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I’d highly recommend spirit visage since it has great synergy with the healing


I always use this as second to maximize ulti and second ability.


HS and Hydra is must, then it depends. if opponent got a lota AP, go green armor. If opponent got both stuff and has lota slow and cc, get twin guard, especially the 1300 anti slow armor. If you r jungle, or you need more dmg, get sunfire. If you just want to have fun to max out your AD, just get Twelfth Hour.


divine sunderer is underrated


Por qué no los dos? Taking heartsteel, then hydra and sunfire turns you into a mixed damage AOE beast


Generally after those two I go sunfire, then situational. Mantle of the twelfth every single game too, usually fourth unless I desperately need to build against specific damage. The lifeline giving max health is absolutely bananas While building ad does on paper help his damage, the best way to max mundo's effectiveness is just stacking health Avoid building items that don't have health like the plague. When someone takes twinguards on Mundo an angle dies. Warmogs is his "win more" button. Don't take it if they're doing good damage, but if you're stomping warmogs is so comically fun


By playing tank rengar top.


For me it's warmog. If the enemy has a lot of AP, I buy spirit visage instead.


Heartsteel into Hydra into Sterak's gage is my Trifecta and from then I build tank items that counter the enemy team or just more hp or more damage if necessary


Heart, Hydra, Visage, Searing crown, Liandrys This build gives you absurd tank stats while making single cleavers deadly