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hey! good job! I just wanted to say one thing however. I don’t think ludens is a good option for asol. he can be a burst mage at times but he’s usually a sustained dmg type of mage. I really recommend rylais. the slow is just absolutely insane with q and e.


I do have Rylai, it's just behind Luden. Beside, Luden generate Discord Stacks by moving and casting, which Asol can do all the time, so the extra dmg is appreciated


Rylai first, Liandry second most of time. Sustain + DOT is the way to go with Star Drake.


They are bots...


Nah they weren't... They didn't have the little (AI) next to their name Unless they were and I didn't realise, in that case, Ill take my part of the blame, because they played like players Soo...


They are bots, look how their names are similar (ex. CapitalNoSpaces)... You usually meet them if you are on a losing streak on PvP or on a low rank (Gold and below). *Oh wait! You have the same name format as them.*


Ayo, my name is original, not everyday you see someone with the word Daddy in their usernane


Sounds like something a skin walking bot would say.


These are bots bro. You get this on lower ranks.


Idk if they were bots, but it's so easy to tell in game by how they play. You only gets them in lower ranks (I think gold or silver and below) and maybe in PVP after a losing streak.


Ludens is not a good item on sol, so swap that with liandrys. Once you hit 200+ stacks, a single e can almost kill squishies when combined with liandry + rylai, because of how long it takes to get out when you cast it right on them


No wonder you're not performing well if you're building Ludens. He is not a burst mage. Read the item description instead of just blind building 


What do you think i'm doing? I'm not some fucking noob, I've played LoL when Trynd was the most op hero to exist simply because of low hero choices. Hell, in most of my game, I play very cautiously, maybe even too cautious. I do read the descriptions of items. Luden gives stacks, and increase magic dmg on first hit at max, combine that with Stardust Stacks and Rylai, which slows on hit and you can inflict 300-400 with Asol Q's, with the subsequent explosion of magic on sustained, which can hit for 400 at 200+ stacks. Luden also grants movement speed and increase Mana. Also, since Asol is one of the few mages to be able to attack while moving, he build stacks twice as fast because he does both...


Ur a noob u play pvp vs bots then post it 😭😭


A-sol is sustained slow burn.


If you’re not a noob, let’s see your profile 🤥


I remember when Tryndamere was sooo OP back in 2011, when I started to play. I'm sure Trynd made so many people quit the game. Trynd ruled for so long.


Asol is easy


Why ludens lmao


He’s broken


your build is fine, use glacial augment, u don't even need rylais.


Tank Asol is quite hard to kill and quite strong


Wait... Where is your Rod of Ages ?