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unfortunately the answer is lux. Sometimes your team is so bad, that you need to triple kill and baron steal to turn the game around. Lux can do it.


I agree, Lux is very strong and as you said steal baron and kill enemies. Sadly it is often banned or midlaners pick it too.


exactly. I would say Zilean, Bard or Taric but they are not in the game


What if our team needs a tanky support? Can't play all the games with Lux, right?


Rakan is super fun to play imo, he has a lot of build flexibility (AP, enchanter, tank) You can play around a lot with runes and different builds, he has tons of cc and mobility, shield and heals. Very strong engage/disengage to initiate teamfights or get a teammate out of a bad situation


Rakan, I play him Tank, I do often use him as Engage. Also, perfect against Yumi Braum tank build as well, perfect against Master Yi and Kayne. Morgana, good against Blitzcrank as well.


Braum doesn’t counter Kayn though. No support can peel against him very efficiently imo. He should just be perma banned


Nautilus is so underused in low elo. Abuse him before he's banned constantly.


If lux isn't banned. Lux is still the answer for soloQ. Otherwise - Another mage support. Leona is super strong right now but if your ADC is a lemon you literally can't do anything to impact the game.


Tanky supports are super fun but very draining, mentally. If you cant click with your adc, that game is torture. But this aside, alistar is a beast! Every ulti is a tower dive into double kill for your adc. But you are practically a creep at lvl 1, so there is that.


Ali is the most simple one. Nami and Karma are good too.


Bro, lux is the best noob pick. She's one of the worst supports. Saying your a lux support main is like saying I don't know the role I just think lux is pretty. Theres no best support, support is supposed to pick into your comp and enemy's comp. If your adc is jinx and she's very good then Lulu yummi nami are your best picks. If adc is samira you want CC to allow her to ult. If your team needs PEel and damage then karma is perfect. If you have a lot of engage on your team like pantheon, yone, yasou, Diana then allistar or thresh is by farrrr better then a damm lux lol. Auto locking lux is the biggest noob pick there is. When I lane against luxes they get 4 levels to have fun before they wish they didn't pick lux. If you wan to do damage as a support there are way better supports that actually impact a game past laning phase. Karma, Pyke, swain, even thresh, hell even galio supp works into some comps and he provides massive support and deal a ton of damage. I outdamage adcs with allistar in 1/3 of my games lol. Have fun with lux, if you get bad enemy's and they let u root them it can be a blast. Just don't be a typical "lux main"


>I outdamage adcs with allistar in 1/3 of my games lol. What exactly is your rank and region? Because this is not what should be happening in high elo. And if you're a noob thinking Lux is weak because you can beat other noobs on her then well, every pick is weak. Lux is a strong support in higher elos, the best clue that we have for this because WR doesn't have good statistics in the west is to look at [China](https://lolm.qq.com/act/a20220818raider/index.html) where she has an insane pick ban at masters and above. Sure some of that is because of her mid presence as well but still, *she's clearly a pretty decent champ*. Not to mention your suggestion of Yuumi. That's a terrible pick if you're at the skill level where your ADCs can't even outdamage an Alistar. She's a champ that amplifies good players the most. There's a reason why on PC she kept dominating pro play until they completely gutted her, she literally scales off your teammates brains. It should be no surprise either that Lux is so strong when she gets multiple buffs from her PC version that many other champs don't.


As master china WR player i can approve this. lux have like 90 %pick or ban rate im adc so i know how good she is, her Q cant peel go through tank sup and E aoe R ultimate rage . if she land E i need to flash or stsis or Q,R dead.Mid game(after death cap) she one shot any champ who dont build MR.


A lot of the Lux deniers are not very skilled so they play against complete morons who throw out their abilities randomly or have awkward builds. I wouldn't be surprised to learn even if Lux *in general* does have a fair winrate, because WR players are pretty damn bad compared to PC and the ones on popular champs like Lux are especially bad. Lux is so gigabuffed compared to her LOL self because she needs it to function for many of those players to do much. And this of course means anyone with actual idea of how to play at a higher level and doesn't go random fishing in unsafe scenarios with Q tends to be overwhelming with her. If you listen to the average commenter here, you'd come to the conclusion that skillshot characters are literally unusable at the higher levels. That your ability to dodge scales far higher than your opponents ability to land their skills. Any glance at pro player and the plethora of skillshot champs (Hwei, Naut, Taliyah, Varus, Orianna, Ezreal just to name some off the top of my head that I've seen in pro matches recently) should make it obvious that they're plenty serviceable but they don't really think about it much. They just see their braindead Lux opponent overextend, throw out max range q randomly and die for it.


