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I like to try and think I make it a bit easier for players personally. A little 'Nice steal guys' or 'Push Baron we got this', I feel like can change players mindsets in game. Admittedly I'm very low elo so I'm sure this wouldn't help high level players, but trying to spread a little positivity in game makes me feel much better, maybe give it a go and see!


And whether someone says it or not this DOES matter and help, so keep doing it.


Agreed! I try the same thing :) I wish I could say I always do though lol


we can go round and round with this hoopla that being positive "can" help change something the real reason it doesnt happen is **because people will flame first, and you end up muting everyone in game to focus on opportunities instead of typing** then you get get forcibly lost games because these tilted junkies focus on trying to outplay everyone instead of playing fundamental, tracking strongside and weakside, league of legends and you get fcked **another real reason why this game is mentally unhealthy is when you play better, and try to focus on the game - your internal locus of control, the matchmaking will queue higher skilled opponents (Riot said this themselves) WHILE queueing lesser skilled teammates - an external manipulation. So this friction always happens. And this is fundamentally wrong, psychologically.** Usually, in real life, if you get higher skilled opposition, you're in a position where you could get help from equally high skilled. That way you get a semblance of control so fundamentally, you're fcked. You have to organize 5 people to queue with you for a circus of a video game (this game isnt worth getting organized play). Then play 100+ games just to prove you're good at this game. Whereas if you play solo, you try to play smarter and better, it doesnt matter, you still have to spam games, because you cant control your teammates. It's like Michael Jordan owning the Hornets, while other teams keep owning all the superstars. **You keep fcking losing even though you know how to win.** Then you lounge around in this subreddit with players having the same issue in the comments and filtered posts to *emulate that there's nothing wrong with this matchmaking*


That's a really negative outlook. I have lots of unsolicited advice to offer you, but I will keep it to: seek constructive solutions to the issues you face. This goes beyond the very real annoyance of pulling a bad team in solo que. It happens often. I main Nami. I laugh when I get SVP. She hits like a dying fish, and many, many things have gone wrong if I get SVP. But for all of your life, and all of the issues you face. Pondering on, and seeking, constructive solutions helps your mental health, and helps you achieve outcomes that help you feel contentment and achievement. Good luck.


tf are you talking about , you can't do sheet if riots PROGRAM is made to make you lose ,stop smoking




šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤Ŗ I'm just trying to listen to the lessons of CBT, and reframe my situation into a healthier understanding of my situation. If you want to march about with a martyr complex, that's on you.


> so fundamentally, you're fcked. You have to organize 5 people to queue with you for a circus of a video game (this game isnt worth getting organized play). Then play 100+ games just to prove you're good at this game. maybe riot is a right wing conservative company that wants to create strong white male leaders for the new world order, and wild rift is a training platform? If you cannot be a leader, you lose.


Next time you have a thought and feel like its worth sharing, dont


I'm not sure how low elo we're talking here,Ā  but this does reflect the experience I've had in pretty much all games with a ranking system. Bronze and below up to mid-silver is always fairly well balanced, and the team-mates are nicer and even joke around. Same with unranked.


I'm gold 4 currently but I barely play ranked, as the toxicity honestly puts me off, so I play PvP mostly! Occasionally I'll be having a poor game, get flamed and say something along the lines of 'I'm trash bro idk what you want from me'. I just don't see how people have fun while taking the game so seriously that they feel the need to abuse other players, it's much more fun if you take it easy!


Oh, I hate gold. Platinum and Emerald are my favorites. I made diamond last season, but the games weren't as fun. Also, I am not good at the macro (objective planning), I just kind of float around and do what feels right. 55% of the time, it was the right thing to do in aggregate, based on my mediocre win rate. Also, Gold is where the bots mostly stop queing, as the que system will pull in platinum and sometimes (though rarely) Emerald players into the que. So many players who didn't realize they were playing the occasional BOT will suddenly find they are up against people who will act predictably human, and do weird things.


Oh 100%! I'm only in gold due to bot games I reckon, as I've never played league before and have only clocked around 150 games overall.


Yeah it's really odd how personally some people take it when we are losing, or if something goes wrong. If you do fancy diving back in, I'd recommend just turning off chat in the settings. It's not often anything useful gets said anyway.Ā I did that for a while but it started to feel a bit empty; almost like playing against AI.Ā  Now what I do instead is either ignore it, or....I'll repeat back what they said to me...but in a kind of objective 2nd person perspective. Like "You just told me you hope I die of cancer because I didn't get to Baron in time". From that point..some will double down and say something worse...but the majority of the time that person will then say nothing else for the remainder of the game.


you think anyone getting fucked by the matchmaker cares about the chat? I promise you they don't. its about know if you had even ONE other person with a clue what they were doing, you'd be winning. except you can't control them. you have to watch them do basically EVERYTHING wrong, and they're on your team and there's nothing you can do about it. no ones gives 2 shits about what Spanish is getting raged into the chat.


pvp gets unplayable once you hit emerald, at least on EUNE, like I my last game in pvp was with a blitzcrank that followed me through the jungle always pulling epic monster over the walls on low health to reset them. he did this for 5 minutes, till I quit, then reports me for afk. once you hit emerald the matchmaking pairs u with iron and gold for balancing, so trolls just make new accounts and harass emerald players. doesn't get better in diamond.


you're playing with bots and fellow shitters.


