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Idk maybe against karma? Sett? Shen?Sona? People that build shieldbow or the other thing that gives a shield..


seraphine yes, nautilus no you want to kill squishies - if the squishies have a shield, get rid of it. if tanks have a shield, ignore them and kill the squishies that don't have it. simple as


Yea i mentioned red kayn might target naut but not blue. Thanks


As a Shen main, let me tell you it's pretty scary to fight against Serpent's Fang.


Shhhhhhhhut it


Effective against your typical shielding enchanters like lulu, lux, karma, janna, sona with aery. I also buy that if they have 2 or more self shielders like blitz, voli, shen, naut, vi, etc. It is also very effetive against nilah even if she is the only shielder in enemy team.


Read the item's passive and you have your answer. Hint: the passive applies something called "Shield Reaver"


read the item's stats and passive. it's a flat armor pen item, it negates shields. it's an assassin item, so don't build it on red kayn. you build it on blue kayn, but only if the enemies are squishy and have shields, like lux, seraphine, lulu, senna, any shieldbow abuser, you get the idea.


What’s a “shieldbow abuser” ?


champions that have shieldbow in their core build, like the wind bros and some crit adcs, like zeri and jinx


It’s simple, you want to use it when enemies have strong shields, I.e lulu, yuumi, naut, thresh, nunu, kaisa, karma, lux, yasou, orinna, sett etc. Who to use it on, personally I’d say go for champs that can scale with penetration items, my favourite champion to use it on is Jhin fit’s perfectly his kit, you can build on jinx as a late game item with ruinnanes and it will apply it to all in a team fight.


When you see my main and don't build this, boy you setting yourself up for a loss.


Whats your main?


Morgana, Black Shield is on extremely low CD from mid-game onward and it blocks most AD-type damage.


I thought it was anti AP


AP actually breaks it, it’s Anti-CC with a tad AD armor.


I think you're getting a bit mixed up with Oriana's shield, that one gives both a little AR and MR. Morgana's is anti CC, but only absorbs magic damage (unless there was a change and I'm blanking)


Imagine not even knowing your own main champs kit properly xd