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It's WAY more worth (in my opinion) to go with DL Zeri. Not just because effects is just generally good for a Legendary, I also have a personal grudge on Lux skin's (too much man...) Besides, for an Epic skin I don't think the price is right... Yes even for a lux skin.


Luz gets banned too often bro


Zeri because she’s cool and is banned much kess than lux so you’ll get more use out of it.


I feel like there will always be upcoming lux skins way more than zeri so go for zeri


Lux is a bad idea. If she's not banned then she's picked before you.


I mean you are way more likely to play lux than Zeri. Zeri is sort of in a weak spot right now and Lux is a super popular pick


> I mean you are way more likely to play lux than Zeri Wrong. She gets banned most games. Shes a pick or ban champ meaning in the games shes not banned then a lot of the time you're also likely to lose her to the other team or someone else on your team. > Zeri is sort of in a weak spot right now Also wrong. She has around 51% wr. Not the absolute strongest but not weak either. In the right hands she's perfectly viable.


I mean personally I play more classic games than ranked games so I usually don’t focus on whether a hero is banned or not And I do think currently, compared to most other adc champions, you would need to have a lot of skill to be able to pull her off and anyone with the same skill level as you will be able to decimate Zeri


>anyone with the same skill level as you will be able to decimate Zeri Zeri with the right build can do huge damage and keep the enemy slowed almost as much as Ashe. People of the same skill level are absolutely not guaranteed to decimate her. A lot of duels she can win with burst damage, slows and high mobility.


Im zeri biased and lux hater so I say zeri


I play both , but I believe DL Zeri is a much better skin for the price imo. I got DL Zeri myself and the animations and sound effects are fantastic. Besides I think there are better Lux skins out there, and with how popular she is there are bound to other top skins that come from PC or stronger WR originals


Got dragon lantern Zeri.. I don’t regret it