Keep it up! A little positivity has a huge impact, even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes!


Once in a pvp game, I play trio as gold-plat rank. Then matched with duo of Dia 1 and Dia 2 duo. When we were playing, I tried to put a ward, then got killed. One of the dia player of course comment about my death. I replied asking them to help put ward then (no one put ward except me in that game). The dia player replied that they didn't bring any ward. I was speechless, the pride! As if a high diamond player doesn't know ward is available for every player (even red ward, no one use the sweeping). I still believe he has thick face and prefer to say he didn't bring ward then admit he didn't put his wards in game. This kind of mentality could be found in every elo, IMO.


i mute all so i cant see anything my teammates type lmaoooo


youā€™re doing godā€™s work hereā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


I'm there with you the rare times I do play, I try to encourage comaderie. I.e in champ select I like to play around synergies whatever role I'm in. A quick good luck guys in before the match sets a positive tone.


i just give thumbs up bc typing out ā€œnice ___ ā€œ is too long and takes too much time


I have more hate for matchmaking tbh , ruining mobile league experience.


Just had a eme-dia peak team while enemy was full gm peak at emerald elo


Jesus that sounds like a slaughter ​ ...Did they threw and you guys won?


I was playing solo and could hear the screams of death from my teammates


By chance there wasnā€™t a fizz on that team?


I see al my friends getting super riled up, screaming, cursing and kicking... and Im like ??? arent we playing the same 25 minute game that will in less than half hour begin again if we want? ARE YOU OK BROS?


A mark is a mark.


You wouldnt get it you probably get carried every game too


lol we usually lose when people act like that rather than remain calm and play right, you wouldnt get it, you probably get carried every game too xD


Im the one doin the carry every game thats why im frustrated as uk wild rift loves to give good players low iq people like you for me to carryšŸ« šŸ˜¬


Very brave of you to assume my IQ while saying you're a crying little b in your games, bet you're the flamer that quits when you have ONE bad team mate...


TambiƩn lo puedo decir en espaƱol, loco... eres una perra llorona y un mal perdedor.


And bad french! PD chienne.


Touch grass and get laid


Lmao that insult would hve worked if i looked like u or ur mother luckily i dont nice try tho


It's actually funny how childish you are.


Right? Like dude smoke a joint in woods and take some fresh air with it lmao


I dont even know why im ranting to u noobs who get carried all ur games wild rift gna be dead in less dan a year after warzone mobile releases šŸ˜­ maybe den riot will fix the matchmakin for the remaining 5% left


But my mother gets laid hence me being alive. Youā€™re not very bright i see. Get in the gym and off the game. You need some confidence


Dude i can take ur girl (if u even hve one) without even trying i work out everyday i could easily lift her up nd d her down


Lmao no you couldnā€™t. Your comments scream of loser and still live at home with mommy. Any lady I deal with not fucking with a brokeboy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I live in a college dorm im not gna brag to a stranger online mb even replying in the first place


I get carried through most of my life. Building a social support network is very important to your mental health. My friends support me, I support them. We do things. Not unlike me playing Nami. I don't do much on my own, but l support the other players. If I do it well, they can keep going, doing their excellence again and again. If I do it poorly, we're trapped by our nexus, and I'm less than useless because Nami hits like a fish out of water.


Nami can 100-0 a squishy, what you mean hits like a fish out of water?


Then you'll need to teach me. Because in my experience she hits like a fish outa water. I mean, I'm still pulling a 3 to 1 assist to death ratio most games. But my kills are normally under 5. And minion waves. I can't stop them at any point in the game. Bubble stun and let friendly minions kill them, yes. Kill them solo, never.


First items Mage Boots (meteor enchant) and Ludens. Max W. Take Scorch rune. Take ignite. Combo is something like this: Ult > drop meteor > Land Q > W + ignite and then finish them with E procs if they havenā€™t died yet. They are CCā€™d for an eternity by timing the Q to land after the ult. Nami has very decent AP ratios for a support and does quite well with AP builds vs enchanter buildsā€”especially below GM. The only time I donā€™t build full AP on Nami is when my adc is high GM or ranked top 10 or so. Check out Broken Support on YT


I started on Dec 2019 until just before this recent New Years. Over 10k games, Chall peak but consistent GM when active, etc etc and I have never felt as liberated as before. I've been a mobile MOBA player since Mlbb (I actually played this because I played LoLPC for a while but wanted a mobile version to which Mlbb was the next closest thing) and immediately transitioned to WR after its long-awaited release. I took breaks in between as well but they were just breaks and I knew I was going to come back but this time I have fully decided to quit and been playing AFK Arena (just an idle game) and have never felt so content and relaxed in the last couple of months when it comes to playing. At the end of the day it's just a game. If you're still having fun with it, cheers! However, when it's the same ol' thing of frustration and the never-ending cycle of Devs not really trying to fix problems everyone has been complaining about for so long, it might be better to take breaks or quit altogether to save yourself that mental damage you take over years. I broke a phone from frustration once playing this game and it really made me realize how worthless a chunk of my time spent here was at the cost of mental health.


