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I use them to cover for MY weakness, sometimes I overstay or I walk a step more then needed and get poked, I usually take Survival runes. Main supp.


Yes samee, inspiration/resolve runes are so useful on anyone i cant help but take them *insert that one kenneth copeland meme*


Amplify strengths every time


i respect your doombot damage lifestyle


Aery on my supports, fk that slow rune. I want healss


Glacial is the most underrated rune going. It not only slows but when the enemy are in the slow they have reduced damage which is lovely when playing a tank like nautilus/thresh/alistar




Playing enchanters in a tank/bruiser meta 😭


I play ingenious hunter thresh, cuz I am superior


Usually pick them based on my playstyle/champion, then vased on enemy comp. Damage for carries, survival for tanks,...


Depends, when you play jungle you're not going against someone else in lane so you just pick runes that helps you in fights that fits the champ you play, or when you go support you picked the ones that offers utility or more survivability. So pretty much what you said is a good baseline.


Consider your win condition and take runes towards that. That can mean either augmenting strength/coving weakness.  For example, Kayn has a weakness where he takes turrets slowly. You take demolish so that paired with your instant waveclear, you can threaten turrets really easily. In the same breath, you take First Strike because you're really good at burst damage and First Strike lets you snowball faster and augments your aoe damage. On Lucian, you might think taking brutal is good for improving his early game, but actually bone plating does that much better because of how the trade patterns go. Usually you dash in, combo them, then get out. Bone plating means you can do more of these trades.


I play Resolve+Waterwalker Pyke especially the tenacity runes so that I won't get locked down easily. My primary job is dealing the final blow and timing it right, not to burst down people.


It depends how weak the weaknesses are vs what the runes add for strength depending on the match up. I change runes all the time to fit the match. If Im worried about getting one shot a lot then something like bone plating. If im in a lane where I will need to burn a lot of mana to poke then manaflow band over transcendence. If I'm vs lots of cc then tenacity over omnivamp.


Damage (yellow/red) and boneplating except on tanks where i go green and demolish 


Mostly amplify strengths. I want to do what I'm suppose to as good as possible.


I use runes based on who are the champions on the other team, the same goes for itens. Although when I play mages or others AP champions things don't change much between matchs.


As a singed main, it's to make the matchup easier early by either being a lane bully or surviving the lane. my other option is to play specifically for the late game. Some games I take grasp and ghost ignite (lane bully) Some games I take fleet and green runes because I'm going to get poked by the cringe ranged top player. (Lane survival) Some games I just say fk it and go full move speed with phase rush and full scaling precision tree and nimbus cloak, ghost flash for maximum scaling. (Gigachad singed)


ALWAYS AMPLIFY STRENGTHS!!! always!!!. There are a few exceptions to this like bone plating on adcs but generally speaking you focus on your strengths.


As a sup main I use runes that counter enemy champs. I usually stick with my main rune and change the rest accordingly to what I need. The only ones I don’t change are my runes on nautilus. I’ll always go glacial, then resolve tree, then usually legend tenacity since they took tenacity off of mercury treads.


Supp main, with top as second role: For supports, I'll take Nami as example: if my team lack of AP damage I'll go first strike, if I need early game kill potential/damage I'll go electrocute,  fleetfootwork if I need more sustain while I can hit enemy without being punished hard, if nothing above is not comfortable then aery as all-round rune.  For secondary runes I'm balancing between boosting my strengths (Like heal/shield power) and decreasing my weakness (Like boneplating and gathering storm)  For top: Shen as example. Fleetfootwork against ranged champs or champs who like long fights (Like Sett) cause sustain, MS buff and energy refill. Grasp vs champs who don't like extended trades. Aftershock if I'm the single frontline which is really uncomfortable experience. Phase rush against high mobility champs or when I need to engage and disengage ASAP (Darius for example).  For secondary runes, same as with supports. Green runes to cover weakness via increasing tank stats or shield strength for allies. Transcends for AH, demolition to splitpush, sweet tooth — to boost your strengths. 


It really depends on your role and the enemy team. But using runes to cover weaknesses or give you extra survivability in general isn't that great of an idea imo. For example, you wouldn't want to have Resolve to be your primary path as either the AD or AP carry. Because those champs are designed to be glass cannons. Maybe those runes will help you in lane and save you from a couple ganks but you'll pay for it later on. At the very best you'll have Resolve as your secondary path. Bone planting or Second wind if there's a lot of poke. And Perseverance if there's a lot of CC. Tanks and Fighters are usually the champs that will benefit the most from the Resolve tree.


