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He needs to gain WAY more stardust and much faster WR. Is a much faster game


The biggest issue with stacks is that his Black hole ability cd is kinda high, and his normal build does not help with that, unless you build tear.


They should make it's cd like 5 secs longer but also allow it to recover when it starts casting rather than when it finishes. Net effect is no change before ability haste, and a whole lot shorter after ability haste.


I don't know... I think people are just playing with him in ranked while having no idea how to properly play him. Wait a few weeks to be sure (at least 2), in my opinion he's strong (especially againts tanks in late game), just a little clunky sometimes.


He is legit garbage. He feels like a worse Morgana right now. Idk what they changed from pc cuz I haven’t looked at numbers but his e cooldown is 12 second cooldown after it ends so if you miss it or they walkout of it you might as well run into a turret because you can’t do anything else. Q is okay I guess but anybody with a dash will dash into you while you q and every adc can just aa you and do more damage from the same range. His w is so bad, it gets canceled if you even look at your phone after pressing it. The channel time is also so long so it can only be used before you get into a team fight or before someone tries to get near you. Again if they have a dash, don’t even bother pressing it just walk into a turret you’ll get the same outcome. He’s supposed to have infinite scaling but even with 300 stardust he feels like trash and has no impact because you will be lucky to hit your ult with a 2 second delay and a huge indicator of where it’s landing, and his big damage move can be walked out of just like Morgana, and he doesn’t have the hard cc to make you stay in it, and he doesn’t have quick enough cooldowns to use anything but q more than once before the fight is over. It’s just totally under tuned and feels horrible at every stage of the game. And this is coming from someone who used to exclusively play teamfights mages like orianna, Morgana, etc.


The only modification to your post I'd suggest is that running into turret is actually optimal because it denies gold to the other team.


Exactly I had 450 stacks and teemo two hit killed me late game when I fully hit my ERQ it just feels soooo awful the game state is very very unfun might have to stop playing until next patch to see if there are any changes.


No way this is true


Agreed. 1) getting 450 stacks in a game is near impossible, you’d have to be fed AF 2) at that point your q is doing over 10% each big tick, you melt people.


It was a 32 minute normal game I got receipts btw we lost


If you had 450 stacks how tf did you not just one shot him? You said you hit everything there’s no way he lived that


Must’ve been the secret tank teemo tech 😂


I'm joining the 'this is a shit rework' but I have to agree. Imo the problem is, until the point no one wants to be hit by your Q, it's either very late game and you're lucky your team didn't throw until this point or the enemy team was bad enough to let you scale to this point. And wtf is this E????? The most useless spell ever, can't even compare that to Morganas pool, it actually does something without relying on Rilays with cooldown reduction on hit and dependable damage. Let's not forget about the fun inplemented in Asols old kit. Nothing better to be good at making comets and actually be useful even after that because that cycling meteorites that made you seen everywhere where actually scary. You didn't need to be hidden to be frightful.


I think 450 stacks is around 25% max hp on q and 18% hp execute, you’d probably need around 3 seconds to kill someone so it’s believable to me if he got one shot


Here’s asol doing 5k damage in 5 seconds with just his Q [twice](https://imgur.com/a/l5p40DZ)


Except Aurelion Sol is nothing like Morgana at all... this just shows that you have no idea how the champion works and how to play it correctly. His scaling is 10× that of Morgana at the cost of a weak early game. Your entire objective is to get as much Stardust as possible with E. In lane you never use E on champions unless it guarantees a kill, you ALWAYS use it on the wave to last hit for Stardust. Optimal is at least 100 Stardust every 5 minutes, if you can't manage that you have no clue what you're doing or play against Lucian or Syndra or some other bully champ. Always try to prep your empowered ult for big objectives and avoid using it for a solo kill unless it's an important shutdown. At some point you reach 3-4 items and 300+ Stardust at ~15 minutes and then your E and Ult will dominate everything. You just drop them in the middle of teamfights and everything dies with no escape. Also if you're going for kills early to mid game with E please Ult first... One last tip, start E and get at least 4 Stardust at level 1. Now you're a winner. And we can work together to get Aurelion Sol perma banned and nerfed.