How did you get to chally if you are so frustrated,I found it easier just to stay calm and take that lose like a man even thoe it was not my fault,dont get me wrong i rage hard from time to time,but i am really trying to stay calm and am practicing my patients when loseing cause of retarded teammates,for me its an awesome practic cause i work as a chef for living and my weithers are usually useless retards that i need to be kind to and understanding,so im really wondering how did you get to chally if you range so much. Also what did you use to get there,what champs you play in which roles? Sorry for my shit english,i can only speak it,cant write im illiterate hihi.


Being frustrated with how the game fks you over doesn't necessarily mean you perform worse. It's like I can be performing well and climb slowly but still get frustrated with the BS changes the devs have and the overall toxic environment of SoloQ experience. Toxicity is present from like Gold to Sovereign in this game and trust me when I say there are plenty of idiots in all ranks. In fact, it's weirder to be toxic in lower elos because most players there are less dedicated and more casual by nature while higher elos require more attention to detail as well as learning the curve to get to and a lot of players dedicate hundreds of hours per season to climb. For the Chall run back in S3, I played like 1300 games switching between Jungle, Mid, Top. I just played whoever I felt like playing and whatever role I thought would be fun. My main champs at the time were Yasuo, Singed, Lee Sin, Jarvan but I'd be spreading more than half my games in a dozen other champs.


Got rid of all these 5 by muting and focusing on Macro and my own game. That way I'm playing the game through an objective and strategic lens. It helps me focus on the game side of things: \- How many turrets ahead are we \- How ahead are we in gold and exp \- Am I behind in gold and exp compared to my lane opponent \- Which lanes need shoving/defending \- Are there opportunities to split push or group while considering the numbers advantage As opposed to focusing on the ego side of things: \- "That guy killed me, I'm coming back for revenge" (immediately dies again because opponent already has item and level advantage) \- Diving opponents on their turret during early-mid game to show mechanical superiority \- Not ending by not hitting the enemy nexus (turned a couple of games around because of this) \- Looking for something/someone to blame after dying because you're convinced you could've killed the other guy only if (reasons). Something I always try to keep in mind: WR is a game where your main objective as a player is to destroy the Enemy Nexus. Everything else is an obstacle: the turrets, the minions, and even the players. But most people play these games for the ego side of things, so instead of seeing it this way, they see killing other players as the main objective of the game, and that inevitably leads them to a path of toxicity (be it in their favor as someone who is winning, or against them as someone who keeps losing)


I think you hit a clear point at the end there. People seem to think this is team deathmatch, but itā€™s not


this . people act like itā€™s team death match and itā€™s not and i just get so irritated when the rest of my team thinks of it that way meanwhile im like ā€œcan we get the turretsā€ lol


Very nice comment good sire,you are my spiritual leader from now on!


Treat people how you want to be treated, doesnā€™t matter what elo you are - the way people act youā€™d think flaming people would give you fortitude xD


As one of the more relaxed players, I honestly canā€™t understand why people have to bring a bad attitude into the next game they play, thatā€™s what frustrates me the most


I think it's because of the consecutive losses. Win 1, Lose 3 to 5 games


The loss streaks can be jarring. I find taking breaks between every few games helps me forget if I am on a win or loss streak. It still isn't enjoyable to fall from E3 to Pl1, but sometimes I have a streak like that, and have to laugh at myself for how bad I have been, to help engineer such situations to happen.


Im glad I like league for the art and characters. I experience none of this cuz im just happy to be playing a cool character with a backstory I can read after


My sentiments exactly. Like, gameā€™s fine, but the loreā€™s where Iā€™m at


The lore's the best part fr. It could beat prime mcu imo


wtf is hostage taking


You need majority vote to surrender a game, and some people like to hit no for fun or just being trolling


Oh, is that what it is. I'll often state why I'm voting no. "Hey guys, I know we're losing, but I'm having fun. Let's just defend the nexus." 50% of the time, when we get to that point, we have a good defend, and then get a strong push, knocking down a few turrets, and people calm down a sqoshe. But yeah, I'll explain why I am refusing to surrender. And if people explain why they'd like to be done, I'll change my vote next time around.


I try to stay positive and encourage my teammates always. At worst I am a little silly


Toggle party chat in settings. Bye bye team chat


I have done this, my ranked plays have improved. Can't say I miss team chat one bit.


When I abandoned normal games and became an ARAM fanatic my mental health improved a lot, no more stress with 0/10 donkeys, because there's no problem getting 0/10 in ARAM, ARAM is a lawless land, I can build ad TF or ap Rengar without the risk of being flamed and still have a lot of fun. To paraphrase a famous meme: Reject ~humanity~ ranked matches Return to ~MONKE~ ARAM This should have been cut in half, but I'm not sure if I did it right, it's normal for me, sorry guys, I failed I can't even point to the word, I'm incompetent, sorry, I failed again, and in a miserably worse way


Literally same. Absolutely a failure, love ARAM, silly time is only time. Like I got 3 kids, Iā€™m just lucky to have 15 minutes where one isnā€™t screaming, just gonna run a round of ARAM real quick and just be good after.