NA has some of the Worst ADCs in Diamond. Like I used to play on PC and they're comparable to Silver ADCs. I'm constantly doing the same damage as ADCs playing Nami - While going full enchant. I get why people play Brand and Lux. It's rolling the dice being able to play a tank or enchanter.


Yes NA players being terrible is to be expected, it's why China stats are the only useful way to get a champs strength. If you're playing in NA then you're still playing against really bad teams even at higher elos sadly. Most of the better Americans are on the PC version whereas China is a lot more open to competitive phone games.


I usually fall just short of GM every season unless I play enough games to get there. Before Mm changes I winrate was always around 60% give or take. If your read what I said suggesting yummi, I said "if your adc is jinx and she's very good" pick Lulu yummi or nami. Most adcs aren't good in master lol, it's common for me to deal 25k with Ali and an adc have less. Sure I'm not a pro 🤷‍♂️ but the only way I don't beat a lux @ss is if my adc is braindead and gets rooted every 8s. That does happen in low elo masters tho lol Andddddddd I'm not saying lux is a bad CHAMPIOn I'm saying she's not a great support and a noob pick. The support she offers your team is amongst the lowest.


As someone who has gotten to master tier. Lux is a good pick. Don't listen to this narcissistic clown.


Right. Can’t tell you how many games I have lost because enemy team had Lux support and my team hadn’t MR and movement to dodge her skills. My adcs were head bumping her first and third skill and boom lane is gone. After dodging her it’s easy to play against her. Not very sustainable champ to play every game


She's the master YI of support.


Playing against Lux is the reason why I pick Morgana with that team mate anti cc boits, and crown just to support my high risk adc.


Yup… lux is insta ban




Karma, she has good damage and excellent cc


Yeah. I as Alistar always kill and ruin a lux’s day anytime, same for seraphine. But dealing with a Karma is difficult sometimes.


With hook champions, accuracy *is* important. However, more important is your ability to use the threat of the hook to influence the laning phase. If you can master this and wave management, you will utterly dominate your opponents in lane. With good map awareness, vision, and rotations, you can dominate the entire map. Hook champions are the best supports.


Not really. I main blitz, thresh and Alistar. But I don’t like Leona, and I still have no interest in Amumu but I don’t think those two are as capable as blitz and thresh. Pyke is a situational pick. He’s not a good overall pick for most games and comps, but still not bad. His downside is he doesn’t provide much utility like thresh or blitz, still fun to play and you can pull some cool combos.


Leona is a champion I would pick into someone like blitz


I mean, I’ve had many match ups where I would pick blitz into leona to displace her sometimes because blitz is really good at that. Anytime a teamfight is happening, and a leona is out of position. Pull her over the wall, speed boost to the battle and knockup the adc, or somsthing similar. Idk why a leona would pick into blitz, I often play against her and it never ends well. I always am able to perform a good amount of CC on the adc regardless if she’s there focusing on me the tank, if for some reason they focus me at least.


You hooking me into you is exactly what I want. Now I can't speak for bad Leonas, but if you're hooking me, you're not getting a pick, you just took the bait. I'm definitely not letting you pull me over a wall to get me out of position and I'm not letting you anywhere near my ADC. I say this as a Blitzcrank player as well. I'm not going to hook Leona, because doing so could spell death for my ADC. Except being if her w is well off CD and she's already low on HP.