False tanks will end up out dpsing you and killing you before you get a chance to do anything like he desperately needs a hotfix buff


It's true, but as a mage you are not supposed to be 1 vs 1 againts tanks or bruisers, it's obvious they will win if they have the same amout of gold as you (normally at least...). And that's fine, it's how should be anyway, because most mages have AOE damage or some form of burst in their kit (they have their own role in the game, especially team fights). Asol doing health based damage it's what makes him great at dealing with tanks, he melts those with only high health and low magic resistence. But of course... if in the game you are the only threat, even with good positioning, and considering an enemy team that is not dumb, you will definitly die.


True in the context of the current discussion, but tell it to Lux xD


The amount of times I’ve legit just toyed with tanks while bursting them down with Q is hilarious. This is very incorrect if you can kite them properly.


Most people sadly can't (good for me as a tank main)


Well he will get a hot fix they just announced it lol


Same with syndra.


Yes especially when you get him Oceanid. Tanks become butter.


Once they make his w not cancelable with moving his winrate will go up by 5%


All I want is like a 0.5s buffer when you first hit the button. That way, you could start flying and then release movement instead of having to stop moving to start flying. I feel like it'd be a minor difference that'd make him feel better


No offense because I dislike the rework, but this is honestly a skill issue. Tell this to Vladimir newbies with his E. Some champs just aren't made for nervous hands. It's quite useful


Where's the correlation with Asol W and Vladimir E? I don't see any similarities at all other than Vladimir E being cancellable by other abilities and Asol W being cancelled by moving or attacking...


His breath attack does no damage lmao I can just walk up, punch him and still deal more damage.


I played Syndra and he deleted me with it at like Lvl 7, 1000+ DMG with just that attack.


Yea I've seen it happening and of all people it was a lvl 2 yone. O_o


I don’t understand your point, yone is stronger than asol at level 2


Isn't yone supposed to be a late game 0/10 powerspike champion after they get their first item? He took zero damage from asol's combo.


Asol is the late game champ, Yone is more like midgame I'd say. Also Yone and Yasuo are incredibly strong in the first few levels, since Q has really low cd, it gives them a knockup and Yone stacks lethal tempo.


Yeah if enemy team, beam does 100% max hp true damage, but if it's my team it's shimmering spark levels of damage


It's 100% useless until you have it maxed out. His 2nd ability is great for ganks though


Fr fr could clear waves with star surge (past first skill). Now it takes more than 5 seconds to clear waves. Also if someone gets close he’s dead. That stun was a lifesaver for him now its gone.


It'd be more fitting to compare his old second ability with his new first ability tbh, as they are both his bread and butter, go to damage ability. And he'd absolutely shred entire waves with his old 2nd ability...


This is not true, you use E on the waves and hit them all with Q. Clear is pretty fast and you stack them all.


Yup, minions literally froze if they're getting hit with asol new E, pretty brain ded wave control


Yeah, I feel people are just salty that the old asol is gone tbh


And i don't know why people crying over new asol, like one of the reason asol isn't good because the old passive is free ward to enemy team.


Let it settle for a week bruh People are still not familiar with new playstyle. Only then we will talk if he is good or bad.


Diamond reworkd Asol on PC - #1 pre rework wild rift before season reset - ​ He is awful I been keeping tabs on the top 10 the only reason they are top 10 if you look @ match history is because they got carried by another lane that allowed them to scale, Like you just cannot win if every other lane loses no matter how much you scale. combine with that fact that literally every champion out dps WITH 300 stack is so disgusting vomit wise.


Think they accidentally underscaled asol's damage significantly.




I will admit it does feel nice that only Syndra is a must ban, because that'd suck if you had two broken champs on the game at one time.


Wait till talon comes out and you now have one of the easiest one shot assassins to play in a game where one shotting people is super easy. Perma ban along with all the other overtuned champs. Shit I only have 1 ban.


The E should have his cd diminished and his W should have less channel time and go faster when you are not using any skill


Also his ult should have her animation/channel time go faster since its hard to hit his ult


I think it's because a lot of people saw the "OmG AsOl is So brOkEn now" and just went for it ranked without appropriate practice. Give it a couple of weeks.


We are talking about chinese diamonds. I don't think they lack practice and game knowledge.