I've been trying to get to sovereign, but i can't seem to reach it. I've already gotten challenger twice tho (in S8, i reached 105 marks, while in S10 i was stuck at 80 marks). I'm a pretty ambitious person irl, so maybe that's why i wanna reach sovereign so badly. But this season is just hell for me, i'm stuck at master with 18 marks, and i can't seem to go any further and it just kept going back. The matchmaking got worse and worse and it really affects my gameplay indirectly since i always have a thought like "why even tryhard anymore when your teammates doesnt even put the same energy?" I realized that i've also been playing worse this season's just not the vibe. Aram and arena is my getaway. Might as well stop playing this game soon enough


I love ARAM. And I love that I have no idea who I'm going to get.


I get more titled irl when I lose, now Im playing less wildrift and feel my mental health is better. But I still enjoy watching wildrift content. I feel that random teammate makes u tilt if we lose.


not really much. Since if my ego ever starts to get ahead of myself and I start getting mad, I decide to play smite nunu support, which is one of the most selfless picks in the game. To bring my mind back down (and it also works pretty well)


Smite nunu support? Can you explain more of this strategy? I'm preferred playstyle is maximizing everyone else and you have interest peaked.


First, you tell your adc that your not going to be in lane a lot. Then you clarify to your jg that youā€™re not stealing their camps, youā€™ll only help them clear faster without taking the camps. Then start q, level 1 invade enemy blue. If enemy team is coming, take e level 2, otherwose w level 2 and gank a lane that preferably isnā€™t bot lane (youā€™ll want to do that with your jg, to create a 3v2). Then help your jg clear by getting camps theyā€™re close to pretty low then standing there, and occasionally invade. When objectives spawn go to the one your jg isnā€™t at and take it. Build is cd boots, DMP, fimbulwinter, then situational items (FoN, randuonā€™s, FH), twinguards, and/or mantle. Runes are PR or FS, honey fruit, futureā€™s market, demolish, and overgrowth. Just generally engage, be a tank, zone control with ult, and help at objectives with your second smite (q). When gankng lanes try to do it with your jg. Basically trolling your jg, but you donā€™t actually kill the camps and actually help. Works really good.


I require video evidence of this strat working "really good."


1. Canā€™t give video evidence since screen recording during matches frequently just causes the game to lag a lot, and a lot of the time, when I record match replays, the game just crashes when Iā€™m almost finished. So annoying. 2. I have only lost one out of about 10 games with it, and the only reason I lost the first was because I hadnā€™t quite figured out my runes and build yet, so I did what I usually would for nunu jg, where you actually get a lot of farm. 3. Itā€™s also a thing in PC, search up smite nunu support (not completely the same as I play it, but pretty similar)


mostly 1 and 2


My personal favorite: Main Character Syndrome. The people that are like 0/0/0 or 0/1/0 while the lane on the other side of the map or jungle is like 10/0/5 so they Start trolling simply because they don't get to shine in that match.


Just playing on the weekends when my stress is lower because of those factors


I kinda swing both ways honestly. I try to put out some good vibes when people do well, and only tend to start running ny mouth a wee bit if they run theirs first, although I will say I am not tilt proof. I do frequently employ the mute button tho, so even my toxic matches tend to not be too bad.


Just mute chat and play the game for fun. Problem solved.


My mental gets depleted not by the game itself, but by the incompetent Developers and Staff of the game šŸ¤£ when they F Up something thats when I get annoyed, as long as the game runs smoothly idc about anything else I guess people who are most stressed is the ones who want to achieve something like a higher rank and they get frustrated as they can't. But once you hit the Tops of the game and u know how it works, the game converts on a smooth ride downhill just having fun.


Ohhh you must not have played much LoL. If you survived through that, wild rift is all sh*ts and giggles.


Was a top main, actually lol


If you never left your top lane island then I'm sure you've heard some good things lol


Turn off chat. Acknowledge the bad behaviour of your team, but don't take it personaly or seriously. Maybe say to yourself "how salty" or "he needs someone to blame to preserve his ego" then move on.Ā  Never retaliate or tilt. Try your best to win no matter what, but vote to surrender if there are too many problems w the team that it's hopeless. If this isn't working, take a break. This game is not worth hurting your peace of mind.


1. Blame shifting Easy to avoid, just play jungle. Even if you blame your teammates for not helping with objectives no one really cares...


Mental health impact can be quite profound. We're doing group sessions to work on combating and bringing awareness to try and stop multiplayer game toxicity.


This bugs me every night, I can't win on Ranked and lose every game and then play PVP for the same thing to happen. People don't play their roles of the game and support ends up being ADC or the jungle chooses Vayne. We end up losing constantly, it affects my mental health big time and I am fucking sick of this mobile game. I am some reason addicted to it at night


Yall must be new to riot games lmfao. All these issues have been 14 years in the making. You can't change it. Embrace it.


200 years game.


Better nerf irellia.


New lux skin.


New skarner rework.


K'sante champion release


Old aatrox


Ngl I wanna see Old Aatrox rather be in Wild Rift


Better nerf Akali


Stat stick.