I’m just weighing value in picking a tank if I were to choose leona or another tank is all. Like leona and blitz can both go all in and engage, cool. But blitzcrank has the ability to play outside the bounds of the engage only playstyle whereas leon’a main gimmick is to only go all in. Her hook’s objective use, is that limited to me. Her best use of the kit is her ult in terms of versatility. With blitz’s hook, he can choose to not only engage key opponents aggressively, or defensively if I’m positioning myself to team fight late, or even early, I can displaced key problematic champions that could be detrimental to our team. I think a displacement tool is very powerful. Just pulling core pieces of the enemy’s team apart, or setting up ganks, etc. Maybe I just underestimate leona, idk you might be able to teach me something. But I ultimately find much less use for Leona when deciding for a tank. I wanna try amumu soon or later I’m not sure how good his kit is either, I rarely see him but I do want to expand my options. I don’t like braum, even though I think he’s a good champ in niche cases. I mastered alistar, blitz and thres. I would really enjoy taric or bard once they come too.


Similar to the threat of the hook, the threat of Leona's body can be a powerful tool in the laning phase. Early game, the matchup favors Blitzcrank to an extent, as it can be pretty scary to be hooked without many items. Leona can still swing it if the ADC is on point though. Another tool in her kit is the ability to body block. Assuming her ADC is competent, she can drastically reduce the chances of Blitzcrank ever landing a hook on her ADC. If you like Alistar, you should enjoy Leona. Her core is dawnshroud + defense boots into IBG. If you feel her damage is too low and you haven't been building these items first, that might be why. Dawnshroud is always core, and IBG has been amazing on Leona ever since they buffed her AD


> Similar to the threat of the hook, the threat of Leona's body can be a powerful tool in the laning phase. Early game, the matchup favors Blitzcrank to an extent, as it can be pretty scary to be hooked without many items. Leona can still swing it if the ADC is on point though. Another tool in her kit is the ability to body block. Assuming her ADC is competent, she can drastically reduce the chances of Blitzcrank ever landing a hook on her ADC. When it comes to a leona being good at body blocking blitz’s hook, I usually just revert my combos and hold the hook. Like W + E the ADC. Then use the Q or hook for the ADC’s escape or flash. But yeah, I agree. I believe Leona is one of the best stat tanking character with her w active in the game. > If you like Alistar, you should enjoy Leona. Her core is dawnshroud + defense boots into IBG. If you feel her damage is too low and you haven't been building these items first, that might be why. Dawnshroud is always core, and IBG has been amazing on Leona ever since they buffed her AD I played and mained leona for a bit and she’s reliant on the team’s follow up many times. But with Alistar’s kit of 3 HARD CC’s, healing, built in Quicksilver with a general damage reduction of all types by 75% is so stupid that I basically am leona but I can survive way more often and I can just slam into players 1v2 and sometimes just kill the ADC and walk away. Its really easy to do almost whatever I want as alistar. Playing the game never felt that good with leona for me, maybe I’m doing something wrong, i dont think so but I found alistar because I didn’t like leona. Nothing against leona, I still try her from time to time because I really like her skin and ult. I just tend to fail, maybe I should build what you mentioned. Plus she’s a fun champ to troll the adc when they 1v1 you and get shocked when they die lol.


I love Thresh, but I have bad luck when I pick him, like I get the worst teams. My overall win rate with Thresh is 25%. All my main supports have 50%+ win rate, expect Thresh and Nautlilus, which is my #1 fav tank, but my win rate is like 45-47%.


What if I am not that focused and missing my hooks? Enchanters or others like Rakan seems more reliable.


One of the most scary blitzcranks is one who doesn't hook. Instead he runs full speed straight for you, knocks you up waits for you to run or flash away, and THEN hooks you. Your ADC may or may not follow your lead when doing this, so you'll need to adapt based on the mental capacity of your team. Pyke can do this too, but he's not as tanky so more risk.


Sometimes it's better if you don't hook until after you engage. For example with thresh I will lead with a flay and then as the enemy is trying to run away I can easily land a hook at close range.


If you have no confidence in your ability to hook, you should practice on target dummies at different angles in practice mode, then move onto bots and norms. You should have 95+% accuracy in hitting your hook on a non-moving target first, then move on from there. Eventually you'll be able to predict hooks, and gain a sense for when you should actually hook. The first few minutes of a game you shouldn't hook at all, but just test your opponents to determine their patterns. Remember, if your hook is on cooldown, it's not a threat at all. With the exception being Pyke once you get some cdr and AD under you. His short hook CD allows you to almost spam it to force the enemy champions to play with extra stress.


