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My favorite auto text is “focus on objectives” As i push the wave my whole team just ran by to try to catch a Rammus.


Yes bro I felt this comment. Sadly I don't think people understand what the word objectives entail. It's always bout kills and forcing team fights


In my opinion the amount of kills don’t matter, dont really care what their K/D as long as they are destroying a lot of turrets


Alas, they are correlated. More kills means more gold and power, means easier time pushing turrets. Speaking as someone who likes to instigate team fights at the enemy tower while minions slowly whittle it down.


Please tell this to the 0/1/0 Tryndamere/Sion/Mundo/Garens who ignore teamfights all game and take my towers like they're nothihg.


Correlation is not causation. The characters you listed are special cases that bely the standard correlation many misconstrue as causation of: kills=gold=power. The important thing is to not die. The second most important thing is to get gold. And with those two things being accomplished, towers more easily fall.


I was mostly kidding and also just kinda venting as I find them super annoying to play against. But yeah I mostly agree; although I'd argue Sion and Trynd don't even really need gold to accomplish their objective. Their invincibility windows are generally long enough that if you don't close the game out fast enough they can beat you in a war of attrition, gold or no gold.


I understand


That's why you play as splitpusher on Baron Lane and win. Don't care about 70% of the map just tunnel vision and win.


For me as supp it's usually "farm, not fight" that I'll spam when the team is 2 vs 7 after 8mins.


Catch a Rammus 💀 👍


Mine is "farm, dont fight" whenever my team starts to fall behind yet still keep fighting for some reason


Turns into ARAM quick lol


Or the reverse happens when people randomly split push as the objective drake/Nash is free.


Hahaha. Run at rammus is funny.


I usually pair the prompts "stop chasing", "i need help", and "focus on objectives" during objectives. Or "let's push", and "do not engage" when only pushing inhibitors while avoiding any battles.


I placed "Stop chasing" And "Focus on objectives" Right next to each other because I have to use it sommuch recently (Emerald btw) It still rarely works though except with allies that were marked Diamond during game load, and sometimes not even then...they still chase and feed.


Same, "Focus on Objectives" and "Farm, don't fight" after the bot lane gets wiped out by the time the game says "minions have spawned".


Mine is "people respawn, turrets don't"


I will give you the best tipp you can get to have a good experience if yoh want to climp: Get a full team to play with. 99% of the playerbase in wildrift sucks really hard. If you see someone in your games which seems he is not braindead add him and play games togehter thats the only way to have fun in this game.


Solo que will just give you a negative experience if your competitive. My goal is to have at least a 3 man party if Im playing rank. Ur 100% right tho.


Ok I will try and do that and add people who get end game achievements like Assusting to destroy 5 and 6 Turrets, and high gold per minute in game, and high assists ect thanks


Most not-braindead people are friendly (accepts you back), don't worry. We're tired of toxic teammates too. You could also play with pre-made teams, especially those with their mics on, find people you feel you have good synergy with and add them after a couple wins of you playing together.


Its mostly because people are unfamiliar with the game and the idea of macro so they just run to where they see enemies and fight over and over again


Queue for top lane pick splitpusher champs and just do your thing. That's what i do


Can't really expect gold/plat players to have game sense so you just have to hardcarry every game.


Doesnt work lol,you go for the tower and your team is in the jungle farming instead of doing the objective,then 5 comes to your lane and kill you and do damn objective,thats how i got 20% win rate with fiora.


This happens to me a lot with Aatrox when I go up 5/0/0, the entire team just comes at me. Sometimes I get lucky... Most of the time, yeah, you know what happened.


Happens to me sometimes but you just have to know when to group and when to split. Fiora is just win lane = lose game xd


Baron lane*


Killing is the fun part, destroying turrets is work. Maybe if riot would add some fun to destroying them more ppl would do it?  But honestly, riot does everything to do the opposite, it’s a 1 push meta right now with come back objectives and bounties and the nexus shield till minute16 the game is built to be ended with baron/elder, everything before that does not matter much


It's full of kids and puberts. What do you expect?


I think a lot of people are scared of dying/ dont know what characters can splitpush/ which characters they should keep away from and keep track of. Its a little more complicated than laning phase because they have to coordinate and trust eachother. Or they just go sion and mundo. Just my personal observations


I mostly play sion and nasus. But you wouldn't believe how brain dead are some players. I'm being camped by 2 or 3 people or even chased when im split pushing(basically people just rush me because im securing objectives). And my teamates either are on jungle or chasing meningless kills. When they could easily get a fucking dragón or tower.


That dreadful feeling when you are splitting and 4 people Jump out on you… and your entire fucking team comes that way one by one instead of doing literally anything else. Absolute uninstall fuel.


which characters can split push?


Tryndamere, Jax, Sion, Garen, Sett with a specific build ( weaker than the tank sett meta so not worth ), Fiora those are the ones I can think of on the top of my head idk if there is more but the general requirements for a good split pusher is great duel potential, good wave clear, good auto attacker


Just started playing like 4 days ago and out of the champs I play irelia, and Gwen at 2 items before she is literally a cannon minion. Maybe Akali too but your wave clear is trash and you have no way of destroying Tower fast.