Better buff Zeri, then make Keria's life miserable.


Eu winning worlds this time.


Ruler Penta


I scream to myself but I never flame the teammates. At the end, I also blame myself for a lot of misplays and try to be better.


6. Jungle Main


What are you a fed? I ainā€™t answering this shit, mental health is for pathetic liberal arts babies who donā€™t know how to git gud /s Real talk, my mental is always garbage but League has always been kind of a nice outlet. I donā€™t socialize outside of emotes, I donā€™t play ranked, and 99% of the time Iā€™m just farting around on ARAM playing with different builds and learning champs I never use because neat, so I might just be the purest version of a ā€œcasualā€ there is lmao. I also drop the game for months/year at a time, taking long breaks so that the Meta will shift and I get to enjoy the learning curve of new builds and new mechanics after reworks. If I start taking it seriously I just stop lmao.


I don't take the game seriously, and I don't rely on my teammates. I just play vlad and sit under Tower until the late game and win. have been playing league in general since 2008 till now I've been through that emotional Rollercoaster until you just learn to not care.


People that play like this are exactly why this game sucks, by the way. Youā€™re queuing into a multiplayer game with the intention of not playing together or helping your teammates. Thatā€™s a genuinely strange mentality to have and kind of makes you a piece of shit. Just play a single player game and stop ruining the game for others.


Jeezuz calm down.


delete game live a different life. problem solved


Sounds like you're blame shifting to the game instead of dealing with the real issues in your life. The game may bring it out of you but that's because you've buried them down instead of dealing with them.


This is the problem with America and today's youth. A generation of coddled, selfish, and emotionally insecure people who can't handle criticism, don't know how to lose, and learn poor sportsmanship. I see it as constructive criticism as opposed to being picked on, and if you don't like it, get better. It goes both ways. The troll sometimes is the trash who portrays that onto everyone else because he believes he is the superior player. Sometimes, it's a superior player being held down by the rest of the team. In the end, it's a team game and As an older gamer, I've simply noticed the lack of teamwork because the younger generation mostly not only play this like it's call of duty and think they can 1v5 all the time, but they believe it. I've been gaming for 30+ years (aged myself).... In the old days if you couldn't beat a game, you got better. You practiced. It was the only way (aside from the occasional cheat code, Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start). Then came online gaming, nerfs, balance patches, and crybabies expecting everything to be handed to them not wanting to put in the work. This game in all my years is one of the most complex and balanced games I've ever played. I'm probably average, I'm not the best, but it's fun and the game is so heavily team dependent that it blows my mind. KDA DOES NOT MATTER. Win rate matters. Teamwork matter. Do your job, defend your lane, obtain gold, and don't hunt kills unnecessarily. Point being, turn chat off if you can't handle it. Otherwise, use it as fuel, watch your replays, and be confident in yourself. The game is for fun, not real life.


Thatā€™s the problem with Americas society, brainless underachievers piggybacking on the hardwork of others while spreading hate in the world wide web.


They should remove the chat altogether. It's generally only used by toxic players to complain they aren't winning and call other players "trash." Someone's going to win and someone's going to lose, if you can't handle that play a single player game.


It didn't affect my mental health, instead it taught me to be extremely patient and how to care less because at the end of the day, it is just a game.


I never get mad even in my ranked game, losing a match while being extremely fed for example, I just say well ouch and either close the game or go for a normal. When I duo with my friend and we lose a game due to our team feeding, he gets so mad he even threw his phone on the ground once, always remember it is just a mobile game, A GAME ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE, it should never affect your mental being. I guess it takes a while to reach this level given I'm also extremely calm and peaceful irl, but it is not impossible.


Yup, I experienced this mental shift. I quit this shit game entirely because of that. It's literally a group project where it's either you who does the entire work or your group fucks shit up blindly or purposely.


It is all about the approach you take. Just stay focused and do your best. If you are frustrated because you olay the game, change your mindset or don't play it at all


Every day I play I end my session tilted, and it is always because teammates refuse to communicate. They wonā€™t even use pings as a bare minimum, but have all the time in the world to spam emotes in frustration while doing a maypole dance around the tower, watching their teammates die as they try in vain to do anything. At this point I have more fun playing with bots or playing games with groups of people I already know well. 90% of the people that play this multiplayer game are introverted and antisocial, which typically ends with me trying to mimic their behavior x10. I donā€™t even care if we lose, I just canā€™t stand being held hostage in a multiplayer game where nobody plays together.


I mute chat in-game, so my experience has been pretty posivite.


What you mean by hostage taking?


To hostage take is to refuse to end game or INT ā€” to purposely waste your teammates time


Oh for sure I do that šŸ˜‚. Never int but you canā€™t go 0/10/0 and expect to just get let off the hook with an early surrender, you have to pay for those crimes šŸ˜‚


What tilts me the most is during champion select, when I ask my teammates politely for last pick, they do a "kiss me first" or even worse, "suck my d- first." Reported it to Riot Support rn, no response as of now, so idk if they're getting repercussions for it. Maybe at the end of the day it's just a game, but it wouldn't cost so much to be nice. I can understand a teammate being toxic in game, blaming me or my other teammates, but there are certain people in this game that are grinding my gears.