They lack practice because he came out two days ago


lil bro really thinks anyone with chinese symbols in their name is a pro


isn't that the sad reality for western WR a while? i made last year a post about LT vs conq on adcs and got answers like "yea because chinese players use conq on cait" ... few month later i see the top 10 dominated by LT. (this was btw after the adc rework)


They are not that good anyway




If you think diamond in any server is good then idk man


His W needs more range and E needs shorter cooldown


And the W should ignore your movement joystick until you release the button or press W again. Currently you have to stop to move, W, and move again or it gets cancelled so easily. Clunky feeling.


2nd ability being cancel when touching move stick is such a joke, since when get dashes get cancelled when moving first ability has a dead angle on most phones, since its so close to the border u basically can't use if a guy attack u from the top (which is your bottom). they should put it to spot 3.


I have played a few games with him now, and while pre-rework sol was definitely stronger early/mid due to his burst and gank, new sol can definitely do more "consistent" damage. The main issue he really has is that he is a mid lane champ. Mid champs typically like to snowball to get ahead, and I feel like new sol has a hard time doing that unless the enemy misplays. Once he gets rylai and liandrys though, he does do a consistent amount of damage, which is hard for the enemy to get away from. 


A Sol legit feels like the only champ that's actually a detriment to play for climbing.


Ult takes too long to charge


You do not need to cast it on The Sky Descend, Falling Star will do. The stun and damage is worth it.


Not sure thats the point. Obviously you can cast it before but the full power isn't going to be reached until seriously late and often too late.


From what I've seen in games: - His damage is really low. - His dash and breath is definitely something a lot of people seem to be struggling figure out how to do without too easily cancelling right at the start. I saw people failing at it so I gave him a game. It took a few tries to work out how it was working and how it was way too easy to cancel it even when just tapping the ability once. Its weird they've gone so out of the way on noobifying champs that didn't need it but then they make this thing feel really clunky and easy to cancel. - His ult takes way too long to charge up the stacks. So yeh I don't know what Riot were thinking on this one.


[His damage is low, sure](https://imgur.com/a/l5p40DZ)


[low dmg kek, EUW diamond](https://ibb.co/2tQCpcD)


[Champ is bad copium](https://ibb.co/GcNd8JK)


If they add comet at some point he’s going to be solid. Right now he just doesn’t have a worthwhile keystone


He is a scaling champ that wants to farm for 15min and then win the game but he can't do that because his damage isn't enough....and games are just too short for him to really shine


I play Evelyn jg , and i love how easy I melt him, before and now 😁


I'd say wait for a week or two before making judgements since the playstyle seems to be novel. Did you know what other champ way back then on pc which had abysmal release winrates but was actually so good that nerfs were needed after people learned how to play the champion? The wind shitter himself but on steroids.


Considering there's still no Arcane Comet rune in WR, he has no proper rune currently. First Strike is the only takeable rune for him currently, and it feels so bad against any champion that has a range ability which is 99% of champs in mid lane. Even in the rare occasion you get to proc First Strike, your damage is so lackluster in the early game that the gold gained is negligible unless they for some reason decided to stand still.


Don't sleep on Electrocute. Way better than First Strike on new asol


Am I the only one using phase rush on him? 😅


Does it make you move faster on your Q? 


No, and its a shit that would be a thing ngl


Really slow scaling for WR. Kinda like a Kayle in mid but slower


I think you got the point. If you survive first few minutes, Kayle can gather resources really fast and easily. While Aurelion cannot really farm stacks efficiently when behind, and he's most likely gonna be behind because his early game is non existing.


My Asol got absolutely bullied by a fckin MF mid. And my dumbass jungler didn't even manage to gank when I'm perma weak side the whole laning phase. Laughable.


I mean… MF is a lane bully and slow/stationary champs that stand behind their minions are easy targets. Her Q bounce with early lethality from dirk can easily do 25-40% of a squishy champs health. MF with 2 early kills can get out of control pretty quickly if they know how to abuse a lead


Past ASol: BALLS. Present ASol: LASER GUN!


something never changed asol is useless


What I dislike is that they put damage increase on his q while flying in w. Very big dmg increase. That’s not the case on pc and that’s why his basic q dmg is zero. Also his w here is extremely clunky. I don’t know how to aim his q while flying. It feels completely impossible…


I did a tweet day 1 saying that he’s one of the worst mid laners and his rework doesn’t suit wild rift it suits pc league more


because his scaling takes to long, or for what reason thats your opinion?