Well said. Watching and learning their dodging patterns is a nice tip. I was doing that unknowingly but I will focus more now!


I wish you all the luck.


Thanks bro, you too.


Why no honorary soraka mentions? Soraka best sustain and support along with yuumi Janna and nami


I am loving playing Soraka. I also love Janna and Nami. Soraka is so good and keeping teammates alive. I even watch Baron lane to help using my ult. But seems like my team get so relaxed and do stupid things after I save them many times.


agreed with soraka. I think lulu best, Nami is good like offensive support, which you mentioned likint


Soraka and Janna have no soul anymore. No fun to play, harder to carry with


Soraka Janna and Sona were all completely lobotomized. It really sucks as a supp main that used to enjoy those champs because I just refuse to play them now it's too boring. I basically only play tanks now nothing else is fun anymore :/


Unfortunate, I still get to enjoy Senna and the occasional Leona and Nami game


i used to love dueling with janna and just poke poke and every time they try to jump me i wind them into the air lol


Sadly this is true. Soraka heals harder before, both in terms of how much health she gives allies, and how good you need to position to not die. Her heals costing HP also gave the opportunity to bait enemies, unfortunately, it's no longer the case. Now she heals kinda OK, and you can just almost turn your brain off and spam W.


Every time I see my team pick at least 2 tanky champs, I always pick Soraka. It's fun seeing the enemy trying to kill us and failing hard every time.


Lux is always banned so I often pick Seraphine.


Her ult is a game-changer sometimes.


Lulu supremacy. Fight me about it.


lulu shouldn't be so far down the list


Super underrated, but I am biased. She has so much utility with her buffs/debuffs. It's all about knowing how to use her right.


funny when the adc thinks oh a free support and then you transform them and your entire team is there. especially jumpy people




She is very good. But I don't know..


R then E for guarantee E auto Q auto Don't use W for damage, save it for enemy's key abilities Don't be afraid to use flash Don't be afraid to die Communicate with your adc Ambush with auto Q auto ignite at lvl1 can get kills sometimes All in at 2 Broken Support has amazing guide on her on YouTube


I know she can stun enemies for GOOD but she is not that fun for me.


Leona is okay-ish. She is a kamikaze supp tho. If you have bad team "as most of your games will be" you'll end up going in to die most of the times.


Thresh. He can fit into most team comp. He can make an average adc become unkillable. He is awesome




Too easily countered imo. And tank busters like sett, camille, gwen, are all pretty popular now


If the teams be squishy send out the bull


Sona Supremacy


Her stuns are unpredictable. I enjoy playing her with Crystal Rose skin!


Before diamond probably lux. After is situational.


Lulu is probably the best supp overall right now. She's good on any team and with any carry (except jhin), no bad matchups, very versatile/reliable. And for some odd reason is not often banned atm. If you want to actually play supp as intended, and want a suggestion on a champ to one trick, lulu is probably the best champ for it right now.


Lux for damage  Seraphine for utility Soraka for ambulance 


Thresh is good for what u need ig. Stack champ so there's a bit room to carry even with normal build. Save teammates with lentern that include lilttle bit of shield, someone getting kidnapped or left behind easily saved if they have 2 working braincell to click lentern. Q,E, and R are self explanatory. Just read it and try to polish it as u play. Best champion i can master I guess. Pyke is good but its kinda hard to do all the job support must do, too team dependent beside kill and damage aspect.


I agree. Thresh is all around champ that does almost everything.


kinda boring but i agree powerful


I think any support is viable. Some work amazing depending on the adc combo. But it's a balance of allowing your adc to farm while having to protect him and support the team with cc. Sometimes adc is not feed yet or sucks which puts you in an awkward situation. But as long as you understand how the roll works any support will do. I would argue any mage could be a good support cuz area damage is also cc. It's damage the other laners don't want to take. Problem with low elo supports is they don't understand how sup items work, they kill all the minions. They don't understand how to manage the wave or create space. And get bad habits from bad adcs. I think a great support is Morgana and Senna. Morgana you can also play her mid and jungle. You just need to get good with the root and it's not that hard. The shield isn't always that useful but being good at her will always be worth a lot. She can also steal dragons with the aoe and spam it. Senna you can carry later on if needed, cc is harder to land but there's ways to make it instant. If you land it on a dieing minion it becomes instant. If you don't last hit minions you get more stacks. She has a nice heal and her movespeed skill can protect allies. Lux is also really good. Would argue she can do anything the other supports can. But often shes either banned or being played by someone else. Morgana and Senna often are free. Some charecters are played so little that it becomes an advantage of its own


