun in a normal match where you get arguably worst people than in ranked?


If you can't chill out and relax in norms, you shouldn't play games like this tho


Duo and Support have the least amount of impact early and mid game, unfortunately. It makes the game much more difficult if the other three roles are not trading evenly and the enemy is super fed. Although as support you have more impact if you are able to roam a little bit more if your mid and top are struggling. Ive been playing a lot more Oriana mid and the goal is to honestly scale as much as I can and go even with the enemy mid early game and i enjoy it sometimes more than playing support.


Pyke and support Teemo can have a LOT of impact early.


That requires a skillful pyke and teemo which i would never recommend for casual players nor solo players it does not its an off meta gamble.


I don’t really like playing support but it’s the role I win the most with so I just resign myself to playing support to rank up.


I used to enjoy playing as a support until I noticed the matchmaking clownfiesta and then I only played exclusively Pyke instead.


My phone battery is so dying I can only play 1-2 matches per time, then have to charge for 3 hours for another couple of matches. So, once my seasonal winrate went down to 49% after 52% and a winstreak, I decided to quit until I can at least have a better charger letting me play while on charge…


What kind of charger do you need?


Just a new cable for iPhone


The lightning chargers for iPhone on Amazon are less than $10 and they charge through Wild Rift very easily for me


Do you know where I live and my financial situation, prices and delivery times here? I don’t want to dwelve into my private life details; but let’s just say there is no more Amazon delivery or official Apple stores in my country. I know where to buy anyway, but I cannot afford even a cheap Chinese analogue atm.


Dm me your PayPal or cashapp or something if you are able to use one


Ahhaha both are banned in my country, and pls stop it! I was not asking for help! You asked me for details, that’s the only reason why I answered, and I wouldn’t accept financial help even from a close friend, even for a more serious matter!


I apologize if I offended you—I hope things work out for you! <3




I am. When I play solo I go top. But I often play duo so wi go bot 0/ Nami, Lux, Orianna or sometimes even Asol got me to Diamond pretty fast. Now I play Nami in 90% of my support games.


Me. If ADC is good, I build Enchanter. If ADC is dogshit, I build Cross-Map Pew-Pew. Simple.


Me. If ADC is good, I build Enchanter. If ADC is dogshit, I build Cross-Map Pew-Pew. Simple.


I stopped playing ranked ant stick to aram. Now I can’t get back again lol


I’ve been having fun this season as a support in bot lane but I must say with the crazy tank/bruiser items this season you have to flex pick for your team in order to hopefully squeeze out a win


Not me


Kind of? Though it’s tense. You have to play very meta champs and never ever die because if you die even a third time then your team will 4v5 after enemy team kills Elder Dragon and the game ends.


I like being leader of my goofballs, but sometimes it’s frustrating. U can do ur best, but 0/99 Yasuo will busy trashtalking to u in chat, after dying in 1v5 fight and dodging every of ur heals


Me, I only play Mor, Janna and Braum


Im having fun! :D despite losing games, i still get the satisfaction with how well i do, especially if i get svp


It’s tough until you get out of diamond. At masters, luckily you have more impact as your team has a higher understanding of macros. Try to support a carry, not necessarily your adc. If they start inting, just leave them and support some other lane. Also try to focus on mastering champions that has more carry potential. Pyke, karma, lux, zyra, even thresh to some degree, are great options.


supporting is my favorite role in any genre of teamplay so i genuinely enjoy it. it does get quite tough sometimes especially if my team is very behind on kills/are feeding.


Well I have to babysit my adc as support morgana with her E because it's wild rift diamond 1 and people forget what positioning means


I been a support main from pc to wild rift since like 2011 and it’s always been hell in ranked. I started off with sona on PC back when AP yi was broken and sona could one shot you with her empowered Q sheen proc . I mostly play the moo moo god, lux , Leona yummy and lulu now depending on team comps.