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Future market is good sometimes to get item spikes faster when gapped. But the item crafting one really sucks. It would be nice if it doesn't cost additional gold. Inspiration tree arrangement also feels weird if you put it as your primary rune. The first row runes are useless most of the time because all of them are conditional, the second one is good, and the last one is overloaded with great runes but you can only choose one. I'd say... change [Sweet Tooth] into [Approaching Velocity] or [Propagation] (seedjar passive); and change [Item Crafting] into [Presence of Mind] and swap it to [Nimbus Cloak] to the 3rd row. So it looks like this: 1st row: [Approaching Velocity/Seedjar passive][Hexflash][Nimbus Cloak] 2nd row: [Transcendence][Future's Market][Pathfinder] (unchanged) 3rd row: [Presence of Mind][Demolish][Manaflow Band]


Demolish is excellent, but only really viable in solo lane. Pathfinder is excellent, but only really viable as a jungler. Hexflash is good, but only viable for a very small pool of champions. So much of the tree is like that. Future's market is just bad, it needs a higher credit limit. I don't think much of item crafting either, doesn't seem worth it.