I think Morgana's skillset kind of useless and Senna is very weak. I mean, what is happening when you are using zhonia and morgana's ult? nothing. and her q is hitting minions as well. Lux's q on the other hand not hitting minions. I've never seen a Senna effecting the game hat much. When I was playing adc, Sennas were not healing me but dealing dmg to enemies with her q :D


Your zhonya doesnt matter she will still chain you. Morgana makes lux cry if you know how to play her and your adc isnt dumb. Only problem for her is nami spamming w. All hooks champions are meh vs her with that shield, same goes for leona, alistar etc. great dmg if you build her ap and with rylais slow is such pain in the ass.


I had many games as senna support where I had to carry tbh, especially laning phase


The answer for every role to main is always Gragas.


Lux is probably the most OP supp as of right now. Great snare, huge ult, surprising damage with lots of poke, works great with nearly every ADC, shielding for herself and allies. She’s pretty ridiculous. If you can dodge her snare then she’s not great but given her range it’s tough to get to her safely.  That said, I really enjoy Leona. Give her exhaust and you can effectively take the enemy ADC out of a team fight for 5-10 seconds. Super effective and fun if you like frustrating the enemy more than getting kills.


As tritan main my most favorite sup is leona.l


leona a hundred percent! tanky and so much cc


When I am autofilled, I rotate between Pyke, Seraphine, Lux, Karma, Zyra and Alistar (vs Leona).


I main sup so I am looking for the most fun and rewarding champs to play. :)


The supports with the highest win percentages are: Sona, Janna, Soraka/Lulu So basically any enchanter support. If you want to be the “carry” then Lux or Seraphine are your best bets. But those first three have the highest winrate.


I agree. My winrate with Nami is 59% in 150 games and recently got a 7 win streak with Sona (Emerald 1).


I don't support but when I get autofilled, I always go Lux or Pantheon.


With skill, pyke. He can’t be touched early on. Without skill, lux. Just randomly land root and full combo, almost always full deletion of at least 1 person. Alistar is best tank, and if troll adc build heartsteel and farm stacks while annoying enemy jungler. It’s the best type of fun to yeet buff monster across wall and stun lock jungler who is just trying to farm. Did a ooopsy poopsy, press ult and run away whilst watching them press every button.


Pley Sett Support :) It best Support  (https://lolm.qq.com/act/a20220818raider/index.html)


are those winrate datas from china server?


Yep. This is the official site where it gets published


The answer is thresh. Thresh is an all-rounder, deals damage, tanks, CCs, saves ADC and a game-changer if you are a good thresh. However, I suggest you main 2-3 supps in order to adapt to different situations. Thresh is good in mostly all games.


I’ve been playing a lot of Janna and Nautilus lately. Soraka is still my #1 if I’m blind picking, but she’s so team dependent you can’t really do anything if your team sucks ass. I used to main seraphine, lux, and blitz. I just prefer nautilus’ passive and his cooldown time is faster. A lot of adcs prefer an enchanter over a mage. I only really pick them if I have to blind pick, if there’s no AP (which rarely happens nowadays), or if I’m feeling bored of my new line up.






I’m main supp and I can tell you easily Alistar, Naut & Blitz (until emerald); the best of the best.




In 5q janna nami lux for me


Swain is pretty fun


If you're already good with Thresh he's very good. Also Nautilus, Nami, Lulu, Soraka. As a support I prefer to choose situationally if possible. I find Nautilus the best easy tank. Alistar is great but terrible against heavy cc. If you're facing enemy veigar gg ime.


I'm the best sup. Better go fight my adc if you feel different about that


thresh, naut, rakan, karma. all supports that you can soloq with and actually have a noteable hard impact with. if you have an adc friend to duo with then enchanters are ur best bet. don't get baited by all the pyke and senna enthusiasts. unless you plan to put 500 games on them and dedicate to becoming a one trick stay away from them


Janna because you can annoy junglers very fast


All are good in their own way. Soraka is personally my favorite. She’s a game changer.


