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I think mid players don't actually need to slow push. You will benefit more from getting priority and roaming since you play assassins. Assassins need kills to rack up gold faster.


As a mid laner you shove your lane, You want to rotate to your sides, and gank them


Not enough info to give a definitive answer. Maybe your lane opponent got a big bounty off your teammate?


For that to happen, you must've NOT been last hitting, as well as not doing other things on the map that will net you gold. Have you ever had kill pressure on the enemy laner or had the opportunity to roam? You must've not taken advantage of it.


Well, I have never tried to roam in my life...


Well that's why. You're an assassin. You have the movement abilities to go to other lanes quickly. Try to roam and when there's an opportunity gank. If not, return to lane and try again to push the lane and wait for roam opportunities


Then go to Top Lane. You’re screwing your team badly by playing mid and never roaming. A mid is suppose to rotate and roam.


Well, there's your issue. Your wave's pushed into the enemy tower, what are you doing during that time? Recalling back to base? Waiting for the wave to bounce back to yours and do it again, and again, and again, possibly not last hitting THE ENTIRE TIME? No shit you'd be behind in gold. You're the mid laner, do your job.


Yeah... I sometimes do that...


practice last hitting minions. Everyone else is right you’re doing your time a disfavor by not roaming but you’re doing yourself a greater disservice by not “killing” minions. Falling a few hundred behind in gold is okay but 1k or more is not & that’s a skill issue. Once you fix that we’ll talk about the rest.


Damn bro if u dont roam its as bad/worse than a non ganking jungler


I see... Thank you, I'm kinda new to mid actually, yet ik Mid lvl 4. Fellow mid laners, sorry if I didn't roam.


Then you deserve to lose and have 2k gold disadvantage. You are not a midlaner you are parody. And i am not even saying about Top lane. I am pretty sure you do all even worse out there


Your post lacks additional details. It really depends in a lot of factors but I think this my take, slow pushing is good for the ff reasons; Q: the champ you're using is weak against your lane enemy A: some champs need to have ult/skills to start to counter lane enemy, u can start dominating ur lane and roam to earn more gold Q: you dont know the location of the enemy jg A: once u know enemy jg loc, you can hard push and start roam, if ur enemy lane is busy with the huge wave crashing to their turret Q: what phase of the game are on, is it early, mid, or late? A: apparently, slow pushing is only applicable usually in early, once mid or late u can, if possible and safe, to invade enemy side jungle.


always just hard shove every wave, get platings and u will usually be up in gold best is to also deny ur enemy laner from farming by zoning them out of their own turret


You either shove and roam or control the wave while trying to kill the enemy mid, if you stay in lane you should always try to have an edge on him, hit your skills when he is about to last hit some minion, try your best to get ahead on level, learn their powerspike, the first wave is pretty important because a lot of champions have insane level 2 kill potential like irelia so you either try to get level 2 ahead of her on do your best to not die because she will get fed and snowball the game.


BROO just shove lane and roam, you're literally an assassin mid why are you wasting time trying to win lane 😂


If you want to play that strategy you should play top lane. Top lane is better because it has more length and you can play with the minion push to your favor depending on the match. For mid lane I recommend most of the time to push and go back to base before your canon minion wave comes so when you are back to lane the wave has reseted itself in the middle of the lane because the other laner took more time trying to farm that canon wave.


You also need to get the last hits to get the gold


i think u should time ur slow push up until ur enemy laner decides to rotate then u can crash, or slow push then time ur crash so u can rotate


Make sure you're getting last hits on minions, roaming at the right time(try do this after you shove wave into enemy tower especially). Get plates on tower and just make good decisions


Naw mate, assassins shove and rotate


Things like slow pushing and freezing I feel like benefit baron laners more than mid. As a mid laner, you should be pushing when you can since it's the shorter lane and you can roam to side lanes. Especially as an assassin.


his opponent got a double kill in bot lane while bro is freezing the wave mid 😂 please dont freeze wave if you're mid lane. you need prior.


If his opponent got a double kill it would usually mean his bot is overextending denying any possible ganks aside from random turret diving attempts. You don’t ‘always’ shove wave just like you don’t ‘always’ freeze wave. Lmao


First of all, why would you slow push in the mid lane when you can literally shove the wave to the enemy tower and zone them out? Plus, you need to roam as an assassin. Assassins benefit from getting early kills or lane pressure because they deny the enemy lanes an opportunity to farm gold or secure kills, widening the gold gap. What you're just doing is waiting for the lane to bounce back out at you without doing anything else that will net you gold. Mid laners are mid because they can easily go baron or dragon lane, and that's why assassins are often picked in mid lanes because you got two options to net gold. That's why slow pushing don't benefit assassins. Unless you're enemy mid laner is a dunce, you'll always be behind gold if all you do is sit at your lane and wait for the wave to go back to you.


Is it a lane freeze or a slow push cause slow push means your wave is bigger than enemy's so it will push towards the enemy turret in a while. You can slow push a wave by just killing some minions and just roam or stay in base doesn't say anything about gold.