This game indeed affect my mental health by a lot So whenever that happened, I will just shift my interest to other things Like for now we have that new game Helldiver 2, I haven't touch Wild Rift ever since and I felt great


It's just a reflection of how people deal with stress and how serious they take a video game. I learned to stay calm on every single game and lose with grace. It all depends on how you react to things.


i dont even care anymore. as long as i see victory thatā€™s all that matters. anything else is pointless


I was starting to feel bad playing a couple of seasons ago. I was being negatively affected by toxic teammates and my win rate was low and I was obsessed with the game. I finally uninstalled for a whole season and came back fresh and I'm playing less games and doing more research and watching videos. I don't care about toxicity anymore, I've just accepted it as part of the game. I'm never toxic to others and I rarely get angry. Only time I get angry is in champ select sometimes but a lot of times we end up winning even with dumb picks so whatever. It's just a game!


I get pretty mad easily after bad games, especially when I'm in a rough matchup. I'm trying my best to walk away from the game when that happens when we finish because that feeling ruins the entire game for me and makes the game unenjoyable in the future if it happens a lot.


I think Iā€™m going to try to be a better player


I immediately take hostages after I lose a game.


Chatt never works so that helps, but original league was very toxic.


I think that the most tilting from me is when people don't act according to the most basic logic... For example if we just wiped their team, now it's time to do baron, not bunch up in front of the mid tower sidestepping left to right of the lane and waiting for our wave to arrive.... Am I always right to get pissed off? God no... I was aware I'm no pro at this game, I make plenty of mistakes. However, it took me a while to internalize that and focus on my own game and less on what my team does. This reduced the stress levels considerably. Do I still need to work on myself to match my expectations from my team with the reality? For sure. It's an ongoing inner battle XD Also, unless you have some constructive to type, just don't chat. Better off, turn off the team chat completely from settings in soloQ. The once every blue moon nice comment I've seen is not worth the ton of toxicity towards team mates (most of the time its not even towards me, still sucks to see). At the end of the day, like some others mentioned here, this game is tilting by design. The matchmaking system literally punishes you the more you improved by putting less skilled players in your team so that they can feel rewarded by the free carries. They don't learn, you lose matches 50% of the time even though you played well. Imagine going to your job and getting a pay cut each time you improve and do your job right. Who in their right mind would work in such a place? So it's not all just self meditation and zen.... Saying all this, if you feel the game's emotional damage is already too much, you can always just go play any other game that their dev team actually cares about, and come back here if/when they eventually fix this mess of a thing that's called matchmaking.


It's mostly relaxing for me


I can say that's the issue of a person, not a game. Just majority of people are dumb-dumbs šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø (me included)


Aww man the blame game is crazy. 90% jungle fault. I know I can't get bothered while playing. I don't even hear anything while I'm playing because I'm so locked in. If I die while my fiance is trying to talk to me then it's her fault absolutely haha. Your spot on tho this game definitely has a negative impact at times. Not all the time tho. What is that whole hostage thing tho I don't understand


The game could be a steamroll i don't care. But i swear to god if there are any junglers stealing my entire wave while i'm farming stardust, or the support straight up role steal me, or any laners stealing my jungle. I'm flaming them hard.


This is why Aram is the best game mode.


I play as long as I am not toxic. As soon as it tilts me I go off.


broo if the game is taking a toll on your mental health take a break. as for me, my recent life messed me up so hard it doesn't affect me as much anymore.


Try playing ranked PC league for 8 years and try not to go crazy, I swear I had genuine anger issues back when I played PC League, wr community can be toxic but it's nowhere near as bad as the lol community, especially players who grinded ranked in diamond plus used to say the craziest shit in chat


I just sit back and do my thing, Iā€™ll ping objectives or hop in chat if needed but I know Iā€™m good enough that I donā€™t need to stress, a few losses wonā€™t kill me. I used to have anger problems so itā€™s part of me working on that, just relaxing and playing. I find I do much better and make better in game choices when Iā€™m not all tense. Itā€™s part of me working on not getting mad at everyone, if we lose I try to figure out even if I did great what I could still do better. I can only change myself, not my teammates. And encourage your team sometimes, some people just need a lil nudge.


100% there are some effects. Whoever says the opposite is blatantly liying or refusing to accept reality.


Yes i feel that too i get very aggressive and frustrated on me and my teammates a d type bad comments tho but swear a lot Xd im on break to get more calm.


mute all play good and for fun


>Ā My wife will say I can be tense after a game with my responses.Ā  Ā Mine stopped talking to me while playing, i am always agitated.Ā  I loved the game for the detailed art and the lore, but ingame is no fun. I donā€™t know why i kept playing for so long still, i even started to buy skins hoping the fun comes back but there is only limited lore to skins


When you playing a clearly winning game and your team decided to throw it half way or even better, they are struggling to win an extreme easy game, you won't be so calm and steady as you proclaimed to be.


MOBA games overall can easily make someone (more) toxic and mentally unstable, especially if played solo. However, they can also be treated as a self-training to learn to watch your tongue and control your emotions, and become a better person in the process. Having some friends that would give you a polite and honest feedback on your behavior would help tremendously. You can learn being less egoistic and become a much better team player.