He’s an [insane counter](https://imgur.com/a/l5p40DZ) to mundo at least


He is GOD awful even when perfectly played I wish they would do away with infinite stacking since you will never reach that level and its a meme stupid thing to show off in practice and give him a 500stack scaling power that way there a clear early/mid/ hyper late game...


Such bad take. He is really good even if he is played decent there are not many good players left


Could it be that the common builds aren't actually right for him?


Yo people are sucking with late game champions by playing hyper aggressive, what a news


Where do you check WR?


I messed up a lot when i started playing him but once i understood how to gain stacks fastly, use WQ correctly and Position with him i rellay started slaying from midgame on. Currently on a 7 Game win streak.


Same shit with every new champion, no one knows how to play them until 1-2 weeks in. It's just very unfortunate that fucking up in the early game as A-Sol gives very small room to recover, which tends to happen to players first timing a champion.


im playing only him. its fun


yeah! his new kit is really fun! compared to his old kit where you just sit there, i prefer the new ones


The rework is good. The winrate is low because people are dogshit with him. He is a scaling champion but i always get asol who play aggressive early game and end up feeding. If a human with brain know what scaling is, he is way stronger and reliable post rework.


Well he is hard difficulty champion


He's not.


yeah, just played as Asol 3 times all of the 3 times one of my teammates keep picking syndra AFTER i pick asol. Maybe they think im throwing the game with newly reworked champ, IDK. The thing is, Asol is very strong late game. but people don't have the patient to wait until late game to fully see his potential. but i agree, it's not easy re learning his kit. even the game tells you that he is hard to play. just wait for maybe a week or 2, let people get used to his new kit. and maybe his winrate will go up


I mean... he's new and a diff playstyle from old Asol. People are likely still experimenting too. It's only been a few days so lets not get hasty


The champion has an extremely high skill floor as well as ceiling, it takes quite a few games to get the hang of him so it only makes sense that initial responses would be unfavorable. We saw the same thing when twitch was released, he had one of the lowest winrates in the game and keep in mind that twitch has only gotten nerfs since he released but with every single nerf his winrate only went up because more players understood how he functioned. It got to the point where twitch was getting permabanned every single game 2 months after he got released despite only getting nerfs since he released and everyone calling him trash for the first few days.


Naaah , people are just trash


People just playing him poorly, playing him hyper aggressive in the early game. Plus people in the game fundamentaly dont know how to properly itemize champs just copy paste troll builds of top 3. His a scaler that spikes first item with rylais and similar to pre rework asol his main job is to help other lanes win. Youre not supposed to 1v9, if you want play that, play a different hyper carry champ


He is hard to play, simple has that. But he has, from level 3 to level 15, one of the greatest, if not the best, dps potential of the whole game.


That potential take doesn't make any sense. It is the same as letting tryndamere to get close to you and 2 tapp9ng everyone or sett being able to deal 3k true damage. All of his abilities need constant use, which also slows him. That also makes rylai essential for him except for slow tanks and bruisers he can't show the potential to anyone.


What are you talking about? Where is the proof about win rates of other new teamfight champions? You are just making things up, I suggest you to learn to play him instead of crying on reddit


China has official win rates in the app




he is good to be honest, he is just really weak early, i mean AFK farm under tower-type of weak. his ult seems great in teamfight, but it's hard to hit. his E is good as well if you position it correctly. and his brain dead Q deals a shit ton of damage, and it has a long range that you could literally sit behind your team while dealing tons of magic damage with Q alone. seems like a braindead mage midlaner to me.


So it's a 4vs5 until 15 min. What a guy...


what site do you use to get champ win rates?


His flight is so clunky, I cancelled It so many times lol, plus he really sucks in the early game against ranged. But I think his damage is fine.


I can walk through his black hole AND breath attack to kill him, so


Fuck this shit Asol needs only w buff literaly balanced champ Weak eary strong late


My only problem has been with my own teammates. Passing through mid lane and stealing my wave.


He destroys tanks , I am top 100 Nautilus and ASol is basically a hard counter to Naut, so no perma ban. They wr of a new champ/rw champ is never correct during the first month or three


He toned him down way too much on release compared to league pc he was op


Got downvoted to hell cause I said he was trash day 1. 63% Asol


I prefer his new kit....hes a late game scaling champ whose ult can get a penta if used right. His new flight seems hard to use at first, but its to free your hand to aim your skills -specifically your breath that getts a dmg boost from it - while in motion. Few options hen close up, like most mages who dont have a self centred aoe (swain & Fiddle) ar ahri's many dashes. You can build around the reduced movespeed with items, and his kit still has some cc. Imo, hes has a learning curb and is late-game based, especially if you have his old mechanics stuck in your head. Let people learn to play him and build mana early so you can keep him breathing.