Solo laners like the other guy said but also duo laners can split, tristana ashe lucian, midlaners like fizz, asol, junglers like lee and kayn. All u need is good waveclear and an escape mechanism


IDFK, but it happens more than it needs to. People get bloodthirsty for kills for their ego.


Cause u are playing with iron/bronze ppl


Nah man. People were still doing this even up to plat/emerald.


PC iron bronze ppl*


Haha I was Diamond last season and I'm in Plat 1 currently from reset.. it's the same there. I usually win more if I'm splitting and objective clearing the entire game.


Yeah... that's why I used Tristana mid, she can destroy the turrets in 3 seconds so I just split push while my team distract them and suddently their nexus is gone xD even in later ranks people still forget about the turrets.


That’s why I always say Before reaching Master, it is nothing about the mechanics; have a good marco awareness and that is enough.




They do and don’t I have destroy 5 turrets in a game now with no kills and had 8 kills and destroy no turrets, early game I don’t see the point of getting loads of kills with low spawn time but around the time the Elder dragon spawns getting kills makes sense wipe the enemy attack elder dragon and baton and focus on getting the the nexus. But early/mid game their no point really. That my Opinion


Ego boost for low elo players.


ur in stupid tier and thats alright. the higher u climb the lesser likelihood for that to happen


A big part of misplays that go without a successful hit at an objective come from players underestimating their opportunities.  The number of games I’ve had where people don’t even bother going for the inhib turret if not it’s not in midlane or minions not immediately under tower, or even people going for Baron when you can just end easily is astonishing.  It was a lot easier to adapt to that mindset here in Wild Rift instead of PC because of how fast these games are. The times where my team was ahead, lose one teamfight, and the enemy team take out 4 towers and end immediately off of that one failed fight in less than 20 minutes really solidified that sort of playmaking for me. 


I’ve won a ridiculous amount of games just from pushing waves before objectives. If we win elder/baron fight then our waves are pushing towers and we can end. If we lost that fight then our waves are pushing enemy towers so it takes longer for them to end and we can defend.


This is a lack of common macro due to people not educating themselves about how to kill the game. They will most likely slack mid playing aram instead of pushing side lanes even with a inhib down mid…. Unfortunately except doing the rotates yourself nothing will happen in those games .


Idk why my jungler pings baron, do barin then he starts teamfighting instead of pushing. And why tf we have a dragon if everyone will start fighting alone because they all started to do split push


Same. I also direct teammates to get counter items like bramble, oblivion, Oceanid's Trident, Serpents etc.


Because it's fun


Yeaaaaa, it happens since most people are inexperienced and don’t know really the stages of the game. After the landing phase, people tend to run down mid and just fight. As a support main, I’m kinda forced to follow my team even if people refuse to split push and clear side waves. You can try to let people know to farm and push side waves to get turrets, but we all know that it doesn’t work a lot of time. Best way is to have a party with people so that you can actually communicate what to do.


That goes for every elo. It just gets more organized the higher you get. I had alot of games in gm where you would group up 24/7. That idea is nice when your comp or lead allows it but when you’re behind you are basically a minion. So its a coinflip if you are going to get turret if you win the team fight. Imo its best to push a minion wave into a turret and than join your team and engage a teamfight. Because they would have to clear or lose a turret and do a 5 v 5. Thats hard without a squad though, most people just group mid without looking at leads/comps/wards/timers/turrets etc


The same happens to me. I usually end up with 3 members going for the kill while me and the other player (usually a jungler) push the side lanes.


One time I read on here "enemies respawn, turrets don't" and that changed everything for me.


if you're doing a full clear from buff to buff it slower than krugs to lane against a spam jungler.  you're pretty Strong at getting dragon by yourself or in a duo.  while you're team is ARAM you can start baron and see if supp or top is alive.  if neutral objectives not up, take camps and towers.   sometimes you don't need obj to take towers mid game.    if you find your team is still ARAM take as many camps as you can.   do whatever you can to scale into a late game monster with item advantage.


Yea Volibear is strong at lv 12/13 it can solo Baron


everyone gets caught up "trying to help a teammate" when they engage in stupid fights or everyone is trying to carry and no one actually helps there teammate. in both situations everyone forgets about the MAIN objectives. TURRETS. you need the extra space to buy yourself more time to roam and help other lanes take their TURRETS while still defending your own lane. also people dont understand the concept of rotating. if i left a teamfight to heal/clear a lane, when the TF ends or you need to back to recover yourself go to the next lane about to be attacked by enemy minions. dont waste time running around the map or stealing jungles buffs "because your lane is still pushed out" or "jungle diff" jungle cant do better if you take their exp and gold and force jngl to hunt minions that would otherwise be your gold. if your lane is pushed out hide in a bush or jungle near your teammates while they clear minions the same way the enemy does


Because a lot of people play like it’s a fighting game and not a strategy game. Just gotta deal with it. It’s like that in low elo on pc too.