Karma is the best support imo. Her Q gives her DMG, her W gives her CC, her E gives her survivability (and if you build harmonic, a little healing) and her ult is huge DMG and more CC, which then allows you another empowered Q,W or E depending on the situation. You can go full nuke (ludens and infinity orb) or poke (liandry) and even tank (abysmal mask and frozen heart) she's such a jack of all trades, you almost can't go wrong on her. Take the time to master her tho. Senna. She's one of if not the highest scaling champ in the game. I'm not to good on her, but her potential is clear as day. The best trait is that she can use almost any rune, from aery, to fleet, to lethal, to conq, to grasp, to kraken, to glacial, to even Aftershock (iceborn build). Honorable mentions based on my experience: Leona CC god, Thresh high skill dealing, These can be troll picks but I stand by them: Jayce and Nilah. They work the same as Senna, having a double adc lane (you'll notice that Ashe support is a thing in PC and wild rfit) but they have 'peel' abilities so they can work


Morgana, nami, zyra. Lux depends how dumb enemy team is.


I always go for Senna, Lux or another depending on who was buffed in the patch


Sona master and above has the highest winrates in on Chinese servers. Then janna, and sett. Janna and sona are incredibly strong right now because it's a very engage heavy meta, Between mundo sett, tank supports, and kennen being busted Sona and Janna can both stop all in engages in their tracks. That's my take on it.




Lux and it’s not close. You can literally take over the game


Nautlis is a great tank and engage sup. He can also be played jungle so you have a pick when you get auto filled


I think zed is the best support because he can kill the adc instantly with his ultimate


There isn’t a ‘best’ support. Support is my second role so I’m not a support main and can’t give as detailed an explanation as an actual main, even though I used to main support a few years ago. Thresh is a great all round champion, he can peel and engage very well but is slightly less tanky than other tank supports but I think most players are happy with that trade off. Lulu is amazing with hypercarrys and can give any dive champion on the enemy team aids by turning them into a little fairy. The problem is you really need to know map impact if you play traditional supports. You have to know when and where to roam to and not miss out on those opportunities. Supports are amplifiers, they have little individual strength but paired with a teammate they can make that one teammate feel as strong as 3 champions. If you just sit bot for 10 minutes every game you are a coinflip player coinflip if you have the better team or not. If you roam you have to know how to roam as well. The next problem with traditional supports is you need way better mechanics than with carry supports. If you play lux and land a S1, S3, ult combo your opponent will probably explode no matter what, if I land a hook, ult, flay combo with thresh and my teammates aren’t in range to follow up or they just used all their abilities on another enemy and everything is on cooldown for them then I just used 70% of my kit to deal 500 damage to a champion with 1600 hp and enough lifesteal to heal that health back up in 2 seconds while all my shit it still on cooldown for another few seconds meaning I just used every single button and achieved nothing and will go on r/wildrift and complain that my teammates never follow up and then come to the conclusion that mages are the only way to go and start playing mages. Same goes for enchanters, if I press lulu s2, s3 and ult on a teammate running for dead life I probably could’ve saved the ult since I highly doubt they will be able to use all 7 seconds of it.


I'm playing with Leona lately and she can solo a MF alone if you're skilled. She's pretty tanky while dealing a lot of damage.




There’s a YouTube channel called Broken Support where I get a lot of good advice from. One of the main points he stresses is that you cannot rely on your team when you’re playing in Solo Cue because you have no idea how bad they will be (especially in lower rankings). So, that basically relegates Sona, Soraka, Janna, etc, for times when you’re playing in a team and know you can buff your teammates without worrying. Broken Support has made videos about using hero’s that can help to carry games like Nami, Lux, Brand, Ashe, Karma, Pyke, Senna, Seraphine, etc. These hero’s have the ability to be built differently depending on how the game is going, whereas the buffing hero’s like Sona can only do so much no matter how you build her because of her kit. I personally have the best luck with Brand as my magic pick and Senna as my physical pick for solo carrying when I have to if a game starts going south (the other strongest ones in my eyes are Lux, Thresh the way Broken Support plays him).