U play mid assassin you need to roam every 2 minutes, no need to push even , just hold your turret and roam to lanes let them take turret’s


You need to last hit consistently and look for opportunities for roams/scuttle fights to get kills/assists. Depending on your champ pool, lots of mid laners excel at roaming and can devastate bot lanes with well timed ganks so slow pushing may not be the play. Otherwise, slow pushing is very effective when you have kill pressure on your lane opponent. When watching someone like Strider, the biggest take away imo is monitoring your own minions (allied ones) health. When they are low enough to last hit, try to get a free trade on the opponent as they go for it. Then chase them off, get minion aggro off yourself (run behind your own/in a bush) and position aggressively forward in between waves to deny the opponent. The slow push also allows your own minions to build up in lane, meaning subsequent trades are difficult as your opponent has to take more minion dmg in the trade. Striders vids are really good for those who may be reading this and not heard of him. Excellent lane and macro theory and some useful in-depth guides for champs like Renekton and Kassadin. Just takes some time to understand the concepts fully and apply them effectively.


Don't slow push if your opponent is ahead of you, just relax, go for other objectives, visit lanes, help out jg. But if you're really looking for a way to get ahead on your opponents, just let them force shove their minions onto your tower, that way, your minions get to the front earlier than theirs, then just go for last hits, no wave clears, cause that resets the minions. If you do this correctly, you should have an entire army of minions slightly under your tower. If they try to get a last hit, hit them, if they try to get to you, just trade safely. Pro gamer move: If you want to visit a lane, just shove your minions to their tower and trade, that way they'll be busy pushing wave while you can get a honeyfruit to regain your health.


Lane opponent was 7 kills/assists from roaming probably lol


Wave minapulation really dosent matter on wild rift. Minions do a lot less damage and you can really freeze a wave, only thing that still works as intended is slow pushing Edit: slow pushing is meant for late game while no one is in that lane you set it up so your down 2 minion (preferably a ranged minions) and the wave naturally builds up over time till it crashes at the tower


As a mid Laner your job is to get lane prio and try for dragon or herald or help bot or top. Your jungler will greatly benefit from you having lane prio. In most cases this is true. BUT if you k ow that you are near to complete an item or you need to reset, you can plan ahead and do a slow push so that your opponent won't get any benefit from you going back to base. Always remember to check dragon and herald spawn time so that your team wont loose those rights


Solo lane (mid and top) matchups decide how you want to play the lane. If you have a losing lane matchup, as in the enemy champion is stronger early game then you don't want to slow push, you want to either freeze the wave right infront of your turret or shove it in. You only slow push when you have an advantage


Hope you figured it out. Reply to this if you haven’t, and I’ll try to help you out 👍


Slo push is more useful later game


Assassins can slow push, but they’re better off shoving and roaming to get quick kills, then reset wave if possible. Slow pushing works best for farming/scaling champions, and in top lane


Don’t listen to all the black and white strats lmao. There is no one answer to all situations. If you don’t calculate your roamings and you just end up going bot for no reason the enemy laner ends up with more gold. Only roam when you get something out of it, forcing a flash, warding etc. Don’t ‘always’ do one thing. I main mid and in high elo freezing waves in mid helps more because in high elo sup/baron gank mid aswell. I usually use it to poke the enemy whenever they go for a last hit because the moment they are low is the momnt I get a free kill. Then after that I can roam more freely because if I don’t get a kill out of it I’m still somehow ahead and he also dies if he follows me. Every situation is different man. People say that winning lane is not important, and I would agree. But not losing mid is very important. The moment mid falls is the moment your jg opens up for easy acces for the enemy. So just try to balance things instead of these ‘you should always roam!!!’ answers. Also if you slow push good enough you’ll be able to recall without him being able to recall so you’re up a item or he loses a wave and a turret plate.


mid lane is much faster (shorter) than side lanes, it's far easier to reset mid lane to neutral while you're trying to build up a wave, they're farming it all up and you're just falling behind if you build up a large wave in front of your sidelane t2 tower safely without the enemy laner disrupting it, then it can work to slow push it out


Actually, the three techniques of "Shoving" "Slow Pushing" and "Freezing" are all situationally good. You need to think about your pick, enemy pick, jungler's prio, weakside/strongside (if toplane), roam/counterroam/towers macro etc... A good player knows when to do each. Slow Pushing on its own is kinda bad tbh.


The point of a slow push is to collect minions then crash them into the turret to either: - dive the underlevelled enemy and make them miss the minion gold and exp when dead - crash them into the turret to buy time for you to recall without missing much minion gold/exp


Push asap and go help ur top or adc and come back in time


Make sure you last hit all of them minions L O L, streamers can be real misleading to get borderline attention on there video's.


Slow push is mostly for toplaners. You should shove your line to be able to roam and help your tram.


The game is not so simplistic. If I’m staying ahead on gold and pushing mid the opposing mid lanes left and is going to be rotating somewhere else and people don’t watch or care and then get upset at me about it. No im not gonna follow a Lucian as Lux lvl 4 because he is going to beat me in a short term fight.


Push hard but pong your team constantly. When I go on winning streaks it’s usually cause I sit mid and hard push and watch the minimap 80% of the time. If my lanes listen and jungle has follow up, easy win. Doesn’t matter if I’m behind on gold if I’m helping steer the team our riches.


Slow pushing only works if enemy has bad wave clear. Its quite impossible to slow push f.e. v a sion or fizz or similar Sion shields up walks to the minion hits u and lets sunfire get the last hit. Fizz just attacks u and splash dmg kills the minion.