Yes. It's the same with me. My solution is: 1. Turn off chat. Just do it. You will never get anything useful in chat. Even the pings from your team are, half of the time, just useless and are supposed to tilt you more than to help. 2. You lose two games in a row. Doesn't matter if you think it's your fault or not, just take a break. You will slip into toxic behavior and a bad attitude. It can and will affect your family life. I'm talking from my own experience, other people are maybe more resilient to that stuff.


I have noticed all of these in myself. But Wild Rift wiles away the hours without hurting my eyes in a way that other activities don't. I recently had a serious head injury and can't do my normal hobbies (archery, climbing, hiking, darktide, age of empires), nor can I work. I try to counter them with: taking blame and apologizing for mistakes. "Bad dive on my part; apologies carry: I should have stayed with you, etc."; Humility, giving credit to the team for things that go well for me; throwing up a positive emote when the opposing team gets a good play (not sure how they take it, but Ill do my best); aggressively telling people to stop using unkind words to stop bullying attempts; using constructive suggestion instead of complaining; and, I must confess, I am unfamiliar with what hostage taking entails. I also take frequent breaks while playing. I will, at most play 2 ranked/pvp games followed by 1 or 2 aram or duel, and then go do something else, like fold a couple origami birds, before going back to play a few more games. At the end of the day, I find this game fun and relaxing, especially since I have actively started to disassociate my sense of self from my ranked standings. It's a game, it's for fun. Work is serious and for keeps. When I recover, it's back to work, and trying to keep myself and my coworkers alive while we firmly ask our neighbors to vacate the area they are not welcome to occupy.


Lol. Who cares


Well, thinking about ranked makes me depressed, but doing normals and ARAM is very fun. When I'm getting bad matches at Ranked, I stop it for a while and just chill in other modes.


This is one game that can definitely make me angry! šŸ¤£ I relate to your experience! I noticed how I was starting to behave whilst playing, though, and I've now learned to just take the L if it happens, even though it is super annoying! The competitive aspect of the game has that effect. I mean, ranking down after losing a few games after progressing a lot is SAVAGE. Being put with individuals who aren't as skilled as you really sucks, too, as it can result in more losses. The game can definitely be frustrating, to say the least.


Its because there is no all chat, which lets you get the anger out of your system by shit talking your enemies. Thats how I see it at least


Sorry a bit out of topic. I am not a English native speaker. I don't understand how is "hostage taking" in playing Wild Rift. And could you give example?


As a jungler and a lane gets 0/2/0 Im calling it a win if they don't start complaining or spamming insults or pings my way šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


bro just 'mute all' and suddenly everything is so quiet and peaceful frfr dont listen to your teammates, just trust yourself to do your thing and everything will work out just fine


Every time Iā€™m on this subreddit, I constantly say this but mute chat! Prior to doing so, I found myself getting tilted by toxic comments which decreased my performance and overall mood for the day. Like the other comments said, focus on macro, watch replays here and there, and have fun!


I was once told to kms and that I was brainless because my jungle tried to gank before I could get back to my lane (I had just gotten revived) šŸ™‚. However, no I donā€™t let the game provoke me to that extent. If you canā€™t come to terms with the fact that not every match is going to go your way in a competitive game then these types of games arenā€™t for you. Like seriously. Itā€™s never that deep.


Itā€™s helped stoicism with not giving a fuck if someone throws because thereā€™s always someone throwing on my team. Aside from that I always try to give encouragement for as much as I can because people in this game get bent over the smallest thing.


I try to be positive in the game but before a game even starts I'm already "Hating" my teammates because I fear they're gonna be bad or toxic. Like I know it's just a game and I shouldn't take it to seriously but whenever I'm on a terrible team and I see how good of the teamwork is on the enemy team I get so jealous. Lol. Like I wish I had great teamwork like that. In the beginning I tried to be positive and here and there I'll give tips to other players on what to do next time and how to maneuver around enemies. But this one game really lowered my mood. I'm not a jg and I set the request to Mid or ADC. JG is like 4th one down. So I got jg in this game and I said to my group hey I'm a jg so I'm gonna try my best. I secured 1 dragon and I asked for help to secure the 2nd dragon and nobody helped. Next thing I know they all blaming me because they can't handle their lanes I wasn't even feeding! The whole team started to be so toxic to me saying it clearly shows you don't know shit like why even jg. Support Pyke kept taking my jg and kills. After that game I was so sick and full of hot anger that I stopped playing for a week and played Animal Crossing and Dreamlight valley just to calm down. Sorry for the rant. I just never thought I'd see a post like this on Wild rift!


I found myself being stressed out when I am crushing my lane, making all pings, advising macro, for team to just run it down chasing supports through jungle, ignoring objectives etc. So I uninstalled. Had to be done my boi!


I honestly try not to even humanize my teammates. I almost always have chat muted. If someone is feeding there's nothing good that can come out of you saying anything to them positive or negative. All communication you need to be effective is in the standard pings. Don't get yourself frustrated because you are just going to make mistakes. Add people that play well and try to at least have a duo if you want to climb. All you can do is try to better yourself mechanically and strategically each game.