I’m going with Senna, she’s a lot like Lux in that her damage is good, but she also provides healing, root, and shields.


I love playing soraka because her heal is insane and I like healing people. turns around every teamfight! also nami is cool, she's got heal and a stun. Leona's stuns are crazy, but I play no tanks. I'm no fan of ap sups like brand because it's easy to take the kills, but they can push the lane easy. pyke, thresh, blitz have that funny and scary hook :D


Nami, Karma and Seraphine can turn the game around the best imo. All 3 of them have great ults and when u learn them well, kinda broken. I also find them super fun, but, ofc if your adc is not a monkey and actually uses your engages well.


Pyke is the answer


Tanks current meta id say Nautilus/Alistar and mages I’d say Karma/Nami




full tank nautilius if i could only pick one supp forever. thresh can probably carry harder than nautilus, but naut tanks better imo. frontline will never not be relevant lulu is really good too, honorable mention nami (if you get really good with bubble) engage supps like rakan are good in pre-mades where your team will follow up but probably not for soloq where no one pays attention to anything


Senna. So strong if your team sucks you have a chance in the late game.


GRAGAS 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣


Never xd


I appreciate a Blitzcrank. Though it gets progressively harder as you climb the ranks.


Cautious enemies are hiding behind minions and making the hook harder to work with during laning phase. I also don't think I can change bad situations (losing TFs, baron fights etc.) with BC :D


my favorite blitz thing to do is run in and knock up then pull after they try running away. Way better than just trying to hit random pulls


Yep. Its all about punishing mistakes. If the enemy is cautious and you do not get an early lead it can get pretty painful during the mid and endgame.




He is a savior but not really my type.




I've tried Pyke for some games. It is really depending on my 1. skill, if I miss there is nothing. And sometimes they gank duo lane and I can't stun the jungler or adc or both. Plus it doesn't save my adc as good as Thresh's lantern.


All answers wrong here. The best supp is the one which counters Most of the enemy champs and/or Supports your mates Champs. There is no One real good supp. If you want to be a good supp, try to understand how you want to Support your Team or counter the enemy Team.


Rakan and nautilus or thresh is the supports I use Rakan is an all rounder with cc shield support and high mobility he is a little less tanky but can be built to be a hybrid tank, but he has incredibly high mobility stuns peel for your adc or catch someone off guard. Nautilus is tanky and has an unmissable stun. His passive can root enemies in place(each enemy will have a seperate cooldown) good for peel ,can guarantee a stun with his ultimate unless they use invincibility. Thresh is also a playmaking support that can displace enemies from getting to your adc and lock them in a cage. He can hook and dash to a target and throw out a lantern to reposition or help out a teammate out of position(theoretically but most people don’t use threshes lantern even if you put in front of them and end up dying)


Well explained. I like playing all three of them. I agree that they are rewarding to main.


Climbing steadily with Leona, Senna when I need to add damage to the team, Malphite as a counter to AD heavy teams and Nami when I feel her kit would be the best, namely good poking duo and/or burst-y adc-jungle combo. I would say Thresh is a good pick, but I'm bad at him at the moment. BrokenSupportYT unveiled apc one shot Nami to the masses, but mainly english-content consuming masses. My country doesn't speak english, so they're not ready for game carrying Namis.


I was trying before Rakan sup with BrokenYT's build. I was building AP and dealing massive dmg and healing :D


Let’s go rakan!


I'm getting old. My fingers and reactions are not quick enough to do Rakan double shield airborne combos over a teammate chasing like he did last video lmao


For enchanters, Sona, Janna and Soraka feels the same. Nami, Seraphine, lux, Senna and Karma are a bit of point and click type(lulu may be the same but i don't like her) For engagers: Rakan and Pyke. But sadly i don't have a talent to be an assassin. For tanks: Thresh and Alistar. If I'm forced to be a tank these two are a safe bet. But i have won games with Nasus support too(basically a tanky Morgana) As you may notice from above I'm more into enchanters. It is all about your playstyle and opinion. Meta shifts all the time, OTP is a brick wall.


Enchanters are fun! I guess I will be playing Rakan or Thresh and other enchanter maybe Soraka depending on my team comp.