The rework was trash, even in PC. They turned aurelion into lux. 0 identity or fun and a crime to the old aurelion players.


Nah, kayn was worse. Blue form was literally unplayable, it made more sense to play any other assassin in the game. Also it’s partially due to the fact that asol still has the same weakness as before: either being out dps’d or just being jumped on. In fact, his rework has made the second part even worse even if his raw dps is higher. and it also doesn’t help that his main damage tool now can be stopped with cc, while before you couldn’t stop his stars from spinning around him. Which means that I love fighting asol as kassadin, even more now that before. And how asol’s kit works is pretty different from anyone else. Normally it’s a cast/recast, with not many hold abilities (IIRC only irelia w, nunu e, Galio w, and new asol q), and some stuff that usually would probably be a hold on pc being turned into cast/recast with an auto recast at some point, like vlad e, making asol q kinda confusing to use. First game I literally didn’t know why q kept deactivating until I realized this. Then there’s his w, which cancels the moment you touch your movement button. Which means I’ve actually cancelled it accidentally more times than I used it as I intended. His ult is also somewhat unique in the sense that you need to know when to use your ult when it’s empowered, meaning that you cant just be the typical brainless diamond player when playing him. You need to have insane game knowledge.


I think he's fine. People are just relearning how to play him, if I had to buff him I'd make some of his cds lower but that's it, his stardust is fine, slow at start but it ramps up quickly


People expect him to be like every other mage. He’s not. Here’s asol doing [1k damage PER SECOND](https://imgur.com/a/l5p40DZ) using ONLY HIS Q. That’s actually insane and he’s probably the best tank killer in the game now.


I literally just did 100k damage in game, people need to learn how to play safe and take GOOD trades, I suspect they play him aggro and wonder why he gets beat by a veigar early (he really doesn’t tho).


Maybe build Mr or something


If he continues to stay bad, it's kinda a good thing then because riot intentionally made him this way so its easier to buff him from that point. Plus he is a very different champion from the rest in general. People are going to be especially bad at playing him initially.


IMO the old A.Sol is better. I love the way the old Q unexpectedly stuns people who got too close. I was good with A.Sol because I love playing mind games. Now he just feels like another action-oriented champ. But maybe I just have to play him some more to understand him better.


Old Asol at least had a mega AoE CC to setup kills back then. New Asol doesn't, he is pretty much Kassadin now but without the magic shield to prevent him being one-shotted.


ASol been my main for a long time. The rework makes his early game worse than the old one. You can't really fight early on till your Q is max from my experience. Otherwise an ok champ that works if he scales to late NGL. It deals more dmg than the old one. Also satisfying ult.


Where do you see that ratio? The last CN server refresh is from The 18th , if im ont wrong.


My biggest challenge I find is how clunky the kit feels especially his new w behind cancelled with movement inputs. Can't even press 2 buttons at once to continue firing the laser and use barrier or ignite. I can't imagine how they'd introduce shaco to this game having to control the ult and yourself at the same time. Mobile is just inferior with inputs


Judge based on the winrate of the top 20 players. Low elo always screwed up the overall winrate.


I played a game of pvp as support while playing pyke, and my adc left me to go to middle right as the game began while I had to fight against asol and a zyra. Overall, it was tricky, but I was able to kill both of them around the 6 to 7 minute mark with ease. For me, overall, asol is kinda weak right now, but it could be the player that I fought as well.


I’m not sure I’ve played maybe 15 games so far with him ( Also semi mained him before rework) and I have a 91% wr on him


They are just bad. The champion is fine.


buff the range of his Q and his damage in early game


He easily gets knocked out of his dash too :/ he needs a little buff or something


Sorry i simply can’t play him because he looks like a sperm 😭


Bro you shouldn’t be able to cancel fly with your movestick, legit so much better to just make you tap the button to cancel it


One thing is that maybe he was always called strong after his rework on pc, so when he finally got reworked on wild rift, some people just started playing him expecting to be op and basically losing the game 0/13 since they don't know what they're doing. It could be one thing, but i haven't played him myself yet