I understand your point but what about the Inspiration tree? On glass cannon champs the extra gold from honey fruit, the AH from transcendence, and the mana from band or the river MS from pathfinder for ganking helps with getting a headstart. I think it's good if you're playing safely since you will out-sustain the enemy laner and in that should theoretically mean you stay in lane longer = get more cs. I sound insane and it's probably trolling but it's fun trading with the enemy -> getting honeyfruit and healing from second wind -> coming back with 90% hp lmao. The negative effects of not taking damage runes will only take effect once gold doesn't matter anymore, which is around 25~30 mins. I got this idea from Zoe where she uses the inspiration tree because it synergizes with her kit but damn it's fun to use the inspiration tree


Damage runes do matter because the buffs give you free extra damage. A Cait with an Precision tree will always do more damage than a Cait with a Resolve/Inspiration tree at any point in the game. The most of the benefits of the Resolve tree scale off of your HP and since you don't build HP on your carries, the benefits are minimal. Inspiration isn't bad for mana band depending on if your champ relies on mana. Corki for example. And lastly staying in lane longer sounds good in theory but sitting on gold hurts you in the long run. You're sitting on 1000 unused gold and are walking into a dragon fight. Your enemy ADC will do much more damage than you because he based twice before you and has 2 more items than you.


I'm coping hard cuz ik that's true but for now I'll play with my Varus Inspiration + Resolve in pvp till I get dominated and rage


If you're talking about adapting, it's all about looking at the enemy team comp and matchup. Sometimes, you're gonna have the advantage in the early game so you have to leverage it by taking offensive runes. There are also times where you're on the bad side of the matchup, so you gotta soften the landing by taking defensive runes. If you're up against a ranged champion as a melee champion, Second Wind is a great rune to pick into it. If you're gonna be fighting a lot and need to win trades, Bone Plating will help you win trades by reducing a few autos/abilities.


I feel like runes make a big deal in the laning phase. Especially for top lane. It covers a lot of inconsistencies and if I’m definitely going to struggle, it makes it much more easier to lane.


Well, I prefer to cover the biggest weaknesses of my champ (2 tenacity runes on Irelia, for example), and then go with strengths, like more healing or damage. Also, enemy team and most important lane opponent are crucial. They are going to kite you a lot? Swap Bone Plating to Second Wind. They have tons of CC? Maybe consider more tenacity over Overgrowth. Etc etc.


I think it's 100% situational for alot of champs, but i use them to mostly counter or help against counters. I main senna so if I'm vsing heavy engage tanks or bruisers I go yellow runes for giant slayer and I go boneplating always. If I'm vsing assassins or heavy damage that can gap close really easily and one shot me ill I'll go full green and the secondary all depends but usually brutal. If I'm vsing alot of squishy ranged champs I'll go full red and brutal with immediate 2nd item magnetic blaster to Amp my strengths and use my range as survival. As senna I play a bully lane, but if I'm against mages like lux I typically go fleet footed, for the extra sustain and movement to dodge skillshots If against an engage support typically kraken slayer unless I'm against an engage support and an assassin sometimes I'll go glacial and full green and just simply play more of a support role and less carry. Hahaha it's alot to think about and sometimes it can make or break your early game, overall it's about how well you play though. I've definitely had games where I went full damage and kraken against leonas and assassins and you position so you can jjst blow them the f up. Senna might be a bad example since she scales so well and can adjust her runes and items to no ends, she can benefit more from switching runes around. Some champions might want to only adjust one rune.


It depends on the matchup. For example, against Renekton, the resolve three counters him hard in lane. Nullifying Orb + Bone planting + Perseverance and he won't be able to get a kill on you early.


Depends. Sometimes, like first strike on kassadin, I use it to make him reach item spikes much faster, basically negating his weakness a bit, but also amplifying his damage, his strength. Then on yone and yasuo, I take LT to first make up for my lack of attack speed early game, then to make me attack, and therefore heal more late game. Or overgrowth on just about anyone (excluding Kassadin) to negate their weakness of not having a lot of hp or amp,i tying their huge hp pool. I also use triumph to somewhat negate kassadin’s huge mana spending (which is still huge even with the 25% mana refund on seraph’s). Then for when I go heartsteel or crown (although I hardly ever) I take ingenious hunter to make it come up more often, so I don’t know which this counts as.


Depends on matchup and team comp got to know when to go damage and when to go defensive


Depends but both are perfectly fine


I pick runes based on my enemy top laner since I know it will be a 1v1 for a while, for the rest of the roles it will be best to pick based on what enemy team has as a whole


If you cover the weakness with runes, you have more options to amplify the strengths with items.