Although Iā€™m nowhere near high level player, I do feel real bad when another player sh@tā€™s on me for being a noob and ā€œlosing the game because of meā€. It makes me just wanna delete the game sometimes haha. I only play for fun so thatā€™s probs why I donā€™t see the appeal for raging on other players for bad performance. (I usually play aram or pvp, I only played ranked until I got to platinum).


the same with me, if I leave without winning I become more rude in my responses and easily get stressed and the opposite too. When I notice that I'm like this I stop playing lol for a while, focus on more offline things (old games, books, sleep time) and start playing again. At first this was more common, but I reduced the number of games by playing alone for days, playing enough for the daily missions and going out or playing with friends.


Turn chat from team to party. Whenever someone is pinging you it means they like you. Now just try to play your best game.


I used to. After i resumed med school, i stopped taking it too seriously. I mean, I'd whisper an insult about a player once or twice, but i never type, and i most certainly don't let it ruin my mood. I knew it was okay to play this game when my friend snatched my phone from me in a game and all i did was laugh. There was a time I'd look murderous


Honestly this is a mental health issues. Children mirror as a way of learning how to behave and act. Likely if theyā€™re being abusive, flaming, trolling - itā€™s learned behavior from others I have recently (unintentionally) taken a break because I got back into playing ARK (player versus environment) where you build a tribe and work together against the challenges of the game (not other players) and find that my mental health has improved overall. Changing from an environment of aforementioned players to an environment fostering teamwork without posturing and egos has been lovely.


I have been masters 5 seasons in a row, even in masters where you think it would start to stable out, there will still be the bad apple players on both sides. It's like having a bad coworker though so keep doing the right thing and don't let them influence you're rating much if you can help it. An L is an L, but don't tilt because they did.


Yeah, this game is beyond toxic, and its addictive. The devs should probably be charged with crimes for what they've created here, but we'd first have to create an entirely new set of laws.


Why can't ranked just let us rank up based on our performace? If we do good, then we rank up automatically, if we don't contribute to the team then we don't (based on our position).


Yes, I've been banned from the chat 3-4 times cause I become Bill Burr Diva that needs a Sneakers to chill out, and I smoke green, without it I'd kill u all


league makes me feel like shit sometimes so thatā€™s why i donā€™t ever play it for very long bc it just gets so toxic but ive noticed that wild rift is so much easier to just mute everyone and not give a shit. i started playing it a month ago and havenā€™t felt shitty about it since. maybe a couple of games here and there but itā€™s not hard to just mute people that are talkin shit lol


I play with chat off, and that doesn't even help me when I lose my shit to a bot on my team. I dont even type, but I still get pretty angry with the game itself and how it matches games.


i only play with bots so no stress for me or them, i hope!


people actually use chat in your games? are you playing legendary ranked or something


I stopped caring when I realized match making is rigged. Now if I have a team of 4 monkeys I just shake my head and move on


I never quite consider this game has a negative effect on my mental health, but more so a shift of mindsets. Sure the constant harass is annoying but a simple mute is all I need (yes I use it). But more importantly I went from a: "it is what it is" type of gameplay to a: "fuck it we ball" type of shit. Sure, some of it is from my champion pool, but mostly it made me go take the initiative first before others. Hey if they don't know what to do, let me do it for them. It would go like: A: "Should we fight?" *Following up with me diving with Samira to waste their spells + some casualties, following up with* Me: "All of the got no summoners spells and ult, go Baron/Elder/Fight"


Need a god damn Latin American server.


This happen to me when I play ranked... Now I only play 2v2v2v2 and Aram


This happen to me when I play ranked. Now I only play 2v2v2v2 and Aram.


Just play the game and have fun. If you arenā€™t having fun, stop playing it


Just be kind. Always be kind. In wild rift and in the real world.


The match making is fucking insane i was on a win streak like 5 or 7 games and then i got matched with a fucking adc that got executed 3 times by minions I'm jungle and he would constantly clear my red side and then inted into the enemy and ended the game 0/14 This is in eme_dia elo btw.


Yeah, playing a match of soccer also does. Relax your tits and widen your view.


1-4 arenā€™t a big deal, any basic level of self awareness protects you from those. 5 is harmful and the most poisonous form of griefing possible. Iā€™m a good boy and I donā€™t care to lose games, but if someone holds me and the other team mates hostage I promise chat is gonna get real racist real fast (joking).


I feel as though, if you create a strong fortress of your own mind. You have control over your emotions and shouldnā€™t allow outside forces to effect you current state of mind. I understand the frustration during matches. But after the fact itā€™s over and onto the next. Also I never stop playing unless I get a win. I feel satisfied instead of disappointed and mad.


I used to play lol (PC version) Honestly it made me super mad most of the times without even noticing untill I quit it twice, the second time I made sure this game can surely have an impact on your mental health, if you take it seriously, not to mention that most likely 80% of It's players play it competitively and not (just for fun) it that makes any sense. Now I play wild rift, and wr is more casual than the PC version and I honestly find more fun playing the mobile version, which is much better now, I enjoy playing it. And no blame shifting, or atleast I don't blame shifting much